(edited by LightningLockey.5938)
My feedback about the game (new customer)
I could tell you that I disagree with you on several points, but if your vision is already tainted against everything, I’m not sure it would help.
In the time I’ve been here, I’ve seen numerous bugs fixed, content upgrades, a fantastic Halloween event, a semi-buggy but fun Lost Shores event (I hope they get those kinks worked out), and plenty of communication when necessary.
So, I’m not sure what you want from this post, but I hope you figure it out. I would rather you were a happy player than not. That way, everyone wins.
I am with you on most of this, OP, but most of all, you hit the spot with the no-communication. Nearly every post i make gets merged, merged, merged into some generel “feedback” thread, never to be heard of again. It’s a ridiculous way to mute us, but peace be with that. However if they by now had just tried to give any kind of communication, they wouldn’t have had 1/4th of the current posts.
OP, I agree. Further I’m surprised how amateurish this company handles stuff. Also it really makes you wonder if they are pressured by NCsoft (insert gear treadmill now to get all wow players!!11) or really being this lame on their own accord, hard to believe if you ask me. Refer to Arenanet’s own video trailer here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35BPhT-KI1E mainly at 1:40.
Also it’s pretty interesting that the survey to the lost shores event was actually on ncsoft’s website..
best statistical loot in the game. We want everyone on equal power base.”
(edited by Antiriad.7160)
Overreacting, spreading hysteria, and calling the entire game a failure in every single department because a few aspects of it haven’t gone exactly your way is not helpful at all. Please just stop, step back, and think things through. Display a bit of respect and rationality, all of you.
Unfortunately this topic will likely get deleted as you used their name in the topic title. I suggest KitteNet!
Halloween – complete disaster if I ever saw one in am MMO. Being their first holiday event I think forgiveness and a benefit of a doubt can be in order.
Lost Shores – not nearly as bad as Halloween. The biggest problem is the end boss only spawned once. I plan on using that map content more pretty soon.
I’d say the game is in a mess right now with empty maps (level 75 and under) and full of bugs, but it is early and can be fixed. All hope isn’t lost, I’m still exploring the game and find many enjoyable aspects.