(edited by kaotiktheory.8942)
New wardrobe system!
Awesome idea.
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”
i call it the LIVING EQUIPMENT system.
been asking for it since 5 months ago.
let us change the skins & stats of every piece of our equipment freely please.
They would lose money on xmute stones, so this probably will never happen sadly. It’s a wonderful idea though. That’s pretty much how they do it in SPvP.
They would lose money on xmute stones, so this probably will never happen sadly. It’s a wonderful idea though. That’s pretty much how they do it in SPvP.
they would earn more.
people would pay for permanent items, not temporary ones.
They would lose money on xmute stones, so this probably will never happen sadly. It’s a wonderful idea though. That’s pretty much how they do it in SPvP.
Ahhh but in my proposal, I’ve actually outlined how they can have it so that this process still requires transmute stones. Have another read
Doesn’t this thread belong in suggestions? Nice idea, though I don’t see it happening. I mean one of the reasons people farm these dungeons are for the skins, as you pointed out, and as such less people will want to fight in dungeons once they have that skin leading to less groups being made making harder for others to get said skin or gear for the stats in themselves.
Doesn’t this thread belong in suggestions? Nice idea, though I don’t see it happening. I mean one of the reasons people farm these dungeons are for the skins, as you pointed out, and as such less people will want to fight in dungeons once they have that skin leading to less groups being made making harder for others to get said skin or gear for the stats in themselves.
Once it’s moved to the Suggestions section, it will be buried there and forgotten.. forever..
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”
Doesn’t this thread belong in suggestions? Nice idea, though I don’t see it happening. I mean one of the reasons people farm these dungeons are for the skins, as you pointed out, and as such less people will want to fight in dungeons once they have that skin leading to less groups being made making harder for others to get said skin or gear for the stats in themselves.
people would still do dungeons for the loot, silvers, etc.
That’s not true – I check in there to explain the technical limitations that make some of those suggestions horrible ideas…
This one is OK – transmute stones dealt with, but stating that low drop rate items (I mean LOW) push people out of dungeons, or will create some form of skin elitism that lends to people actively avoiding helping with runs, isn’t entirely well thought out – there will always be more people after it that who have it (I mean LOW) to a proportion that makes it pretty insignificant…
Whole guilds refusing to run content because one member has a skin? Could happen… stranger things have… but I’d bet against it.
It may just be that your original statement was wrong.
Please try again.
This would be great if it was account bound. I’m currently agonizing over gear that I labored for being stuck on one character, when I’ve got two characters leveled with the same job but different specs. Basically I’ve got two warriors, one offensive and one defensive. However, all of my tier 3 armor is soulbound to one of them, so the other one (which I find myself using 80% of the time) looks like crap! It really bothers me because there’s no way I’m going to farm up another 60 or 80 gold just to get my second character into tier 3 armor, but this game is so alt-friendly leveling wise it feels like we SHOULD be able to swap gear between characters.
This would be great if it was account bound. I’m currently agonizing over gear that I labored for being stuck on one character, when I’ve got two characters leveled with the same job but different specs. Basically I’ve got two warriors, one offensive and one defensive. However, all of my tier 3 armor is soulbound to one of them, so the other one (which I find myself using 80% of the time) looks like crap! It really bothers me because there’s no way I’m going to farm up another 60 or 80 gold just to get my second character into tier 3 armor, but this game is so alt-friendly leveling wise it feels like we SHOULD be able to swap gear between characters.
Really? It is too hard to gear up ALTS in T3/better so gear ought to be account bound?
Just want to make sure that is what you are asking for there, it seems like I’ve missed something key to making that request seem reasonable….
It may just be that your original statement was wrong.
Please try again.
Doesn’t this thread belong in suggestions? Nice idea, though I don’t see it happening. I mean one of the reasons people farm these dungeons are for the skins, as you pointed out, and as such less people will want to fight in dungeons once they have that skin leading to less groups being made making harder for others to get said skin or gear for the stats in themselves.
Once it’s moved to the Suggestions section, it will be buried there and forgotten.. forever..
I can vouch for that. Also this has been suggested before and was noticed…right before the Mounts ,Make Dyes account wide, and More weapons for engineers and elementalist threads popped up.
ALSO: The title kinda mislead me. I thought there was gonna be some system like this. May wanna fix that title.
(edited by Torqueblue.1945)
Honestly, I love the way DCUO handles your looks. It’s fun, fast, and efficient. Strangely enough, the mists has a place to store and exchange your looks without any problems. I have no idea why this isn’t also in PvE, it doesn’t really make sense in that regard.
I like your idea though, but I’d just suggest that T-stones become drops and TP tradeable. Or else it might seem quite greedy on ANet’s part if the only way t change your looks are dictated by money you spend.
I really like this idea. It was by far one of my favorite features of DCUO besides how well their voice chat worked, especially proximity voice chat =D. I like the idea of still incorporating transmutation stones so A net will still have a way to get some funds coming in to keep the game going. I don’t think it would make A net look greedy. I have some 30 fine transmute stones and I never bought one. I think I got them out of Black lion chests and finishing the story line a few times. I have also never purchased any keys either. I got those from story line on my 8 characters and map completion as well as a few rare key drops.
I like this idea