(edited by Erebus.7568)
My personal opinion: Balance in gw2 is awefull.
i think anet must have the worst balance team i have ever encountered.
no matter what aspect of gw2 we look at the balance is amazingly badly made.Spvp balance is awefull. (some combinations are just rolf everything else, and the class imba is shiny so strongly through, combined with the awefull grouping system its just horrible)
class balance is so bad i can’t even descripe it. (some classes are grosely powerfull others useless)
wvw balance: the numbers are utterly off, one side is utterly dominating having 3 times the player on the map at any given moment making the balance and zerging mode so bad its just sad, add to that sides working together so its 2 sides v 1 making it even more horrible and there is no way to really stop that aspect of metagaming.
pve balance: horrible HORRIBLE!!! some groups of enemies are stupidly powerfull while others are utterly easy mode, bosses untill the end boss is sleepingly easy and the endboss is retardedly impossible to kill -_- the difficulty in some instance’s just sky rocket up and down like idiotic.
it seems like they just put no effort into it
none at all
Did it ever occur to you that it might just be you?
I’ve yet to find an encounter in PvP or PvE that I couldn’t beat with a little forethought. (or retrospectively after wipes).
WvWvW will be a bit off to begin with. The idea is that winning servers play other winning servers, then it will eventually make matches to a point where it achieves a good balance. (At least that’s as far as I understand it?)
Also, please, please use a browser that spell checks your posts.
Instead of just saying “awefull” over and over why don’t you just give some examples of what’s so unbalanced
please dont reply to this unless you actually have completed every instance and killed the last boss in arah explo mode and tried them all 4 in explo mode.
+ OFCOUSE done both wvw and spvp quite a bit with several different classes. since if you havent you would have no idea wth i am talking about
please dont reply to this unless you actually have completed every instance and killed the last boss in arah explo mode and tried them all 4 in explo mode.
+ OFCOUSE done both wvw and spvp quite a bit with several different classes. since if you havent you would have no idea wth i am talking about
I very much doubt you have cleared every instance on every mod, cleared every DE in the game and also completed all pvp objectives and got max rank etc on multiple different characters. So you should be the very last person to even comment on it, let alone trying to start a debate on it.
I don’t believe that you have completed Arrah in Explorable mode. I think you’re trolling,
Instead of just saying “awefull” over and over why don’t you just give some examples of what’s so unbalanced
i actually did tell what was the issue if you read it. go read it again then -_-
stating every setup, wvw issue, dungeon issue, class balance issue etc. would take hours of my time writting example after example of what needs to be looked at.
the fact there is so rediculessly many things that needs a serious look at balance wise is why i state that its in an awefull state..
the balance team of anet needs a kick and then hire some decent people to do this.
I don’t believe that you have completed Arrah in Explorable mode. I think you’re trolling,
i have, killed one of the bosses, same you farm shards on and it is REDICULESSLY hard, we 2 man the rest of that instance no prob, but that last boss i have only killed once with a full party and its rediculessly hard (tried it several times and havent been in a group able to do any other boss in there.)
which is also again why i state that the balance in pve iskitten 95% of the instancekitten easy, a few group of mobs in the wrong pull and last boss next to impossible to do -_-
(edited by Erebus.7568)
Balance is fine. That is all.
Instead of just saying “awefull” over and over why don’t you just give some examples of what’s so unbalanced
i actually did tell what was the issue if you read it. go read it again then -_-
stating every setup, wvw issue, dungeon issue, class balance issue etc. would take hours of my time writting example after example of what needs to be looked at.the fact there is so rediculessly many things that needs a serious look at balance wise is why i state that its in an awefull state..
the balance team of anet needs a kick and then hire some decent people to do this.
Nah you just whined. If you actually had given some examples of classes and skills that you feel are unbalanced then maybe ppl would take your post more seriously.
how 2 dodge?
You played a thief knowing full well what its armor class was. You can’t just sit there and take damage, and expect some “tank” to take that boss off of you, because it’s not that kind of game; roll those big attacks, apply blind, back up and let someone else manage aggro while you go support or control after you’ve taken a bit too much damage. You can’t go brain AFK in these fights. Don’t just stand there and die.
Also, check out Hardcore Adventure Box: World 1, World 2, Lost Sessions
Main Character: Dathius Eventide | Say “hi” to the Tribulation Clouds for me. :)
Instead of just saying “awefull” over and over why don’t you just give some examples of what’s so unbalanced
i actually did tell what was the issue if you read it. go read it again then -_-
stating every setup, wvw issue, dungeon issue, class balance issue etc. would take hours of my time writting example after example of what needs to be looked at.the fact there is so rediculessly many things that needs a serious look at balance wise is why i state that its in an awefull state..
the balance team of anet needs a kick and then hire some decent people to do this.Nah you just whined. If you actually had given some examples of classes and skills that you feel are unbalanced then maybe ppl would take your post more seriously.
if you don’t already know what issues is with what class,spvp,wvw,dungeon dont wasted the time and go to the class/spvp and wvw forum sections and actually read the balance issues there instead of wasting time in a thread that is mained at people which already have used time researching the game and what people have been complaining about for ages in the forum of each class forum and of the main forum..
(to say one just to keep you happy, worriar op, ele up. spvp tanky dps win all, WvW zerg win all and the population is not balanced in a 1v1v1 scale, its closer to a 4v2v1 scale. obvious issues)
This is clearly a post from someone who is very well experienced in MMOs and GW2.
how 2 dodge?
You played a thief knowing full well what its armor class was. You can’t just sit there and take damage, and expect some “tank” to take that boss off of you, because it’s not that kind of game; roll those big attacks, apply blind, back up and let someone else manage aggro while you go support or control after you’ve taken a bit too much damage. You can’t go brain AFK in these fights. Don’t just stand there and die.
clearly you never done ANY of the bosses in arah, so go away and stop trolling
(and thief is actually together with the mesm the classses i havent played much)
hey im gettin pretty good at reading nonsensicalrunonsentenceramblings
Consistency is all that is needed. I say make this game even harder just make the reward worth the repair bill.
One thing to keep in mind. They only spent a month or so on balancing. During BWE3 many people complained about how stupidly easy they had made the game. The response was “we will be working on balancing over the next month before release.”
Anet for some reason thought they could balance an MMO in a month when companies like Blizzard have been trying to do it for years. This is why everything is so out of proportion in this game. They simply did not make balance a top priority.
please dont reply to this unless you actually have completed every dungeon and killed the last boss in arah explo mode and tried them all 4 in explo mode.
+ OFCOUSE done both wvw and spvp quite a bit with SEVERAL different classes. since if you havent you would have no idea wth i am talking about.
I am actually laughing at this. Throwing this stuff on the original post doesn’t make your opinion any better.
What useful and detailed feedback.
“class balance is so bad i can’t even descripe it”? With feedback of that quality how can they fail to improve things?!
in the list of developers I have the least faith & trust in.
Congratulations ArenaNet!
You know I would like to agree with you (there is obvious imbalances but the game just been released I expect that, and know Anet will get it worked out), however you made this post and didn’t go into detail at all.
You state not to reply unless we’ve done all these explorable dungeons, but go on to talk about WvWvW population imbalances, and don’t even say what exactly is wrong or offer suggestions.
Basically, this is a worthless “whine” post. z.z
What useful and detailed feedback.
“class balance is so bad i can’t even descripe it”? With feedback of that quality how can they fail to improve things?!
“I can’t even descripe it” = my new saying.
please dont reply to this unless you actually have completed every dungeon and killed the last boss in arah explo mode and tried them all 4 in explo mode.
+ OFCOUSE done both wvw and spvp quite a bit with SEVERAL different classes. since if you havent you would have no idea wth i am talking about.
Please don’t post a thread unless you’ve actually completed high school. Otherwise it will be awful, and you will have no idea wth you are talking about.
@Jestunhi: You captured my thoughts in their entirety.
In fact, you did so so well i can’t even descripe it.
if you think the ‘Balance team’ needt to be replaced, oh game balancing expert, please tell me how you would fix it. I’d love to hear what you have to think. Just a few examples, heck i’d be happy with one.