(edited by TwilightStorm.7159)
My legendaries/dyes/T3 are a waste?
Nobody really looks at legendaries or high priced dyes as exclusive things… I mean just WP into LA and there’s tons of legendaries and celestial and abyss people.
‘Exclusivity’ does not really exist in MMO’s/hasn’t existed for a long time.
(edited by FXLEACH.9436)
Nobody really looks at legendaries or high priced dyes as exclusive things… I mean just WP into LA and there’s tons of legendaries and celestial and abyss people.
‘Exclusivity’ does not really exist in MMO’s/hasn’t existed for a long time.
that’s cognitive bias, you only see people with legendaries because they’re the most remarkable, but if I were to actually get the true figures, I reckon only 1% of the active playerbase actually has a legendary.
Nobody really looks at legendaries or high priced dyes as exclusive things… I mean just WP into LA and there’s tons of legendaries and celestial and abyss people.
‘Exclusivity’ does not really exist in MMO’s/hasn’t existed for a long time.
All the truly exclusive things in GW2 are backpacks. The Blue SAB backpack, the White Flower, the Sclerite, those are all one chance never to be seen again looks, that can now be put on as many characters as you want, if you have them.
… I guess I can still feel exclusive with my Fervid Censer. giggles
We have ALL used real or in-game money to buy two of something, I’m willing to bet. I have used real money to buy 2 sets of the same gem store armor. I have used much in-game gold to buy more than one set of T3 cultural armor. I don’t care. Going forward, I’m so happy I will no longer have to do this. What’s done is done. At the time it was worth it. I made Sunrise but never equipped it so I will not even have the chance to use the skin with my characters. So what? With the new changes, I’ll be out there actually making a legendary I WANT to equip because I can share the skin throughout my account.
Sometimes I feel I should just stop participating in the forums, because no one ever seems to be happy. It is clear that ANet is listening to what players want, and is GIVING IT TO YOU. And you all still complain. Seems to me they could make this totally free, give you everything under the sun for free, everything would be “perfect”, and you would all still find things to complain about. I keep coming back though and participating because I feel there should be at least a few “voices” of reason in here.
If everyone would get everything for free, there would be no reason to achieve anything – yes, that would be my complaint my fair padawan. : >
Also the fact I apparently spent 3000g on 2 legendary skins that I can’t really use anymore is something that bothers me. Besides that I do like most of the changes. It is up to you to interpret everything that’s written as negative. This forum for me is merely to exchange views on the matter.
We have ALL used real or in-game money to buy two of something, I’m willing to bet. I have used real money to buy 2 sets of the same gem store armor. I have used much in-game gold to buy more than one set of T3 cultural armor. I don’t care. Going forward, I’m so happy I will no longer have to do this. What’s done is done. At the time it was worth it. I made Sunrise but never equipped it so I will not even have the chance to use the skin with my characters. So what? With the new changes, I’ll be out there actually making a legendary I WANT to equip because I can share the skin throughout my account.
Sometimes I feel I should just stop participating in the forums, because no one ever seems to be happy. It is clear that ANet is listening to what players want, and is GIVING IT TO YOU. And you all still complain. Seems to me they could make this totally free, give you everything under the sun for free, everything would be “perfect”, and you would all still find things to complain about. I keep coming back though and participating because I feel there should be at least a few “voices” of reason in here.
Look at TwilightStorm’s post and your post. I read your posts in the legendary wardrobe thread. Your interactions are nagging. OP takes it like a champ, soaks it up humbly.
If you could afford to craft legendaries, you don’t complain about the cost of transmute crystals and splitters. Be rational coherent man.
I have 10 characters. 7 of which can wield swords (1 Mesmer 2 Thieves 2 Warriors 1 Guardian 1 Ranger), I passed my 2 Bolts around from lvl1 to 80 on each, sometimes back and forth. That’s the system in place and I’m fine with it. I didn’t complain. Why do you?
Come now the wardrobe system, account bound dyes and ascended/legendaries. That’s great QoL improvements, I welcome it. I’m just saying that it should not mean the right to dual wield legendaries when you only own one. It’s asking for too much.
Same way I don’t want all the black lion weapon skins to cost 1 ticket. You gotta preserve the value of some items.
Stop being caustic. Dropping your acid on any discussion be it good or bad and act like you’re the voice of reason and leaving. I commend TwilightStorm’s for his discourse.
I have mixed opinions about this next patch. Wardrobe looks SO FREAKING COOL. I’m excited for that. I’ve started using only Exotic armour now that I have a bit more gold stored away, but I’d also really like to use the Human T3 armour so I can be a female counterpart to ol’ Logan Thackery (“Retreat!” shout comes in handy here!). Now, I’ll be able to have my Exo stats with the T3 armour! That, on top of I only have to buy it once! So, if some time down the road, I roll up a human warrior, I can have that great looking armour on both of ’em!
Dyes.. I don’t know what to think. I’m glad they’re account bound. That was always the frustrating thing about rolling a new character, as I’m a customisation dork. I have so many colours on my main, and it was annoying to roll up a new one with, what, 12 starter dyes? Now I’ll start with all my dyes! Pretty cool! But.. no more Unid drops kinda sucks. I was about a fifth of the way to collecting 250 of them (saving for a Bifrost), and it’s gonna be MUCH harder to nab the last 200.
I feel you on the legendaries, OP. Like.. I don’t see why that needed to happen. There are clearly people playing this game that are totally okay with making 4 Incinerators because they have a need for that many. It feels to me like there isn’t really any purpose to making more than one of a certain legendary anymore. What if I want Bifrost on my Guard and my Ele? I should work for both of those. I’m not sure I like, or understand, their decision in that regard.
As for quote…
The way I see it, you have two options:
1) Get over it.
2) Quit.
OP made it clear he wasn’t whining, and he has a point. Quoted post had a point. Granted, I cut it out, but that wasn’t the focus of the quote. The focus is, OP made his statement like a decent human being. You simply whipped out your opinion-dong and started waving it around and smacking people in the face with it. I’ve already seen too many games ruined by a toxic community. You’re the one who needs to take that second option.
Kajin, you are out to lunch. Tell me what part of my post is “caustic”. Count how many posts since the news hit about these QoL improvements have been negative and complaining. Then come back and tell me how terrible I am for pointing out that no one is losing anything here, and in fact, most actual game players will be extremely happy with the changes. I’m so bad… I know right?
TwilightStorm, there is one other thing you should be taking into account. While yes, it’s true, after this patch you will have the ability to put your legendary skins on any like weapons… however, those won’t be legendary. The skin is the only thing that applies. You won’t get the ability to change stats on those weapons. You won’t get the particle effects, the footsteps, the weapon skill effects, and so on. Just the skin. Only you’re originally crafted weapons will be truly “legendary” and rightfully so.
Where did a dev say this?
I lost all respect for anyone with a legendary when I saw a guy with 500 achievement points join me in a dungeon with Twilight who then later switched to Bolt on his warrior.
Legendaries aren’t really legendary when you can just buy them off the TP for real cash (this guy obviously paid cash for his two).
I like the changes and adding them to wardrobe, I really don’t think it diminishes the legendaries in any way…since only someone who got one legendary can use the skin…so they already got their legendary….its not like they made it a skin that just anyone can use.
Don’t Legendaries have better stats? If so, then your crying over spilt milk.
The only waste are the extra dyes since it seems they’re compensating players only with an Unidentified Dye.
As for your Legendary Weapons, they can hardly be seen as a waste. With regards to your dual Incinerator, they still are statistically the best weapons in the game with the functionality of being able to choose your stats. Furthermore, you can just trade them both to an alt if you want to try them out. (Like an Elementalist)
Come now the wardrobe system, account bound dyes and ascended/legendaries. That’s great QoL improvements, I welcome it. I’m just saying that it should not mean the right to dual wield legendaries when you only own one. It’s asking for too much.
What exactly is “too much” here? Ability to “fake dual wield” Zap? Quip? Would the same extend to Infinite Light? Black Lion Ticket weapons? Bonetti’s Rapier? If not, why – is there some monetary value that make one case more important than the other?
(And if yes, then we can basically go and throw out the whole wardrobe idea out of the window)
Remember, remember, 15th of November
I do consider a legendary worth roughly 2500g slightly exempt in certain matters if it’s up to me.
You’re looking at it in “today dollars” (as much as we can apply actual money to a game’s currency). Some people spent what, maybe 200g on their legendary? Couldn’t you buy a precursor for like 30g at one point? Should those people get 2500g worth of “compensation”? If the legendaries are worth 5000g later, will people be mad because they “lost out” and should be compensated? Where to draw the line? Hmmm?
Oh for the days when Abyssal wasn’t even a gold yet. How I wish I’d understood how to actually make money fast back then.
A change like this is always gonna come with big controversy.
Personally I don’t have anything repeated across my 6, maybe 2~3 dyes, but not 1 piece of armor or weapon.
So for players like me there’s nothing to complain.
For players that invested in repeats across characters, those are seriously affected.
This talk about the convenience of stat change is just kitten, how many stats does a player use? 1 or 2, 3 at max? Not to mention right now it’s only the weapons which makes no difference what so ever.
Come the update legendary skins on ascended gear will be impossible to tell apart since the name will likely be purple, and since GW2 is all about skins, the little residual bragging rights value a legendary has right now is gonna be even less.
Frankly I think legendaries should turn account bound, but not able to use as a skin on other weapons.
Dyes should have repeats refunded by color, if someone spent serious gold across the toons for high end dyes getting ui dyes in return is a huge loss, getting the dyes themselves would at least allow them to sell so they’d break even.
As for gem store and cultural skins these should have an NPC buying them for gold (say ~25% of their original value), not the most elegant solution but at least people with repeats would get something in return, needless to say if you sold skins you don’t have repeated you wouldn’t get them on your wardrobe to use it later.
… I guess I can still feel exclusive with my Fervid Censer. giggles
Nope, I’ve got one also. Sorry about that.
I could not possibly agree w/ the original poster more. I’m feeling really duped and ripped off.
… I guess I can still feel exclusive with my Fervid Censer. gigglesNope, I’ve got one also. Sorry about that.
You’ve shattered my dreams
I could not possibly agree w/ the original poster more. I’m feeling really duped and ripped off.
Thank you Daddar. My main ‘issue’ here is not so much the dyes. More the duplicate legendaries that I have worked hard for (I have 2 incins, 2 sunrises), which others can now dual weild for free. But even worse than that is the fact I don’t need 2 of each, and feel kind of … bad for basically having spent 3000g on those two for nothing but ‘switchable stats’. I would very much like to see some form of compensation in the form of letting me choose another legendary skin.
Although of course I’m pretty sure I won’t be getting this.
Again, I really like the update, I just have a bad taste in my mouth over this.
In a way, it makes me glad gw1 players still have HoM-exclusive stuff.
… I guess I can still feel exclusive with my Fervid Censer. gigglesNope, I’ve got one also. Sorry about that.
You’ve shattered my dreams
I could not possibly agree w/ the original poster more. I’m feeling really duped and ripped off.
Thank you Daddar. My main ‘issue’ here is not so much the dyes. More the duplicate legendaries that I have worked hard for (I have 2 incins, 2 sunrises), which others can now dual weild for free. But even worse than that is the fact I don’t need 2 of each, and feel kind of … bad for basically having spent 3000g on those two for nothing but ‘switchable stats’. I would very much like to see some form of compensation in the form of letting me choose another legendary skin.
Although of course I’m pretty sure I won’t be getting this.Again, I really like the update, I just have a bad taste in my mouth over this.
Here’s a way to make you feel better, you had the bragging rights when it was hard, back then you made the decision of going for them, you did and you had something to show.
Think about cars, a cheap car today comes with stuff that decades ago only high end expensive cars would have.
It does suck and I believe my suggestion would be a better way to do it, but if nothing changes you shouldn’t let it spoil your fun.
In a way, it makes me glad gw1 players still have HoM-exclusive stuff.
Heh, yeah, good luck crafting a Fiery Dragon Sword
Perhaps anet could implement a “fix” for the double legendary issue:
Remove the bind on all legendary weapons so players have to soulbind them again, giving them a chance to sell the duplicate version on the TP
Perhaps anet could implement a “fix” for the double legendary issue:
Remove the bind on all legendary weapons so players have to soulbind them again, giving them a chance to sell the duplicate version on the TP
Yep, that is a simple solution that should not be that hard to implement.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
The real thing is, you still have to go through the cost/effort to get the items. I don’t consider it worthless/cheapened if to unlock abyss dye on my account, I still have to pay the gold cost (Infact, I may be more tempted to actually BUY some of the expensive ones purely for that reason of account wide).
If I want an armor skin/weapon skin/legendary, I must BUY the item with gold. cultural or not.
So even if your level 4 alt is rocking tier 3 cultural and duel legendary(skin) daggers, to me it says you’ve at least bought that tier 3 cultural armor and made (or bought) a legendary.
if you don’t care about stat change abilities of legendaries and just made it for the skin, yes i think it will be a waste. (i craft them for their skins too, as i don’t even change stats because of the single build i use)
i don’t have duplicate legendaries but i feel your pain…
Thank you for your replies.
My main reason for posting this was to see if what I thought was correct, and to find players that share my opinion, and how they feel about it.Yes, this whole thing has pros and cons. It will be awesome that I can use my si- oh wait, five legendary skins (one is useless after all) on all my characters, and it’ll also be awesome to use all the dyes.
And yes Grace, you are absolutely right. In reply your post doesn’t give much to reply to either, since I am aware
My main reason for the dislike (though don’t get me wrong, I do like many things about this patch) is that I do genuinely think legendaries will become quite common (as you said, make a level 2 necro with some incins or w/e, we can have dozens!), a lot less unique, and will therefore make me feel less exclusive. Something I like in mmos.
Sure, you may see this as ‘oh god, get over it.’ – it is simply a personal reason that I’m sure some do share.
Oh no!
The SAME PEOPLE WHO already HAD THE LEGENDARIES in the first place, will have a few more of them now?
See what I did there?
The same people who already had them (since only people who already have Legendaries get them added to their wardrobe) will have them after the patch! The Horror! The Shock! The Awe!
Less exclusive Legendaries… because… the same people who… already had them… will have them…
See what I did there? Did you really see what I did there?
If so, what in the seven hecks are you worried about?
I see what you did there. You clearly don’t see what I did here, or what the thread was about. As you may have noticed we were mainly talking about dual weilding, and rewarding players that have ‘only one of a kind’ to wear more of them, despite owning only one – Which in order makes me have spent 3000g on nothing.
And it’s quite the misconception that I’m ‘worried’, but exaggeration is a common tactic to make a point I guess. : >
I see what you did there. You clearly don’t see what I did here, or what the thread was about. As you may have noticed we were mainly talking about dual weilding, and rewarding players that have ‘only one of a kind’ to wear more of them, despite owning only one – Which in order makes me have spent 3000g on nothing.
And it’s quite the misconception that I’m ‘worried’, but exaggeration is a common tactic to make a point I guess. : >
So a Legendary weapon really is nothing. Huh.
Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?
TwilightStorm you still have six legendaries while I have no legendaries. Amongst my weapons, none of them will even look like legendaries, whereas not only will all of your weapons look like legendaries but many of them will indeed be legendaries. Even the fanciest Wardrobe system can’t close that gap. You totallywtfpawn me at legendaries.
gz Legendaries
So a Legendary weapon really is nothing. Huh.
That’s not what I said. If you understand the situation of needing only 1 legendary of a kind for it to be available in the wardrobe, you may get that having 2 of 1 kind (2 incins, 2 sunrises), will for me feel like a huge waste. That was the point.
TwilightStorm you still have six legendaries while I have no legendaries. Amongst my weapons, none of them will even look like legendaries, whereas not only will all of your weapons look like legendaries but many of them will indeed be legendaries. Even the fanciest Wardrobe system can’t close that gap. You totallywtfpawn me at legendaries.
gz Legendaries
WELL. I guess. ._.
If you take a look at a lot of the changes they’re making, and they’ve said so themselves, its the player that created the weapon, not so much the character. Its the player that should reap the rewards. Having a legendary weapon is a sign that says “Hey look, I did this.” (which really boggles my mind when people can straight up BLTC their legendaries) and you should be able to get that feeling regardless of which character you’re playing. Its kind of like a title in that respect.. All the severely time gated mechanisms in this game are becoming Account Bound
This topic may have been already been brought up by someone – if so, my apologies.
If what I hear and read is true, then this patch -despite having a lot of good sides to it- might screw me over big time in multiple ways.
So, for the record, when I (for example) make an incinerator, I can access this skin on every character, and equip as many of the skins as I want. (I can have 100 incins in my inventory, correct?)
For me one of the reasons I play this game (and probably for many others) was to feel exclusive. Which I felt, having six legendaries across my characters. I also carry double incinerator. Would this mean I made my 2nd one for absolutely no purpose at all? And the 5x Abyss, 4x celestial, 5x midnight fire, and 2x white I have on all my chars? The T3 I have on multiple characters? Have I bought all of this for nothing?
Excuse me if my post may be seen as whining, and you are probably like ‘first world problems chill out play the game’ – But as I stated, it is merely a personal reason for me to play.
1. This patch will make 3000g I spent go to waste.
2. This patch will make legendaries a lot more common (people can just walk around with different copies when having only 1 or 2, if I’m correct), and ruin that exclusive touch that I and some others had.Correct me if I’m wrong here though.
But please, if you intend to reply just to tell me my reasons for saying this are stupid, don’t bother to reply. ^-^
can i ask why put all you legendaries on here when people look and accounts get hacked for that exact reason? wouldnt it be better to put this on a ticket and send it to support would make a safer option ?
(edited by nibblesalil.3561)
EDIT: On another different note, since I saw someone bring up Eternity; I have an Eternity. However, I also wanted Sunrise for another character, so I made another Sunrise.
I love this line: ‘so I made another Sunrise’. As if twas nothing. I think just having the TwilightStorm tag on your character is exclusive enough at this point.
If you take a look at a lot of the changes they’re making, and they’ve said so themselves, its the player that created the weapon, not so much the character. Its the player that should reap the rewards. Having a legendary weapon is a sign that says “Hey look, I did this.” (which really boggles my mind when people can straight up BLTC their legendaries) and you should be able to get that feeling regardless of which character you’re playing. Its kind of like a title in that respect.. All the severely time gated mechanisms in this game are becoming Account Bound
I agree. I would’ve liked to see legendaries being account bound from the moment you forge them. Not sellable at all. This will force players to actually ‘do the stuff’.
can i ask why put all you legendaries on here when people look and accounts get hacked for that exact reason? wouldnt it be better to put this on a ticket and send it to support would make a safer option ?
I believe with an insanely long password and double authentification it would be fairly hard to hack my account. I appreciate your concern, but I think I’m alright. I also wanted other peoples opinions on this instead of an automated response.
I love this line: ‘so I made another Sunrise’. As if twas nothing. I think just having the TwilightStorm tag on your character is exclusive enough at this point.
Oh my, apologies. In now way did I mean to insinuate making it was ‘like nothing’. But it felt pretty obsolete to elaborate on the entire process of making Sunrise, since it’s not the subject of this thread. xD Sorry if I made it seem like it was nothing. It was not.
…I dislike my tag xD I was young and naive. I prefer my character names.
Oh my, apologies. In now way did I mean to insinuate making it was ‘like nothing’. But it felt pretty obsolete to elaborate on the entire process of making Sunrise, since it’s not the subject of this thread. xD Sorry if I made it seem like it was nothing. It was not.
…I dislike my tag xD I was young and naive. I prefer my character names.
I know, it just spoke well of your determination. I hope ANet do something to address this. Your achievement is remarkable and your concern is certainly framed in the correct way.
A change like this is always gonna come with big controversy.
For players that invested in repeats across characters, those are seriously affected.
This talk about the convenience of stat change is just kitten, how many stats does a player use? 1 or 2, 3 at max? Not to mention right now it’s only the weapons which makes no difference what so ever.
Come the update legendary skins on ascended gear will be impossible to tell apart since the name will likely be purple, and since GW2 is all about skins, the little residual bragging rights value a legendary has right now is gonna be even less.Frankly I think legendaries should turn account bound, but not able to use as a skin on other weapons.
Dyes should have repeats refunded by color, if someone spent serious gold across the toons for high end dyes getting ui dyes in return is a huge loss, getting the dyes themselves would at least allow them to sell so they’d break even.As for gem store and cultural skins these should have an NPC buying them for gold (say ~25% of their original value), not the most elegant solution but at least people with repeats would get something in return, needless to say if you sold skins you don’t have repeated you wouldn’t get them on your wardrobe to use it later.
thoroughly agree with all your points.
I’d have been fine with just the change of soulbound Legendaries going accound bound and remaining excluded from Wardrobe. But I also consider players wanting to have the pleasure of using their same Legendary (skin/effects) when doing dungeons, www, open world.
Twilight A (reskinned ascended): Sigil Slaying + Undead
Twilight B (true one): Force + Bloodlust
Twilight C (reskinned ascended): Fire + Air
Currently I imagine ppl using most efficient in all situation on their best looking weapon and carrying uglier weapons with the different setups for each environment in
their inventory bags. The new wardrobe system fixes it.
I hope that maybe in future they add a mix of
Option A
Legendary skins from wardrobe have a unique equipped restriction. Owners of 2 or more of the same legendary have to contact customer support to have the name of the extras changed in way to workaround fix the unique equipped. i.e. Asc ring Ring of Death[infused] and normal one, can wear both This is costly, they need to implement a workflow/process in support for such requests. Around time of infinite tools going acc bound, they did allow us to contact support for refunding the extras. So it could be possible.Option C
Keep things as announced. Add sigil template swap to legendary stated weapons. Sort of a miniwardrobe tied to the legendaries owned itself. i.e. I have one Bolt, I bind Bloodlust, Fire, Air sigils to it. When out of combat I can swap sigil.
This way I would only need that one Bolt in my inventory bag or equipped on me, and can adapt to any dungeon/www/open world environment. This is costly as it requires design team etc… but’s it would be a welcomed feature. And preserving the value of the legendaries in my view.
This would mean an enhanced featured, less clutered inventory and no more issues.
Now that I think of the Option A’s implementation cost and time wasted contacting support for each request. Why not make an NPC that personalizes the 2nd same named Legendary, thus fixing in game the Unique equipped feature. Won’t need to contact support.
Don’t Legendaries have better stats? If so, then your crying over spilt milk.
You can craft an ascended weapon in 3-4days (openworld boss train for your dragonite), 5 if you need the laurels too. With the upcoming wardrobe system, slap the skin onto it bam, both situations= highest stats. This was our point about the whole discussion.
Come now the wardrobe system, account bound dyes and ascended/legendaries. That’s great QoL improvements, I welcome it. I’m just saying that it should not mean the right to dual wield legendaries when you only own one. It’s asking for too much.
What exactly is “too much” here? Ability to “fake dual wield” Zap? Quip? Would the same extend to Infinite Light? Black Lion Ticket weapons? Bonetti’s Rapier? If not, why – is there some monetary value that make one case more important than the other?
(And if yes, then we can basically go and throw out the whole wardrobe idea out of the window)
No, wardrobe is a great enhancement, no one would deny it; would’ve been even better from start.
The option A I mentionned earlier (pg1) was about Legendary grade items, but I do sympatize with people making Infinite Light and other expensive one handers. Frankly they could also included those and black lion skin ones in such a fashion. Would you agree? This preserves value AND wardrobe.
Option A
Legendary skins from wardrobe have a unique equipped restriction. Owners of 2 or more of the same legendary have to contact customer support to have the name of the extras changed in way to workaround fix the unique equipped. i.e. Asc ring Ring of Death[infused] and normal one, can wear both This is costly, they need to implement a workflow/process in support for such requests. Around time of infinite tools going acc bound, they did allow us to contact support for refunding the extras. So it could be possible.
You’re looking at it in “today dollars” (as much as we can apply actual money to a game’s currency). Some people spent what, maybe 200g on their legendary? Couldn’t you buy a precursor for like 30g at one point? Should those people get 2500g worth of “compensation”? If the legendaries are worth 5000g later, will people be mad because they “lost out” and should be compensated? Where to draw the line? Hmmm?
Quoting myself from pg1 in case you missed it:
Option B
Wardrobe allows any number of legendary skins uses/equips (just like announced currently), yet allow players who own multiple copies of a same legendary to contact customer support for a swap request. Destroy deleting a 2nd legendary and receiving another legendary. The new one being accound bound on acquire. No reselling on TP.
Eternity choice not permitted of course. Needless to say, this option would have to have a safeguard to prevent exploiters from pre-buying multiple cheapest legendaries in order to swap to more expensive to get ones.
Here’s your fix for present and future ‘exploiting whines’.
If you have two incinerators, then you have two daggers with permanent max-level changeable stats. You’ll never need any other daggers on whichever character you have those on.
This is all that needs to be said. Also, did you have a cool feeling when you finished both of those daggers and your other Legendaries? If you did then awesome, because the reward is the accomplishment. A glass half full dude would have been stoked and said, “Sweet! i get these on all my toons now!”
This topic may have been already been brought up by someone – if so, my apologies.
If what I hear and read is true, then this patch -despite having a lot of good sides to it- might screw me over big time in multiple ways.
So, for the record, when I (for example) make an incinerator, I can access this skin on every character, and equip as many of the skins as I want. (I can have 100 incins in my inventory, correct?)
For me one of the reasons I play this game (and probably for many others) was to feel exclusive. Which I felt, having six legendaries across my characters. I also carry double incinerator. Would this mean I made my 2nd one for absolutely no purpose at all? And the 5x Abyss, 4x celestial, 5x midnight fire, and 2x white I have on all my chars? The T3 I have on multiple characters? Have I bought all of this for nothing?
Excuse me if my post may be seen as whining, and you are probably like ‘first world problems chill out play the game’ – But as I stated, it is merely a personal reason for me to play.
1. This patch will make 3000g I spent go to waste.
2. This patch will make legendaries a lot more common (people can just walk around with different copies when having only 1 or 2, if I’m correct), and ruin that exclusive touch that I and some others had.Correct me if I’m wrong here though.
But please, if you intend to reply just to tell me my reasons for saying this are stupid, don’t bother to reply. ^-^
I have about 1000g spend in duplicated dyes and bunch of duplicated gem armor sets. A lot of this I got with real money. For this reason I’m getting ESO and taking a break from GW.
Will take Twilight as an example which is a great sword with:
+188 Power
+134 Toughness
+134 Vitality
Superior Sigil of Blood
Ascended is the same stat and unique skin also (with no sigil). Chorben’s Claymore also has 2 infusion slots (one offensive and one defensive).
Crafted Exotic gives you a Soldier’s Pearl Broadsword. Less stats one sigil slot currently)
+179 Power
+128 Toughness
+128 Vitality
I don’t think people with Ascended items will use the Legendary Skin on their items as that is the only way to get the same stats as the legendary weapon.
It is a skin that they unlock. They won’t have the stats of the Legendary. That is what matters.
This topic may have been already been brought up by someone – if so, my apologies.
If what I hear and read is true, then this patch -despite having a lot of good sides to it- might screw me over big time in multiple ways.
So, for the record, when I (for example) make an incinerator, I can access this skin on every character, and equip as many of the skins as I want. (I can have 100 incins in my inventory, correct?)
For me one of the reasons I play this game (and probably for many others) was to feel exclusive. Which I felt, having six legendaries across my characters. I also carry double incinerator. Would this mean I made my 2nd one for absolutely no purpose at all? And the 5x Abyss, 4x celestial, 5x midnight fire, and 2x white I have on all my chars? The T3 I have on multiple characters? Have I bought all of this for nothing?
Excuse me if my post may be seen as whining, and you are probably like ‘first world problems chill out play the game’ – But as I stated, it is merely a personal reason for me to play.
1. This patch will make 3000g I spent go to waste.
2. This patch will make legendaries a lot more common (people can just walk around with different copies when having only 1 or 2, if I’m correct), and ruin that exclusive touch that I and some others had.Correct me if I’m wrong here though.
But please, if you intend to reply just to tell me my reasons for saying this are stupid, don’t bother to reply. ^-^
I have about 1000g spend in duplicated dyes and bunch of duplicated gem armor sets. A lot of this I got with real money. For this reason I’m getting ESO and taking a break from GW.
Good for you. ESO is not any better. You can’t craft the best items because you have to get the magic, etc from drops. ESO is also boring as sin. So you will be farming in the game and repeating the same bosses, etc for a chance at that rare drop (or buying from a player). That is not fun, it is boring and you will also be spending money (monthly sub for it) besides the box and the in game cash shop. That is one big cash grab (one race (Imperial) is locked under an extra fee basically). You will be basically doing the same thing.
You decided to put RL money into the game, no one else did it for you. Blame yourself, not the game or the developer.
(edited by Dusty Moon.4382)
Exclusivity isn’t in the appearance of legendaries.
Seventeen people in my guild have eternity. Seven run Twilgiht. Eighteen with Sunrise, eight incinerators. Six bolts. Fourteen bifrosts. A good 25% of players I see playing WvW on established characters have them. Frankly, the only people I see who don’t have them are either newer players or people who just don’t care to have them (myself included).
And the thing is, I get more requests on what equipment/weapons I’ve got than all of them, using exotic-skinned ascendeds.
People know the legendaries, they see them, and move on. If you’re concerned with being unique, I can tell you now legendary weapons aren’t the way to go. Tons of people have them and anyone who does uses them. Somebody walking by with an excess of particle effects just screams “another high level player.”
If you’re going to sheer gold drool factor, legendaries still aren’t the way to go. There are plenty of other weapon skins around worth substantially more than legendaries.
Also do remember that a lot of people pass legendaries already across their characters. If they have one sword, they’re going to keep moving it on all their characters which can use swords. One can only have one character logged in at a time, so this doesn’t really change much.
If anything, asking for compensation in the form of another, different legendary would be worse. Now you have account-bound legendary skins and people owning multiple different ones. The accessibility just increases and the pool of legendary skins goes up, making them even more abundant.
The dyes thing, yea, I got hit hard by that, too, and I can’t say I’m a little bit upset that I “wasted” money, but as others have mentioned, I made those decisions on the basis of impatience and aesthetic desire from the beginning, and in my opinion, being able to have a color scheme worth 75g on a level 1/2 (and look great) was worth it at the time. The update doesn’t change anything, and I still keep all those dyes (and will be better off than I am now due to the UID compensation). Now it just reduces the cost and normalizes it for all future characters. Not something worth being frustrated about.
Exclusivity isn’t in the appearance of legendaries.
Seventeen people in my guild have eternity. Seven run Twilgiht. Eighteen with Sunrise, eight incinerators. Six bolts. Fourteen bifrosts. A good 25% of players I see playing WvW on established characters have them. Frankly, the only people I see who don’t have them are either newer players or people who just don’t care to have them (myself included).
And the thing is, I get more requests on what equipment/weapons I’ve got than all of them, using exotic-skinned ascendeds.
People know the legendaries, they see them, and move on. If you’re concerned with being unique, I can tell you now legendary weapons aren’t the way to go. Tons of people have them and anyone who does uses them. Somebody walking by with an excess of particle effects just screams “another high level player.”
If you’re going to sheer gold drool factor, legendaries still aren’t the way to go. There are plenty of other weapon skins around worth substantially more than legendaries.
Also do remember that a lot of people pass legendaries already across their characters. If they have one sword, they’re going to keep moving it on all their characters which can use swords. One can only have one character logged in at a time, so this doesn’t really change much.
If anything, asking for compensation in the form of another, different legendary would be worse. Now you have account-bound legendary skins and people owning multiple different ones. The accessibility just increases and the pool of legendary skins goes up, making them even more abundant.
The dyes thing, yea, I got hit hard by that, too, and I can’t say I’m a little bit upset that I “wasted” money, but as others have mentioned, I made those decisions on the basis of impatience and aesthetic desire from the beginning, and in my opinion, being able to have a color scheme worth 75g on a level 1/2 (and look great) was worth it at the time. The update doesn’t change anything, and I still keep all those dyes (and will be better off than I am now due to the UID compensation). Now it just reduces the cost and normalizes it for all future characters. Not something worth being frustrated about.
I love my Flower focus I have on my Mesmer. I got a lvl 80 RARE and then Transmuted that skin onto an ugly Exotic focus. I find I get more compliments and this skin is hard to come by also.