My opinion: high lvl community is bad...

My opinion: high lvl community is bad...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Geiir.7603


First of all: I know this game is relatively new and that there aren’t that many lvl 80’s yet in the game. I did not rush to lvl 80 and I have really taken my time with my Thief.

Now on to the high lvl areas’ community. Here are a few of the issues I see in the high level areas of the game:

  • A player is running by me with about 10 mobs following him, which attacks me when he is out of reach. This is my number one cause of death in this game.
  • No one is ever reviving. It looks like no one gives a kitten anymore. They’ve hit max level and are now just farming those gathering nodes, not caring to help the downed or defeated player.
  • If you’re not following the Zerg you’re a kitten which is only thinking of yourself. This is at least what I’ve been told when I have been running around Orr with friends doing events. The Zerg somehow claims that we’re “stealing” their loot….
  • If you’re alone or outside prime time you’ll never get the skill challenges, events or waypoints. All the players around are either bots or they’re just there to farm resources.
  • Everyone is just minding their own business.

Is it only me that’s having these problems, or is this a regular problem to encounter? I’m so tired of finally have fought my way through an area to get to the skill challenge, picking one mob at the time, and then have a player running by me to the gathering node and disappearing, leaving me with all the mobs he pulled. This ignorant stuff makes me sad…

If you’re standing outside a cave and you’re seeing another player struggling to fight his way to where you’re standing, would you just ignore him? I would run down to the guy and help him defeat those Risen and ask where he was going. If it was anywhere close I would certainly assist him in getting his skill point or map completion in that area. His “thank you” is more than enough of a reward for me, but I would even get karma and gold too!

Is the good community only reserved for the early parts of the game, or is it coming to the later part of the game too? I’m begging that it will when more players reach those areas, because how it is now is just awful.

Are anyone else experiencing this, or is it just me?

Melder – Thief

My opinion: high lvl community is bad...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Minus.3478


Maybe its your server? Not having that kind of issue in the high level area’s on Tarnished Coast.

My opinion: high lvl community is bad...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Strife.4956


In my experience this community is probably the best i have seen in a MMO in a LONG TIME, people always rez me whenever I’m downed in events, people in dungeons are friendly and a lot of people generally look to help where they can.

I love it

GrimmWullf – 80 Warrior, DU
Arkktos – 80 Thief, DU
Down Under Guild – Stormbluff Isle

My opinion: high lvl community is bad...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarkWasp.7291


1. Bots don’t rez you
2. People don’t rez you because they think you’re a bot
3. Due to the way legendary weapons are made, players need to quickly and efficiently rush from place to place to max their karma gain
4. People talk about politics in Cursed Shore because…. OK I got nothing on that one

And yes, I have seen people get cussed out for succeeding in an event.

It does get bad, but it is the internet. Some of it is fixable by ArenaNet, some of it isn’t.

There are good people out there too.

^ Uses Guild Wars 2 character screenshots for desktop wallpapers.

My opinion: high lvl community is bad...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Geiir.7603


I just realized I was sounding like the entire community is always like this, but it’s not. GW2 has by far the best community I’ve seen in any MMO to this day, and I love the community in general. My concern is only in the high level areas, especially Orr.

In the earlier part of the game I’m getting help all time. My experience is that when players reach level cap they just start to farm and don’t care about helping others. That’s what I’ve seen so far. I just hope it’ll get better as more and more players are reaching the level cap.

If I’m running with the zerg I get revived and everything, but running with the zerg sucks and I jsut hate to do that..

DarkWasp: How can people think I’m a bot when I’m actively speaking in the chat and asking for help to get revived or help in general?

Melder – Thief

My opinion: high lvl community is bad...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dalendria.3762


Sorry to hear that OP. Not seeing that kind of behavior on Jade Quarry. In fact, by now, many people know that support activity does not get credit in DEs. However, I continue to notice people healing. I jump in and heal and others heal me.

Having mobs dumped on you is sad. It could be that they are just running for their lives and then don’t see you. If I am running in Orr and spot someone, I will stop and fight my mob trail. But how many times have I failed to see someone like you? Guess we should all be more observant if we are going to try to outrun mobs.

Can you feel it? HOT HOT HOT

My opinion: high lvl community is bad...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tassy.5891


Generally once you hit 75 the community turns to kitten. Teen angst, race hate an filth are normal. Not to mention the training that goes on. In first week or so it was great, people talked about the game an what they do, or whatever. Now it’s just 4 cham spam.

I find your best off to turn off the chat completely like I did.

My opinion: high lvl community is bad...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Plague.5329


May be server. Of course, some DE nodes are so competitive that you can’t waste time reviving someone who doesn’t know what they’re doing. You have to be on your toes to tag every enemy that spawns in the mob, or you won’t get anything from them, since the game doesn’t reward support of any kind, or any participation other than doing 10% or whatever damage to an enemy. As a result, when in these DEs, mobs live literally for one second before dying, there’s no time to rez. Sure it’s okay XP, but so is tagging 10 enemies at the same time + getting about 5 silver in loot.

The way the game plays also doesn’t help. There’s no need to help one another, as everyone is a one man army. Blame ANet, I guess. They’re the ones who designed the reward systems.

My opinion: high lvl community is bad...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


Since the game is one month and one week old. I personally think that most that are max level are console gamers. Most folks like that only think of themselves.
Don’t expect this to improve for another couple of month or more

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

My opinion: high lvl community is bad...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Carcinogin.7654


wow I have yet to go to the higher lvl areas I am lvl 80 to be honest i dont even remember how i got to be lvl 80 I havent completed my story yet, I suppose I just got lost in the massive world. I will make my way to those higher maps and see how the community is on my server, I am on Blackgate I was on tarnished coast and I miss it lol The role players can be entertaining and I join in at times, ^^ been trying to transfer back.

(o.O) Mr.Snow
( * )
( * )

My opinion: high lvl community is bad...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Healix.5819


I’ve only had people drag mobs to me very rarely and it’s always been because they were either running away or running through. A few of them would turn around and attack the group after I aggro’d it all. I don’t have a problem with it since I can just AoE it down anyways. If I didn’t want to aggro it, a simple step to the side would do.

Lot’s of people revive. I’ll go out of my way to. As soon as I see an icon, I’ll head to it. If you’re acting like a bot and I’ve decided you’re a bot, or I think you’re AFK, I won’t rez. If I rez you and you don’t move, I’ll guard you for 5 or so minutes hoping you DC or move. I have seen “Combat Healers” that never rez though. I wear the tag because I truly do it. The only other time I won’t rez is during elite events, when you’re downed next to a AoE/cleave that I know will 1 shot me (such as the champion charging wolves). I will rez you as soon as it moves away or after it does the next cleave/aoe.

I’ve never seen any one say stuff about stealing loot, and I purposely do every event and usually solo. Mind you, I havn’t been in Orr for about two weeks, so maybe the new generation of “kiddies” are there.

All skill points are solo-able. If anything, they can’t be done during prime time since they get bugged.

My opinion: high lvl community is bad...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Slither Shade.4782

Slither Shade.4782

Most players at 80 are taking this game seriously I think. They got there by being single minded in their approach. I think the zerg is just them being efficient in collecting karma or whatever they get out of the events. When an individual comes in and completes an event it may screw up the zergs event path idk. So from the zergs perspective it is you who is being the bad and inconsiderate player. Im sure as more people reach the end zone the hard core single minded players who make up its majority now will become diluted.

My opinion: high lvl community is bad...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


Most players at 80 are taking this game seriously I think. They got there by being single minded in their approach. I think the zerg is just them being efficient in collecting karma or whatever they get out of the events. When an individual comes in and completes an event it may screw up the zergs event path idk. So from the zergs perspective it is you who is being the bad and inconsiderate player. Im sure as more people reach the end zone the hard core single minded players who make up its majority now will become diluted.

I thought I said that.

Oh, nvm you just said it nicer

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

My opinion: high lvl community is bad...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tosha Daydreamer.9251

Tosha Daydreamer.9251

I have never had any issues. When I meet another player in the straits, he/she usually helps me out. Map chat is people asking help for DEs. So maybe you’re just having bad luck on your server. I play on Desolation.

My opinion: high lvl community is bad...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Knote.2904


Well tbh the way most things are designed, it doesn’t actually encourage helping others, at all.

My opinion: high lvl community is bad...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: akuzum.5263


1. Bots don’t rez you
2. People don’t rez you because they think you’re a bot

Sadly, yes…

3. Sometimes i don’t rez ppl which they jump off cliffs and die stupidly, so i just take care my own business and go away…

My opinion: high lvl community is bad...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tosha Daydreamer.9251

Tosha Daydreamer.9251

1. Bots don’t rez you
2. People don’t rez you because they think you’re a bot

Sadly, yes…

3. Sometimes i don’t rez ppl which they jump off cliffs and die stupidly, so i just take care my own business and go away…

As someone who fairly regularly dies from cliffs and jumping puzzles, I get very sad reading a reply like this.

My opinion: high lvl community is bad...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: byolith.8160


No such problems on my server, I res everyone and so far I’ve been ressed every time I’ve died.

:: Gandara ::
- Rhéidyn :: Thief

My opinion: high lvl community is bad...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarkWasp.7291


DarkWasp: How can people think I’m a bot when I’m actively speaking in the chat and asking for help to get revived or help in general?

They don’t necessarily have to think you’re a bot. It’s just that rezzing used to be such a habit in the game, and now with bots people are second guessing it in some scenarios. It kind of breaks the habit.

I personally rez bots if I’m not sure if it’s a bot or not. It’s running all day at maximum DR on loot, a couple minutes dead isn’t really going to hurt the owner. I get EXP.

Some people will stand there and cuss you out for rezzing one though.

^ Uses Guild Wars 2 character screenshots for desktop wallpapers.

My opinion: high lvl community is bad...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pong.7934


It could just be your server. Have you consider transferring to another server?

Sorrow’s Furnace ~ Gielinor ~ Gullwings ~ Proudmoore ~ Forcelia ~ Cinna

My opinion: high lvl community is bad...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Laufey.5129


I… haven’t run into any of these issues in Orr. Now, I don’t spent my entire time there, but the only thing I have noticed that people are less kind about some of the more frequently asked questions in map chat. I play on Gandara.

I never seem to run into people dragging ten mobs along, even in Orr. Maybe it’s because I’m always running as well, but honestly, there aren’t many spots in Orr where you can just stop and stand around for a bit anyway.

There’s plenty of reviving going on. No, I won’t run into a mob I know will kill me as well, but if there’s any chance I can help, I will try. (It is annoying, though, if you try and the defeated players decides it’s taking too long and respawns, leaving you to deal with the mob for nothing.)

No zergs I have been aware of yet. Certainly none that told me what to do.

I’ve found you can do the skill challenges etc. on your own, if you’re careful about it and take your time. Also, when someone asks for help in the map chat, someone else will usually help them if they’re in the area. I also haven’t really seen any bots yet (ones that I would have noticed, at least).

Maybe these are server-specific things. I’d say you could try switching server for a few days and see how it is elsewhere? The things you’ve listed would take away from my enjoyment, too.

My opinion: high lvl community is bad...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gduber.9756


If Orr was a more happy place, people would be nicer. Put yourself in someone else’s shoes for a moment. You come home from work, deal with the kids, get the wife off your back and finally get a chance to sit down for a little while to work on your GW2 toon. In short order, you’re mad at the mobs, you’re mad at the events, you’re mad that your bags were completely full and you barely broke 20 silver (on average), you don’t know for sure if all the magic-find drugs you’re on are working, it cost over a silver to get to where you need to go but you can’t go there because it’s contested, so you have to run through 20 mobs to get to the last 30 seconds of an event and only to have another one spawn from where you just left, and DR kicks in shortly thereafter.

Not exactly a scenario that promotes happy feelings in players.

My opinion: high lvl community is bad...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fiennes.9568



I try not to let anything in my real life affect how I treat others both in real life and in the game. I will always try and rez (provided of course, it would not be absolutely disastrous to do so… and even with that said, I’ve also been in DEs and taken risks to rez people because the more people up – the better).

Orr is quite a depressing place, but it is supposed to be from both a lore and art-direction viewpoint. It seems that this thread has many “all about me” mentality, and that’s a little sad to read.

That said, on my server (Tarnished Coast), there is a high proportion of people who will stop to help others rather than swing on by. I’m not saying it doesn’t happen, but from my personal viewpoint it is the exception rather than the norm.

My opinion: high lvl community is bad...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kana.6793


I haven’t noticed this, especially the zerg part about you stealing their loot. What’s up with that O.o

I’ve been 80 for a while now and I always ress people I pass. Last night someone ran through me while I was downed, without stopping to ress. I was on a new alt and in a low level zone. That’s the first time that’s happened so far.

I suggest you server transfer while it’s free!

My opinion: high lvl community is bad...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Razorface.2714


I see a lot of people dragging mobs around behind them. I see it everywhere. Instead of sitting there and accepting the aggro I follow the lazy P.O.S to his stopping location and hand them all back to him. In my mind I say “Clean up your own dang mess!” Then I go back to what I was doing before.

I kill everything in my way, if it looks like I might aggro it, I kill it. I got so tired of being killed like that though, that is why I started following those people to give them their mobs back. They know what they are doing when they do it too, they just don’t care.

As for people “yelling” at me, haven’t had this happen to me..yet. It will be funny when it does though, I will add every single one of them to my ignore/block list. I am doing what I need to do, I will not yell at anyone for anything at all and anyone who “yells” at me…I will make them disappear, as we are all but just a few clicks away from not even existing anyway. This kind of behavior will nto be accepted by me, not one bit.

Reviving? I see a lot of reviving going on and I see a lot not going on too. I revive everybody I can, mostly anyway. There have been times though, this one guy walked right over my corpse the other day, later on I walked right over his corpse. Eye for an eye blinds the world and I am okay with that. x.x

As to your comment about not a lot of level 80 players out there…I completely disagree. I have not one but two myself, and I have been doing everything from DEs to crafting and including map completion and WvW, I am doing it all and I even watch the vista POVs too, no power leveling, no speed leveling to 80 or nothing, there are tons of people at level 80, in fact if you have been playing since the beta ended and game went live, I wonder what is wrong with you when you don’t have at least one character to level 80. I have two of them and wasn’t even trying to get them to level 80, it just happened that way.

My opinion: high lvl community is bad...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Trock Bronze.9625

Trock Bronze.9625

  • A player is running by me with about 10 mobs following him, which attacks me when he is out of reach. This is my number one cause of death in this game.

This is rather annoying, people will just let you deal with mobs, you think you are helping and attack a few but they just leave you with everything.

  • No one is ever reviving. It looks like no one gives a kitten anymore. They’ve hit max level and are now just farming those gathering nodes, not caring to help the downed or defeated player.

This depends, at least on my server you get picked up most of the time, but in high level zones you do have a higher chance of it not happening. In events however, particularly ‘farm road’ and more specifically penitent camp, if you go down because you stayed in the risen chicken explosion, expect not to get picked up.

  • If you’re not following the Zerg you’re a kitten which is only thinking of yourself. This is at least what I’ve been told when I have been running around Orr with friends doing events. The Zerg somehow claims that we’re “stealing” their loot….

This I have never encountered, infact I have seen the opposite in events where people are actively pushing or pulling enemies away from the group or several people are stood in 3 different spawn zones killing things so that they never reach the mid point where everyone could benefit from it. Everyone looses.

  • If you’re alone or outside prime time you’ll never get the skill challenges, events or waypoints. All the players around are either bots or they’re just there to farm resources.

again not something I have encountered, there is always someone available to help if you really need it and our map chat is active with people letting us know when events go up.

  • Everyone is just minding their own business.

Again not really true on my server, people still help out they just stick to several areas mostly, but for the most part if you ask people will come.

My opinion: high lvl community is bad...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Milennin.4825


Not noticed this at all on my server. I’ve spent some time in Orr last week, and it’s been pretty good. Once I died during the Lyssa event, and a guy ressed me from death state in the middle of the fight.
A guy was asking for help at a skillpoint guarded by some mobs and a champion, and several people came to help him.
Orichalcum ore locations are frequently linked in chat.
I see people being ressed during big events all the time.
I don’t know this “zerg” you speak of. There’s a some groups of players around the busy spots in the area, but they’re just doing their thing. I sometimes join in for an event, then go back to do stuff on my own. Never had a problem with them.

Also, outside prime time it’s pretty hard to get stuff done, because:
There’s not a lot of people online.
Not everyone might be wanting to do the thing you need.
Not everyone might have time to do the thing you need.
Maybe they’re doing other events together.
Just because people don’t answer your questions or come to rescue you for every little thing doesn’t mean that they’re bots or selfish players.

Sometimes I ask for help at a god shrine, but usually get a reply that people are currently doing some other big event first. So instead of continue whining in chat/forums how people are so selfish and only doing their own thing, I join in on the fun at the other event.
Other times I get no reply at all, and that’s ok. It just means there aren’t enough players around that are willing to, or have time to come do a big event with me.

Just who the hell do you think I am!?

(edited by Milennin.4825)

My opinion: high lvl community is bad...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bhuta.1480


Have had the player running past and the mob chasing turn on me a few times and that is frustrating but I just curse them under my breath and carry on, as for the other issues must say no the community on Gandara at least seem mostly helpful and friendly.

My opinion: high lvl community is bad...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Milennin.4825


Have had the player running past and the mob chasing turn on me a few times and that is frustrating but I just curse them under my breath and carry on, as for the other issues must say no the community on Gandara at least seem mostly helpful and friendly.

I’m on Gandara too.8) It’s a good server.

Just who the hell do you think I am!?

My opinion: high lvl community is bad...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Everdark.7541


I found some of this to be true … when went though the 3 Orr maps I was there mainly to clear the map and complete my story. If someone needed help, I helped out (9 times out of 10 we both got wiped out), but the favor is never returned. “If you aren’t one of the Zerg you’re in the way” mentality has kept me from going back to those maps (also underwater fighting … while it’s a cool feature it’s annoying as hell.)

The mobs following isn’t always the players fault though. the undead have crazy aggro range an sometimes you just dont notice

The skill challenge one is … bothersome lol but being ignored isn’t just a map community thing. I’ve been in 3 guilds so far that either point blank refuse to help in the Orr maps or just ignore calls for help.

So I’ve found the mid lvl community pretty helpful and happy to talk, low lvls are trolls or are really are simple newbies, but the high lvl community (in my experience) seems to be a cold place where envious and the jealous rule
(I play in Blackgate)

My opinion: high lvl community is bad...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Negis.5176


If Orr was a more happy place, people would be nicer. Put yourself in someone else’s shoes for a moment. You come home from work, deal with the kids, get the wife off your back and finally get a chance to sit down for a little while to work on your GW2 toon. In short order, you’re mad at the mobs, you’re mad at the events, you’re mad that your bags were completely full and you barely broke 20 silver (on average), you don’t know for sure if all the magic-find drugs you’re on are working, it cost over a silver to get to where you need to go but you can’t go there because it’s contested, so you have to run through 20 mobs to get to the last 30 seconds of an event and only to have another one spawn from where you just left, and DR kicks in shortly thereafter.

Not exactly a scenario that promotes happy feelings in players.

I can’t really agree with this. Considering I used to do the whole “hardcore WoW raiding” thing and now I have the aforementioned wife and kids, I prefer to spend my time in GW2 exploring the map and enjoying the jump puzzles and hidden areas.

I simply don’t have the time to get involved in the single minded grinding for karma or whatever else is needed to craft a legendary items etc. I rather do some activities where I can actually achieve something with the time I have.

So I would rather assume that the hostile crowd focusing on efficient grinding is more in the teen and student demographics. (Also the whole stfulolnoob -thing starts to seem more and more pointless after a time

My opinion: high lvl community is bad...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gehenna.3625


The group of people that rushed to level 80 in the first week are I suppose by definition mostly people who are disappointed by now because of lack of content and trying to turn this game into a grindfest even though it’s not that type of game.

You see this best in the comments about legendary weapons. You don’t need this type of weapon to do any of the content in the game and from my point of view it’s the kind of thing that you can work towards over time. When I say time I mean months, not a couple of weeks.

The comment here that the cost of legendary weapons requires that people grind a lot in Orr is therefore an incorrect conclusion. People are used to grind for stuff in other games, because you need the gear to be able to participate in certain activities but I see that if after a few months I happen to have a lot of spare karma or skill points or what not that I might work towards it as a long term goal.

It’s pure impatience and skinner style training of gamers in other games that creates the need to grind for legendary weapons. A person with a bit of sense (in my opinion) can conclude that this is a long term goal that you can work towards over the next 3-6 months or so….if you want to. Again, you don’t need to.

So yes it is very possible that at least part of the current level 80 community are a bit frustrated and convinced themselves they have to grind and are upset at DR therefore because they only understand gear progression as fun. That is their personal problem, not mine. Sure, there is nothing wrong with liking gear progression, but then why play a game that isn’t gear centric but more about cosmetics? That makes no sense.

If you have the bad luck to be on a server where you have a lot of issues with the level 80 community I guess these people are the majority there. But then it is Orr….a lot of other level 80s spend more time in dungeons like TA and CoF and doing lower level content cause it’s fun and gives variation, rather than feeling I must grind Orr or else I have no endgame content left.

It really is a matter of perception and I suppose it’s sad when you are in a place with a lot of people like that.

It’s a game forum. The truth is not to be found here.

My opinion: high lvl community is bad...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Snow White.9680

Snow White.9680

+1 Gehenna. Wonderful post.

My opinion: high lvl community is bad...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zenith.1234


I just recently hit 71 and entered straits of devestation and the community there is awful beyond reason. They will walk all over you, not help and insult you in chat. Hopefully it is the server and I can switch but I need a good one first where people aren’t jerks.

My opinion: high lvl community is bad...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shinzan.2908


Reviving, and support in general needs to add more to event contribution, as it is if you want gold and karma you have to dps and stopping to revive someone goes counter to that. (not to mention that in some events not moving = another dead body)

My opinion: high lvl community is bad...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kasenai.9418


Since the game is one month and one week old. I personally think that most that are max level are console gamers. Most folks like that only think of themselves.
Don’t expect this to improve for another couple of month or more

This is the dumbest post I’ve seen on this forum so far.

- En svensk tiger.

My opinion: high lvl community is bad...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: roqoco.4053


Since the first players who reached level cap are by definition rushers/achievers, it may be that things will start to get better there when the slower players start to catch up. Not that there’s anything wrong with goal directed play if its not too extreme etc.

My opinion: high lvl community is bad...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sarisa.4731


There was a discussion last night on this very topic when I was in Frostgorge last night. It also was brought up how much nicer Frostgorge’s community was as compared to Cursed Shore.

Lille of the Valley [WHIP]