My review after 4 months

My review after 4 months

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SyRano.9532


Hello everybody

This is not a whine thread or anything like that, im just giving a review as a player who liked this game and enjoyed some parts of it.

I have played this game 1 year after its release then took a bery long break until i cameback in july of this year.

Honestly im not a pve player, i enjoy the pve parts but when i see how fast are dungeons done for not such a big rewards, fractals are funny (i just started them recently, so i cant say much) … well i can’t say that much about the pve side. However i noticed that there’s some “metabuilds” and wanted classes in pve who are mostly always the same ( war/ele/guard/thief).

Im a real fan of wvw and pvp part even if im not really that expetienced ! And i think have still lots to learn.
Day after day it seems that this game is still in the same situation after 2 years : im talking about balance between professions. Yeah .. again the balance thread…

Honestly i dont mind if a build/profession that’s hard to master grants great rewards but when it comes to some build who are simply easy to master and understand being in the top tier i find it really frustrating .. i take the warriors/ condi mesmer as example here also the guard.
Im trying to learn the s/f fresh air ele which i think not the easiest build and seeing that doesnt reward enough for the time spent to master it… im being rly frustrated. This is just an example of what i mean in general.

I dont know exactly how arenanet are going to deal with this but id like to know what fo you guys think about this.

Again im not whining just giving my personnal review, some wont agree with it but its fine as long its respected (not being trolled or flamed)

Thanks for reading.

My review after 4 months

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Celtic Lady.3729

Celtic Lady.3729

Balance is something that is no doubt going to take another hit once HoT comes out what with the new elite specializations, etc. They’ll be working on fine-tuning balance for a long time to come after the expansion, so I guess I’d wait to see what finally emerges a couple a months down the road or so.

My review after 4 months

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


So, where’s the review?

All I see is a balance complaint thread and some personal preferance explenation.

My review after 4 months

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sylv.5324


Im trying to learn the s/f fresh air ele which i think not the easiest build and seeing that doesnt reward enough for the time spent to master it… im being rly frustrated. This is just an example of what i mean in general.

Thanks for reading.

Mesmer is like this for just about every game mode. Why juggle ten steps when a warrior or a guardian just cruises and hits two buttons? Because that’s the class. You picked a tricky build.

Ardeth, Sylvari Mesmer
Tarnished Coast

My review after 4 months

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crimson Clouds.4853

Crimson Clouds.4853

Balance (skill-wise to damage output) is difficult to measure in PvE considering a lot of the content is faceroll with just about anything. Apart from Fractals (and arguably Aetherpath) people asking for particular classes or builds are just to improve the flow of the dungeon. For example, a guard, ele and PS warr (and any other 2) can do most dungeons without a hitch and get through mobs particularly fast, as opposed to risking a longer run with a mish-mash party.

Risk/reward builds only really come into play with harder content, such as high level fractals and aetherpath. A zerk build is very risky- you’re likely to die frequently if you don’t know how to defend yourself from the hardest hitting attacks. I think we’ll see a very fine balance between risk/reward with the upcoming raids.

Full DPS rotation for ele or engi requires a fair amount of skill, yet aren’t OP compared to other builds. I think a lot of players feel like the skill required from heavy-rotation builds is too much for the edge it gives, but imo that’s too bad.

A-net probably wanted to have a variety when it comes to build difficulty (to keep the hardcore/veteran/“elite” players interested) but don’t want super tricky builds to have a significant edge over simpler builds. It is a casual friendly game after all- people shouldn’t be forced to play overwhelmingly difficult builds/playstyles simply because they are OP compared to others.