My great adventure!
That was a sweet story, thanks for sharing!
I really love reading about other people’s experience when it has this kind of feel, I already felt it sometimes too, it’s just so great to simply have fun with people you just met and suddenly for some reason bounded together.
I did a little bit of this recently on Skipping Stones jumping puzzle, it was really great.
I don’t care if you read this, i just want to share it. It started by someone asking for help for a skillpoint in kennex hills. Me and someone else offered to help, afterword we kind just stuck together, we did more events/skillpoints, then we hooked up with someone else. then we did a personal story mission, which was hard and a very good bonding experience. then we decided to go to wvw, but the guy we hooked up with dropped, so it was just us 3 amigos. i was scared, not much into wvw, i was always alone in it. i was never really in a group before. we took some supply camps, had to be sneaky with just 3 people. then some real people came and surprized us, so we resed and took another supply camp. while we were taking it, another group or about 3 came and helped. one of theirs dropped and we combined groups, they seemed nice. kind of like a zombie apocolypse “can we trust them” moment. lol well, we took many camps, many sentries, nodes, gained frogmen trust, and skillpoints. it was so fun and i leveled a lot. then we had to go to bed. I met a lot of nice people today, starting out small and local, going into a big war. we even killed a few players. this was my funnest experience with gw2 and i hope to have more. GOOD JOB ARENANET!!!!
That was the scary bit I read.
“After several hours I’m still swinging this sword with1 lodestone drop”
lol thanks. at one point we were surrounded. the 3 of us before the other group came. 2 or 3 on a mountain looking at us on a road, and this warrior just out of range on our road with a gun. we were at a stand still till one of my team mates led the way out of danger and we got away, unfollowed. it was scary .lol