My only issue is the limited amount of skills
Play an Elementalist if you want more skills :p
I know, beggars can’t be choosers, but I can’t stand anything other than Hunter. After trying everything, it’s all I’m good at.
~nub lyf~
Also grandmaster traits are very lackluster. The final 2 should be quite powerful imo. They should be worth going down the whole tier too pick them up. It sounds as if there are complaints with this for most classes.
It is really ‘streamlined’ with not as much choice for customizing as other games. But there is some.
It really feels like a port of a console game, oftentimes to me.
-shrug- it’s a gift to be simple
The limit is only as much as you want it to be. My guardian has 10 from weapons + 1 heal + 3 utilities + 3 virtues (you shouldn’t really be using the elite so often), and it seems to be more than enough for a cycle.
As for Grandmaster traits, they should have better utility, but not flat out “better” than everything else. I’m one of the few people who go for 25/25/0/20/0 and that’s pretty counter-intuitive considering i’m giving up possibly 2 grandmaster slots… but works for me. I just don’t like that some are RIDICULOUSLY weak like the GS healing trait.
Isle of Janthir
Learn my name, or do not. The world will know it soon enough.
I do wish there were a few more selectable skills per weapon.
Ideally, I’d also like a reason to use 1 handed weapon solo.
Perhaps 5 skills per 1 handed weapon, and when dual wielding or using a shield or something, you can choose which 3 you want to use?
GW1 had a lot more diversity even without dual classing, every class had dozens of elites so you weren’t pigeonholed into certain elites like you are in GW2. You also only had 8 skills but you could choose whatever you wanted, you didn’t even need to take an elite if you didn’t want to.
My only beef is the lack of valid elite skills, a lot of the time I forget I have one courtesy of the super slow reacharge times. I’d love it if they gave us more in an expansion or something, I demand Spiteful Spirit, or even Insidious Parasite as an extra Necro heal skill