My point of view at GW2 after completing personal story.

My point of view at GW2 after completing personal story.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fulcrum.2897


Writing this post right after completion of personal story. Actually, same reaction as mine felt all my party members after slaying Zaithan, so I will try to write on behalf of them also.

What I’d like to say, is that GW2 is good, but, far from making me want to continue play it. Why?

Because there is no challenging content for me.
Whole game story is spinning around great and terrible elder dragon Zaithan, and what we were expecting IN THE WORST CASE – is that Zaithan will be very tough world event with alot of wipes, exciting mechanics and challenging at least somehow.

What it really appeared to be? Boring 5 man event with very good art designers work and completely no challenge, it was like 5% harder, than to kill a rabbit.

You probably will say, that there are explorable modes for PVE challenges.

Well, first of all – everything should have a target. I am not interested in any of these dungeons after I’ve completed FINAL game boss. It’s done, PVE is completed. They could be exciting, if they would be on my way for completing the game.

Second is that 5 man dungeons are not exciting just because they are too small.

You will probably say, that then I should go to free world pve bosses, but they are just simple zerg span’n’tank, no really serious challenge, neither serious reason “why” to kill them.

Speaking of PVP -

WvW is awesome idea which is total fail in reality.
First of all – there are no real target in wvw. Keeps aren’t real “guild halls”, they don’t give any bonuses to the guilds owning them, WvW dominating itself doesn’t gives any real bonuses.
Second is that it should be MASS PVP, instead of which it is online massive SIEGE THE GATE game. nothing more. I don’t know.. I’m not feeling excited to siege the keep if I know that:
a) it won’t give me any real bonuses
b) I know it will be recaptured after my guild prime time is out.
c) All this will repeat tomorrow

I have a feeling, that game designers should be people, who at least have played and understand mechanics of “WHY” oldschool wow Alterac Valley and oldcshool lineage2 sieges were AMAZING AND COOL. Then they will understand, why current GW2 wvw – sucks.

I’ve wrote a lot of critics for now. Not like i’d like to say GW2 is bad, but entire endgame disappointed me completely.

How I think it should look?

I’d say you had to make PVE harder, challenging, WVW should have motivation, it could be connected with PVE, for example, it could be that Zaithan pve event could be opened only if your server had collected enough WVW points which would reset every month, so you would really have to collect points and fight for domination. Sieging any keep should be a grand event, very hard and time requesting, it should be big victory to capture keep, may be couple days long, so during 2weeks period, keeps could be recaptured only some few times, not like over9000 owners over the week. I’d even say, this game would be amazing, if you would had to build these keeps first, same as you build arrow cart, you’d had to bring the supplies and build the keep, then defend it etc. This would be fun, this would be challenging. It would make keeps more valuable, it would make game more exciting..

Anyway, I hope Anet will read this, I hope other players will also reply here with their ideas and feedback..

Best Regards

Fulcrum Ex
Lvl80 asura engineer
Savior of Tyria
Vabbi EU

(edited by Fulcrum.2897)

My point of view at GW2 after completing personal story.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NyghtProwler.9386


I’d have to agree – that I also feel like the game is very “fun” but does little in the realm of challenging my gaming skills in PvE.

I’ve fought dragons, Giants, Undead sharks! and more. But none of them really felt difficult. Most of them felt like Move here for a while and shoot stuff. Then move here a while and hit some more. Then move here… Repeat for 5 minutes and poof dead!

I never really felt as if I was in any danger. If I did happen to die – there were always loads of people there to rez me quickly enough before I was defeated. Heck even if I did get defeated – just waypoint and run back to get back into the fight.

It’s all very user friendly if you ask me and pretty easy. Thats a little diappointing for me. I was expecting some really engaging difficult battles I couldnt overcome at first – then had to work on them over and over and figure them out, finally beating a boss and then going ape kitten over the victory!

That is the ONLY gripe I have for GW2 – The difficulty level. Everything else is GOLD!

My point of view at GW2 after completing personal story.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fulcrum.2897


I demand Guild wars 2 with hardcore mode and inferno difficulty:D

My point of view at GW2 after completing personal story.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aven.7295


i feel bad for zhitan, he takes one island… just one, then suddently all of tyria is nocking on his front door to kill him. For a legendary Elder Dragon, he wasnt that intimidateing and he didnt feel like he caused nearly as much damage at the Crystal one. Yes i know he sunk LA but that was recoverable.

a Hardmode for the story would be nice, the abillity to revisit your favorite storymode missions would be awesome, expecialy for increased rewards.

the biggest problem is, you make it too hard and people avoid it, there needs to be things that are challangeing, and hard but dont give off the sense of impossible

Aven Scorchfield, lvl 80 Guardian
Server: Maguma
Guild: Judgement [Eye]

My point of view at GW2 after completing personal story.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bamfbear.5028


My only problem with this post was the misspelling of ‘exciting’. The rest I can agree on.

My point of view at GW2 after completing personal story.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fulcrum.2897


Sorry my English, fixed that

My point of view at GW2 after completing personal story.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Taihaku.8412


Have you guys completed all the explorable modes? Just wondering.

My point of view at GW2 after completing personal story.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alex.9432


“Second is that 5 man dungeons are not exciting just because they are too small.”

Heh – I bet he didn’t finish explorable. ;0

My point of view at GW2 after completing personal story.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pie Flavor.1647

Pie Flavor.1647

I’ve long since accepted the PvE content ought to be a cakewalk, but you haven’t provided arguments as to why explorable or even story dungeons are not challenging enough for you, and I don’t understand: the wiping and the interesting mechanics happen in a dungeon boss fight.

There is an area in WvW called the eternal battlegrounds, and it describes the wvw pretty well: it’s an eternal battle. You say it’s a wall breaking simulator, I say you haven’t dedicated enough time and money onto WvW, true, there are no tangible rewards for playing this game mode, but it’s about the journey, not the destination. You seem to require a reward for even playing, I say the thrill of the battle is enough for me, and everything else is a subproduct.

Hve you tried sPvP? I’m assuming you haven’t, how about you try that before you set a veredict on the game?

And I am become kitten, the destroyer of kittens

My point of view at GW2 after completing personal story.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DirtyHoudini.2917


I agree. I feel like a lot of promises were made that weren’t kept, and I think I speak for a lot of the players who have hit max level.

My point of view at GW2 after completing personal story.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fulcrum.2897


About explorable modes: I did few. Cant say they are easy, but they are not challenging. These are two different words, you know – hard and challenging.
I dont know how about you guys, but I am excited to do some progress in the game, it should have a target, like to kill some big bad dragon named Zaithan, or whatever. Its not about the rewards, its about target. It’s not challenge for me to make explorable mode. I know I can. Its challenge to spend some month preparing for some grand event.
There is no challenge to go explorable mode dungeons, since I finished last PvE encounter in the game(And Zaithan definitely was positioned this way). There would be a challenge, if it would be on my way to last pve encounter.

Story modes are piece of cake, they are so easy, that they became boring after first 10 minutes. Our party was just #$%ing amazed by that you kill final PvE boss with spamming “1” button with cannon, and you even have no options to lose.
And I even won’t comment option of running from waypoint back to encounter, if you got defeated. It’s just nonsense.

Speaking of wvw – i am in a highly organized guild with over 200 members, we had some very organized(siege weapons, team speak, squad, tactics etc) and serious wvw against other pretty organized servers and it was boring. Yes, it may be exciting first day, but on the second day, when it repeats, its not.
Its boring just because comes to sieging walls and gates, anyway. And if enemy overhelms – you just run fast back to your fortifications and start to shoot with canons. Then prime time is over, and random PUG’s recapture all our progress…

Also I did tried sPvP, tournaments also. They are bad level-designed, too small team sizes for such big maps. They are about terrain fights, control points. Not about player fighting. But, you will probably not understand, if you havent really played seriously arena or oldschool battlegrounds in WoW

And this is not only my feeling, we’ve discussed all last evening at teamspeak with friends this theme, and everyone agrees me..

(edited by Fulcrum.2897)

My point of view at GW2 after completing personal story.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jae.5138


not sure how 10% extra on crafting crit proc is not enough of a motivation to win wvw. i also noticed you only mentioned wvw to explain your stance on pvp. your arguments are one dimensional. also, you mentioned you didn’t enjoy wvw castle sieges knowing that it’ll happen again the day after? what do you expect then, to be once a month event? can you imagine how much of a zerg fest that would be? I agree with you that organized pve raids can be boring as 5 man dungeon is as big as it gets and world bosses are mechanically too simple to bring forth any sort of challenges. Also to argue that devs need to look at other pvp’s like alterac valley because ‘gw sucks right now’ is like saying they’re stupid for not agreeing with you. I personally never enjoyed alterac valley because it was just a zerg fest, the two teams usually never even fighting each other. It was always about which team can cap two towers first then kill the boss first. You could completely avoid pvp and still succeed in the battleground. Again, throughout your arguments you had the one dimensional ‘if you don’t agree with me you’re wrong’ sort of attitude that makes it very hard to take you seriously.

My point of view at GW2 after completing personal story.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fulcrum.2897


What is worth 10% of crafting crit, if I can collect full exotic set in 1 month, and after that I dont need to craft anything at all? I’d say it’s zero motivation, for me.

Had you played L2? Castle sieges there where also reapeating event, but it was epic and fun, just because it was not casual event.

Im not saying they should be 1 per month event, I’m saying they shouldn’t be as casual as they are, that 10 man in 10 minutes can capture tower. I’d like to feel a bit “epic”, when my guild suceed to capture even small tower, not to feel that tomorrow(or even after 10 minutes, if we leave it) this tower will be already recaptured, just because itself it has no power – we leave wvw and after 10 minutes it may be recaptured.
After all, i play WvW because of mass PvP, not because I like to destroy walls with trebuchet. And I remember, that even L2 with it’s completley old mechanics, with almost no normal siege weapons had really fun mass pvp. Simple example is that after gates was broken, first priority was to finish defenders, not to go and reclaim castle, as it is in Gw2. Why is it so? The answer is in game mechanics, L2 sieges were more epic and non casual.

And I’m not saying anet has to take and copy AV or whatever – take best from there. I had spent alot of nights on classics WOW AV, it was very good and fun battleground. It had very good aspects, which could be taken from there.

(edited by Fulcrum.2897)

My point of view at GW2 after completing personal story.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MidnightSun.7964


A lot of the opinions you’re drawing about this game come from aspects of WoW that you seem to enjoy. That’s all fine and well, but you have to remember that this isn’t WoW. I can agree with you on some aspects of the end game in GW2, but on others I totally disagree. You have to look for what motivates you to continue to play the game. If GW2 doesn’t have what you are looking for then the bright side is that you don’t have to pay any more money, and you can always come back free of charge. To each their own, so I hope you find game that suits your style.

<insert something witty>

My point of view at GW2 after completing personal story.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Korrigan.4837


First of all – there are no real target in wvw. Keeps aren’t real “guild halls”, they don’t give any bonuses to the guilds owning them, WvW dominating itself doesn’t gives any real bonuses.

Won’t discuss the rest of your post, but on this part, you are wrong. Keeps can give bonuses to guilds owning them.

The Farstar Alliance [TFA] – Gandara Server.
A PvX guild for mature players with a life.

My point of view at GW2 after completing personal story.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fulcrum.2897


A lot of the opinions you’re drawing about this game come from aspects of WoW that you seem to enjoy. That’s all fine and well, but you have to remember that this isn’t WoW. I can agree with you on some aspects of the end game in GW2, but on others I totally disagree. You have to look for what motivates you to continue to play the game. If GW2 doesn’t have what you are looking for then the bright side is that you don’t have to pay any more money, and you can always come back free of charge. To each their own, so I hope you find game that suits your style.

Game promotions were disleading.
Elder dragons, who appeared to be chickens.
World Versus World, from creators of Lineage2 – NCsoft, appeared to be a sandbox for kids.

If I’d knew this from start – i think, I wouldnt buy the game. Still, i like dynamics events, graphics, artworks, but level-design spoils evertything.
Bright side that there is EVE online left yet, guess ill have some fun there