My experience

My experience

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KableZone.9137


I’m a semi experienced mmo player having played different mmo’s the last 10 years.

I had quite a few wow moments, and some widely spread out cheers of joy, but overall this game isnt for me.

I dont know if i’m just set in the typical mmo style, but i’m really tired of not feeling rewarded from leveling, gearing and Dungeons.

From leveling i mean i that by level 40 i basicly have all the skills i want. I wont get anything new on my character so the old RPG style of the mmo is basicly over for me. I have to go through another 40 levels to be top leveled and be able to experience the entire game, but there wont be a single reward for me by leveling the rest of the way.
Being dumbed down to nothingness everytime i go back to help my friend or do a dungeon is really really annoying to me. It removes the “feel powerful” feeling you get from leveling in most other mmo’s where you can go back some areas and feel the difference.

Gearing: I’m not really overly fond of the gearing so far in this game, but its not like i really hate it either. Its just not great, and that to me is a bit sad. ALso tied in with the fact that you cant go back and test your newly made mace on something that can really feel its destructive force rather then pound your even leveled enemy mob 0,1 second faster to the ground feels so unrewarding.

Dungeons: This is the real dealbreaker for me. I was just so… dissapointed with what i’ve seen so far. The difficulty is nice, it really is. But everything feeling like one big clusterkitten due to random aggro and hard to see aoe effects plus one shotting mobs and corpse running being an integral part of dungeoning is a real turn off for me.
Other then that i cant actually afford to dungeon. Its actually to expensive to repair for me to dungeon. Really? Come on….. If i cant go and have a blast with my friends in a new dungeon where we dont have to read up on tactics beforehand and save up several gold to complete it then whats the point? Also come on…. whats with the rewards for these dungeons. Are you kidding me giving me a white crap item for killing a really really hard cavetroll on AC explorable mode. Why would i ever want to do that again?

PVP: I dont really know what to say about this. The videoes i’ve seen on the net shows 2-3 people fighting eachother. When i enter pvp and actually find someone to fight, its suddenly a 50v50 situation that i know and HAAAAATE from the old AV in wow. Seriously why do you think they remade AV? It wasnt fun…

Where is the carrot in this game? What do you aim for? Whats the point of being level 80 when you cant feel poweful anywhere?

I know this game has a lot of fans, and i’m sure there are very good reasons for playing this. I just dont get enough out of the roll to dodge mechanic to stay here for long. I might level to 80 at some point but i dont think i’l really enjoy it

I had really hoped for more from this. I love the graphics. The combat system is a bit meh, the targetting is off and glichy and sometimes its hard figuring out where you actually need to strike on the bigger mobs to hit them as a melee char.

Thank you and Have fun

My experience

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: endless.1376


I think that the real answer to your concerns center around this being the Vanilla base of the game. Even WoW when released was said to lack any real PvE end game and even was missing quite a few quests for the last few levels. Rift has even added quite a few features over the years and improved on the overall experience in the game.

So I would say as it stands now it works, but it isn’t a very well polished game that has several years of refinement already established. It will need time to get to what people like yourself will feel they have something to work towards. As the PvE stands now it seems to lack any real ability to hold people interested long term unless they like alts.

My experience

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KableZone.9137


Maybe that is true. I dont know how guild wars one was i never tried it as i was occupied with wow at that time. Did it have a fun dungeon system?

My experience

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Quitter.5814


Maybe that is true. I dont know how guild wars one was i never tried it as i was occupied with wow at that time. Did it have a fun dungeon system?

I’m a GW1 vet so I may be a little biased on my opinion when it comes to the game as a whole. when Guild Wars started out they didn’t have a “dungeon” system per say but a cooperative story driven mission with different levels of completion (standard and bonus). Dungeons were non-existent until Eye of the North came out where they had a story mode and explore mode dungeon. Both were really fun and relatively challenging depending on the level of difficulty. there was no end of dungeon rewards until EOTN either so it was a refreshing addition. What i really liked about the dungeons in EOTN was it wasn’t just a mob massacre..there were puzzles to solve, and certain character builds worked better for certain bosses, especially in hard mode.

edit: some grammar corrections.

My experience

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Doug.9628


the carrot in this game isn’t anything “tangible” in game, it’s how you have fun playing your character rather than gear/being uber powerful. Also, there is a strong pvp presence in this game (much more so than wow) that is intended to keep people interested. It’s not wow and whether that’s a good thing or not depends entirely on your own personal tastes.

My experience

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: knightblaster.8027


I think this is going to happen with people who like the standard Skinner Box model of MMO design. The design goal here is not Skinner box, but fun-based — find what you enjoy as an end in itself, and do that. Apparently, there are a lot of players who play MMOs not because they are per se in and of themselves fun in gameplay, but because of the Skinner aspect of getting the next carrot, and the satisfaction of reward vs time investment. That wasn’t what Arena was going for with this game, apart from cosmetic rewards.

My experience

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KableZone.9137


Isnt the fun part of an rpg/action rpg/mmo/whatever seing your character grow powerful? Be honest now. I know the pvp part of the game is supposed to be fun, but its way to chaotic for my taste.

What is the skinner box model? I think you misunderstand what people actually do find fun in a mmo. The fact is that getting to that next carrot is what is actually fun in most mmo, and its inredibly rewarding. Finding out whats fun and doing that only works in a very very short amount of time. YOu simply get bored of doing the same thing over and over with no other reward then it being fun.

I’m really not trying to create a flame post or anything here. I’m wondering what the fun of it is to you guys then. If you say the pvp part, i guess that comes down to preference. If you say pve, i really dont get you :P Maybe you should try some other mmo’s aswell and see what their veiw on fun pve is

My experience

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ceallach.8740


I’ve been saying this a lot – this is an MMO for people who like RPGs, not the current “clone a WoW”/“carrot on a stick” model.

In all the single-player RPGs I’ve played, they scale the enemies up to your level as you grow more powerful.

Downscaling is just the multiplayer version. It wouldn’t make sense to upscale the monsters in an MMO – it wouldn’t work because there are other players with varying levels. Changing player level accomplishes the same goal without mob-level bouncing all over the place in ever zone.

Sure, in single-player, you appear to be “more powerful” – but it’s just an illusion when everything is growing more powerful with you. You keep your fancier looking armor and you have access to higher-base-level areas, which is exactly what you do in GW2, too. Levels are really just about the illusion of power and filtering content so the game effectively “bars off” some areas to you until you level up.

What’s “the point” of all those classic RPG games ?

It’s a different kind of game, and if it doesn’t appeal to you – that’s okay. It doesn’t make you a bad person. Play a game you do like instead. This isn’t some kind of passive-aggressive, “get out” message – but why play a game you don’t like ?

There should be multiple styles of games. People like me like this kind of game, and I really don’t want to see it changed to appeal to a whole different kind of person. There are plenty of other games made to appeal in different ways.

My experience

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morrigan.2809


I love this game but I can understand that you feel frustrated because the reasons I love it is exactly what you find missing in the game.
My husband was saying to me that he feels lost because the game is too open ended for him and he found himself running around hearts just to have some goal.

Me on the other-hand? I dislike games intensely that force me into a certain type of action just so that I can progress. I don’t like carrots because I feel like I’m being led around by the nose like a lab rat.
What I love most in GW2 is the utter freedom of the game, I can do exactly what I want, when I feel like it.
Explore? Head for that hill/cave over there and check it out.
Tired of my armour skin? Go look for a vendor that sells a cool skin and craft it.
Smash some things? Check.
You get the idea how I play – this is obviously not your play style.

At the same time I must add that I do feel a sense of progression and that my character does feel more powerful, but that might just be because I am better at playing my class (Mesmer) than I was in the beginning.
I’ve played with friends that come from other types of games and some of them find it hard to adapt, others don’t
But give it time, play a different class and if it really is not for you move on. You can’t force yourself to have fun.

Gunnar’s Hold

(edited by Morrigan.2809)

My experience

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KableZone.9137


I’m confused here, what exactly have you been playing in a single player that you call classic rpg’s? Surely the most classic of the pc rpgs(Baldurs gate, Icewind dale, Planescape torment) are not like this. You can actually out level your opponents if you find every secret and do every quest.
This is one of the LEAST rpg-like mmo’s i’ve played(remember that an mmo does not have to be an rpg, then its called an mmorpg). The fact that you dont get any new skills after level 40 just takes the whole rpg deal away from it.
So to sum up, in a single player claassic rpg, gaining levels and getting new gear is in no way an illusion of power, its real progress.

I’ve still yet to see anyone tell me what the actual appeal of this game is, what it does that others dont, thinking at the same time of the things it does not do. Obviously not getting a monthly fee compared to wow is something that draws in quite a big crowd.

I can see your point here. I’m not really sure what end game in this is like but atm. i seem to be doing the same things as in other mmo’s at my level. I grind xp, i grind profession(crafting) mats and i grind dungeons when i can. I see your point about exploring as this game actually rewards exploring(with karma and xp, random events and stuff like that). On the other hand i allready have 30% map completion so what i’m gonna do when i have 100%

I’ve jsut tried switching classes from a lvl 50 warrior(dinged today) to an engineer. The warrior god me down in dungeons as being melee seems very penalizing against bosses with aoe effects and stuff like that. And a ranged warrior seems… a bit meh.

Some things i actually like about this game so far includes: Hard to Reach vistas(these are fun doing alone, and are fun racing against your friends aswell), avoidable damage in combat(The only bad part here is that most of the stuff bosses/mobs do are hard to discern from a normal attack or whatever, and the red circles on the ground are hard to see during intense combat), Weapon versatility(being able to be both ranged and melee as pretty much any class, you should imo have made more wepons for some classes though like the engineer. And WAAAAAY more wepon skills so you wouldnt be stuck with the same 5 skills the entire game).
Overall the negative just overshadows the positive in this game for me. And yes i should just go away and play another game maybe, its just that i used some money on this and i was having high expectations, and getting dissapointed is never fun

(edited by KableZone.9137)

My experience

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Frotee.2634


The point of GW2 is very much the removal of the carrot on a stick. I don’t like to say this, but please – either deal with it or move on, but don’t make demands whose fullfillment would ruin the game for those of us who were waiting a long time for the loss of this carrot. Endgame basically starts at lvl 1, and that’s fine as it is.

Set your own goals. There are plenty, believe me.
Even when you reach 100% world completion, you still have tons of optional jumping puzzles, dungeons and mini-dungeons to explore, for example.

By the way: RPG means ROLE PLAYING GAME, for kitten’s sake – it’s about playing a role, becoming someone else and experiencing a story, not about gaining new skills and powers every step of the way. That is actually just optional content, designed to give players something to do in-between. Have you ever played any tabletop RPGs?

Polka will never die

(edited by Frotee.2634)

My experience

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KableZone.9137


First off i am not demanding anything? I bought the game and i am excersising my right of free speech to come up with critisism. If YOU dont like that, deal with it or go away?
Its fine that you think the game is fine, that doesnt mean i HAVE to think so aswell or gtfo without voicing myself.
I know what rpg means and stands for. In that sense pretty much every single computer game is an rpg, as you play a role in most of them. Not getting over the completely obvious, noone today thinkgs that way of an rpg.
I do play tabletop rpg’s from time to time. I dont see what the point of that was though. In your words games like “The Sims” would be an rpg aswell.

The problem here is that there is no other word you can use to define what i think a classic rpg is, because everyone just calls them rpg’s.
The classic elements that i am talking about that MOST people(maybe not you) love about rpgs, are leveling, playing a class with certain skill sets and getting new gear.

Anyway maybe you could in your own condescenting tone tell me what it is YOU find so appealing about this game, so maybe i could open my eyes to it instead of only seing the bad stuff

I forgot to add story, story is a very important part of classic rpgs aswell. Something that mmo games have taken a bit lightly tbh. I’m at the level 49 quest in story mode i think and so far its been a decent effort in Guild wars 2. Not really epic, but decent.

(edited by KableZone.9137)

My experience

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: muthax.4720


Do we really need a thread where we tell you how to have fun or is this just a bad attempt at trolling? Oblivion and Skyrim have the same levelling mechanisms and they are great games. If you can’t have fun without the carrot on a stick there are a lot of grinders that can suit you better, have fun

My experience

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: knightblaster.8027


What is the skinner box model? I think you misunderstand what people actually do find fun in a mmo. The fact is that getting to that next carrot is what is actually fun in most mmo, and its inredibly rewarding. Finding out whats fun and doing that only works in a very very short amount of time. YOu simply get bored of doing the same thing over and over with no other reward then it being fun.

I’m really not trying to create a flame post or anything here. I’m wondering what the fun of it is to you guys then. If you say the pvp part, i guess that comes down to preference. If you say pve, i really dont get you :P Maybe you should try some other mmo’s aswell and see what their veiw on fun pve is

On the Skinner box:

Basically, keep on rewarding the subject with a carrot, and the subject will alter their behavior to get the carrot, even if they wouldn’t behave that way to begin with for its own sake. Progression endgames are a great example of this, and WoW is probably the most Skinner box-like game ever made.

GW2 isn’t built like this — to keep you playing because you’re Jonesing for the next shot of reward triggering the pleasure/reward centre of your limbic system. It’s designed for people who like the play in and of itself. This is why the endgame in GW2 is PvP mostly — PvP is something people can and do play because the playing of it is fun in and of itself (like we can see in FPS games, MOBA games, etc.). MMO PvP in the past following the Skinner box model integrated carrots as well, which had the odd result of behaviorally training people to consider PvP in itself to be unfun without specific carrot rewards — something players don’t expect out of a typical MOBA match or FPS session (or even something like TF2).

For too long MMOs have based their entire design around the Skinner box model, so much so that players have been shaped by it to find the primary fun of gameplay in the reward carrots, and to see the gameplay as something that is “grinded out” (i.e., endured) in order to get the desired carrot. GW2 breaks this to a large degree (while leaving in some grinding for vanity’s sake in terms of gear appearances, following the design of GW1). But if you are very much in need of the Skinner box model, you won’t like the design — because it is tying to be different from that, and be aimed at players who want gameplay that is rewarding in itself — where the fun of the play is its own primary reward.

In terms of what is fun PvE, look at Skyrim or Oblivion. It’s the same basic idea here, but in an MMO format. Content for its own sake, not as the means to an end.

(edited by knightblaster.8027)

My experience

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KableZone.9137


Afaik (having only played skyrim) the only part of leveling that looks like gw2 is mob scaling?
I’m not trolling, but as others have pointed out you need a different mindset to enjoy guild wars 2, and i am trying to find that mindset.
This isnt less grindy then other mmo’s btw. Tried leveling a profession?

My experience

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KableZone.9137



I do get your point here about pvp being the ultimate end game and playing for fun. My problem here though is that i like other pvp games better. So all in all this might just not be my kind if game. I did very little pvp in WoW as i found it most of the time unbalanced because they had to balance the pve aspect of it aswell most likely. In GW2 i’m not sure. It feels to chaotic for me. I’m a big fan of MOBA style pvp games and i have played fps a lot 2. I was hoping to get into gw2 pvp but as i said it seems to chaotic for me.

My experience

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: muthax.4720


Afaik (having only played skyrim) the only part of leveling that looks like gw2 is mob scaling?
I’m not trolling, but as others have pointed out you need a different mindset to enjoy guild wars 2, and i am trying to find that mindset.
This isnt less grindy then other mmo’s btw. Tried leveling a profession?

Mob scaling is an essential point both in Skyrim and GW2 and the main reason I mentioned it is because in neither game you have a feeling of being overpowered with respect to the mobs.

The point of this game is having fun living in a virtual and dynamic world and honestly if you feel like you are grinding well there is something wrong.

This is the least grindy MMO I have ever played. Try forgetting about all the rubbish you played till now, especially WoW. Games are meant to evolve, not repeat the same design over and over and over, especially when this wasn’t good in the first place

My experience

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KableZone.9137


@Muthax thank you for changing your tone.
Some of the best moments i’ve had in wow where me and a few friends sitting down a friday night to 5 man old raiding content or beating the crap out of stuff we couldnt do at earlier levels. This is what i am missing with this system. In skyrim its true that you wont over level the mobs, you can however stil lvery easily become VERY powerful compared to the mobs.
At the part about grinding. The gameplay in itself isnt really that new or gamebreaking compared to other mmo’s when questing and stuff to me. So that part cant help but feel like a bit of a grind. The professions are a downright grind, they really are. If you want them up, you need to find a specifik place where mobs drop specifik items and grind them for an extended period of time. Thats just how it is. You wont find all the materials you need by just leveling and picking up the odd copper ore you come across.

I was intrigued by the non grind that this game appeared to be, but the further i get the more grindy it just feels to me :/

My experience

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gurugeorge.9857


Yeah it’s precisely the lack of “carrots” that makes this game fun for me.

At last, an MMO in which the game world around me feels alive in a way that was previously only matchable (in a videogame) by GM-led Persistent Worlds in NWN and NWN2, or by games with player driven content like EVE.

IOW, it’s a sort of pseudo-sandbox in which I can just wander around and encounter things, in a world that feels like it’s going on by itself and doesn’t feel designed around me.

Plus, the PvP is just infinite content, basically. Nothing so varied and random as other players, to keep you entertained.

My experience

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morrigan.2809


I have a couple of suggestions for you

Gw2 is like and very unlike other games out there- most of the things we do in other games we do in GW2 as well just sometimes in a different way. And it might be hard to recognize them.

Take your example of 100 % map completion:
I have 100% on 3-4 zones atm because I love exploring. So last night I’m running around with a lower lvl friend in a zone I thought I had completed an he found tons of places I never new existed!
So I think even if you 100% the whole map there is still an entire world that is not necessarily tied to vistas, poi etc.

You are right in saying that in most RPGs the point is to make your character cooler, more powerful and generally not feeling like the same hick you did at lvl 1!
The difference is in GW2 I think the skill with which you play your character- it is not so overt but it is there.
Also if you want to look great- get the skins- crafting also helps to tailor your gear exactly to how you want to play your character.
But I have to agree that farming and grinding for crafting mats suck.

The other thing you mentioned was a limited choice in weapon skills-
Aahh I actually like this because it forces me to learn exactly what each skill does so I can use it effectively and I do get a huge amount of satisfaction out of figuring out different combo’s and such.
But if you simply want more options have you tried an Elemantalist?
The amount of options it adds up to with the atunement swaps are almost overwhelming.

The other thing you might consider is trying a class that has a high skill cap- or rather is harder to master. Elemantalist and Mesmer comes to mind. They have very different play styles and even just the choice of weapon changes things drastically.

So in short I do think GW2 has those RPG elements but it just not so straight forwardly obvious.
I really hopes this helps you somewhat as it absolutely sucks to look forward to something and spend money on it and then be disappointed

Edit: those hidden places on the map often offer a mini boss/ and a chest you can find cool things.
Also there are secrets out there often what just looks like a straight forward quest is not- I don’t want to spoil but the Durmand Priory heart in the Hirathi Hinderlands comes to mind as one such

Gunnar’s Hold

(edited by Morrigan.2809)

My experience

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KableZone.9137



Thank you very much for a really constructive post. I will go back and try my best at the mesmer or elementalist when i have time tonight.

My experience

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ceallach.8740


On crafting- we’ve talked about this in other threads. If you use the “discovery” pane, like the game intended, you actually do not need many materials to level them up – not many at all.

I’ve never had to “grind” to get my professions up in this game, in fact, I have a lot of surplus material. They might be a problem for the few that rely on random drops – but I don’t know. I’d have to go count up what I’ve collected for leather and see how far that would get me to get a better idea.

As for “RPG”-like. I admit, I haven’t played many MMOs – but I’ve played WoW, and it claims to be an MMORPG. To me, it feels almost nothing like an RPG. It lacks all the reasons I ever wanted to play an RPG. Now, when I was on the WoW forums, I never bashed it for that. I stated that I accepted it for what it did and what it offered and knew that if I wanted something else, I’d go to another game.

Now that GW2 has come out and I’ve gotten a taste of it – I’ve left WoW. I don’t think GW2 is a “WoW-killer” – but it’s a game for those who wanted the “RPG” to be something other than number progression, because that was a part of “RPG” I never really cared about. It was just a way to make sure I wasn’t screwing up too badly.

For instance, playing the original KOTOR – you can go to the worlds in any order, but you don’t get to roflstomp the ones you go to last, even though you’ll level up. I never felt OP in that game.

I played Baldur’s Gate as a kid and have been thinking about re-installing it. But why did my brother and I play that game ? We didn’t play it for the numbers. We played it because we obsessively uncovered as much of every map as we could and took pride in writing notes in the manual when we found a skill tome or a piece needed to create a legendary weapon. That’s what we liked about it, that’s what we felt was so cool.

I’ve been hearing a lot of people say GW2 is the most fun they’ve had in a game in years. It’s those people it appeals to – the ones that want to do 100% map completion not for a reward but just because they can. The people who are glad to give hints for vistas in map chat or help someone track down the right karma vendor.

If you don’t like this game, that’s perfectly okay. You don’t have to play it. There are tons of well-made games – there’s no point in wondering why not all of them fit your playstyle. Because there are different markets and people it appeals to. It’s like tea or lemonade. I hate unsweetened tea, but apparently some people like that stuff. I don’t have to seek to “understand” why they do and deride them and tell them it’s gross because I don’t like it. I can just choose an option that works better for me.

My experience

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kana.6793


I keep seeing people say that WoW players would have trouble with this game because of the gear system and the lack of a carrot on a stick, but my main motivation for raiding was always the boss kills. Same for my guild, we all valued first kills and clears far, far more than gear. So I don’t really understand any of these arguments about a lack of progression to due gear.

I love these dungeons since they are like little raids. The progression and reward is in clearing all of them, same as with WoW. Gear is a tool to enable you to enter a raid, it’s not the goal. Here it’s not a needed tool, so why would you care about it?

My experience

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ceallach.8740


In WoW, I wanted to do dungeons just to be able to say I did them all. It was kind of disappointing that the low-level ones were so easy. One of WoW’s big problems is that they make content and it gets out-levelled and no one ever goes back to it because there’s no point other than farming when none of it offers any challenge.

WoW would have been so much more fun to me if I could go do Molten Core at-level without having to re-roll and start a special guild just to do it. And only to have the guild fall apart because people don’t want to grind up another alt.

I wanted Herald of the Titans in that game because it would be cool just to do it for the thrill of the challenge and saying we did it – but it was pretty much impossible to find enough people to grind up new alts to do it. :/

I am happy that this won’t be a problem in GW2.

My experience

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: VikMorroHun.1604


Just wanted to add my experience about an event. It happens near Guardpoint Decimus Waypoint. Ghosts spawn wave after wave to destroy two tents. I’ve played this event twice in the past two days and we couldn’t save the tents. Either we, players who were desperately trying to accomplish the mission are too weak, or the tents are too easily ruined by the ghosts.

My experience

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Esquilax.3491


You’ve been playing MMOs for ten years and you still haven’t realised gear power increases aren’t a reward, they are a nerf?

You play and get best gear, then the company goes ahead and makes a new zone / dungeon / raid which has a new better gear benchmark.

It’s an illusion. Take the new content out of that equation and all they’ve done is nerfed your characters power by rendering your gear obsolete and forcing you to gear up again. It’s an endless, stupid, pointless treadmil that gets very tiresome after a while.

So why not just release new content that people can enjoy without nerfing everyones characters? That’s what GW2 does.

You’ve got to become diselusioned with those traditional MMO gearing systems at some point. It’s just an endless carrot on a stick treadmil of a goal that you can never achieve…

My experience

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

I dont know if i’m just set in the typical mmo style, but i’m really tired of not feeling rewarded from leveling, gearing and Dungeons.

Well you’ve not got to level 80 yet so you haven’t fully been rewarded because you haven’t finished levelling.
80 gets you access to the old 80 areas (Cursed Shore), the 2 “other” areas (Dry Top, Silverwastes) and of course HoT. All those are (imo) much more fun than the lowbie areas. I wouldn’t rush there expecting to be fulfilled or anything, if you’re not enjoying GW2 then this is kinda more of the same.. but still.. I do find myself having a lot of fun at this level.

Gearing. Not something to worry about until you are 80 and then you pretty much just go exotic → ascended → legendary. There aren’t that many suggested pve builds if you want to play at the optimal meta level, you want a set of dps or condi gear. As you level you get a lot of terrible gear drop and honestly that shouldn’t bother you. Levelling is just something you do, your gear at that stage is just something you have rather than playing naked and punching stuff. Unless you’re a Norn in which case carry on. If you want to be a bit more optimal, check out the rare gear for your level but mostly you’ll outlevel it in a few hours so I would not worry until you are 80 about gear.

Dungeons. These to me are something you do at 80. When geared. And I’m not just saying this because it’s better to speed run everything and 80 exotic or higher beserker teams run things faster. In every game I’ve played, when I’ve tried dungeoning at the level for that dungeon.. it has been pretty terrible. Outlevelling and outclassing a dungeon however.. that’s where it becomes fun.

GW2 might not be for you. Aion wasn’t for me. I never logged into wow or rift for instance. We’re all different. I love levelling in GW2, I have one of everything and all crafting professions maxed. I love dungeons and fractals and HoT. It’s fine to hate all those things. I know I’m not alone in offering these services but if you are in-game at the same time as me I’d be more than happy to see if some of my joy can rub off on you by duoing or grouping with you for content or explanation. Just shout at me in-game and I’ll come play with you if I’m free.

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

My experience

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chad.6104



This is a necro’d 3 year old thread.

My experience

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RoseofGilead.8907


Yeah, I knew something was up when I read the OP and saw “I can’t afford to repair my armor”. 3 year-old thread, guys. No need to continue the discussion.

My experience

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: slamfunction.7462


Just wanted to add my experience about an event. It happens near Guardpoint Decimus Waypoint. Ghosts spawn wave after wave to destroy two tents. I’ve played this event twice in the past two days and we couldn’t save the tents. Either we, players who were desperately trying to accomplish the mission are too weak, or the tents are too easily ruined by the ghosts.

Wow, OP is necro’d. In regards to this comment above: I honestly believe it is meant to be unbeatable. I’ve done it with small groups, and massive groups, and no matter what we do, those ghosts always end up destroying the huts.

Its either bugged, or some psychological testing on ANet’s side. Either way, i tend to avoid it, since its not really important towards anything.

Arena Nets are used to catch Gladiator Fish.

My experience

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

This will soon be closed, but..although the Decimus Waypoint event is difficult sometimes, it is not unbeatable. Make sure to concentrate on staying near the tents and protecting them (easier if you concentrate on just one), and the event can succeed.

I played this event many times (and did not succeed) until using this tactic.

Good luck.

My experience

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moderator


Please do not post to old threads this is against forum rules.