My first impressions of Guild Wars 2
I’m a FFXI and Aion player, even played ffxiv before it became monthly fee to play then I quit and then to find out it sucked so bad they shut the servers down……GW 1 was fun but after you hit 20, got old but this GW 2 is greatest ever has easy teleportation, can join events with anyone, loot is for everyone, the list goes on, great game.
I just want to say welcome to the game! I came from WoW myself and am perfectly happy with the change. My favorite bonus in GW2 vs WoW: NO LOOT DRAMA! Love it.
GW2 is just so open. You can level all the way to 80 in a starter zone if you want, or go out and explore. It’s so flexible.
Hey, welcome to the game
I wasn’t in the SWtOR beta, but I picked it up on release and played it for about 7 months all together. I wanted to like it, and for a while it was okay, but it ended up feeling like WoW with lightsabers. I loved the storylines and the companions and whatnot, but the gameplay was just lacking in so many ways.
Then I picked up GW2. Holy crap. I tried to play GW1 but could never really get into it, but after playing GW2 I wish I could go back and run through everything just to get the ancestral gear or whatever it is they give you.
For me, GW2 is the best game out there right now, even with the few problems it has (and every game has a few). Now if we could get guild halls, mounts (yeah, a lot of people don’t want them, I wouldn’t mind having one), and player homes (supposed to be coming in the future) I’d be set for life.
I’m a FFXI and Aion player, even played ffxiv before it became monthly fee to play then I quit and then to find out it sucked so bad they shut the servers down……GW 1 was fun but after you hit 20, got old but this GW 2 is greatest ever has easy teleportation, can join events with anyone, loot is for everyone, the list goes on, great game.
I loved FFXIV as well. It’s one of my favourite games of all time. Aion died quite fast, but I still liked the terrain and such. As far as I’m concerned Guild Wars 1 is still running, isn’t? Quite amazing old games lasts so long.
I just want to say welcome to the game! I came from WoW myself and am perfectly happy with the change. My favorite bonus in GW2 vs WoW: NO LOOT DRAMA! Love it.
GW2 is just so open. You can level all the way to 80 in a starter zone if you want, or go out and explore. It’s so flexible.
Thank you, Aisa! Big fan of WoW myself, but I just needed something different. About the look: exactly! I heard something like you get different loot even though you’re in the same dungeon. I agree completely in the statement you run by saying exploration is amazing. In the previous games I played, I turned out to hate achievements. In this game, you’ll get a live updating status on your exploration next to the world map. In addition, you even get a reward if you explore to a 100%!
Thank you guys for your opinions!
It’d like to know, what do you think about the dynamic events?
- Are they becoming boring as you level?
- Does it keep the ‘in-depth’ level of a dynamic and changing gameplay?
Welcome aboard mate.
Welcome aboard mate.
Thanks a bunch, Tilion! I hope you enjoy the game just as much as I do!
I jumped from WoW when I realized that raiding and gearing up turned into work. The PvP in WoW was also work since you needed gear that had resilience in them. Those gear you acquire through tokens in battlegrounds. For $15 a month and a game that makes you “work” instead of “play”, I had to throw in the towel.
Now SWTOR came along, and I jumped in with a friend from WoW who was a Star Wars fan. The concept was great. The story was amazing IF you were Empire. Huttball was amazing as well! But it was the same thing that I ran away from in WoW… grinding, working for gear to be viable.
I’m never looking back to WoW and other WoW clones. If I do play another MMO, it would be EVE online (played it for three months until my videocard got fried. Haven’t picked it up yet because of GW2). The fact of the matter is, GW2 brought new things in the industry and improved things from its predecessors. Everyone is equal in PvP. You don’t need gear to become better than your opponent. And Tyria is open, and you are encouraged to explore the little nooks and crannies since you’re not limited to questhubs.
GW2 does have it flaws, and I do have some gripes. Yet all in all, it’s a fantastic game, and I can’t wait for the improvements that they’ll put into it.
I really like the dynamic events. It just gives you one more reason to return to lower leveled zones.
Running around… Ooh! An event! More Karma and xp! lol
Lots of depth to this game. Especially the combat system. I really like the mix of the action style combat with the tab targeting system. I like mmo’s where i can have fun right away and not have to wait for x level and do all this grind. I don’t have time for grind.
First welcome!
I also came from TOR which is a game I quite enjoy but recently my economic situation changed so I went back to GW2.
Now, I dont want to down this thread but like TOR there is things I like and dislike with GW 2 the #1 thing I dislike with GW2 is the combat. How the skills are glued to weapons I’ll explain.
My main is a warrior and most and their mothers play greatsword warriors in PVE because it burst out a lot of DPS, however I don’t like to do the FOTM so I play sword and Board and while this work the problem is that since the skills are glued to the weapon I have 1 skill that is useless for me in PVE that is hamstring.
IF they somehow could fix this and allow us to change between more skills on each weapons (not like in GW1 but just offer more skills for each weapon type) then I’d really love this game because that is what holds me back from loving GW2 ATM.
Dynamic Events are enjoyable and the best thing is taht when ur a couple of people u gain huge exp for doing them.
But welcome to the game man!
Elonian sword-dancer, poet and bard
Greatsword Chronomancer
I jumped from WoW when I realized that raiding and gearing up turned into work. The PvP in WoW was also work since you needed gear that had resilience in them. Those gear you acquire through tokens in battlegrounds. For $15 a month and a game that makes you “work” instead of “play”, I had to throw in the towel.
Now SWTOR came along, and I jumped in with a friend from WoW who was a Star Wars fan. The concept was great. The story was amazing IF you were Empire. Huttball was amazing as well! But it was the same thing that I ran away from in WoW… grinding, working for gear to be viable.
I’m never looking back to WoW and other WoW clones. If I do play another MMO, it would be EVE online (played it for three months until my videocard got fried. Haven’t picked it up yet because of GW2). The fact of the matter is, GW2 brought new things in the industry and improved things from its predecessors. Everyone is equal in PvP. You don’t need gear to become better than your opponent. And Tyria is open, and you are encouraged to explore the little nooks and crannies since you’re not limited to questhubs.
GW2 does have it flaws, and I do have some gripes. Yet all in all, it’s a fantastic game, and I can’t wait for the improvements that they’ll put into it.
I couldn’t agree more. A game is supposed to be enjoyed — working hard is not a definition of a game. I want to enjoy a MMORPG. Puzzle-platformers are more like a simplistic type of game that you kinda feel like working on, at least in my opinion. Again, MMO’s are supposed to be explored.
Huttball was amazing. It was new. Though, the game is yet unbalanced, and Bioware is promising things that doesn’t become reality. I actually pre-ordered the new expansion, but because I got extremely bored, I made my move.
Star Wars is obviously a big universe, and The Old Republic is a great storytelling game. I’d love to play my storyline, but I sorta feel like doing the same thing over and over again. It’s not as dynamic as Guild Wars 2 is. I’ve played through every class, and it’s just the same all over again regarding Crew Skills, Missions and general gameplay.
Thank you for your opinion and statement!
I really like the dynamic events. It just gives you one more reason to return to lower leveled zones.
Running around… Ooh! An event! More Karma and xp! lol
I agree. It feels like you’re actually doing a difference out there — even how nerdy it actually sounds. It’s worth the efforts when you see a big Golden Badge next to your mission tracker. It feels right, doesn’t it?
Oh gosh, I have to agree.
I’ve never played a PC game ever, or any games like this for that matter. I’ve known people that do and I have to say a lot of them were off putting. As an artist, I wanted something pretty.
My fiancee talked to me a lot about GW2 before it’s launch and I got so interested. We were super interested in the Sylvari (he played GW, so he was excited about a lot more than I was). He adores games, they’re a source of inspiration to him. I loved learning about GW2 so much that I preordered it.
When we both got it, I had the damnest time getting to know the controls. I didn’t give up, but I did need to cool off sometimes from all those jumping vistas and stuff. What it did do, was create this whole new thing with my fiancee and me. Him and I have been roaming this world together and chatting about our day as we do our daily achievements and marvel over the look and everything about the game. We’ve bonded so much as a team and as a couple for spending our breaktime from work on GW2 for a half hour once or twice a week.
I don’t have anything to compare it to, but now.. GW2 is a standard. It’s a lovely standard. Every now and then I meet a mean player, but that is nothing compared to the hundreds that are there to help you with questions, events, and dungeons (which I’m not ready to do yet..). I’ve had many laughs and good times with the game. It’s a good getaway from the normal world. And as an artist, it’s spectacular to just look at and be inspired.
Glad to become a part of the community (though not as active).
(edited by T Deines.4827)
Lots of depth to this game. Especially the combat system. I really like the mix of the action style combat with the tab targeting system. I like mmo’s where i can have fun right away and not have to wait for x level and do all this grind. I don’t have time for grind.
Combat looks amazing. A combination of an auto-attack while you actually run around, and then you’ll just burst out abilities. You don’t have to wait that long, and it feels like you need an actual skill to keybind and master your abilities. By that, players become different, and the whole combat system just becomes at the top of the mountain.
*First welcome!
I also came from TOR which is a game I quite enjoy but recently my economic situation changed so I went back to GW2.
Now, I dont want to down this thread but like TOR there is things I like and dislike with GW 2 the #1 thing I dislike with GW2 is the combat. How the skills are glued to weapons I’ll explain.My main is a warrior and most and their mothers play greatsword warriors in PVE because it burst out a lot of DPS, however I don’t like to do the FOTM so I play sword and Board and while this work the problem is that since the skills are glued to the weapon I have 1 skill that is useless for me in PVE that is hamstring.
IF they somehow could fix this and allow us to change between more skills on each weapons (not like in GW1 but just offer more skills for each weapon type) then I’d really love this game because that is what holds me back from loving GW2 ATM.
Dynamic Events are enjoyable and the best thing is taht when ur a couple of people u gain huge exp for doing them.
But welcome to the game man!*
Thank you very much, GreenZap!
Your opinion matters in my situation as well. As a student, I just do not feel like I’m getting content enough in TOR. It’s a great game, I get to play the Star Wars universe, and I can even meet people I read in books and comics.
I had to get used to the weapon system as well. I don’t dislike it, but I’m just saying it’s different. You cannot change the position of the ability at the UI, though you can keybind it. Utilities are quite nice I have to say.
I understand your trouble. Yes, I happen to figure out where to gain experience, and Dynamic Events is just one of them. If you discover a new recipe, you’d also be allowed to have a few pennies in the pocket by the looks of it!
Thanks a lot again, I really like the friendly community — you’re a part it!
*Oh gosh, I have to agree.
I’ve never played a PC game ever, or any games like this for that matter. I’ve known people that do and I have to say a lot of them were off putting. As an artist, I wanted something pretty.
My fiancee talked to me a lot about GW2 before it’s launch and I got so interested. We were super interested in the Sylvari (he played GW, so he was excited about a lot more than I was). He adores games, they’re a source of inspiration to him. I loved learning about GW2 so much that I preordered it.
When we both got it, I had the damnest time getting to know the controls. I didn’t give up, but I did need to cool off sometimes from all those jumping vistas and stuff. What it did do, was create this whole new thing with my fiancee and me. Him and I have been roaming this world together and chatting about our day as we do our daily achievements and marvel over the look and everything about the game. We’ve bonded so much as a team and as a couple for spending our breaktime from work on GW2 for a half hour once or twice a week.
I don’t have anything to compare it to, but now.. GW2 is a standard. It’s a lovely standard. Every now and then I meet a mean player, but that is nothing compared to the hundreds that are there to help you with questions, events, and dungeons (which I’m not ready to do yet..). I’ve had many laughs and good times with the game. It’s a good getaway from the normal world.
And as an artist, it’s spectacular to just look at and be inspired.
Glad to become a part of the community (thought not as active).*
Hello Deines!
Yes, I just love how Arena Net is adding and focusing on the art. The animations when you open the World Map kinda feels like you’re living in this world and you’re a part of it. It feels smooth.
Sylvaries are great. I happen to have a ranger and I’m super interested knowing where that “White Stag” came from. I’ve got closed eyes on all the spoilers! When you get to play with a friend, it also becomes a bit more exciting, doesn’t it? It sounds great by what you’re telling.
Jumping Puzzles, Events and World vs. World — everything at once just makes a great community — I really think so.
This forum is really bursting, I wouldn’t expect THAT many answers, thank you for the interest guys!
Welcome aboard! I’ve played several MMO’s over the years, but SWTOR was the last one I played before coming to GW2, it’s amazing how much better this game is. I’m a huge Star Wars fan, but that came just never felt right. I could never get over the game engine long enough to try and enjoy any other aspects of the game.
I agree with all of the things you like about GW2, it’s the first MMO in awhile to really grab my attention and keep it. Take care and I hope you continue to enjoy!
Mighty Hyperion-Warrior ~ Koweta-Ranger ~ Leephor-Necro ~ Mighty Mental-Mesmer
Yours is bursting with response, because the GW2 Twitter featured it in a tweet. (how I found you).
And there’s so much world, and it’s packed with things. It just flows well too.
I’ve been trying to avoid spoilers too! It’s tough though, since some of my friends are further along than I am. xD
Yes, they can follow in story missions too is what I like. I’m horrible at making choices and I was horrible at controls so it was always good to have back up. It’s great because when you see or experience something funny, amazing, or makes you angry… you can share it with someone and it creates awesome inside jokes and stories. We always quote the starter npcs and stuff on Ventari’s Tablet on a daily basis when appropriate (to us).
It is, I’m not a WvW, PvP and such kinda person. I go there to not go against other humans, but for PvE, it’s relaxing. I’m glad we’ve got that variety to choose from.
Welcome aboard! I’ve played several MMO’s over the years, but SWTOR was the last one I played before coming to GW2, it’s amazing how much better this game is. I’m a huge Star Wars fan, but that came just never felt right. I could never get over the game engine long enough to try and enjoy any other aspects of the game.
I agree with all of the things you like about GW2, it’s the first MMO in awhile to really grab my attention and keep it. Take care and I hope you continue to enjoy!
Thank you, Ambushbug! I appreciate your kindness.
It’s almost like we’ve experienced the exact same thing. Bioware said that they wouldn’t create a realistic type of game, but more like a cartoon -ish engine. The engine is old and chunky. It lags so bad even though I ran the game on a GTX 560 ti.
I’m a huge Star Wars fan, and the story was incredible, but the gameplay wasn’t unfortunately. I thought I should play that game for the rest of my days, but I was proven wrong!
Thank you for your kind thoughts, take care and have a blast Ambush!
A wonderful drama free thread has suddenly stopped. Let’s bring it back!
Do any other MMOs have the rally feature? I think that’s another great addition. Yet another way to help out other players.
Yours is bursting with response, because the GW2 Twitter featured it in a tweet.
(how I found you).
And there’s so much world, and it’s packed with things. It just flows well too.
I’ve been trying to avoid spoilers too! It’s tough though, since some of my friends are further along than I am. xD
Yes, they can follow in story missions too is what I like. I’m horrible at making choices and I was horrible at controls so it was always good to have back up. It’s great because when you see or experience something funny, amazing, or makes you angry… you can share it with someone and it creates awesome inside jokes and stories. We always quote the starter npcs and stuff on Ventari’s Tablet on a daily basis when appropriate (to us).
It is, I’m not a WvW, PvP and such kinda person. I go there to not go against other humans, but for PvE, it’s relaxing.
I’m glad we’ve got that variety to choose from.
WHAT?! I just noticed that! Guys, we’re trending hard on this forum due to a terrific attention Arena Net brought this thread. I never thought a few thoughts of mine would go that far — amazing.
My PM is broke at the moment for some odd reason. My browser just went shizzle-kaboozel and pasted a lot of symbols and nonsense. It’ll be back up in 2 days it says due to spam.
For you guys that wants to be catching up, I’m on Dragonbrand! Toss me a whisper and I’ll add you on my friendslist for sure! Catching up with the community is always a great pleasure. I never ever got to experience such a great crowd of people in one game.
For all you guys that just came by the thread, we’d love to hear your opinions, even if you’ve played the game for a while now. I’m interested in hearing :
- Are you playing with a friend? If no, how do you find leveling throughout the game?
- In your opinion, is a Guild an absolute ‘must-have’?
1 more thing. I think it’s awesome how you choose your character. You get to choose between different things your character have had experienced + the whole thing gets up on the storyline agenda. Would you like a random story to be told, or do you like the idea that you’ll get to choose a fundamental ground for your personal story?
Playing the Sylvari is just one great experience for me. I got to know that I wasn’t born, but I actually was created by an enormous tree. I’m looking for a White Stag that I saw in a dream. I grew among noble men.
Different opportunities though out the conversations are actually telling me with a little logo, that I choose an option that reflects on the chosen statements in the very beginning of my character creation! How cool is that? From level 1-80 I’m playing my very own and made-up from button to top char.
Thank you Arena Net.
I Hi Yes but the problem is that there are certain skills in this game that are extremely situational. When you have a limited amount of skills for each weapon having even 1 skills that is never used is kinda of a waste. For me that skill is hamstring which is great for PVP situations but in PVE the few mobs u could use it on is often immune to disables so ATM that 1 skill is just a waste in my skill bar and I don’t want to run around with a great sword like every other warrior.
I believe that the idea that they had with the skill system is great but I would like to see them evolving on it on some classes and that’s also the reason im complaining because I love the way they did it I just kinda feel that they dropped the ball on certain points.
You have classes like the Elementalist that is a blast to play because they need to use every skill in a confrontation to survive and defeat the enemy and then you have certain classes where you feel that they are locked into a pretty narrow road.
The awesome things with this game though is ofc that its B2P with no sub but also that u can level doing whatever u like. You want to only do crafting to level? YOu can do that, or you just want to explore (and the world is amazing) or gather materials without fighting ? You can do that. No backtracking and while we have “kill 5 boars and take 10 hides” kind of quests it very ingeniously hidden so it doesn’t feel like you are grinding.
There is no penalty to kill the same mob that others do which leads to interesting open world grouping without actually hosting a group.
What I also like with this game and what I loved with TOR is that the focus is more on the leveling then the end game, im tired of WoW type of games when the game starts at max level and you just have to grind ur way through boring levels to get there.
And like TOR this game has a lot of replayability, every class is interesting in its own way and the different races and Orders taht you can join arms with are also very interesting.
Also that the endgame is tied to “skins” is something I highly enjoy. I’m tired also of the tier grind for better stats, I love it more here where its optional and its actually fun to go after the nicest looking armor in the game that is just that; nice looking nothing else.
Elonian sword-dancer, poet and bard
Greatsword Chronomancer
Yeah, I really liked the character creation too.
Playing with friends… Yup. I play a lot with my husband. And many of our guildmates we know in real life. It’s more fun that way to me. These kinds of games are meant to be played socially, but Guild Wars is fun to solo also simply because it is so easy to run across people doing the same things as you. (Whoa. Bad run-on there.) The events make it easy to “group” with others, then move on. Because there is no mob-tagging, players are more likely to jump in and help one another with difficult enemies out in the world. And now I’m rambling. I will shut up now.
Welcome aboard! I’ve played several MMO’s over the years, but SWTOR was the last one I played before coming to GW2, it’s amazing how much better this game is. I’m a huge Star Wars fan, but that came just never felt right. I could never get over the game engine long enough to try and enjoy any other aspects of the game.
I agree with all of the things you like about GW2, it’s the first MMO in awhile to really grab my attention and keep it. Take care and I hope you continue to enjoy!
Thank you, Ambushbug! I appreciate your kindness.
It’s almost like we’ve experienced the exact same thing. Bioware said that they wouldn’t create a realistic type of game, but more like a cartoon -ish engine. The engine is old and chunky. It lags so bad even though I ran the game on a GTX 560 ti.
I’m a huge Star Wars fan, and the story was incredible, but the gameplay wasn’t unfortunately. I thought I should play that game for the rest of my days, but I was proven wrong!
Thank you for your kind thoughts, take care and have a blast Ambush!
To Biowares defense the Hero Engine is actually quite robust its just that they needed like 6 more months to complete the game for release.
Then when the game hit its decline it was kinda too late, at the same time I am dissapointed with them to just let the game hit the fan I mean if you compare it to square enix and FFXIV square actually reworked the game from scratch and thats something that Bioware should have done with TOR as well.
But yes this game blows TOR out of the water everyday anyday
Elonian sword-dancer, poet and bard
Greatsword Chronomancer
I play this game entirely solo with no guild, I just don’t enjoy interacting with random people on the internet anymore. I realise that that statement might come off as a little douchie but thats why I also enjoyed in TOR and starting in RIFT, I could play both games entirely solo and occasionally team up for heroics/flashpoints/stuf.
I think this is the correct way to go with MMORPGS no more forcing ppl to group up but rather have it as a option and also focus more on the individual because I usually just want to do my thang and experience and immerse myself into the world myself.
Elonian sword-dancer, poet and bard
Greatsword Chronomancer
dont rush the leveling up.
the game isnt “gated”.
and there is a lot of fun stuff to do at lower level.
also, dont craft before being level 80.
its boring and youll gain xp and youll outlevel zones too quickly.
my 2 cents
Gw2 may not be the best mmo for everyone but its the best one for me. I think I. The end that’s what matters most.
It was 2 vs 20 but its ok we got’em both!
I Hi Yes but the problem is that there are certain skills in this game that are extremely situational. When you have a limited amount of skills for each weapon having even 1 skills that is never used is kinda of a waste. For me that skill is hamstring which is great for PVP situations but in PVE the few mobs u could use it on is often immune to disables so ATM that 1 skill is just a waste in my skill bar and I don’t want to run around with a great sword like every other warrior.
I noticed that as well in some other thread I read. You’re kinda in a little trap regarding that. Other than that, I think the Perk + the Healing/Utility/Elite management is quite easy to use once you’ll get a catch of it. I definitely see where you’re going.
I believe that the idea that they had with the skill system is great but I would like to see them evolving on it on some classes and that’s also the reason im complaining because I love the way they did it I just kinda feel that they dropped the ball on certain points.
You have classes like the Elementalist that is a blast to play because they need to use every skill in a confrontation to survive and defeat the enemy and then you have certain classes where you feel that they are locked into a pretty narrow road.
Yes! I’m playing Elementalist as well. When I noticed my abilities changed when I changed my weapon I became a little chocked — “What is going on?!”. When I got to know it, I figured that I had to choose a path. Not a bad thing for the leveling part, but I can understand if it becomes a problem at some point, for people that want a little more than that. For me it’s quite cool at the moment, but I get the general idea.
The awesome things with this game though is ofc that its B2P with no sub but also that u can level doing whatever u like. You want to only do crafting to level? YOu can do that, or you just want to explore (and the world is amazing) or gather materials without fighting ? You can do that. No backtracking and while we have “kill 5 boars and take 10 hides” kind of quests it very ingeniously hidden so it doesn’t feel like you are grinding.
There is no penalty to kill the same mob that others do which leads to interesting open world grouping without actually hosting a group.
Indeed. I don’t feel like I’m restricted just because I payed ONCE. I’m in Copenhagen at the moment, away from my home. When I played games like WoW or TOR, I had an urge to play because my subscription was running out. Who wouldn’t play the last bit when it was running out?! I don’t feel like that in Guild Wars 2. I’m not rushing by any means — and somehow it adds experience.
What I also like with this game and what I loved with TOR is that the focus is more on the leveling then the end game, im tired of WoW type of games when the game starts at max level and you just have to grind ur way through boring levels to get there.
And like TOR this game has a lot of replayability, every class is interesting in its own way and the different races and Orders taht you can join arms with are also very interesting.
Leveling in the early days was something that you wanted to go fast through. You know, the real game was within the end of it. Not anymore, because this is dynamic. The levels from 1-60 in The Burning Crusade wasn’t very enjoyable. I enjoyed the end-game a lot though. In GW2, I think the leveling is very unique!
I play this game entirely solo with no guild, I just don’t enjoy interacting with random people on the internet anymore. I realise that that statement might come off as a little douchie but thats why I also enjoyed in TOR and starting in RIFT, I could play both games entirely solo and occasionally team up for heroics/flashpoints/stuf.
I think this is the correct way to go with MMORPGS no more forcing ppl to group up but rather have it as a option and also focus more on the individual because I usually just want to do my thang and experience and immerse myself into the world myself.
thats allright. but if the game want to have a strong community and players that keep coming back, they have to make the game multiplayer.
single player will finish the story then grind a bit and move on, thats not the long term customer anet needs to please right now.
I noticed that as well in some other thread I read. You’re kinda in a little trap regarding that. Other than that, I think the Perk + the Healing/Utility/Elite management is quite easy to use once you’ll get a catch of it. I definitely see where you’re going.
Hi yes I know, I’m a little repetitive when it comes to that topic :P I guess GW1, Factions, Nightfall and EoTN spoiled me a little much with their skill system and I think it was a good idea that that skill system wasn’t ported into GW2 because it was too hard to balance.
I think that the skill system really shines with the elementalist though, they are just a blast to play and they just have enough of skills to make rotations interesting and varied. I love how u as an Elementalist fly all around the place and tons of different spells go off. It reminds me a little of playing Sonic the Hedgehog :P.
There is those that have complained about Eles needing to use way more skills then other classes but IMO that is a good thing because as a Sword and Board warrior it’s a loooot of just watching my toon auto attack. Maybe I should roll a new ELE but unf I have a sweet spot for heavy armor.
Eles are harder to play but I think that’s really a good thing because with a combat system like this game have you really don’t want the classic auto attack and using skills on cd system but you want every encounter to be something that forces you to use what you have at your disposal.
Leveling in the early days was something that you wanted to go fast through. You know, the real game was within the end of it. Not anymore, because this is dynamic. The levels from 1-60 in The Burning Crusade wasn’t very enjoyable. I enjoyed the end-game a lot though. In GW2, I think the leveling is very unique!
Totally agree
Elonian sword-dancer, poet and bard
Greatsword Chronomancer
Yeah, I really liked the character creation too.
Playing with friends… Yup. I play a lot with my husband. And many of our guildmates we know in real life. It’s more fun that way to me. These kinds of games are meant to be played socially, but Guild Wars is fun to solo also simply because it is so easy to run across people doing the same things as you. (Whoa. Bad run-on there.) The events make it easy to “group” with others, then move on. Because there is no mob-tagging, players are more likely to jump in and help one another with difficult enemies out in the world. And now I’m rambling. I will shut up now.
Yes, I agree. Games are about communing, aren’t they? When my friends are offline I don’t feel bored though, I just feel like I have even more time reflecting on how awesome the terrain is. My cousin happens to be playing a Thief at the level of 80, and he has just been skipping through every storyline! I don’t know how people do that, oh well. When I level up with him, I usually need a couple of minutes more on my storyline — so I enjoy being alone sometimes as well!
Please keep rambling. I love chit-chats.
I play this game entirely solo with no guild, I just don’t enjoy interacting with random people on the internet anymore. I realise that that statement might come off as a little douchie but thats why I also enjoyed in TOR and starting in RIFT, I could play both games entirely solo and occasionally team up for heroics/flashpoints/stuf.
I think this is the correct way to go with MMORPGS no more forcing ppl to group up but rather have it as a option and also focus more on the individual because I usually just want to do my thang and experience and immerse myself into the world myself.
Yes, I agree. An exception is if I get to know people quite well. Everyone of you in this thread has made my day, and I want to get to play with you all. Yet, we don’t got time for that unfortunately — but I certainly don’t consider you guys as random at this point.
I do not enjoy inviting random people, especially not when they’re quiet the whole time. I want strangers to say more words than just ‘this way’, ‘come on!’, ‘done?’. I want more like ‘hello, where are you from?’, ‘new around here?’. That’d be awesome. I experienced communities being really unfriendly, certainly.
dont rush the leveling up.
the game isnt “gated”.
and there is a lot of fun stuff to do at lower level.
also, dont craft before being level 80.
its boring and youll gain xp and youll outlevel zones too 2 cents
So far, the leveling has been worth every penny! Thank you for posting!
I heard that you don’t get that much money on professions in this game? Is that true? It’s more like a self-consumable thing. In TOR you could earn money by moving two-three fingers. Waaay too easy IMO.
Gw2 may not be the best mmo for everyone but its the best one for me. I think I. The end that’s what matters most.
It is. Don’t listen to opinions you find nonsense. As a Star Wars fan, ‘trust your instincts’.
You guys are awesome. Never thought we’d trend that bad a Friday-noon during X-Factor and shizzle like that.
I play this game entirely solo with no guild, I just don’t enjoy interacting with random people on the internet anymore. I realise that that statement might come off as a little douchie but thats why I also enjoyed in TOR and starting in RIFT, I could play both games entirely solo and occasionally team up for heroics/flashpoints/stuf.
I think this is the correct way to go with MMORPGS no more forcing ppl to group up but rather have it as a option and also focus more on the individual because I usually just want to do my thang and experience and immerse myself into the world myself.
thats allright. but if the game want to have a strong community and players that keep coming back, they have to make the game multiplayer.
single player will finish the story then grind a bit and move on, thats not the long term customer anet needs to please right now.
I’d say yes and no. The first 4 GW games also were centered around single player however you could group up with ppl and run through the campaigns and doing dungeons though the greatest rewards came from when you could solo stuf like the underworld etc.
What will keep players in the long run, at least what I believe is skins and titles and achievements. Tier grind only affects a certain type of players and I am actually one of those who used to love that kind of gameplay but I start to see more and more how bad it is from a game design perspective.
The MMORPG I played hte longest ever was City of Heroes/Villains and all I did there was doing toons with different concept and Roleplayed with other players I also played Champions Online for a very long time and in neither of those games I did any real “end game things”. The fun thing in those games was to create ur hero/villain and immerse urself in the character and creating campaigns/storylines with other players.
I think they could add “challenge content” in GW2 for those who want to “tier grind” but I think it’s really not the best solution of design if you want to keep players for a long time. Only reason ppl played those kind of games for such a long time was because the gear was hard to get. If you were given a full Tier 6 set in one run back in Burning Crusade then you wouldn’t have continuec to play the game until they released and expansions.
What I believe is better is find your core market and then appeal to them like CoH/V did (rest in peace) and like how EvE does and then build up a nice community around that because those who tier grind all day in and out will likely play another MMORPG when they have obtained their gear.
Elonian sword-dancer, poet and bard
Greatsword Chronomancer
makes sense.
but aside from pvp and wvw.
strictly talking pve. how many times can you go faceroll orr before getting bored ?
you like to go faceroll a level 15 map with your 80?
so far the game pve only answer is the dungeons. fotm precisely.
“i get the questing with your friends and such”
maybe guild mission will provide good enough challenge! thats really a good idea.
I am the same however I love those small things like when ppl say “X boss is up at [insert waypoint]” then you run over there, engage the fight togheter and after the fight you part ways and since everyone can ressurect and share aggro there is a lot more of focus on team play here then what I sometimes encountered in TOR.
There was a lot of “just gonna do my own stuf in this raid”-mentality in TOR but here noone loses out on helping out. I’ve not run into anyone that has not been polite yet and that is a big positive and reminds me of my experiences in the first Guild War games and City of Heroes/Villains.
I heard that you don’t get that much money on professions in this game? Is that true? It’s more like a self-consumable thing. In TOR you could earn money by moving two-three fingers. Waaay too easy IMO.
Oh yes.. the famous Slicing Crew Skill :P. You don’t seem to get that much money from crafting here however you can get a lot of money from selling crafting materials and ofc you also gain huge chunks of EXP for crafting which is a reward in its own. Granted my highest toon is 56 (alto-holic here) so I haven’t gotten to “endgame” but I’ve heard (correct me if I’m wrong) that there is money to make at end levels not that much that you get filthy rich but that you should be able to buy the stuf you want with dedication.
There is ppl running around with full sets of cultural tier 3 armor in Lions Arch so it is possible :P
Elonian sword-dancer, poet and bard
Greatsword Chronomancer
TotalBiscuit’s final thoughts on the Guild Wars 2 beta
Let’s groove this video for a sec! I think it’s interesting how he points out that people think regular questing back in WoW was straight up grinding. I have to agree at this point. Either go talk to that guy, and then go gather these mushrooms and kill these Murlocs.
- Do you think it’s cool that you “don’t know” how many things you’re going to gather regarding Dynamic Events, and that it’s “just” a progress bar?
— You end up in a much better experience. You’re not aware of when you’re actually done by killing Bandits for instance.
Arena Net mixed up “escort this fellah”, “stop the bandits from ruining the water pipes” etc.! It’s great, really.
- Exploration is much more enjoyable with all these Events mixed into a World. You don’t know what to expect. Do you think it’s kind of annoying that you don’t know when you’d get rewarded due to the random Events?
— IMO it tells a whole new story of the area. It’s changing. It’s like the world gets to experience summer and winter isn’t? It affects on stuff.
You find new stuff. You gather. You’ll mine stuff.
And that’s every kaboozy where!
makes sense.
but aside from pvp and wvw.
strictly talking pve. how many times can you go faceroll orr before getting bored ?
you like to go faceroll a level 15 map with your 80?so far the game pve only answer is the dungeons. fotm precisely.
“i get the questing with your friends and such”
maybe guild mission will provide good enough challenge! thats really a good idea.
I see what you are coming from and as I mentioned earlier I have not gotten to 80 yet with any character so I can’t really give any advice on late levels.
Only thing I remember with GW 1 + expansion was that since the max level was 20 you hit that in a day and you could go through one of the games in a couple of hours with little help on the boss fights but in those games endgame was about trying out different builds and getting the obsidian armor. However I created my own “endgame” by running through the games over and over because that was something I enjoyed for some weird reason back then.
I’m not a PVPer but what I want to do at 80 ATM is to get the human cultural tier 3 armor for my fem warrior and then get a asura elementalist to 80 and get the cultural tier 3 on that toon as well so atm from waht I’ve read about gathering money for the sets it feels like I have work ahead of me for awhile.
But I understand what you are saying and I think what you say are all valid points but I also don’t know if it’s really a bad thing that ppl stop playing until content updates. That is somewhat expected.
What I also kinda like in this game is that you can still go back and do other stuf because you never really become “overpowered” like you do in other MMORPGs where you are shafted to do only endgame stuf over and over till you have BiS and just have to wait until the new tier expansion drops.
Guild Wars 2 kinda has that nice old type of MMORPG style where you are the Baws when you have the hard to get cool looking arom (cultural tier 3) and can run around in that and show everyone how Baws you are.
It was the same with obsidian armor in GW1 it was just the skin but because it was so hard to get and if you had expensive dyes on it you automatically became the Baws of the server :P
Elonian sword-dancer, poet and bard
Greatsword Chronomancer
TotalBiscuit’s final thoughts on the Guild Wars 2 beta
Let’s groove this video for a sec! I think it’s interesting how he points out that people think regular questing back in WoW was straight up grinding. I have to agree at this point. Either go talk to that guy, and then go gather these mushrooms and kill these Murlocs.
- Do you think it’s cool that you “don’t know” how many things you’re going to gather regarding Dynamic Events, and that it’s “just” a progress bar?
— You end up in a much better experience. You’re not aware of when you’re actually done by killing Bandits for instance.Arena Net mixed up “escort this fellah”, “stop the bandits from ruining the water pipes” etc.! It’s great, really.
- Exploration is much more enjoyable with all these Events mixed into a World. You don’t know what to expect. Do you think it’s kind of annoying that you don’t know when you’d get rewarded due to the random Events?
— IMO it tells a whole new story of the area. It’s changing. It’s like the world gets to experience summer and winter isn’t? It affects on stuff.You find new stuff. You gather. You’ll mine stuff.
And that’s every kaboozy where!
I’d say yes and no and I don’t mean to be negative but this is how I see it; Guild Wars 2 is indeed repetitive but the good thing here in comparison to some other titles is that you can mix up the way that you level up so it feels more varied in the end.
Since the focus is around events you will often do the same events over and over, if this is a bad thing or not is subjective I just feel that saying that GW is not repetitive isn’t 100% true and comparing to Rift which is more the Everquest type of game I can sometimes feel that GW 2 feels a little more “grindy” then Rift did but that is my personal opinion and nothing that is true and have to do the way you kill mobs (I loved playing reaver warrior in RIft and gather up 10 mobs and just AOE them down) in different types of games and my general .
GW2 centers a lot around the events and when you get togheter with 10-20 ppl running around taking back keeps etc then it feels epic and especially when the events have 2 or more stages so you really can obliterate the enemy. The problem with this even centeric game design though is that sometimes it can be a lot of waiting around to find other players to do the events, this wasn’t a problem during the starter months but now when everyone is not leveling up there are some zones that there are rarely people doing events in.
Bottom line there is repetiveness but GW2 hides it better then some other games and then end result is quite enjoyable.
Elonian sword-dancer, poet and bard
Greatsword Chronomancer
(edited by GreenZap.1352)
I agree. It’s probably just because it’s my first time playing it. But as far as I’m concerned, the events are different from place to place. Let’s say you start a Sylvary. You level it from 1-80. The events you’re experiencing haven’t been there five times, cause you’ve been progressing through.
Then, when you get to play the endgame, and you’ve built a great character, it’s time to make a new one. Maybe you’re that type who makes the same race. If you’d end in that case, you’ll probably get a feeling of grinding cause you played it on your other character. Although, let’s say you make a new race — a whole new adventurer awaits!
Short summary, yes — it won’t be able to be a 100% dynamic and at some point in your gameplay you feel like grinding. There’s no MMORPG where you can avoid grinding due to the enormous amount of interest you’ve got in making new characters. Though, Guild Wars 2 is extremely good at keeping the grinding level on a very low percentage — at least it feels like at the moment.
In addition, it feels less ‘grinding’ when more people are at the same event. Usually people around the world discovers that there’s an event going on where you’re heading, and they’re obviously interested in the experience. By that, you’ll get to do it together which is great. You don’t even need a group, and you won’t get less experience even if you’re more. Of course, it depends on the Bronze, Silver and Gold badge, but the amount of people just adds great content.
I agree. It’s probably just because it’s my first time playing it. But as far as I’m concerned, the events are different from place to place. Let’s say you start a Sylvary. You level it from 1-80. The events you’re experiencing haven’t been there five times, cause you’ve been progressing through.
Then, when you get to play the endgame, and you’ve built a great character, it’s time to make a new one. Maybe you’re that type who makes the same race. If you’d end in that case, you’ll probably get a feeling of grinding cause you played it on your other character. Although, let’s say you make a new race — a whole new adventurer awaits!
Short summary, yes — it won’t be able to be a 100% dynamic and at some point in your gameplay you feel like grinding. There’s no MMORPG where you can avoid grinding due to the enormous amount of interest you’ve got in making new characters. Though, Guild Wars 2 is extremely good at keeping the grinding level on a very low percentage — at least it feels like at the moment.
In addition, it feels less ‘grinding’ when more people are at the same event. Usually people around the world discovers that there’s an event going on where you’re heading, and they’re obviously interested in the experience. By that, you’ll get to do it together which is great. You don’t even need a group, and you won’t get less experience even if you’re more. Of course, it depends on the Bronze, Silver and Gold badge, but the amount of people just adds great content.
The good thing is that you have different personal quests to choose from and that is enough for me to keep on being interested playing the same race over and over. My warrior is a noble but my thief was a street rat and my guardian wants to be in a circus act etc. etc.
What makes me a little concerned ATM is how the game will fare during the level up phase a couple of more months down the road; if there will indeed be empty zones and non for events or if ArenaNet can solve the issue somehow because sooner or later they will have to adress this.
About grinding; I love grinding but like everyone else I have my personal taste of what grinding I enjoy and what I do not. I’m one of those that doesn’t think getting all the vistas is that fun and I don’t think jumping puzzles are that fun those things just feels too grindy for me personally but I still do it since I want to complete the maps and also the extra EXP you get from map completion is worth it.
I’m more of the type of grinder that love to gather a huge chunk of mobs around me and just facetank them or aoe nuke them and then reap the sweet loot. I’m a huge junkie of big events and love doing them over and over.
Yesterday there was a whole guild on like 20-25 people running across Boodtide Coast, I followed them from the start of the map to the end just cutting our way through every event along the way. That was awesome.
Those things are what makes me love this game. =)
Elonian sword-dancer, poet and bard
Greatsword Chronomancer
Welcome Zedex and T Deines and the other new MMO players who have posted on this thread.
It’s very interesting hearing the viewpoint of people who are wholly new to the game. I’ve been playing MMOs for a while and following GW2 for a couple of years before it was released. It’s nice to see that people who have just learned about the game find it so engaging, that’s the sort of thing that really strengthens the future of the game and the community growing around it.
You’ll run into jerks, GW2 is an online experience afterall and the usual problems of the Internet apply but just ignore them like you normally would and I think you’ll find this to be one of the most engaging games out there.
I’ve tried many different MMOs over the years and I’ve never found one that was like GW2. And I know I could ever go back to any of those old MMOs after playing it
The open world is a pleasure to run through with others, time and again so far. Haven’t seen that in any other mmo yet. I hope it becomes the new standard.
The open world is a pleasure to run through with others, time and again so far. Haven’t seen that in any other mmo yet. I hope it becomes the new standard.
I agree with this 1000x
Elonian sword-dancer, poet and bard
Greatsword Chronomancer
I saw a few videos of those Jumping Puzzles. Looks crazy. I can imagine how awesome it’d be with a Guild doing it.
Feel free to keep the posts going guys, I’ve been busy on the keyboard tonight! Haven’t ever thought the thread would get promoted. It’s crazy. My very first thread and I get this lucky, like winning the lottery!
Welcome to all the new guys in here looking around, and thank you so much you other guys who has contributed. Again, my PM is broke so I can’t answer the bunch of them some of you have sent me! It’ll work in two days, so I’ll make sure I’ll answer them one by one!
If you want to see Arena Nets tweets regarding this thread, head to their Twitter! That is @GuildWars2. Make sure to overload their page with ‘<3’ tonight.
Feel free to keep the posts counting!
This is Fred signing off, g’night people.
GW2 isn’t just greate MMO it’s a great game, great RPG. I was just exploring, searching for vistas, doing quests (without backtracking). I ran through centaurus camp to small town and there were npcs gathering forces to attack centaurus camp. So I joined them with lots of players from same location. We successfuly overtaken tha camp and I was about to continue exploration but attack forces was going to attack another camp. So we drove centaurus from all of their camps to their fortress. We defended from counter attacks we fight their champion centaurus. And finally we attacked their fortress it was hard fight but then centaurus mages started to summon huge earth elemental we fought them and that elemental then we were attacked by huge swarm of centaurus. And finally there was their mighty boss-like shaman that was almost oneshotting everyone. During this long assault we were healing each other, reviving each other because we knew that with loss of one fighter we were getting weaker. We were using catapults and other stuff to defend captured camps, we were capturing points and burning centaurus buildings, stealing their resources and each of us was revarded for completing every objective accordingly. I’m playing warrior but that doesn’t mean that I was forced to attack hard-hitting bosses in melee. When my defence abilities were on CD I was just switching to my rifle and effectively attack enemies from distance. My bullets gained additional properties from AoE effects that was applied by other players. And all this happend in area fr 35-45 level range. I’ve gained three levels there despite the fact that I was already 75 level but still those fights were challenging for me and rewards were plenty. I’ve expirienced nothing like this in any other mmorpg. I wasn’t levelling, I wasn’t grinding, I wasn’t doing busy work. I was playing epic game and having huge amounts of fun despite my level, gear or location.
(edited by phetaduck.9816)
GW2 isn’t just greate MMO it’s a great game, great RPG. I was just exploring, searching for vistas, doing quests (without backtracking). I ran through centaurus camp to small town and there were npcs gathering forces to attack centaurus camp. So I joined them with lots of players from same location. We successfuly overtaken tha camp and I was about to continue exploration but attack forces was going to attack another camp. So we drove centaurus from all of their camps to their fortress. We defended from counter attacks we fight their champion centaurus. And finally we attacked their fortress it was hard fight but then centaurus mages started to summon huge earth elemental we fought them and that elemental then we were attacked by huge swarm of centaurus. And finally there was their mighty boss-like shaman that was almost oneshotting everyone. During this long assault we were healing each other, reviving each other because we knew that with loss of one fighter we were getting weaker. We were using catapults and other stuff to defend captured camps, we were capturing points and burning centaurus buildings, stealing their resources and each of us was revarded for completing every objective accordingly. I’m playing warrior but that doesn’t mean that I was forced to attack hard-hitting bosses in melee. When my defence abilities were on CD I was just switching to my rifle and effectively attack enemies from distance. My bullets gained additional properties from AoE effects that was applied by other players. And all this happend in area fr 35-45 level range. I’ve gained three levels there despite the fact that I was already 75 level but still those fights were challenging for me and rewards were plenty. I’ve expirienced nothing like this in any other mmorpg. I wasn’t levelling, I wasn’t grinding, I wasn’t doing busy work. I was playing epic game and having huge amounts of fun despite my level, gear or location.
Thank you for sharing your story, phetaduck! I agree in every statement you have. Game doesn’t certainly feel chunky. I actually enjoy finding Points of Interest as well as Vistas. When I tell people about those, they’re like “Sounds f’ing boring”. Somehow they don’t turn out to be boring. I think Vistas adds a great potential to see what universe you’re actually wandering around in.
What do you guys think about Vistas? Are they an absolute important part of the game?
Hi all. I came from SW:ToR and have also played Wow, Rift, Warhammer at end game. I simply love this game, its never boring to me. I have yet to hit the level cap in this game but love the design of quests, lack of grind, dynamic events and levelling while crafting is an absolute bonus.
Re; vistas…hmm the epic feeling you get once you have finally found the way to some of those difficult to get to ones is great but I dont think they are important to the game no.
Hi all. I came from SW:ToR and have also played Wow, Rift, Warhammer at end game. I simply love this game, its never boring to me. I have yet to hit the level cap in this game but love the design of quests, lack of grind, dynamic events and levelling while crafting is an absolute bonus.
Re; vistas…hmm the epic feeling you get once you have finally found the way to some of those difficult to get to ones is great but I dont think they are important to the game no.
Hello Pagan!
Welcome to the thread. What made you leave Sw:tor? I’m interested to know the different opinions people have that came from the game I used to play. I really liked it in the beginning honestly, but it just turned into an EA moneymaker in the end.
In additional, what do you guys think about the whole financial management Arena Net is carrying? Are Gem Stones ruining the game? For the most part, I think it’s awesome that it doesn’t restrict anything. I haven’t encountered any limitations yet or what-so-ever. As this game has sold about three million copies, I think it has a huge potential in surviving the MMO-battle — even though you don’t have a monthly fee.
I played GW1, Aion and SWTOR. Got fed up with SWTOR at the time and switched to GW2. After 2 months GW2 started to bore the crap out of me and I am glad to be back in SWTOR. A much better game for me as it has much better story lines, the combat system has much more depth and is much more tactical overall. The world does feel at home to me like it was in GW1. GW2 just doesn’t have that pull. I do not miss GW2 at all as it is now.
To each their own, but OP I was like you when GW2 came out and I came from SWTOR not happy with some of the stuff that happened there. But then a couple of months later and I am back in SWTOR. I hope GW2 gives you what it couldn’t give me.
I played GW1, Aion and SWTOR. Got fed up with SWTOR at the time and switched to GW2. After 2 months GW2 started to bore the crap out of me and I am glad to be back in SWTOR. A much better game for me as it has much better story lines, the combat system has much more depth and is much more tactical overall. The world does feel at home to me like it was in GW1. GW2 just doesn’t have that pull. I do not miss GW2 at all as it is now.
To each their own, but OP I was like you when GW2 came out and I came from SWTOR not happy with some of the stuff that happened there. But then a couple of months later and I am back in SWTOR. I hope GW2 gives you what it couldn’t give me.
Hello Gehenna and welcome to the thread!
Thank you for sharing your story. I really liked Star Wars: The Old Republic as well — but it just seems like a huge moneymaker right now, and they don’t seem to be releasing quality content, at least that’s what I witnessed IMO.
Stephen Reid got fired because of some nonsense. The Bioware studio didn’t do quite well at that time. The server merge was a huge improvement, but the game doesn’t feel very enjoyable. The duration of getting PvE gear in the beginning is a boring on-going thing. You have to do the same dailies all over again. It just feels like work for me.
It’s a shame, because I like every bit of terrain and storyline, but I dislike the way of managing content and financial in-comings. I know that games are very good in the beginning, and then they tend to be fading, but I feel like GW2 is an everlasting game for my brain atm.
Well I do hope you like it Zedex. I don’t wish the disappointment I had on anyone else. The funny thing is that one of the reasons I stopped playing GW2 is because I felt it was a money making machine. SWTOR has a cash shop too but in SWTOR there is a lot less gear grind. To get maximum gear there you don’t need to grind your behind off for one weapon. You still have to do something for it but endgame is a lot less grindy. That means I do not feel a need to spend real money in the cash shop to be able to keep up with expensive materials.
Where in GW2 you may need 250 of a rare material (ecto’s or lodestones), in SWTOR you need 8 (stabilisers). Also you only need 1 rare material, in GW2 you need multiple ones. The gear treadmill that does exist in SWTOR works for me because it’s not too much work to get it together before a next tier comes out.
Now again, I hope you like GW2 but I will be interested to find out what you think of the game once you get to level 80. Will you feel the leveling was rewarding or boring at higher levels? Will you feel there is enough to do at level 80? Will you like the grind for endgame gear (legendary and ascended/infusions)?
Will you like the combat system? It’s more dynamic as you don’t have to stop to cast and can dodge, but it lacks tactics and depth. No roles also means simplistic mechanics in boss fights.
So will the downsides be ok for you? I don’t know but I would be interest to find out how you experience it.
Oh and I do really wonder if you can stand the voice acting here. It still makes me cringe.
Also a lot of people that were Anet before are gone now. I played a lot of GW1 (over 6000 hours) and GW2 is like it was made by a different company.
So that’s a bit my experience but I know this is personal. It’s not the truth for all, it’s the truth for me. Let’s see what your truth will be once you’ve played the game more fully, because you might have a very different outcome than I did.
So, as I see all fanboys has written their opinon about GW2. Now a couple true words about game. By the way I know how to compare, I have played in EvE more then 2 years, Warhammer Online – 3 Years, Fallen Earth – 1 year, AoC – 1 Year, and some small projects like Vindictus, WoT, Warthunder etc. Yes First expression is – WTH IT’S THE BEST GAME EVER… I’m playing in GW2 from beta.
So after I have reach max lvl on 2 chars, have completed my personal story, have opened full map, have received 5 dungeons sets (some twice on both chars), have made all story/expl mods in all dungeons and finally have made all jump puzles – all this has taken from me – 4 months of playing.
Now I have NOTHING TO DO in this game. Farming of dragons, not ingteresting yet, moreover nothing good is dropped from them. You will tell me about Legendary weapon? First drop chance is too small, and I’m borring to grind it, Second, for what? For receiving +4 strength? Legendary weapon – its one of too many fails of Anet.
For now my interes to the game near 20%. After patch, when dungeons was totaly ruined for PUG and casuals, I have nothing to do there at all.
WvW – is borring 2 maps- it’s lol! In WAR I have had too many RvR maps + Capitals + Forts.
Crafting is too easy, and you needn’t your craft, cause all sets you can receive from dungeons.
So now I receive only game with superior grafic, but without inner world and full of grinding. That’s why Anet has lost and continue loosing peoples. This game becomes not people oritiered.
So now I’m playing in SWTOR, and find it’s amazing, for 2 weeks I’m lvl50 sith, still I have too many to do there.
(edited by Kirk Seeker.6497)
About the voice acting: Yes, the voice acting is terrific in Star Wars: The Old Republic. It’s matching its very own style of characters. In Guild Wars 2, which is like a fantasy world, I find the voice acting to be terrific due to the style of the surroundings.
I feel there’s a major difference between voice acting depending on the style of the game. In Swtor, you have the imperial intelligence and the one talking about it sounds quite noble and explanatory. In Guild Wars 2, they sound like they’ve had a bottle of brandy — and that’s wonderful cause it makes me feel that the in-game is more real somehow.
How do you like the voice acting? Too much? Overrated?