Note: I’d like people’s opinion on the matter, that’s why I put it in this forum rather than in Suggestions forum. If you’re too lazy to read the entire thing I have a overview over my three main points in the post, from there you can see if it interests you at all.
First of all, I’m a completionist. I like to do everything in games I enjoy playing, and something that tracks your feats is always a nice addition. With a system around like that, I tend to want to get as many achievements as I can possibly get. In a lot of games achievements has made me play for hours more than I probably ever would without them being there. I may be a part of an almost extinct race as I know a lot of people who are playing Guild Wars are casual players. And you guys probably don’t care about this one bit. But then I don’t see how certain changes can affect you negatively. Feel free to tell me if my assumptions are wrong.
I’m gonna split this into 3 parts over 2 posts:
1. Achievement points with no ceiling,
2. How certain achievements are way too easy to max out
3. How certain achievements have unbalanced tiers.
These are my main issues with the current system.
I usually like completing games, having all the achievements and collectibles I can get is something I usually want to do. Especially when you have that tracker that you’re trying to fill out. However in Guild Wars 2 it doesn’t feel like it’s worth anything at all, mainly because that tracker they use here is the achievement point system, and you can never reach the max value. All the regular achievements award you points and they work out just fine. This is the way I enjoy it the most, you do things once and are awareded for doing so. But with the point system that’s in place, it’s value inflates. As there’s no ceiling for how many points you can get, you can’t ever actually fill out the tracker unless you’ve gotten every daily and monthly achievement there is. If you’re late to the party that’s already ruled out. And knowing how it glitched out alot in the first month or so, I’d assume alot of people missed something. That’s not all though, there’s at least two repeatable achievements that can give you an infinite amount of points. So not even with every daily and monthly achievement can you max out the amount of points. One of the repeatable achievements awards you 2 points per 200 items you salvage. You can pretty much just buy salvageable items from the trading post and salvage it without much of a loss and stack up on these achievement points to the point where they have lost the tiny fraction of meaning they have.
I find the repeatable ones the worst kind, they give no rewards other than achievement points and for me and I guess some other completionists aswell this ruins the system entirely, I can’t see how this possibly adds depth to the system. Dailies and monthlies is another thing I’m not very fond of awarding achievement points. Although at least I can somewhat accept the fact that they do. Ideally though I wouldn’t have them award it either. But I’m sure there are alot of people who believe otherwise (I’m interested to see how many are actually for and against this).
I’m a competitive person, and that’s who I am. So initially when I play games that my friends also play I tend to try to beat their scores on the leaderboards or unlock some of those hard achievements before they do. Here the only thing I can actually compare is how many points they have. If I want to know if they have a certian achievement I’ll have to ask them about it, the points are available in your friend and guild menus even when they’re offline. I feel the points in general is something that could’ve added another dimension to the game though. At least for people like me. But with the current system, it just doesn’t work, but I really, really wish it did.
To be continued…