Mystic Forge after patch is very bad

Mystic Forge after patch is very bad

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kinjiru.2439


Hard to say what really happend, but there seems to be a less chance to get anything at all from the mystic forge. Magic find doesn’t seem to be working either. There can be big streaks where you get nothing from the forge. At best I’ve been able to get nothing 50 times in a row… I know it is a lot and I mean A LOT worse than before.

It is very discouraging to use the mystic forge at all for the moment. Even trying to get a dusk or dawn or any other legendary weapon component is out of the question. You can’t forge them, all based on luck and chance. And now when even magic find doesn’t seem to help or work with the rates. Personally I’ve been by the mystic forge many times, so I noticed the difference quite quickly.

There wasn’t anything in the patch notes or any official message about it. Personally I don’t like ninja nerfs or configurations without no word.

Maybe I’m wrong? At least from my own data and experience, it seems rather low compared to before the halloween patch.

(edited by Kinjiru.2439)

Mystic Forge after patch is very bad

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sinnyil.3648


Onyxia is deep breathing more often too!

Sinnyil – Beastgate Flaming Charr Mesmer of Doom

Mystic Forge after patch is very bad

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: roqoco.4053


Not a great fan of the mystic forge. Seems like an over complicated way to do something that would be better done by having some shops and that would breath some life into the cities in the game.

Mystic Forge after patch is very bad

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kinjiru.2439


Anyone else had similiar thoughts, clearly something is either bugged or done with the mystic forge, without anything said on the patch notes?

Mystic Forge after patch is very bad

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xandman.4583


I’m not sure yet but so after 3 rounds of karma farming in CS i have not gotten a rare item usually I get one or two in 1 round. Could be related? This started after the last patch too.