My personal opinion on endgame

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cad.3674


So yeah. I’ve been 80 for about 2 weeks. I’m 400 armorsmith and 400 jewelcrafting.

I have made 2-3 full sets of exotics. I have almost 100% world completion.

I have done almost everything there is to do in this game. And I’m not playing 24/7. I just set myself to a task and do it.

There is no feeling of end game. Doing events over and over and over and over and over is a grind. Doing dungeons over and over for their gear skins is a grind.

There are no epic fights, no raids, most of the dungeons are poorly designed with trash being harder than the actual bosses. (Seriously, I can solo the first 2 bosses in warden wing Arah. – Really?)

The game is a grind – the PvP feels lackluster at best, especially wvw. Zerg vs zerg is not my idea of fun. I pretty much ignore the objectives in wvw and run around just looking for solo fights or 1v2’s 1v3’s.

Where is the end game? Where are these “Dynamic Events” you are speaking of because I haven’t ever seen them.

And to you people, who I have seen post this in so many other threads. To answer your question “The game has been out only 3 weeks, what do you expect?”

I expect a game, upon release to have enough content to keep me busy until new content comes out. Not to have 2 days worth of event seeing and then do those same events for hours and hours.

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sandwitch.6159


Wait, I’m getting a little confused here.
Are you complaining about grind or the lack of endgame? Because you seem to be pretty confused about these terms.
Which MMORPG’s endgame is not grind? What could possibly keep people occupied that long if not grind? No content can be developed faster than it’s completed by players.

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Avatar.1923


keeping you busy???

dude! you play more than 40h / week.

please, game responsibly…

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: marianitten.1247


  • In skirim, if I complete all the main/sidequest, explore the 100% of the map and max all skills.. there is nothing much to do…
  • In diablo 3, if you kill Diablo in Inferno and harcode, there is no much to do…
  • In Wow.. if you complete all heroic dungeons/raids, explore all the map, complete de basic achievements and max crafting, there is nothing much to do.

- you did the impossible in short time and now claim that you have nothing more to do? Give and example of some game that “create” infinite and fun content… that will be awesome…

Sorry but the rest of us is far far away of that goal. Maybe whait a little? The game doesn’t even have 1 month

For Those About to Zerg (We Salute You)

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Craven.5468


Their is a portal through your front door. It is a zone called “Outside”. You will find wonderful graphics and opportunity to grind all you want, you just need to get a job. The opportunity to advance goes beyond just your job; you could even lead a nation of people.

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mechasauce.1309


Probably about the 100th post today abou the same thing….will be deleted.

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Debsylvania.7396


You couldn’t add this to one of the millions of threads already in existence? I think this is evidence of the mindset behind the topic… it’s all about the spotlight, isn’t it?

Deb ~The Chewbacca Defense [TCD];
Waiting For Death [WFD]
@ Borlis Pass Server

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cad.3674


Wait, I’m getting a little confused here.
Are you complaining about grind or the lack of endgame? Because you seem to be pretty confused about these terms.
Which MMORPG’s endgame is not grind? What could possibly keep people occupied that long if not grind? No content can be developed faster than it’s completed by players.

They are one and the same. The end game is a grind. A grind without any progression whatsoever.

Sure, every mmo end game is some kind of grind, but not like this.

In other MMO’s you have dungeons that drop meaningful gear upgrades – progression

You also have raids – which you need the dungeon gear to get into – meaningful progression.

There is zero progression in this game. I’m supposed to sit and farm karma for hours upon hours?

keeping you busy???
dude! you play more than 40h / week.
please, game responsibly…

Less than 1/2 that time sir. This game is easy – there is nothing hard about running around zones and repeating the process over and over again.

Dude! You have no clue about what you are posting about.
Please, post responsibly…….

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mechasauce.1309


Dude! You have no clue about what you are posting about.
Please, post responsibly…….

LOL…this is coming from the OP….are you freaking serious!

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sandwitch.6159


In other MMO’s you have dungeons that drop meaningful gear upgrades – progression

You also have raids – which you need the dungeon gear to get into – meaningful progression.

Please, don’t do this to me. I’m still at my workplace and I can’t laugh like this here.

You’re living in an illusion, if you think upgrading your stats for the sake of upgrading your stats is meaningful.

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Avatar.1923


i feel bad for him

i find that blizzard, created a new breed of addicted gamers.
just not them, bit often, they did that…
props to them i guess…
maybe they will have governemental warnings on their next game intro screen…

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cad.3674


Their is a portal through your front door. It is a zone called “Outside”. You will find wonderful graphics and opportunity to grind all you want, you just need to get a job. The opportunity to advance goes beyond just your job; you could even lead a nation of people.

I am familiar with this outside. I am out there every day.

I am also familiar with this “Job” thing you speak of but I don’t need one. I am self employed. I work 5 hours a day 3 days a week and make enough money to support my family very comfortably.

I don’t want to lead a nation of people, I have no interest in that.

I would bet, that I also spend less time in the game than you do. I just don’t spend it sitting around town or trying to pay the trading post, or goofing around. I sit down with a goal in mind and accomplish it.

It took me 2 nights of playing 4 hours (my longest sessions) to get 98% world completion from 40%.

It’s not hard.

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ren.7539


Simple answer, create other characters.. there are 5 slots for a reason.

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cad.3674


In other MMO’s you have dungeons that drop meaningful gear upgrades – progression

You also have raids – which you need the dungeon gear to get into – meaningful progression.

Please, don’t do this to me. I’m still at my workplace and I can’t laugh like this here.

You’re living in an illusion, if you think upgrading your stats for the sake of upgrading your stats is meaningful.

It’s more meaningful than doing stuff and not upgrading your stats.

It gives you something to work towards, something to strive for. If you don’t understand that then leave, go back to being happy working for minimum wage. Same thing.

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stark.1350


This game is not a gear treadmill.. this game is clearly not for you.. bye.

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Avatar.1923


anyway. we get it OP. we cope with you.

we “agree”.

and now ?

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cesmode.4257


@OP, stop!

Wait, youre saying you don’t play 24/7? Yet you have an 80, 2-3 full exotics, 400 in crafting disciplines, and are now bored? Do a /age and screenshot it, post it here. Just curious. Im about 150 or so hours in, one level 80 with mid level disciplines and absolutely no gear to speak of. I have a few alts going on, but still. But thats with 150 hours of gameplay. My wife would say I play too much. I play, on average during the work week, 4 hours per night, double that on the weekends…thats a bit much IMO, and I have no gear thats worth mentioning. Yet, you have all of these exotics?

You also have almost 100 map completion? I hit 80 a week or so ago, granted since Ive been playing an alt, but when I hit 80 I was only 43% world explored.

Must have spent a lot of money buying(and time to get said money) or a lot of kharma buying(time spent to grind such kharma).

How did you not accomplish this all without playing more than 5 or 6 hours a day.

Id love to know.

Karma is as abundant as air, and as useless as the Kardashians.

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Craven.5468


Their is a portal through your front door. It is a zone called “Outside”. You will find wonderful graphics and opportunity to grind all you want, you just need to get a job. The opportunity to advance goes beyond just your job; you could even lead a nation of people.

I am familiar with this outside. I am out there every day.

I am also familiar with this “Job” thing you speak of but I don’t need one. I am self employed. I work 5 hours a day 3 days a week and make enough money to support my family very comfortably.

I don’t want to lead a nation of people, I have no interest in that.

I would bet, that I also spend less time in the game than you do. I just don’t spend it sitting around town or trying to pay the trading post, or goofing around. I sit down with a goal in mind and accomplish it.

It took me 2 nights of playing 4 hours (my longest sessions) to get 98% world completion from 40%.

It’s not hard.

Link a screenshot of your 80 and it’s playtime and world completion amount. Or stop lying.

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tarinis.6054


So yeah. I’ve been 80 for about 2 weeks. I’m 400 armorsmith and 400 jewelcrafting.

I have made 2-3 full sets of exotics. I have almost 100% world completion.

I have done almost everything there is to do in this game. And I’m not playing 24/7. I just set myself to a task and do it.

There is no feeling of end game. Doing events over and over and over and over and over is a grind. Doing dungeons over and over for their gear skins is a grind.

There are no epic fights, no raids, most of the dungeons are poorly designed with trash being harder than the actual bosses. (Seriously, I can solo the first 2 bosses in warden wing Arah. – Really?)

The game is a grind – the PvP feels lackluster at best, especially wvw. Zerg vs zerg is not my idea of fun. I pretty much ignore the objectives in wvw and run around just looking for solo fights or 1v2’s 1v3’s.

Where is the end game? Where are these “Dynamic Events” you are speaking of because I haven’t ever seen them.

And to you people, who I have seen post this in so many other threads. To answer your question “The game has been out only 3 weeks, what do you expect?”

I expect a game, upon release to have enough content to keep me busy until new content comes out. Not to have 2 days worth of event seeing and then do those same events for hours and hours.

Im guessing your expectations will never be met

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kana.6793


There is no feeling of end game. Doing events over and over and over and over and over is a grind. Doing dungeons over and over for their gear skins is a grind.

There are no epic fights, no raids, most of the dungeons are poorly designed with trash being harder than the actual bosses.

You do know that raiding means doing the same instances over and over for several months until a new tier is released, right?

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cesmode.4257


By the way, Anet has publically stated that since they have no subscription model, they understand that people will get bored and take breaks. They almost encourage it. They also have acknowledged that while they will continue to provide support and content updates, they are not required to keep you entertained 100% of the time for months on end like subscription based games.

So if you truely are bored, take a break and come back in a week or two, fresh and new, and roll an alt.

Truthfully, we all will eventually hit the wall in terms of:
-Map completion
-Crafting completion
-Exotic sets
-Crafting legendaries
-Dungeon sets

At which time you either will continue your grind/boredom, roll an alt, or walk away for a while. Happens in every game and theres no reason to believe it wont here. For me, since I took it slow and didnt rush to server first this time around, I will probably be able to go through Thanksgiving or even to Christmas until I am in the position where I want to take a break. Thats after an exotic set or two for my Thief, 100% completion, crafting completion, and hopefully legendary…at this point I’ll probably have one or two alts to 80 with semi-decent gear.

Karma is as abundant as air, and as useless as the Kardashians.

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FarFarAway.6579


You do know that raiding means doing the same instances over and over for several months until a new tier is released, right?

But well-designed raids are actually Fun.

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sandwitch.6159


In other MMO’s you have dungeons that drop meaningful gear upgrades – progression

You also have raids – which you need the dungeon gear to get into – meaningful progression.

Please, don’t do this to me. I’m still at my workplace and I can’t laugh like this here.

You’re living in an illusion, if you think upgrading your stats for the sake of upgrading your stats is meaningful.

It’s more meaningful than doing stuff and not upgrading your stats.

It gives you something to work towards, something to strive for. If you don’t understand that then leave, go back to being happy working for minimum wage. Same thing.

“More meaningful” = still completely pointless loss of time.

I don’t know about you, but I play games to have some fun. If I want to do something meaningful, I don’t play games.

If you need someone to hold your hand and tell you what to do, be my guest. I prefer freedom of choice.

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vladia.2731


But well-designed raids are actually Fun.

Go play WoW then. Raids serve no purpose in the Guild Wars universe.

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FarFarAway.6579


“More meaningful” = still completely pointless loss of time.

I don’t know about you, but I play games to have some fun. If I want to do something meaningful, I don’t play games.

More meaningful for some players = more fun.

But well-designed raids are actually Fun.

Go play WoW then. Raids serve no purpose in the Guild Wars universe.


My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cesmode.4257


When was there a well designed raid in WoW, other than BC?

Ulduar was FUN, I wouldn’t call it well designed. The raids in Cata were semi-difficult, I wouldn’t call the instances well designed.

Karma is as abundant as air, and as useless as the Kardashians.

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vaeyrune.6804


I have done almost everything there is to do in this game. And I’m not playing 24/7.

What’s your /age at?

I’m so good, I astound myself!

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cesmode.4257


Honestly, with regard to raiding, it died when 10 player raids came out. Even though I was in a 10man raiding guild, thats where it was destroyed. In cata, raids were way more unforgiving for 10man guilds than 25man. One healer died, and no brez, you’re in for a world of pain. Not to mention, the insta-gib stuff that would kill that healer or tank.

That said I love difficulty, but cursed at my guild for being noobs.

Karma is as abundant as air, and as useless as the Kardashians.

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elydian.1763


By the way, Anet has publically stated that since they have no subscription model, they understand that people will get bored and take breaks. They almost encourage it. They also have acknowledged that while they will continue to provide support and content updates, they are not required to keep you entertained 100% of the time for months on end like subscription based games.

You have a source for this?

I’ve been following this game for years and never once witnessed them say anything close to that.

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nastyjman.8207


Their is a portal through your front door. It is a zone called “Outside”. You will find wonderful graphics and opportunity to grind all you want, you just need to get a job. The opportunity to advance goes beyond just your job; you could even lead a nation of people.

I don’t want to play that game! There’s permadeath! Also nerf the ultra-rich class please.

First Team to reach 250 has 87% chance to win (Updated 7/30/2014) :

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Porky.5021


So yeah. I’ve been 80 for about 2 weeks. I’m 400 armorsmith and 400 jewelcrafting.

I have made 2-3 full sets of exotics. I have almost 100% world completion.

I have done almost everything there is to do in this game. And I’m not playing 24/7. I just set myself to a task and do it.

There is no feeling of end game. Doing events over and over and over and over and over is a grind. Doing dungeons over and over for their gear skins is a grind.

There are no epic fights, no raids, most of the dungeons are poorly designed with trash being harder than the actual bosses. (Seriously, I can solo the first 2 bosses in warden wing Arah. – Really?)

The game is a grind – the PvP feels lackluster at best, especially wvw. Zerg vs zerg is not my idea of fun. I pretty much ignore the objectives in wvw and run around just looking for solo fights or 1v2’s 1v3’s.

Where is the end game? Where are these “Dynamic Events” you are speaking of because I haven’t ever seen them.

And to you people, who I have seen post this in so many other threads. To answer your question “The game has been out only 3 weeks, what do you expect?”

I expect a game, upon release to have enough content to keep me busy until new content comes out. Not to have 2 days worth of event seeing and then do those same events for hours and hours.

Something rings untrue in this post.

Overlord Of [NAKY]
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kana.6793


When was there a well designed raid in WoW, other than BC?

Ulduar was FUN, I wouldn’t call it well designed. The raids in Cata were semi-difficult, I wouldn’t call the instances well designed.

ICC was actually pretty good, but that buff was an absurd idea.

TBC was awesome and I’d resub to that. Cata is awful. Doubt I’ll bother with MoP. People keep talking about going back to WoW because the raids have meaning and GW2 dungeons don’t, but WoW raids have no meaning as long as LFR is in the game.

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Junkkis.5137


Really dont want to whine becouse i like tis game but…

WvWvW rewards are crap, missing carrot here.
WvWvW server bonus are poor.
WvWvW without leader is boring zerg.

Would be nice have 80 lvl zone where is not undeads and have meny event on.
Sure there is Frostgorge sound but there is not much events or same gather nodes as Cursed shore :/

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elydian.1763


ICC was actually pretty good, but that buff was an absurd idea.

TBC was awesome and I’d resub to that. Cata is awful. Doubt I’ll bother with MoP. People keep talking about going back to WoW because the raids have meaning and GW2 dungeons don’t, but WoW raids have no meaning as long as LFR is in the game.

The phrase “go back to WoW” has no meaning nowadays, because WoW nowadays is pretty much just Blizzard seeing just how little they can do and still get subscription money from the poor, exploited fanboys.

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jnaathra.6549


80 Things to Do At Level 80
Complete your personal story
Defeat Zhaitan
Unlock all available skills for your profession / race
Raise your crafting disciplines to skill level 400
Earn enough gold to purchase a racial armor set
Earn enough karma to purchase an exotic armor set
Play through all dungeons in story mode
Complete all dungeons in explorable mode
Complete all 33 possible explorable mode dungeon paths
Earn enough dungeon tokens to purchase a set of armor
Collect a set of armor from each dungeon in the game
Start a petition to make the Undead Orrian Chicken a new necro minion
Earn enough karma to purchase a racial weapon
Craft an exotic weapon for your character
Craft an exotic armor set for your character
Purchase a Dragon’s Deep weapon
Earn all possible PvE titles
Experiment with new builds for your profession
Discover all possible recipes for your crafting disciplines
Master all crafting disciplines
Experiment with the Mystic Forge
Create a Mystic weapon in the Mystic Forge
Craft a legendary weapon in the Mystic Forge
Explore all areas in the game
Find and use a vial of black dye
Find a vial of black dye and give it to a friend
Create or purchase a full set of 20 slot bags
Give Logan a wedgie
Participate in the Norn Keg Brawl
Unlock all Keg Brawl achievements
Create a new character to experience a different profession / race
Participate in structured PvP
Raise your sPvP rank
Achieve the rank of Ascendant in sPvP
Complete your favorite sPvP cosmetic armor set
Collect new cosmetic weapon skins for sPvP
Unlock all possible cosmetic weapon and armor skins in sPvP
Earn all sPvP titles
Find and complete all 31 jumping puzzles
Complete the current Monthly achievements
Help your guild earn influence to unlock additional perks
Outrun a centaur
Charm all possible pets as a Ranger
Create an all-ranger guild called Team Rocket, lose constantly in sPvP
Collect all 101 types of cooking materials
Fill every collection slot in the bank with at least one item
Participate in World versus World
Help your world win in WvW
Defeat enough enemy players in WvW to complete the medal
Complete the awesome Yakslapper achievement in WvW
Complete all WvW achievements
Build and use all siege weapon types in WvW
Earn all possible WvW Titles
Play the organ in Caledon forest, and party with the Quaggan
Earn enough gold to purchase a Commander Tome
Visit the monument to Killeen and pay your respects
Defeat the Shatterer
Defeat the Claw of Jormag
Defeat Tequatl the Sunless
Add new friends to your friend’s list
Organize an in-game event for your guild
Complete every map in the game
Participate in meta events
Discover and participate in new dynamic events
Collect stacks of butter and butter prank your friends
Learn the ins and outs of the Trading Post
Get rich selling Globs of Ectoplasm
Buy a Box o’ Fun and throw a party in Lion’s Arch
Complete an armor set for your character’s Order
Read all of the books in Divinity’s Reach
Read the story of how Ebonhawke was founded
Complete all possible weapon achievements for your character
Defeat the Champion of Grenth and purchase the exotic armor set
Write about your level 80 experience, have it published on GW2Hub
Purchase a set of armor from the guild armorsmith
Purchase a set of weapons from the guild weaponsmith
Complete all Slayer achievements
Complete the Lifetime Survivor achievement
Go skydiving in Arah after defeating Zhaitan
Have fun!

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hooplah.3150


When fanboys have nothing to say back. They make up pathetic statements to try and get back at the OP. Funny.

Anet is lacking end game compared to many games out right now. Not only that, their end game is full of grind and zerging.

The only thing we can hope for are expansions, and by that time, they may know what they are doing.

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ironangel.1548


so sick of these crying threads.

this isn’t wow, you don’t get a end game, you get to play the game.

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Avatar.1923


endgame post = troll post

unless they are suggesting something for endgame.

game are not entitled to give you infinite gameplay (or a life), and nobody is forcing you to do whatever. so just do what you like.

but threads like that are like a troll lair.

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sals.9534


A month in and you are already done, and you want Anet to do something about it?
12 years of MMO gaming and still I hear the same complaints.

Insanity=doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

Colegate / Selos Song Kaineng-DE Guild

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DrixTrix.7168


this is ridiclious, seriously, you expected a game and didnt get it? seriously how long have you been playing day/week ? im not judging but it sounds like to me you got more than your moneys worth and if your a completionist then wait for the first update thats all thats left for you.

P.S. WoW hasnt had an update in almost a year (or is it over now?) that to me is neglect and warrants complaints especially as its sub based and if this game had 0 updates for a year then yes i too would be aggitated but…argh its been 3 weeks so what 542 hours? the devs do sleep, eat, shower, live too you know.

my bet is if this game was 3 years old you would still complete all the content in a simular time frame and still complain.

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Daniel.2743


I would hardly warrant 2-3 weeks of gameplay as having my moneys worth out of an MMO in fact I have played other MMO’s longer than that before realizing they had poor endgame. I have played single player games that I have spent longer times playing than this.

And this nonsense about it being 3 weeks since release and how people should be patient, it’s crap.. the game has been in development for how long?

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Avatar.1923


pvp ? wvw ? dungeons ? craft a legendary ?

what kind of endgame you want ?

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: marianitten.1247


This game need the endgame of other “popular” MMO:


For Those About to Zerg (We Salute You)

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rehashed Jibe Tube.7102

Rehashed Jibe Tube.7102

I don’t get the whole concept of “end game”

I played pve in gw 1till i got sick of killing monsters, then played pvp for 2 more years. that was the end of the game for me.

In wow, I played a toon till lvl 78, got tired of it and stopped playng. that was the end of the game for me.

Play the content provided till you get bored and move on. It’s that simple.

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


80 Things to Do At Level 80
Complete your personal story
Defeat Zhaitan
Unlock all available skills for your profession / race
Raise your crafting disciplines to skill level 400
Earn enough gold to purchase a racial armor set
Earn enough karma to purchase an exotic armor set
Play through all dungeons in story mode
Complete all dungeons in explorable mode
Complete all 33 possible explorable mode dungeon paths
Earn enough dungeon tokens to purchase a set of armor
Collect a set of armor from each dungeon in the game
Start a petition to make the Undead Orrian Chicken a new necro minion
Earn enough karma to purchase a racial weapon
Craft an exotic weapon for your character
Craft an exotic armor set for your character
Purchase a Dragon’s Deep weapon
Earn all possible PvE titles
Experiment with new builds for your profession
Discover all possible recipes for your crafting disciplines
Master all crafting disciplines
Experiment with the Mystic Forge
Create a Mystic weapon in the Mystic Forge
Craft a legendary weapon in the Mystic Forge
Explore all areas in the game
Find and use a vial of black dye
Find a vial of black dye and give it to a friend
Create or purchase a full set of 20 slot bags
Give Logan a wedgie
Participate in the Norn Keg Brawl
Unlock all Keg Brawl achievements
Create a new character to experience a different profession / race
Participate in structured PvP
Raise your sPvP rank
Achieve the rank of Ascendant in sPvP
Complete your favorite sPvP cosmetic armor set
Collect new cosmetic weapon skins for sPvP
Unlock all possible cosmetic weapon and armor skins in sPvP
Earn all sPvP titles
Find and complete all 31 jumping puzzles
Complete the current Monthly achievements
Help your guild earn influence to unlock additional perks
Outrun a centaur
Charm all possible pets as a Ranger
Create an all-ranger guild called Team Rocket, lose constantly in sPvP
Collect all 101 types of cooking materials
Fill every collection slot in the bank with at least one item
Participate in World versus World
Help your world win in WvW
Defeat enough enemy players in WvW to complete the medal
Complete the awesome Yakslapper achievement in WvW
Complete all WvW achievements
Build and use all siege weapon types in WvW
Earn all possible WvW Titles
Play the organ in Caledon forest, and party with the Quaggan
Earn enough gold to purchase a Commander Tome
Visit the monument to Killeen and pay your respects
Defeat the Shatterer
Defeat the Claw of Jormag
Defeat Tequatl the Sunless
Add new friends to your friend’s list
Organize an in-game event for your guild
Complete every map in the game
Participate in meta events
Discover and participate in new dynamic events
Collect stacks of butter and butter prank your friends
Learn the ins and outs of the Trading Post
Get rich selling Globs of Ectoplasm
Buy a Box o’ Fun and throw a party in Lion’s Arch
Complete an armor set for your character’s Order
Read all of the books in Divinity’s Reach
Read the story of how Ebonhawke was founded
Complete all possible weapon achievements for your character
Defeat the Champion of Grenth and purchase the exotic armor set
Write about your level 80 experience, have it published on GW2Hub
Purchase a set of armor from the guild armorsmith
Purchase a set of weapons from the guild weaponsmith
Complete all Slayer achievements
Complete the Lifetime Survivor achievement
Go skydiving in Arah after defeating Zhaitan
Have fun!

And this isn’t even all of them!!!

There is PLENTY to do at 80.

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DusK.3849


Sorry, bro, but if you bought this game thinking there would be some gear treadmill at the end, you bought the wrong game. We’ve known for a long, long time that crap wouldn’t be in this game.

I’d suggest learning about what you’re buying next time, because what you did is a lot like buying Tekken 6 and expecting a 2D fighter, or Modern Warfare 3 thinking it would be an arena shooter. Not all MMO’s are WoW ripoffs, despite how many try to be.

Like rock and metal remixes of video game music? Check out my site and get your headbang on!
Also, check out Hardcore Adventure Box: World 1, World 2, Lost Sessions
Main Character: Dathius Eventide | Say “hi” to the Tribulation Clouds for me. :)

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gambit.7836


/signed. 75% of my hardcore guild members have quit the game due to pure boredom. The pervasive bugs and lack of content are astonishing given what was promised.

P.S. It’s not enough to say we knew there was going to be no gear treadmill, progression, etc. We DID know that and we thought it would be replaced with something better to fill “endgame” content. They simply removed it and left a HUGE empty void.

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DusK.3849


All of that is a big empty void. Okay.

Like rock and metal remixes of video game music? Check out my site and get your headbang on!
Also, check out Hardcore Adventure Box: World 1, World 2, Lost Sessions
Main Character: Dathius Eventide | Say “hi” to the Tribulation Clouds for me. :)

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: carson yuen.6739

carson yuen.6739

/signed. 75% of my hardcore guild members have quit the game due to pure boredom. The pervasive bugs and lack of content are astonishing given what was promised.

P.S. It’s not enough to say we knew there was going to be no gear treadmill, progression, etc. We DID know that and we thought it would be replaced with something better to fill “endgame” content. They simply removed it and left a HUGE empty void.

The void is supposed to be fill by wvw atm. Its too bad you and your “hardcore” guild doesnt like it.

You know what is a game for you? Wow

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Click.5123


The OP won’t screenshot his /age and achievements because he knows he’s lying about everything he’s posted. Just another troll post….

Brainwashed MMO kiddies expected more of the same out of GW2. More of the same “endgame” grind other MMOs have been feeding them for years just to suck $15 out of them and/or their parents every month…. plus another $50-$60 for expansions.

Basically, WoW is responsible for all of this.

Blizzard / WoW single-handedly both increased the MMO genre’s popularity / population ten-fold, and also ruined the genre by brainwashing kids of that generation of MMO gamers to think WoW is what all MMOs should be like: endless loot grinding, hamster wheel (treadmill) mentality, job-like raiding schedule type of “fun.”

MMOs used to be about the exploration, meeting random adventurers to achieve common goals, discovery, banding together to fight tough bosses, and PvP’ing for the sake of PvP’ing. But now, all of the supposed “hardcore” MMO gamers want is moar / better loot by grinding dungeons and raids for hours on end, all day, everyday. If non-stop raiding is what you want, then go play other MMOs such as WoW and Rift. You won’t find it in GW2 and ANet won’t add it to the game anytime soon (if ever).

These days, “hardcore” MMO gamers expect a full time job out of their “endgame” (probably because most of them don’t have real life jobs), by running on an endless loot hamster wheel. Maybe GW2 can start teaching a new breed of MMO gamers that not every MMO has to be as boring and brain-numbing as WoW… maybe not.

Am I saying GW2 has as much to do at max level as other MMOs that’s been released for years? Nope, I’m not. ANet does have to work on pumping out more / better level 80 content, they need to overhaul their unrewarding and uninspired dungeons, and they need to fix WvW. However, the “endgame” is not nearly as bad as all of these crybabies are making it out to be on forums.

(edited by Click.5123)