My experiance last night with Fotm.

My experiance last night with Fotm.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: johnnycosmic.9130


Was looking to join a group I didnt know what level i was, (apperiantly level 2 fotm), I send a few shout outs in LA chat, nothin, every one looking was looking for level 5 or up players, thats all they would take. Finally I saw a group looking for level 3, I thought finally, I finished 3 last night I must be 3, I join, I soon find out im lvl 2 and get droped. I gave up and loged out.

Thats my story hope you liked it.

My experiance last night with Fotm.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valtameri.2075


This is something that some people have been afraid of.
Doesn’t exactly fill me with hope.

What server are you on?

My experiance last night with Fotm.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Avatar.1923


i have yet to go do the fractals.

but from what im reading in the forums, this is or treadmill type players.
those that put an infinite amount of time in this game.

so, my best advice is to leave them to their demise.
do the previous content, the 8 dungeons, the new zone.

but forget fotm, unless you have a really nice guild willing to push you thru it.

its not necessary anyway, if it was necessary for you, you would be in the infinite treadmill anyway and already a “lvl 5 whatever”.

just understand that this small tiny bit of content is not meant for you. or me for that matter…

My experiance last night with Fotm.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: johnnycosmic.9130


crystal desert,

Pretty friendly server aside from this, but with FoTM apparently no one wants to waste any time or loot chances taking on some one lower level then them in groups.

By lower level so every one knows what im talking about, the fotm level, not player level.

My experiance last night with Fotm.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Avatar.1923


told you to forget it…

these people not accepting you are the same people that are rushing thru the content and that will complain for more “sooner than later”.

they are doomed they are the mmo plague.

leave them to ther infinite grinding and downward spiral!

My experiance last night with Fotm.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Polle.6908


Hope this helps clear things up for people who are looking to do FOTM for the first time.

- You must start from level one. The leader can only pick the difficulty based from the least experience player which is why they kicked you.

- I find it hard to believe that you cannot find a group for level 1. I just did my first run a few minutes ago and a simple LFM in chat brought lots of messages for invites. The group was up in less than a 2 minutes. There are plenty of people who haven’t done it or simply wish to run it again. The extra effort of actually starting a group isn’t much but will get you the proper attention.

- FOTM is more about group activities than a dungeon. Each map is quite small and there aren’t that many enemies. Bosses are more engaging and require some group coordination but generally level 1 is very easy.

- There is a grind though the items themselves at the moment won’t put you to a huge disadvantage in WvsW.

- The hardest thing is getting your foot into the door. Once you’ve completed it once, everything falls into place and you’ll actually enjoy the content.

- Don’t pressure yourself into getting to the highest level so quickly. I can probably only see myself doing this once a day because there is plenty to do in the game as it is.

(edited by Polle.6908)

My experiance last night with Fotm.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: illgot.1056


I expect it to be much much easier to find groups for 1 in a month or two…

My experiance last night with Fotm.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xandax.1753


I expect it to be much much easier to find groups for 1 in a month or two…

Because you expect a large influx of new players?

My experiance last night with Fotm.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shootsfoot.9276


Because people make alts.

My experiance last night with Fotm.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ren.7539


Someday they may implement LFG / Dungeon finder lol i doubt it .. but this would resolve alot of problems

My experiance last night with Fotm.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nageth.5648


I was in a group with the exact same story as the OP (I even volunteered to go first when the pushy person in the group was threatening to kick random people to try to cool the tone of the the group a bit). I wasn’t the person kicked (well I left and came back after my level was confirmed) but I didn’t say anything even though I would have been fine to repeat level 2 instead because finding a group is so difficult. For that, I am sorry. I didn’t want to stand around for another hour (with my /map chat locked down due to the spam filter). I’d be 100% happy with running level 2 for the foreseeable future, frankly as I’d only want to do the agony stuff with an extremely well coordinated group. Unfortunately, anet released a feature where the path of least resistance by a large margin leads to these kinds of situations (and I wish they were kitten situations because then you’d at least have a kitten).

My experiance last night with Fotm.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mulch.2586


Right now, 9:52 am server time on a Monday, I’m in a Lion’s Arch and turned on map-chat (which, by the way, the game plays MUCH better when it’s off).

Map chat is full of people looking for FotM PUGs of all levels, and a couple of the usual AC ex, etc. But really full of FotM.

I urge you to avoid PUGs whenever possible (because you get schmucks joining for lvl 3 and not being lvl 3, among other things). But there are PUGs aplenty.

After you’ve suffered a couple PUGs, hopefully you’ll have made a friend or two to play with.

(edit: I’m not sure which server it is, cuz I’m on overflow)

My experiance last night with Fotm.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ArcTheFallen.7682


PM me or send me an ingame mail if you want to run some of FoTM. I usually run with guildies on dungeons so I don’t run into this problem but I like helping people who just want to experience it and don’t have the “credits” (which is stupid for elitists to do that) to do it. Anyways, hope future partying goes well otherwise with Pick up groups.

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