My opinion of the crit food buff nerf
There are probably 15+ threads dedicated to the nerf, and no developer responses yet.
There were official response. It was like that: you are almost invulnerable if fighting 3+ mobs at the same time
So they desided to add internal CD.
There were official response. It was like that: you are almost invulnerable if fighting 3+ mobs at the same time
So they desided to add internal CD.
Where was it? And really that is not true. (maybe in open world, but nobody really cares about that.)
well my warrior can’t even live though a small group of silvers now because i’m not getting sufficiant life steal back anymore… guess i better sell my stacks of fooD b4 they drop in price…
My Guardian is more DPS oriented now, and that pie helped a lot. With it, I could easily solo fully upgraded supply camps with mobs defending it. Low success rate without it.
Glad it’s gone.
hence why i said they shoulda nerfed it only in pvp… or wvw. but pve alot of people relied on it.
Food item life steal on crit Cooldown: The best heal in the game can’t be 100 blades or other similar attacks. If you want to play a glass cannon, there should be danger involved, and the food buff mitigated the danger and allowed glass cannons to stand and trade blows without having to utilize their own heals or dodge rolls. They could just stand still and win – and that’s not the type of dynamic combat we want for our game. We test our content without the food buffs to ensure they are capable to players without access to them, and make sure the balance is good enough for players who don’t have those buffs. There are a lot of other viable food buffs in the game, and this one food buff meant a core few items were dominating all the others.
For those also thinking I went rogue and did this, I went through all the checks and balances, and discussed the changes with leads. While I do have the power to change dungeons, things that affect the world outside of dungeons is handled through meetings to make sure everyone is on board with a proposed solution.
(edited by LyzeUH.1398)
High risk , High reward, you kill things faster but you risk wiping, sounds fair.
Because whole build viability shouldn’t revolve around pie
get good
The only crime is it’s dragged all the other crit food down with it. Stuff that was nowhere near OP like pepper poppers.
Because whole build viability shouldn’t revolve around pie
get good
The only crime is it’s dragged all the other crit food down with it. Stuff that was nowhere near OP like pepper poppers.
It has nothing to do with being good (nice one though, bringing up L2P issues).
If at a certain skill level you can beat X mobs, with crit food you could beat X+50% (made up number for demonstration purposes). If you suck, your X is lower, if you’re good your initial X is higher.
Thanx Anet for increasing the power of the zerg once more. Do it more pls. I recommend a buff: for every player you have in 2.000 range you gain 2% more stats. Do eeet, it will save WvW! /s
“We just don’t want players to grind in GW2” – C. Johanson
“The most important thing in any game should be the player” – R. Soesbee
There was a reason warriors could survive with a glass cannon build. That food was the reason. Maybe we’ll be seeing less “CoF1 speed run warriors only” posts on GW2LFG although I doubt it.
It was OP, it needed to be fixed.
Change was needed. As a Sword/Dagger rogue in dungeons and fractals I never once used one of these food items. Don’t need it.
I ran CoE all paths earlier today on my guardian. We had 3 berserker warriors. None of them died and we cleared the place without breaking a sweat.
Learn to play, dodge, remove conditions, etc.
Anet took away some training wheels. Probably long overdue.
There was a reason warriors could survive with a glass cannon build. That food was the reason. Maybe we’ll be seeing less “CoF1 speed run warriors only” posts on GW2LFG although I doubt it.
i do cof1 in melee with a dps mesmer and no food i doubt a warrior will need food.
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
No, it wasn’t OP. There were plenty of times an experienced team of pie-eaters wiped in a nasty dungeon. It made you tough, but not invincible.
I did all 3 paths of CoE with 3 berserker warriors meleeing the day after the nerf. Nobody even got downed. The change was fine. Learn to play.
Nerf was needed. If you can tank all day as a DPS warrior (or whatever profession you played) there is something wrong. No more god mode, I am sorry. Not.
That nerf was so absolutely called for… it was WAY op… I tried it on my warrior to see what all the hubbub was about.
If your builds depend on a food buff to survive… then you might want to reconsider your build choices, gear choices, or playstyle… and adjust as needed.
Just another case of 100’s of people crying about something because they are unhappy…. eliciting a change from Anet, and then making thousands of people unhappy.
It was long overdue. Warriors and thieves should not have the best dps and the best healing at the same time.
I did honestly feel my warrior was overpowered with omnon pies. But not so sure about the thief. She’s awfully fragile, and with the stealth nerf/whatever it was, it seems like they could use a pve buff of some sort. (I really think my warrior was way higher in damage) I don’t know about pvp at all – I go into WvW sometimes & wonder why I’m there, & what’s going on, & just follow people around trying to help. (and I mostly went in on my ranger to get the pretty wolf) But in pve, I don’t feel all that amazing on the thief. I also miss a real stealth, though I guess it wouldn’t work in this game. I LOVE stealth. I loved in in single player – mmos. But they keep destroying it. (they ruined it in Dragon Age, & why? It’s not like there’s a pvp feature there!)
Anyway – back to pie… I felt like it was a crutch, that reveals not a player problem but a problem with instances. Speed runs are everything – and you have to do a lot of them. A lot too many for my tastes. I’m not sure I equate ‘boring run #45’ with ‘fun in game.’ On the bright side, we didn’t like CoF 1, so we just did hotw with 4 – until we didn’t like that one, either.
Anet took away some training wheels. Probably long overdue.
Agree, it was a good call, one of a few needed fixes in the game..
Warrior dying a lot? try playing Ranger and see how overpowered that is…
They should of changed the way aggro works so mobs targeted people with more critical bonus, not nerfed something without any compensation. They pretty much removed almost 2-3 builds from every class.
High risk , High reward, you kill things faster but you risk wiping, sounds fair.
Now if only i actually felt safer going heavy on vitality and toughness.
In all honesty i find the pressure to the just as high, but with the fights taking longer to finish and with actually a higher chance that the end is me in down state.
High risk , High reward, you kill things faster but you risk wiping, sounds fair.
Now if only i actually felt safer going heavy on vitality and toughness.
All toughness does for warriors is get you aggro, toughness stops being good after 2600 armor.
They should of changed the way aggro works so mobs targeted people with more critical bonus, not nerfed something without any compensation. They pretty much removed almost 2-3 builds from every class.
No they didn’t… they nerfed an abused OP food buff.
Builds should never revolve around externally derived temporary bonuses… if one does, it means its a crutch that people are using to carry a crap build, or their own sub-par skills… food buffs should help to enhance not facilitate.
Food item life steal on crit Cooldown: The best heal in the game can’t be 100 blades or other similar attacks. If you want to play a glass cannon, there should be danger involved, and the food buff mitigated the danger and allowed glass cannons to stand and trade blows without having to utilize their own heals or dodge rolls. They could just stand still and win – and that’s not the type of dynamic combat we want for our game. We test our content without the food buffs to ensure they are capable to players without access to them, and make sure the balance is good enough for players who don’t have those buffs. There are a lot of other viable food buffs in the game, and this one food buff meant a core few items were dominating all the others.
For those also thinking I went rogue and did this, I went through all the checks and balances, and discussed the changes with leads. While I do have the power to change dungeons, things that affect the world outside of dungeons is handled through meetings to make sure everyone is on board with a proposed solution.
Thanks, tho i honestly wish one could opt out of all this “dynamic” fighting via build choices. It seems no matter if one have a uber bunkered guardian or glass cannon elementalist, you will be spending most of your time dodging and running in circles.
This gets especially frustrating when the fighting has to take place inside narrow tunnels and similar, and if you try to move it elsewhere the mobs will just reach the end of their leash and the fight reset to square one.
High risk , High reward, you kill things faster but you risk wiping, sounds fair.
Now if only i actually felt safer going heavy on vitality and toughness.
All toughness does for warriors is get you aggro, toughness stops being good after 2600 armor.
Even more silly if you play a tank-ish elementalist or similar next to a glass cannon warrior. The mobs will happily ignore the warrior and come for you, even if the warrior would survive longer.
Food item life steal on crit Cooldown: The best heal in the game can’t be 100 blades or other similar attacks. If you want to play a glass cannon, there should be danger involved, and the food buff mitigated the danger and allowed glass cannons to stand and trade blows without having to utilize their own heals or dodge rolls. They could just stand still and win – and that’s not the type of dynamic combat we want for our game. We test our content without the food buffs to ensure they are capable to players without access to them, and make sure the balance is good enough for players who don’t have those buffs. There are a lot of other viable food buffs in the game, and this one food buff meant a core few items were dominating all the others.
For those also thinking I went rogue and did this, I went through all the checks and balances, and discussed the changes with leads. While I do have the power to change dungeons, things that affect the world outside of dungeons is handled through meetings to make sure everyone is on board with a proposed solution.
Thanks, tho i honestly wish one could opt out of all this “dynamic” fighting via build choices. It seems no matter if one have a uber bunkered guardian or glass cannon elementalist, you will be spending most of your time dodging and running in circles.
This gets especially frustrating when the fighting has to take place inside narrow tunnels and similar, and if you try to move it elsewhere the mobs will just reach the end of their leash and the fight reset to square one.
Or if you get rooted over/over.
Food item life steal on crit Cooldown: The best heal in the game can’t be 100 blades or other similar attacks. If you want to play a glass cannon, there should be danger involved, and the food buff mitigated the danger and allowed glass cannons to stand and trade blows without having to utilize their own heals or dodge rolls. They could just stand still and win – and that’s not the type of dynamic combat we want for our game. We test our content without the food buffs to ensure they are capable to players without access to them, and make sure the balance is good enough for players who don’t have those buffs. There are a lot of other viable food buffs in the game, and this one food buff meant a core few items were dominating all the others.
For those also thinking I went rogue and did this, I went through all the checks and balances, and discussed the changes with leads. While I do have the power to change dungeons, things that affect the world outside of dungeons is handled through meetings to make sure everyone is on board with a proposed solution.
Thanks, tho i honestly wish one could opt out of all this “dynamic” fighting via build choices. It seems no matter if one have a uber bunkered guardian or glass cannon elementalist, you will be spending most of your time dodging and running in circles.
This gets especially frustrating when the fighting has to take place inside narrow tunnels and similar, and if you try to move it elsewhere the mobs will just reach the end of their leash and the fight reset to square one.
Or if you get rooted over/over.
Yeah why did they fix an obviously OP food? My entire build revolved around it! One piece of food was the only thing that kept my glass behind alive! Surely that doesn’t deserve a nerf…
It’s pretty obvious food was never suppose to have that kind of effect. The fact that people fell on such a crutch and now are whining incessantly over it is just shows how ridiculous it was . You should be glad you weren’t banned for exploiting, just like the karma weapon fiasco. No game designer would have knowingly added such a thing to the game. I hope the Devs are just reading these threads and having a chuckle.
(edited by havoc.8569)
Yeah why did they fix an obviously OP food? My entire build revolved around it! One piece of food was the only thing that kept my glass behind alive! Surely that doesn’t deserve a nerf…
It’s pretty obvious food was never suppose to have that kind of effect. The fact that people fell on such a crutch and now are whining incessantly over it is just shows how ridiculous it was . You should be glad you weren’t banned for exploiting, just like the karma weapon fiasco. No game designer would have knowingly added such a thing to the game. I hope the Devs are just reading these threads and having a chuckle.
I think its an exploit that people can stack toughness, run around with aggro while glass cannons can beat on the mob and do all the damage without getting a single point of aggro.
if they changed aggro instead to how it was in other games, then Glass Cannon’s COULD not do this.
Yeah why did they fix an obviously OP food? My entire build revolved around it! One piece of food was the only thing that kept my glass behind alive! Surely that doesn’t deserve a nerf…
It’s pretty obvious food was never suppose to have that kind of effect. The fact that people fell on such a crutch and now are whining incessantly over it is just shows how ridiculous it was . You should be glad you weren’t banned for exploiting, just like the karma weapon fiasco. No game designer would have knowingly added such a thing to the game. I hope the Devs are just reading these threads and having a chuckle.
I think its an exploit that people can stack toughness, run around with aggro while glass cannons can beat on the mob and do all the damage without getting a single point of aggro.
if they changed aggro instead to how it was in other games, then Glass Cannon’s COULD not do this.
Well, I must not have enough toughness, then! How much toughness do you need for this to happen? Glitch or no glitch, I want it.
More toughness than the rest of the group, and make sure nobody is playing guardian or anything carrying a shield. After that there is just a matter of not dragging the mob too close to the damage dealers.
Yeah why did they fix an obviously OP food? My entire build revolved around it! One piece of food was the only thing that kept my glass behind alive! Surely that doesn’t deserve a nerf…
It’s pretty obvious food was never suppose to have that kind of effect. The fact that people fell on such a crutch and now are whining incessantly over it is just shows how ridiculous it was . You should be glad you weren’t banned for exploiting, just like the karma weapon fiasco. No game designer would have knowingly added such a thing to the game. I hope the Devs are just reading these threads and having a chuckle.
I think its an exploit that people can stack toughness, run around with aggro while glass cannons can beat on the mob and do all the damage without getting a single point of aggro.
if they changed aggro instead to how it was in other games, then Glass Cannon’s COULD not do this.
No, that’s called team work.
They should of changed the way aggro works so mobs targeted people with more critical bonus, not nerfed something without any compensation. They pretty much removed almost 2-3 builds from every class.
No they didn’t… they nerfed an abused OP food buff.
Builds should never revolve around externally derived temporary bonuses… if one does, it means its a crutch that people are using to carry a crap build, or their own sub-par skills… food buffs should help to enhance not facilitate.
This /15char
More toughness than the rest of the group, and make sure nobody is playing guardian or anything carrying a shield. After that there is just a matter of not dragging the mob too close to the damage dealers.
Well, I was thinking OF my guardian!
More toughness than the rest of the group, and make sure nobody is playing guardian or anything carrying a shield. After that there is just a matter of not dragging the mob too close to the damage dealers.
Well, I was thinking OF my guardian!
No clue then. Are everyone else around you running around armored to the nostrils?
No, actually – since I went over 3000 armor, I’m fine. I suspect my little thief friend of having suspiciously high toughness, though!
Just another case of 100’s of people crying about something because they are unhappy…. eliciting a change from Anet, and then making thousands of people unhappy.
This is the sole purpose of forums. That is the game here.
If I were a developer, i wouldnt have official forums. Not like this anyway. The way I look at it is if you gotta ask the playerbase what they want, then you dont know what you want, you have no vision and therefore dont know what youre doing anymore. Games that start listening to player feedback and complaints are usually ones that are dieing, in a last ditch effort they say “fine, what do you guys want?!?!” They made what think would work and it didnt so now they come asking the playersbase how to fix it. If you have to ask for a solution, cant come up with one yourself, dont own the solution, you’ll never implement it correctly anyway, youre already dead. Best is to ignore everybody and do what you think is right and let the chips fall where they may.
There are hundreds of threads dedicated to people wanting the food back, and the same 10 people on each telling them to LTP, this just backs up the fact that there really arn’t enough choices in the games traits.
The food was simply a “band-aid” fix that made the builds “work” however a lot of people exploited the food in some dungeons (CoF+Old AC), where they would be overpowered due to how many mobs and how many hits you could get from them, you didn’t even have to move from AOEs (some classes still do not.) and gave them sustain in full offensive gear.
However, people who used it defensively how it was meant to be get punished moreso because now they can’t do anything with there older builds, and when they asked for more defensive traits to make up for it, they pretty much got “tough luck.” Combining this with the “LTP” from the forums… its kind of hurtful, and its honestly making a lot of players just leave the game.
Developers should listen to all there player base, not the most elite.