My personal opinion on endgame

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lance Coolee.9480

Lance Coolee.9480

Guys, seriously – come up with some other argument other than “we play too much”; that has ALREADY been clearly debunked.

< 131 hrs got me to level 80 with 100% map explored, 1 400 craft and a full exotic set. (scroll up for ss)

I can also do a pretty good job at reciting my entire lore experience, because I thoroughly enjoyed playing through to level 80.

Name some MMO’s in the past 8 years that launched with more content than GW2 did

I don’t have to, this isn’t a thread directed at comparing GW2 to other MMO’s. This isn’t about what other games did well or didn’t do well.

This thread is focused on GW2’s experience at level 80. End of story. If you have an argument for or against that, then post it; but otherwise, stay on topic and keep ur irrelevant fallacies out of the thread.

Actually it’s very relevant to the topic.

And 131 hours play time brother? I garuntee you, you thought the same thing yesterday, and yesterday marked the 3rd week after Guild Wars 2 launch, and you stated you played 131 hours give or take, so I will go with 131.

131 / 3 = roughly 43.67 hours a week played, which is a little over 6 hours everyday of the week you have been online….6.24 hours to be exact…EVERYDAY, that’s a lot of time to AVERAGE to be on the game everyday of the week.

6.24 hours, that is 374 minutes per day….on THAT character.

Do you have any other characters? Add that time in. I bet you do.

Your factors are incorrect. Yesterday wasn’t the 3rd week, it was the 4th. 27 days to be exact, which puts me at under 5 hours a day. Realistically, I play for 3 hours on the weekdays and have been playing on and off through the day the past few saturdays and sundays (which seem to have made up the difference in the 5 hr / day average).

Regarding my other character, I posted the screenshot in this thread, you go look for yourself.

Earlier this year I told you that 2012 would be the Year of the Dragon, and that the next few betas would help us nail down our actual launch date. Well, after the results of our latest stress test, I’m happy to announce that we’re ready to nail down that date.

Guild Wars 2 will officially launch on Tuesday, August 28th.*****************

Taken directly off the website blog, so that would make yesterday the 3rd week 4th day of the week. The 4th week will be this Tuesday the 25th.

Edit: I meant 4th week, I don’t know where my head is today, regardless, that’s a re-tar-ded amount of time to be playing in that short of time.

Your not factoring in the 3 day headstart.

Edit: I’m also sorry that I’m not playing by your rules. So then tell me, if 3 hours a day is too much, then what, dear sir, is a reasonable amount of time to play?

I certainly wouldn’t want to offend anyone by playing a game that I enjoy playing…

3 hours a day….LOL! I’m done here. Enjoy your endeavors in recalling first grade math.

Got better things to do than deal with brats on the internet, like dealing with my own brats at home.

Keep fooling yourself, and no you haven’t gotten anywhere near to “nothing left to do” WITH 131 hours.

Nor have I argued that I hadn’t anything left to do, just that PVE at level 80 wasn’t enjoyable, and have made several logical arguments in how to solve it.

Either contribute positively, or gtfo of the thread.

“GW2 takes everything you love about GW1” – M. O’Brien
“We just don’t want players to grind in GW2” – C. Johanson
“The most important thing in any game should be the player” – R. Soesbee

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Martym.6971


Guys, seriously – come up with some other argument other than “we play too much”; that has ALREADY been clearly debunked.

< 131 hrs got me to level 80 with 100% map explored, 1 400 craft and a full exotic set. (scroll up for ss)

I can also do a pretty good job at reciting my entire lore experience, because I thoroughly enjoyed playing through to level 80.

Name some MMO’s in the past 8 years that launched with more content than GW2 did

I don’t have to, this isn’t a thread directed at comparing GW2 to other MMO’s. This isn’t about what other games did well or didn’t do well.

This thread is focused on GW2’s experience at level 80. End of story. If you have an argument for or against that, then post it; but otherwise, stay on topic and keep ur irrelevant fallacies out of the thread.

Actually it’s very relevant to the topic.

And 131 hours play time brother? I garuntee you, you thought the same thing yesterday, and yesterday marked the 3rd week after Guild Wars 2 launch, and you stated you played 131 hours give or take, so I will go with 131.

131 / 3 = roughly 43.67 hours a week played, which is a little over 6 hours everyday of the week you have been online….6.24 hours to be exact…EVERYDAY, that’s a lot of time to AVERAGE to be on the game everyday of the week.

6.24 hours, that is 374 minutes per day….on THAT character.

Do you have any other characters? Add that time in. I bet you do.

Your factors are incorrect. Yesterday wasn’t the 3rd week, it was the 4th. 27 days to be exact, which puts me at under 5 hours a day. Realistically, I play for 3 hours on the weekdays and have been playing on and off through the day the past few saturdays and sundays (which seem to have made up the difference in the 5 hr / day average).

Regarding my other character, I posted the screenshot in this thread, you go look for yourself.

Earlier this year I told you that 2012 would be the Year of the Dragon, and that the next few betas would help us nail down our actual launch date. Well, after the results of our latest stress test, I’m happy to announce that we’re ready to nail down that date.

Guild Wars 2 will officially launch on Tuesday, August 28th.*****************

Taken directly off the website blog, so that would make yesterday the 3rd week 4th day of the week. The 4th week will be this Tuesday the 25th.

Edit: I meant 4th week, I don’t know where my head is today, regardless, that’s a re-tar-ded amount of time to be playing in that short of time.

Your not factoring in the 3 day headstart.

Edit: I’m also sorry that I’m not playing by your rules. So then tell me, if 3 hours a day is too much, then what, dear sir, is a reasonable amount of time to play?

I certainly wouldn’t want to offend anyone by playing a game that I enjoy playing…

3 hours a day….LOL! I’m done here. Enjoy your endeavors in recalling first grade math.

Got better things to do than deal with brats on the internet, like dealing with my own brats at home.

Keep fooling yourself, and no you haven’t gotten anywhere near to “nothing left to do” WITH 131 hours.

Nor have I argued that I hadn’t anything left to do, just that PVE at level 80 wasn’t enjoyable, and have made several logical arguments in how to solve it.

Either contribute positively, or gtfo of the thread.

You can’t ask someone to contribute positively when you are so negative, you hypocritical brat.

And yes you did state that in your original post, you don’t even know what you post, typical kid.

(edited by Martym.6971)

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lance Coolee.9480

Lance Coolee.9480

I’m really sorry and not to call people out, but every post I read here that argued AGAINST the OP didn’t really have anything constructive to say.

There are honest players posting legitimate arguments about the state of content at level 80. And to be brutally honest, if you haven’t a character that’s at level 80, you probably should keep your comments to yourselves.

Yes, it’s 27 days into the game, but some of these arguments hold valid whether you hit level 80 the day after release or a few months after release. If anything, appreciate the fact that there are people out there, making reasonable suggestions on how to fix these problems so that other people don’t have to experience the same challenges.

Pretty sure there’s nothing in there about my opinions on the amount of content in the game.

“GW2 takes everything you love about GW1” – M. O’Brien
“We just don’t want players to grind in GW2” – C. Johanson
“The most important thing in any game should be the player” – R. Soesbee

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Anudieb.2450


what matters if he plays too much or if he finds pve boring? will it change your opinion on what you like in this game? jesus, do we have all to behave the same and have the same opinions to be happy? tired of the ones that whine or the ones that protect the game.. don’t like, you can make a argument and present it on the game and show it on the need to say that one opinion is better than is what it is, a opinion

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wolfgrey.2049


That long list of 80 things to do at lvl 80 tells me how little you whiners are doing.

Nvm PvP is the focus of this game.

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DusK.3849


people who defend level 80 lategame arent 80

Hi. Level 80 for two weeks here. Game’s fine, deal with it.

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Main Character: Dathius Eventide | Say “hi” to the Tribulation Clouds for me. :)

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: knightblaster.8027


I don’t think it has to do with who is 80 or not or how much people play or not.

My main has been 80 for about ten days. Total played time for my main is 99 hours, total for all is just under 145. Yes, that’s a lot, had a week off the first week after release that rolled into labor day weekend in the US so that was around 10 days or so when I could, and did, play a lot. Since then it’s 0-2 hours on weeknights and 2-5 on a weekend day. Still, a lot of playtime for me.

I’m not a real fan of dungeon running — never have been. Orr is similar to other zones, other than it has Risen. The thing I would say about Risen is this. Risen are much, much, easier to deal with if you have exotic gear. If you are a fresh 80 with greens, they can be a PITA. I don’t like that everyone clusters around the Penitent Path events in Orr, and I think DR is a good way to try to move people off the 8-ball there, but other than needing more than one pure 80 zone, I’m pretty satisfied with the endgame — by which I mean what I am doing at level 80. Sure, it’s different from a progression game, but I don’t like progression games very much and generally have simply quit them when my character reached max level as I have no interest in a competitive stat-gear-treadmill with a bunch of idiots on ventrilo.

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draehl.2681


I just wanted to comment on the “you need to get a job” comments. I have a full time job. I work as a broker on our night shift team. I work 9 hours a day and have an hour drive in each direction. I stay pretty busy, but did take a week of vacation when GW2 came out. Since I get home at 1am there’s nothing outside or social to do because everyone is asleep, so I play GW2 when I get home.

While I’m not quite at the saturation point that many are, I’m starting to feel the lack of drive to do anything in game. Everything feels samey and the rewards are off. And I’m not even talking raids or gear progression- little things like no random chests in the world to rewards exploration, no suitable reward for killing challenging champions/veterans rather than menial enemies, doing an epic event over 15 minutes only to be rewarded with the same thing I would get from a 3 minute event. Things need to be further incentived- maybe not in a hardcore way, but MMOs are about reward.

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: knightblaster.8027


I think that vet/champ rewards could use a reworking. Random chests are actually around in the world (as seen on the map here — click only if you don’t mind a spoiler for their locations:

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draehl.2681


I think that vet/champ rewards could use a reworking. Random chests are actually around in the world (as seen on the map here — click only if you don’t mind a spoiler for their locations:

Those aren’t random. They’re pre-determined and reset every day. If they’re random there couldn’t be a map with their locations =D Just saying I’d like to see truly random chest spawns that you have to explore to find.

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zzulu.5489


I just wanted to comment on the “you need to get a job” comments. I have a full time job. I work as a broker on our night shift team. I work 9 hours a day and have an hour drive in each direction. I stay pretty busy, but did take a week of vacation when GW2 came out. Since I get home at 1am there’s nothing outside or social to do because everyone is asleep, so I play GW2 when I get home.

While I’m not quite at the saturation point that many are, I’m starting to feel the lack of drive to do anything in game. Everything feels samey and the rewards are off. And I’m not even talking raids or gear progression- little things like no random chests in the world to rewards exploration, no suitable reward for killing challenging champions/veterans rather than menial enemies, doing an epic event over 15 minutes only to be rewarded with the same thing I would get from a 3 minute event. Things need to be further incentived- maybe not in a hardcore way, but MMOs are about reward.

I thought there were chests in the world? I know I’ve found random hidden chests with rewards in them

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: knightblaster.8027


I think that vet/champ rewards could use a reworking. Random chests are actually around in the world (as seen on the map here — click only if you don’t mind a spoiler for their locations:

Those aren’t random. They’re pre-determined and reset every day. If they’re random there couldn’t be a map with their locations =D Just saying I’d like to see truly random chest spawns that you have to explore to find.

That would be more fun, I agree. Perhaps something for the future, together with other random things like weather.

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: knightblaster.8027


I just wanted to comment on the “you need to get a job” comments. I have a full time job. I work as a broker on our night shift team. I work 9 hours a day and have an hour drive in each direction. I stay pretty busy, but did take a week of vacation when GW2 came out. Since I get home at 1am there’s nothing outside or social to do because everyone is asleep, so I play GW2 when I get home.

While I’m not quite at the saturation point that many are, I’m starting to feel the lack of drive to do anything in game. Everything feels samey and the rewards are off. And I’m not even talking raids or gear progression- little things like no random chests in the world to rewards exploration, no suitable reward for killing challenging champions/veterans rather than menial enemies, doing an epic event over 15 minutes only to be rewarded with the same thing I would get from a 3 minute event. Things need to be further incentived- maybe not in a hardcore way, but MMOs are about reward.

I thought there were chests in the world? I know I’ve found random hidden chests with rewards in them

He’s talking about them spawning in random locations, which they currently do not.

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draehl.2681


Rare mobs with higher drops too. Nothing was more awesome than finding a rare spawn in WoW- they might not have dropped amazing gear, but 2-3 green quality items was normal. Still, it’s a feeling of discovery “AMG LOOT PINATA” even if the loot isn’t amazing.

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kungkonung.6758


Rare mobs with higher drops too. Nothing was more awesome than finding a rare spawn in WoW- they might not have dropped amazing gear, but 2-3 green quality items was normal. Still, it’s a feeling of discovery “AMG LOOT PINATA” even if the loot isn’t amazing.

Agreed. Killing rares and getting drops from them in WoW was/is fun and rewarding (sometimes). In GW2 there is no incentive whatsoever to kill the equivalent, Veterans.

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Incrementum.6482


This style of MMO will never be able to keep anyone happy for a long period of time. WoW, GW2, EverQuest, name it. They’re all theme park MMO’s. There’s no sense of danger, no sense of true progression. Sure you call getting gear progression, but in reality that’s just going to keep you occupied for a short time.

Ultima Online, EVE, Darkfall…now those games have real, evolving content because the players themselves are creating it.

I think you were deceiving yourself when you thought this game would hold you over for months or years.

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: chasingfuries.9635


it doesnt look like it has any less content than other games, it’s just that the rewards are different. In p2p and f2p games, with those “real endgames”, the rewards are there to make you addicted, needing to grind to stay on top of the server or to not fall below your friends/guild in terms of progression. Basically, it’s to make people stay subbed longer, or spend more money on a cs. People have basically come to a mindset where game content = how obsessive the effort/reward system makes you, when really, it’s just a matter of business model lol.
And people do legitimately enjoy that grindy gameplay like that (I do, to a degree), so not necessarily saying there’s anything wrong with it. GW2 though is just a different type of game that’s headed in a different direction. I would normally race through game content, but decided to take it slower and am glad for it.

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Craven.5468


Let us assume that it is possible to play for a minimum 120 hours and see all the content that you desire to see (regardless of who you are). This assumes at least getting one toon to level 80 and experiencing at least one craft or some quality pvp of some type.

$60 for 120 hours of entertainment.

Spread over 25 days, or 250 days, I fail to see the issue here. Sounds like a good investment into fun (for those who can afford it).

$60 is two dates out with my significant other (dinner + movie) if we eat at a cheap diner and avoid the IMAX, otherwise it is one night. ONE NIGHT.

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bruno Sardine.2907

Bruno Sardine.2907

I would encourage folks who think there’s no endgame to try the dungeons, now that it take an entire run to get tokens… You might think your full berserker (or whatever exotic set you have) set and current trait/skills setup is fine, but until you’ve run the gauntlet and met the challenges, you really have no idea if you’ve got the best setup.

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: helladoom.4317


To say that you have already done everything there is to do… you want me to believe you’ve levelled 15-20 toons to 80…

To advice starting over again leveling from 1 to 79 only confirms the OP’s point: there is not nearly as much interesting and accessible PvE content for level 80 as there is for lower levels.

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Anonymous.6935


people who defend level 80 lategame arent 80

Hi. Level 80 for two weeks here. Game’s fine, deal with it.

You would say that Dusk, you’re on here all the time defending the game, where as i’m telling it how it really is, level 80 and there’s quite frankly nothing to do once you’ve explored everywhere, unless as I always say, you want to shout out in map chat to grind dungeons, queue up for hours and hours for WvW to attempt to play, or play a bit of sPVP with unbalanced professions, four maps with the same game mode repetitively.

Have fun anyways I guess.

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Booshbagg.6183


why is everyone jumping to attack this guy? are you all afraid to admit that this game is lackluster? because when someone speaks there mind everyone goes into auto threat mode and brings out the guns. so why is that? apparently there is no hope for humanity i cant wait till we all crash and burn, but seeing as how that wont happen. we gotta cope with all you mindless drones….

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ordika.9513



based on your screen shot your math works out like this:

158 hours total (131 on that character)/27 days – 5.85
If you play 3 on weekdays you would be playing 10.99 hours on weekends (that is factoring 20 weekday days and 7 weekend days)

Your 1 80 is 131 hours meaning you only spent 27 hours (or 1 hour per day) on your alt. What level are they, what is their personal map completion and crafting level?

That’s not to invalidate anyone’s argument just to get the math straight.

Ordika Skirata || Keirstaad Rhith || Rhun Turold || Quinten Vigar || Ahrung Park
Swansonites of North Shiverpeak – Northern Shiverpeaks

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ComeAndSee.1356


Listen, gear is easy to get.

I hit 80, went around and farmed + bought all the stuff off the AH and I crafted the full 6 piece exotic Heavy armor set, plopped it full of runes, and bought green/yellow jewels+weapons+etc. and still had some cash left over in a WEEKEND.

The only reason I’m even doing dungeons is because I want to get Exotic weapons (which I already got the mace and just need a staff + shield) and then dump out more doe + farm some more and get a full jewel set.

There’s no carrot on the stick. WoW and SWTOR knew how to drag out content long enough to keep you going for two-three months until the next set came out.

Structured PvP isn’t even as fun as SWTOR IMHO. There’s no DR system so PvP usually ends up with you being chain stunned + dazed + thrown around from 100% to 0%.

WvW is really this games saving grace, but I wish they would limit it to a specific time period.

Sha Nari – 80 Guardian (
Lorella Windrunner – 80 Thief
Shayera Nightfall – 80 Mesmer

(edited by ComeAndSee.1356)

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ragnar Dragonfyre.1806

Ragnar Dragonfyre.1806

I challenge anyone who’s hit 80, has gotten full exotics and now has “nothing left to do” to stop looking up guides online for MMO’s they play in the future. The content will last a lot longer when you’re not explicitly informed of every single step you need to take beforehand.

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ComeAndSee.1356


I challenge anyone who’s hit 80, has gotten full exotics and now has “nothing left to do” to stop looking up guides online for MMO’s they play in the future. The content will last a lot longer when you’re not explicitly informed of every single step you need to take beforehand.

I honestly did not know that exotics all had the same stats.

I was stuck in the old WoW mentality where you need a starter set before you can hop into the big boy content.

Sha Nari – 80 Guardian (
Lorella Windrunner – 80 Thief
Shayera Nightfall – 80 Mesmer

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Attila.6348


I love how people brought GW 2 for PvE reasons. This is like buying chocolate and complaining why isn’t there more strawberry filling than there is actual chocolate. It doesn’t make sense. GW 2 premise is based on teamwork and WvW. ArenaNET delivered on this. The fact you brought the game for wrong reasons is your fault.

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tolunart.2095


To say that you have already done everything there is to do… you want me to believe you’ve levelled 15-20 toons to 80…

To advice starting over again leveling from 1 to 79 only confirms the OP’s point: there is not nearly as much interesting and accessible PvE content for level 80 as there is for lower levels.

I’m talking about the fact that there are multiple storylines for every race. There is content you can access as a level 3 sylvari that you cannot do if you are a norn of any level and vice versa.

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tango.7089


Go craft a legendary and then come back complaining in 3/4 months when you are bored again. Then Ill tell you to craft another legendary.

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Anonymous.6935


I love how people brought GW 2 for PvE reasons. This is like buying chocolate and complaining why isn’t there more strawberry filling than there is actual chocolate. It doesn’t make sense. GW 2 premise is based on teamwork and WvW. ArenaNET delivered on this. The fact you brought the game for wrong reasons is your fault.

What a silly thing to say Attila. PVP is where this game fails. Sure, the WvW concept is a great idea, except the way it’s been executed is poor. I’ve played it about twice and have never been able to get in since due to pathetic queue times.
sPVP is the worst i’ve played on any game as i’ve stated before due to many many things.
Also why would anyone craft the legendaries? I think the majority look very silly anyway. I would be embarrassed to even wear one as it would show that you have way too much time on your hands! Will take a long time to do everything required to get one

(edited by Anonymous.6935)

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gillius.2856


lmao maybe not 24/7 prob more like 20/7.

take a break and do something else other than play game…. sheesh

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dementia.8621


I love the people who cant give a decent argument or actual intelligent reply. Majority use “go to WOW” or something to that extent. Really lol……….

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Janx.3192


By the way, Anet has publically stated that since they have no subscription model, they understand that people will get bored and take breaks. They almost encourage it. They also have acknowledged that while they will continue to provide support and content updates, they are not required to keep you entertained 100% of the time for months on end like subscription based games.

So if you truely are bored, take a break and come back in a week or two, fresh and new, and roll an alt.

Truthfully, we all will eventually hit the wall in terms of:
-Map completion
-Crafting completion
-Exotic sets
-Crafting legendaries
-Dungeon sets

At which time you either will continue your grind/boredom, roll an alt, or walk away for a while. Happens in every game and theres no reason to believe it wont here. For me, since I took it slow and didnt rush to server first this time around, I will probably be able to go through Thanksgiving or even to Christmas until I am in the position where I want to take a break. Thats after an exotic set or two for my Thief, 100% completion, crafting completion, and hopefully legendary…at this point I’ll probably have one or two alts to 80 with semi-decent gear.


My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Anzariel.9213


Do like me. Instruct players, help those in need, party up with your best friend and show who’s the boss of the highlands!

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: robot.9134


The game is NOT fine. It is largely what Anet said it wouldnt be.

No more cookie cutter builds? HAHA I called that bs way before release ever happened.

No grind? again…big joke. If you dont think people are grinding for karma, tokens, badges, or crafting mats then you are in denial OR havent been to ORR….Yes ORR….the biggest joke in the game. The mindless karma DE train.

Boring. Stop being fan boys and be realistic. I like the game but these things need to be fixed. People are grinding out mats and badges and tokens worse than other compared MMO’s.

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: helladoom.4317


I love how people brought GW 2 for PvE reasons.

Yeah it’s only got much more PvE content then you need to level from 1 to 80. Imagine the resources it cost to create all that. Clearly not a PvE game…

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Safire.9143


PvP with one mode without own matches and duels is boring
PvE with these 5man dungeons and autocast afk world bosses with 1-2 mechanics is booooring….


My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rook.4625




At least there would be more variety as to what one can do when they reach 80.

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dead.7385


Typical forum whine:
“I got max level, maxed crafting, did EVERY dungeon/raid, did most if not all achievements, and have a playtime of at least 200 hours! This game sucks because it has no endgame and is boring. Like who would ever play this game!”

:Stares blankly:

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rook.4625


Typical forum whine:
“I got max level, maxed crafting, did EVERY dungeon/raid, did most if not all achievements, and have a playtime of at least 200 hours! This game sucks because it has no endgame and is boring. Like who would ever play this game!”

:Stares blankly:

What a narrow-minded wit, cause that’s what is really on everyone’s mind right? Not everyone is lvl 80, but perhaps some people on the forum just want to see more variety content for the game in general.

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: raphaeldisanto.5478


people who defend level 80 lategame arent 80

Hi. Level 80 for two weeks here. Game’s fine, deal with it.

Yup, same here. Been 80 for a while, still have a bunch of alts that I keep meaning to play, but having too much fun on my 80.

GW2’s the first MMO in a while that’s cured me of my altitis, because being 80 is just as much fun as levelling, because all the stuff I enjoyed while levelling is still available to me at level 80.