My legendaries/dyes/T3 are a waste?
Yea, your extra incinerator and extra expensive dyes will go to waste. I feel your pain, but I doubt anything will be done regarding that aspect. On the other hand, I still find this wardrobe to be one of the best things to happen (and much needed) to this game and it brings so many other positive sides.
Other than that, you will be able to distribute your legendary skins freely among any char you want now and won’t just have to play that kind of character to show of your legendary. I doubt it will become so “common” as you will go around seeing players with legendary skins left and right. Keep in mind that getting a legendary still takes huge effort and is something tons of people will probably never get.
I have 1 incinerator and one nearly made (already got Gift of Incinerator so too late to backtrack) so i know how it feels with the legendaries.
Extra dyes get converted to an Unidentified dye, which now goes for about 40 – 50 silver ATM, so not a complete waste when it comes to dyes. I do feel sorry for multiple Abyss/Celestial purchasers though, but there has to be some short-term pain somewhere for a long-term benefit, and I agree with it in the long term.
This been discuss overs a dozen tread in the last days. Ya that suck for people that crafted or buy several of the same item. But you can either see it as you crafted or buy several item for nothing or Anet give you copy of all you have for all your character. I can understand the feeling, but in the end you had 2 white and now you gonna have 1 on each of your character. You feel cheated but you actually gonna have more stuff after the path.
For the legendary, if you made two, you have two legendary. AFter the path you can only put the skin of the legendary on another weapons.
Yes and no.
Yes, your duplicate expensive dyes will become unidentified dyes, so more than likely money lost. But you’re forgetting that the money you spent for them allowed you to rock those great colors on multiple characters until April. I didn’t buy multiples so I’ve spent the last year regretting buying expensive dye for a character I don’t play anymore. Pros & cons.
As for your Legendaries: you are gaining just as much as you’re losing. You’ve got 6 Legendaries now, but after April 15 you can have dozens. That’s cool right? And in fact it’s only the skins, not the stats. So your legit Legendaries have ascended stats that you can change at any time. That’s a pretty sweet convenience. So your efforts remain. What you gain is rolling a brand new level 2 necro and giving him/her Incinerator skinned daggers. Awesome!
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)
There really isn’t any way to constructively reply to a thread that was made with no intention for discussion in mind.
It’s really pretty simple to see why the devs made these changes. Lots of players asked for these things, and the more players you keep happy playing your game, the more money you make from those players. That is to say, it benefits the game as a whole when there are more happy players.
You just completely admitted that the reason you’re upset is that you felt like an entitled, special snowflake.
The way I see it, you have two options:
1) Get over it.
2) Quit.
% of players happy with this change > % of players complaining about this change
They made a business decision. The next choice is yours.
Thank you for your replies.
My main reason for posting this was to see if what I thought was correct, and to find players that share my opinion, and how they feel about it.
Yes, this whole thing has pros and cons. It will be awesome that I can use my si- oh wait, five legendary skins (one is useless after all) on all my characters, and it’ll also be awesome to use all the dyes.
And yes Grace, you are absolutely right. In reply your post doesn’t give much to reply to either, since I am aware
My main reason for the dislike (though don’t get me wrong, I do like many things about this patch) is that I do genuinely think legendaries will become quite common (as you said, make a level 2 necro with some incins or w/e, we can have dozens!), a lot less unique, and will therefore make me feel less exclusive. Something I like in mmos. Sure, you may see this as ‘oh god, get over it.’ – it is simply a personal reason that I’m sure some do share.
(edited by TwilightStorm.7159)
You wasted your money in the sense that you will soon have the ability to have it appear you have two incinerators. You didn’t waste your money in the sense that you will have two actual legendaries that are perma-BiS and can swap stats on the fly.
So, I guess the answer to your question is, maybe?
For your dyes, yes, if you went out of your way to buy all of those Abyss and celestials you wasted your money. But, personally, I would have said you wasted your money doing that even if they didn’t make this change. I mean, come up with a different color scheme already lol, does each character have to do the black and white thing?
On one character sure I could see that, but to go out of your way to get white and black for multiple characters, especially paying those ridiculous TP prices. Meh, sounds like a waste of money in the first place, but to each their own.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
If you have two incinerators, then you have two daggers with permanent max-level changeable stats. You’ll never need any other daggers on whichever character you have those on.
Tarnished Coast
For your dyes, yes, if you went out of your way to buy all of those Abyss and celestials you wasted your money. But, personally, I would have said you wasted your money doing that even if they didn’t make this change. I mean, come up with a different color scheme already lol, does each character have to do the black and white thing?
On one character sure I could see that, but to go out of your way to get white and black for multiple characters, especially paying those ridiculous TP prices. Meh, sounds like a waste of money in the first place, but to each their own.
Heh, well. I hád used them on several characters. Not anymore, but doesn’t change the fact I bought them.
If you have two incinerators, then you have two daggers with permanent max-level changeable stats. You’ll never need any other daggers on whichever character you have those on.
Yes. I am aware.
Topics like this sounds like this “I worked very hard to own a ferrari, and now they announced that they found a way to build them at low cost, I spend hundreds of thousands and now anyone can have it, it is terrible, TERRIBLE I say …”
(and the other 8 elite specs maxed too)
TwilightStorm, there is one other thing you should be taking into account. While yes, it’s true, after this patch you will have the ability to put your legendary skins on any like weapons… however, those won’t be legendary. The skin is the only thing that applies. You won’t get the ability to change stats on those weapons. You won’t get the particle effects, the footsteps, the weapon skill effects, and so on. Just the skin. Only you’re originally crafted weapons will be truly “legendary” and rightfully so.
Yak’s Bend Server
Crimethink [ct]
Topics like this sounds like this “I worked very hard to own a ferrari, and now they announced that they found a way to build them at low cost, I spend hundreds of thousands and now anyone can have it, it is terrible, TERRIBLE I say …”
Yes, they do, and correct. Since I like to be as exclusive as possible. It is merely personal.
TwilightStorm, there is one other thing you should be taking into account. While yes, it’s true, after this patch you will have the ability to put your legendary skins on any like weapons… however, those won’t be legendary. The skin is the only thing that applies. You won’t get the ability to change stats on those weapons. You won’t get the particle effects, the footsteps, the weapon skill effects, and so on. Just the skin. Only you’re originally crafted weapons will be truly “legendary” and rightfully so.
If this is true, I am pleased. Thank you.
TwilightStorm, there is one other thing you should be taking into account. While yes, it’s true, after this patch you will have the ability to put your legendary skins on any like weapons… however, those won’t be legendary. The skin is the only thing that applies. You won’t get the ability to change stats on those weapons. You won’t get the particle effects, the footsteps, the weapon skill effects, and so on. Just the skin. Only you’re originally crafted weapons will be truly “legendary” and rightfully so.
Totally right. It is only the ‘SKIN’ that is unlocked, not the stats. If you put a Legendary Skin on a lvl 10 weapon, it will still be a lvl 10 weapon.
Yeah, I like that ‘lack of particle effects’ and footsteps in that part. Being all into exclusiveness and all. ^o^
The skin is the only thing that applies. You won’t get the ability to change stats on those weapons. You won’t get the particle effects, the footsteps, the weapon skill effects, and so on. Just the skin. Only you’re originally crafted weapons will be truly “legendary” and rightfully so.
Are you sure? the effects are part of the skin…
I do find that very hard to believe though. Since all those effects are ‘skin’ effects indeed. :/
The skin is the only thing that applies. You won’t get the ability to change stats on those weapons. You won’t get the particle effects, the footsteps, the weapon skill effects, and so on. Just the skin. Only you’re originally crafted weapons will be truly “legendary” and rightfully so.
Are you sure? the effects are part of the skin…
No, the effects are party of the weapon being Legendary. Before they made Legendary weapons on par with Ascended stats and the ability to change them, people used to make a legendary and transmute the skin to a stat set they preferred. In doing so, however, they lost all the visual effects associated with the weapon being “legendary” since it was no longer the original weapon.
Yak’s Bend Server
Crimethink [ct]
There really isn’t any way to constructively reply to a thread that was made with no intention for discussion in mind.
It’s really pretty simple to see why the devs made these changes. Lots of players asked for these things, and the more players you keep happy playing your game, the more money you make from those players. That is to say, it benefits the game as a whole when there are more happy players.
You just completely admitted that the reason you’re upset is that you felt like an entitled, special snowflake.
The way I see it, you have two options:
1) Get over it.
2) Quit.% of players happy with this change > % of players complaining about this change
They made a business decision. The next choice is yours.
You’re post is what irks me. I keep seeing “great good” “more players will be happy overall”, then please go ahead and make all the black lion skin weapons 1 ticket. More players will be happy. But remember why Anet didn’t do that? To preserve the rarity and do not offend players that had gotten em in the beginning. Preserving the value.
This is no different. I feel for you OP. The caustic sense of entitlement is not with OP, it’s with the ppl drooling about tottin legendaries everywhere on all characters.
1) I won’t comment whether it is a waste or not since I’m not in the same situation.
I only suggested, at the very least, unbinding the duplicates in order for the owner to have a choice of selling or using duplicates to make it somewhat fair for all.
2) As someone with 8 legendaries, multiple copies of 40-100g+ dyes on alts and working on 9th & 10th legendary(primarily because of the change anet announced), I am absolutely happy about this change.
Moving around legendaries is already supported in-game, this is not a new thing. The catch is you gotta cough up gold or $$$ to buy transmutation stones and splitters. All anet is doing is removing that cost to facilitate people who want to move the convenience of a legendary weapon or aesthetics of a legendary on their alts.
Did I waste hundreds of gold with duplicate dyes? Maybe. But who cares, I’ll get them for FREE on my subsequent alts and that outweighs what I already spent.
No, the effects are party of the weapon being Legendary. Before they made Legendary weapons on par with Ascended stats and the ability to change them, people used to make a legendary and transmute the skin to a stat set they preferred. In doing so, however, they lost all the visual effects associated with the weapon being “legendary” since it was no longer the original weapon.
Is that really so? Since I remember when I made my first incinerator (a year back) I had it transmuted to a Berserker’s pearl Carver And I’m pertty certain I still had my legendary footsteps ánd effects. Time will tell.
I can see where you are coming from and understand your frustration.
Though, the first thing I though after reading the blog post was how great is was going to be to duel wield Incinerators on my ele after only crafting one.
Anyways, you still have the other benefits of the legendary such as selectable stats and the up coming account bound ascended/legendaries.
The skin is the only thing that applies. You won’t get the ability to change stats on those weapons. You won’t get the particle effects, the footsteps, the weapon skill effects, and so on. Just the skin. Only you’re originally crafted weapons will be truly “legendary” and rightfully so.
Are you sure? the effects are part of the skin…
No, the effects are party of the weapon being Legendary. Before they made Legendary weapons on par with Ascended stats and the ability to change them, people used to make a legendary and transmute the skin to a stat set they preferred. In doing so, however, they lost all the visual effects associated with the weapon being “legendary” since it was no longer the original weapon.
back when it was just a soldier exotic, I xmuted to zerker exo and you kept all the effects/footprints. I’ve passed on my bolts multiple times to rerolled characters from lvl1 to 80, had all the effects.
This topic may have been already been brought up by someone – if so, my apologies.
If what I hear and read is true, then this patch -despite having a lot of good sides to it- might screw me over big time in multiple ways.
So, for the record, when I (for example) make an incinerator, I can access this skin on every character, and equip as many of the skins as I want. (I can have 100 incins in my inventory, correct?)
For me one of the reasons I play this game (and probably for many others) was to feel exclusive. Which I felt, having six legendaries across my characters. I also carry double incinerator. Would this mean I made my 2nd one for absolutely no purpose at all? And the 5x Abyss, 4x celestial, 5x midnight fire, and 2x white I have on all my chars? The T3 I have on multiple characters? Have I bought all of this for nothing?
Excuse me if my post may be seen as whining, and you are probably like ‘first world problems chill out play the game’ – But as I stated, it is merely a personal reason for me to play.
1. This patch will make 3000g I spent go to waste.
2. This patch will make legendaries a lot more common (people can just walk around with different copies when having only 1 or 2, if I’m correct), and ruin that exclusive touch that I and some others had.Correct me if I’m wrong here though. But please, if you intend to reply just to tell me my reasons for saying this are stupid, don’t bother to reply. ^-^
I feel your pain.
That having been said. No. You did not waste your money. I will try to explain. At the time when you bought all these duplicate items, the game was set up so if you wanted the same armor set, or dye … on multiple characters the only way to go about it was to buy multiple copies.
Yes it was expensive, but since it was the only way at the time, the question you needed to ask yourself was… is this a prudent purchase for me at this time?
Clearly at the time you felt it was. And hopefully at the time you did enjoy your purchase. You liked having that armor set on multiple characters.
The fact that now the armor will be unlocked for ALL alts does not in any way shape or form take away your previous hopefully enjoyable experience. Nothing changed to your past experience. If it was enjoyable before the announced changes it was worth the purchase whether or not there are coming changes.
Many seem to feel that If Anet changing the skins to account bound, somehow took something from them. The fact is, they gave something to everyone else.
People will say “If I had not purchased that second set, on the 15th I would have had the skins for all my alts for the price of one skin.”
They are absolutely right, but… when they purchased the second skin what they recieved that no one else did, was use of the skin for an alt… before april 15th.
As I said before, It was either a good purchase or a bad purchase when it was made. if it was good or not, nothing changed simply because Anet now made them account bound.
Does it suck to spend the money on multiple items? yes. But you did get what ypou paid for at the time. So personally I feel that if you DO get some kind of compensation… thank Anet, because the facts are Anet doesn’t owe you compensation. Anet has chosen to compensate some players that meed certain conditions, in specific ways because they feel like doing so.
Anet doesn’t owe anyone anything. Players are not entitled to a refund or Compensation. If Anet does decide to compensate you, count yourself lucky, say thank you, and play on.
If On the other hand some feel cheated… it is simply their perceptions to blame, their feeling of entitlement. Some feel that Anet owes them something. Well…Just because some feel something doesn’t mean it’s true.
(edited by Nerelith.7360)
True Kajin. And Myst, I can imagine your excitement to do such a thing. ^-^ It’s great that you can do that now, too. The fact that displeases me is that pretty much ‘everyone’ can now. Oh well, Belzebu couldn’t have said it better. Kitten me, right.
Remember it is the SKIN ONLY. It will not have the stats of the original Legendary. This is a non-issue really.
So, someone puts a Legendary skin on a lvl 10 weapon, it is still a lvl 10 weapon.
And I disagree. with the new wardrobe system, players owning a legendary should only be allowed to apply 1 copy of that legendary per character. Imagine a sort of ‘unique equipped’ restriction. All your characters will be able to wield one Incinerator for example but not two. Unless you own 2 Incinerators. This way you preserve the value. And people with dual legendaries are not offensed.
You’re post is what irks me. I keep seeing “great good” “more players will be happy overall”, then please go ahead and make all the black lion skin weapons 1 ticket. More players will be happy. But remember why Anet didn’t do that? To preserve the rarity and do not offend players that had gotten em in the beginning. Preserving the value.
This is no different. I feel for you OP. The caustic sense of entitlement is not with OP, it’s with the ppl drooling about tottin legendaries everywhere on all characters.
No, don’t get me wrong. I understand the OP’s frustration, and I do feel for him. However, at the same time, there are multiple things he’s forgetting while he’s zero’d in on complaining about certain things.
First, his legendary is still legendary. The stats he has on it are better than whatever weapon he’d be using that just has the “skin”. And he can still change them whenever he wants, which he can’t do with an exotic.
Second, he’s focusing on what other players will be getting that he doesn’t want them to get. All the while, forgetting that he also gains these things as well. He’ll be able to use his legendaries on any character he wants on his account at any time, or just the skins if that’s what he wants to do. He’ll be able to access those expensive dyes on any character on the account, present or future, including those he might not have bought those dyes for before.
If there’s any part of this that I don’t agree with Anet doing, it’s the fact that instead of giving the actual dye color back to players who have multiples of expensive dyes, they’re just giving them an unID common dye.
You, also, seem to be forgetting the fact that these things were asked for by the majority of players for a long time, and it’s a business decision for them to be making these changes now. They obviously think it will make more players happy than it will upset, and they’re trying to make more money.
Topics like this sounds like this “I worked very hard to own a ferrari, and now they announced that they found a way to build them at low cost, I spend hundreds of thousands and now anyone can have it, it is terrible, TERRIBLE I say …”
Which isn’t an accurate statement. It will still take just as much work for every single person who wants a Legendary to get one, but once they do they can put it on whatever character they like.
This is like saying, “I worked very hard to own a Ferrari, and now they announced that they can put a Ferrari chassis on any car I own because I have one already. It won’t run like a Ferrari and it won’t handle like a Ferrari, but it’ll look great.”
No one is ever really exclusive in an MMO. There are no one of a kind rewards here. Everyone gets the same stuff. Lots of people now have legendaries. You see them everywhere. This whole I want to be a special snowflake thing is, and has always been, an illusion.
We had one guy in my guild dye his outlandish clothing in the worst color combination possible so he could stand out, and we found a guy that looked just like him.
And the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few…or the one.
You additional legendaries are not a “waste” because they can change stats and other weapons can’t. This may not be valuable to you, but they remain better than ascended gear because of that.
Regarding dyes. Suppose you have celestial dye on multiple characters and they gave you back a celestial dye, what would you do? Sell it, right. You, me, and everyone else who buys dyes for multiple characters.
This would cause the price of the dye to go down, allowing more people to have it on their account, which would make the dye more common. So I think the unidentified dye solution is pretty good. Especially if you are trying to maintain the exclusivity of the dye (note: I don’t care about exclusivity, but I understand a lot of people do.)
(edited by TooBz.3065)
You additional legendaries are not a “waste” because they can change stats and other weapons can’t. This may not be valuable to you, but they remain better than ascended gear because of that.
Regarding dyes. Suppose you have celestial dye on multiple characters and they gave you back a celestial dye, what would you do? Sell it, right. You, me, and everyone else who buys dyes for multiple characters.
This would cause the price of the dye to go down, allowing more people to have it on their account, which would make the dye more common. So I think the unidentified dye solution is pretty good. Especially if you are trying to maintain the exclusivity of the dye (note: I don’t care about exclusivity, but I understand a lot of people do.)
And now that they are account bound you literally never need another pair of daggers ever for any reason outside of convenience.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
My main reason for the dislike (though don’t get me wrong, I do like many things about this patch) is that I do genuinely think legendaries will become quite common (as you said, make a level 2 necro with some incins or w/e, we can have dozens!), a lot less unique, and will therefore make me feel less exclusive. Something I like in mmos. Sure, you may see this as ‘oh god, get over it.’ – it is simply a personal reason that I’m sure some do share.
They already are common though. I see more people with twilight or eternity than any other weapon skin. You dont get a unique look by going for legendaries precisely because of their status as legendaries.
The skin is the only thing that applies. You won’t get the ability to change stats on those weapons. You won’t get the particle effects, the footsteps, the weapon skill effects, and so on. Just the skin. Only you’re originally crafted weapons will be truly “legendary” and rightfully so.
Are you sure? the effects are part of the skin…
No, the effects are party of the weapon being Legendary. Before they made Legendary weapons on par with Ascended stats and the ability to change them, people used to make a legendary and transmute the skin to a stat set they preferred. In doing so, however, they lost all the visual effects associated with the weapon being “legendary” since it was no longer the original weapon.
I might be wrong here, but I think that was actually a bug they wound up fixing.
The skin is the only thing that applies. You won’t get the ability to change stats on those weapons. You won’t get the particle effects, the footsteps, the weapon skill effects, and so on. Just the skin. Only you’re originally crafted weapons will be truly “legendary” and rightfully so.
Are you sure? the effects are part of the skin…
No, the effects are party of the weapon being Legendary. Before they made Legendary weapons on par with Ascended stats and the ability to change them, people used to make a legendary and transmute the skin to a stat set they preferred. In doing so, however, they lost all the visual effects associated with the weapon being “legendary” since it was no longer the original weapon.
I might be wrong here, but I think that was actually a bug they wound up fixing.
I have a Dreamer transmuted onto a level 0 shortbow on my level 20 thief. She still gets the footsteps, she still shoots unicorns.
So Sera is likely correct.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
Remember it is the SKIN ONLY. It will not have the stats of the original Legendary. This is a non-issue really.
So, someone puts a Legendary skin on a lvl 10 weapon, it is still a lvl 10 weapon.
It IS an issue. Legendary is 100% about the skin. Its sole value is the skin, the effects. Not the stats.
They were just exotics. Soldier affix. People like me had to risk transmuting them without any warranty for months on end as Anet remained silent about it.
Today I’m sorry to say but crafting one ascended weapon is no-big-deal. It’s only 1 week worth of effort to make one. Slap a legend skin to it and bam best in game. So it’s doesn’t make any sense to me when I see “o but don’t complain you get to keep your 2nd legendary for its stats”. Everyone can make an ascended weapon and pretend to have a 2nd real one.
So what remains? The swap stats? I can’t take this as major arguement. It’s valid one of course but it doesn’t weight.
I see no reason why players should be allowed to have the opportunity to apply a second skin en equip both. Mind you, you can still have 5 Incin skinned in your bag (i.e: zerker/celestial/soldier/dire/whatever), but you can’t equip 2 at same time, unless you owned 2 real in your wardrobe.
For the past 3 days I’ve been thinking about how to correctly adress this, to find the middle ground, so it’s easiest for Anet to implement without damaging the value of the items. It’s a hard decision. And I feel like we just didn’t discuss it enough; a CDI would’ve been nice, or a bigger headsup.
My current options envisionned are:
Option A
Legendary skins from wardrobe have a unique equipped restriction. Owners of 2 or more of the same legendary have to contact customer support to have the name of the extras changed in way to workaround fix the unique equipped. i.e. Asc ring Ring of Death[infused] and normal one, can wear both This is costly, they need to implement a workflow/process in support for such requests. Around time of infinite tools going acc bound, they did allow us to contact support for refunding the extras. So it could be possible.
Option B
Wardrobe allows any number of legendary skins uses/equips (just like announced currently), yet allow players who own multiple copies of a same legendary to contact customer support for a swap request. Destroy deleting a 2nd legendary and receiving another legendary. The new one being accound bound on acquire. No reselling on TP.
Eternity choice not permitted of course. Needless to say, this option would have to have a safeguard to prevent exploiters from pre-buying multiple cheapest legendaries in order to swap to more expensive to get ones.
Option C
Keep things as announced. Add sigil template swap to legendary stated weapons. Sort of a miniwardrobe tied to the legendaries owned itself. i.e. I have one Bolt, I bind Bloodlust, Fire, Air sigils to it. When out of combat I can swap sigil.
This way I would only need that one Bolt in my inventory bag or equipped on me, and can adapt to any dungeon/www/open world environment. This is costly as it requires design team etc… but’s it would be a welcomed feature. And preserving the value of the legendaries in my view.
To be honest. Even if i don’t fall into the ‘’oh i bought several high price item and now everybody can only buy 1’’ mentality. The one think that i found a bit sad is the legendary becoming more common. Its already pretty common. It take time right now to make a legendary, but not that much. If you play on a regular basic it take about 3 month to craft one. And since the game is out for almost 1.5 year, then even normal gamer could have between 1 and 6 legendary, with some having like 12.
Its already not that hard to make a legendary, add the fact that you can bypass the World Completion (which can be a huge deterrent for some people) or gain a legendary only with real cash, by buying the legendary strait from the TP. Also add the fact that Badge of Honor drop like crazy right now from WvW and from Achievement chest (it was a huge part of making a legendary back in the days). And finally now add the fact that you can skin a legendary over 3-4 of you character.
Legendary are more and more common as the game progress. Not only because people play for a longer period of time, but also because Legendary are WAY more easy to get than before. It’s not game breaker. I like my legendary and their value to me stay the same. But back in the day, it was nice when people ask me about my legendary and i was always nice to see another guys with a legendary in you dungeon.
don’t feel too bad they are just skins
at least both of your Legendary Daggers will have swappable stats on the flay and will still be classed as Legendary
a lot of people will be running around with twilight but with lvl 30 stats..
yes I agree this does devalue Legendary skins but really they were not that impressive to me anyway
I see tons of Legends every day just by running around the maps
I just cannot understand one thing.
“This patch will make legendaries a lot more common”
And so what ? It still will be one one account. You can have nine thousands of twilight but you can use only one on one character at the same time. This change not gonna make that more people will have legendary skin. It still gonna be account bound. Players who dont have legendary still have to craft / buy them. So whats the problem ? Of course you can copy this skin for other characters but still, you can play only on one character at the time so the amount of players with legend skins will be the same.
Today I’m sorry to say but crafting one ascended weapon is no-big-deal. It’s only 1 week worth of effort to make one. Slap a legend skin to it and bam best in game.
But you had to have gotten that Legendary in the first place. IT takes a week to make an Ascended, ok, but everyone who makes an ascended can’t just tack a Legendary on it unless they already put in the effort to get one before hand. It’s not actually changing anything. The people who have Legendaries are the people who went out and got them, otherwise they don’t get to have one or display one.
I just cannot understand one thing.
“This patch will make legendaries a lot more common”
And so what ? It still will be one one account. You can have nine thousands of twilight but you can use only one on one character at the same time. This change not gonna make that more people will have legendary skin. It still gonna be account bound. Players who dont have legendary still have to craft / buy them. So whats the problem ? Of course you can copy this skin for other characters but still, you can play only on one character at the time so the amount of players with legend skins will be the same.
Except lots of dual incinerators, bolts, quips and moots.
Today I’m sorry to say but crafting one ascended weapon is no-big-deal. It’s only 1 week worth of effort to make one. Slap a legend skin to it and bam best in game.
But you had to have gotten that Legendary in the first place. IT takes a week to make an Ascended, ok, but everyone who makes an ascended can’t just tack a Legendary on it unless they already put in the effort to get one before hand. It’s not actually changing anything. The people who have Legendaries are the people who went out and got them, otherwise they don’t get to have one or display one.
I was talking in the case of owners of 2 same legendaries and owners of 1 legendary with wardrobe skin feature.
i.e.: 2 real Bolts mesmer/war vs 1 real Bolt + 1 Asc Bolt skinned
My main reason for the dislike (though don’t get me wrong, I do like many things about this patch) is that I do genuinely think legendaries will become quite common (as you said, make a level 2 necro with some incins or w/e, we can have dozens!), a lot less unique, and will therefore make me feel less exclusive.
Actually, no. That won’t happen. Number of players with legendaries will not increase at all as a result of this patch. You might be more likely to see players with 2 incinerators, or 2 zaps, but then i don’t remember last time i saw anyone with even one of those (it’s mostly twilights, sunrises and rainbow unicorns that you see everywhere).
Basically, as far as legendaries and wardrobe are considered, the only thing that really needs looking into is the possible Eternity exploit.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
The world will be full of footprints and things like jormags breath, vision of the mists, BLC skins will crowd up the tp. No point buying on multi chars now – just 1 purchase…ever. Bit worried about that “3 crystals = 1 charge” part though, thats a lot of crystals.
Today I’m sorry to say but crafting one ascended weapon is no-big-deal. It’s only 1 week worth of effort to make one. Slap a legend skin to it and bam best in game.
But you had to have gotten that Legendary in the first place. IT takes a week to make an Ascended, ok, but everyone who makes an ascended can’t just tack a Legendary on it unless they already put in the effort to get one before hand. It’s not actually changing anything. The people who have Legendaries are the people who went out and got them, otherwise they don’t get to have one or display one.
I was talking in the case of owners of 2 same legendaries and owners of 1 legendary with wardrobe skin feature.
i.e.: 2 real Bolts mesmer/war vs 1 real Bolt + 1 Asc Bolt skinned
So? Yes, the second Bolt is easier to get, but he still put in the effort to get the first, and if he want’s to change his build he has to make a new sword, while the dual Legendary can just do it. It’s still a benefit, and not that big of a detriment.
The world will be full of footprints and things like jormags breath, vision of the mists, BLC skins will crowd up the tp. No point buying on multi chars now – just 1 purchase…ever. Bit worried about that “3 crystals = 1 charge” part though, thats a lot of crystals.
1 Crystal = 1 Charge. 3 Stones (The yellow ones you get for free during map complete) = 1 Charge. So you can only transmute one thing, regardless of level, for one map completion under the new system, unless they’re going to beef it up and give us 3 charges instead of 3 stones, but I doubt it.
I would have much preferred it if 1 Stone was worth 1 Charge and 1 Crystal was worth 3 Charges but it took 3 Charges to transmute a skin on level 80 gear. Then we would have the same functionality we currently have.
In all fairness, you haven’t lost anything. You still have everything you bought. In fact, as far as dyes are concerned, you’ve got free dyes. I’m not sure why you are complaining. If you had lost something, I could understand it. But you haven’t lost anything, you’ve only gained. I don’t see your problems.
In all fairness, you haven’t lost anything. You still have everything you bought. In fact, as far as dyes are concerned, you’ve got free dyes. I’m not sure why you are complaining. If you had lost something, I could understand it. But you haven’t lost anything, you’ve only gained. I don’t see your problems.
I think he’s saying, had he been made aware that this was going to happen, he would not have purchased those dyes for multiple characters in the first place. Not fair reasoning, otherwise people would be getting refunds IRL for all sorts of ridiculous reasons. “Had I known this TV would be on sale this weekend, I wouldn’t have purchased it last week! I want my money back!” Yea…
I agree with you, though, that technically he’s gaining and not losing. His issue is in the fact that let’s say he purchased 3x Abyss dye for 3 diff characters, he will be in the same exact boat as someone who only bought 1x Abyss. Both players now have every character on their account with it unlocked. It cost him 3x for the same result. There’s no way he could have anticipated this, and the closest thing to a refund he is going to get is 1x UNID dye for each multiple he has. Who knows, maybe they will turn into Abyss/Celestial lol. I wish him the best of RNG.
That’s how life works though, sometimes things end up not being as great an investment as previously thought.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
Ok, but how long ago did he purchase those dyes? How long has he been reaping the benefit of having those on multiple characters? Days, Months, a Year? If he had been told 6 months ago that IN 6 months this would be a thing, would he have waited, or said, tough, I’ll have this for that 6 months anyway? Knowing about this now I will wait for two weeks to delete my most recent character because I applied some skins to her that I can’t get back without burning transmutations. Not knowing about this I would have just kept her, even though I’m not really feeling her, because I don’t want to have wasted those skins and I don’t want to waste Transmutations just to keep them.
I could see being a little miffed if I have just done that, burned the transmutations and deleted her, but until it was announced it wasn’t a thing that would exist and it would have been worth it. It’s no different than buying thing online and then finding out a week later, after you got it, that it’s on sale for a lot. Happens to me all the time, but nothing you can do about it but shrug and move on. (which you apparently pointed out too, I see after going back and reading)
I dare to say a majority of the community will have invested money that is now redundant due to this update, you are not the only one with double Legendary’s, double skins, double dyes, as a matter of fact most people will. But we’ve been able to enjoy this up until when the update hits and then we and every new player to come will benefit from the new system. I too felt a bit disappointed at first reading about the new system, but I think in the longrun it will be more rewarding for everyone, change is always difficult.
I feel your pain though.