No it wasn’t a logo for the last episode of the living story.
The last episode of the living story was called Point of no Return, not Heart of Thorns.
We also got a trailer for Heart of Thorns yesterday, which quite clearly did not show what we have already seen.
A more concrete announcement will most likely be made on PAX South on January 24th.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
There will be special announcements at PAX south concerning gw2, also the latest episode was called Point of No Return, not Heart of Thorns.
Cause they said many times that they are working on HUGE background patch that they cant talk about??They said about it on Pax east 2013 but people dont seem to pay attention on what Anet said,they just know how to rage and be negative about everything involving the game…
They applied for a trademark for that logo, which they haven’t done for the other 2 living story arcs. Why would they do that for the next living story if it’s the same as the last 2?
I agree. We’re not getting an expension.
We’re prolly getting an expansion though.
point of no return was the 8th episode and the last episdoe is 9th how i know, go to collection and on each luminanacens armor shows on which episode it gets unlocked, last armor piece on the 9th episode
We already have the full set, I don’t know what you are on about.
point of no return was the 8th episode and the last episdoe is 9th how i know, go to collection and on each luminanacens armor shows on which episode it gets unlocked, last armor piece on the 9th episode
What does that have to do with whether or not there will be an expansion?
I agree. We’re not getting an expension.
We’re prolly getting an expansion though.
To expend, or not to expend, that is the question.
point of no return was the 8th episode and the last episdoe is 9th how i know, go to collection and on each luminanacens armor shows on which episode it gets unlocked, last armor piece on the 9th episode
How do I have every piece then?
I agree. We’re not getting an expension.
We’re prolly getting an expansion though.To expend, or not to expend, that is the question.
I think we expended too much time on this thread. I’m contacting support and asking for my minutes back.
Talk about woefully misinformed.
“Memories are nice, but that’s all they are.”
And here is his point of revelation
point of no return was the 8th episode and the last episdoe is 9th how i know, go to collection and on each luminanacens armor shows on which episode it gets unlocked, last armor piece on the 9th episode
Nope; both helmet and coat was unlocked in Episode 8 which launched yesterday.
And… we ARE getting an expansion
Seamarshal Belit / Initiate Xun Tsu / Mistwarden Roshone
Seafarer’s Rest | Northerner @ Dragon Season
Oh dear.
Will it be expensive?
(Or expansive …)
I’d like…ehhhh….uhhh…the number six, medium, with …oh heck, give me the expension.
With cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese.
This post had me laughing from beginning to end IDK if we are getting an expansion or some other form of large content but I do think something significant is on the way. Lol and all of you are just bad sports picking on a defenseless OP :P the forums are a dangerous place indeed lmao!
This post had me laughing from beginning to end
IDK if we are getting an expansion or some other form of large content but I do think something significant is on the way. Lol and all of you are just bad sports picking on a defenseless OP :P the forums are a dangerous place indeed lmao!
Excuse me mister-missus-person. I think you dropped this expension over here. I would like to be returning it.
They applied for a trademark for that logo, which they haven’t done for the other 2 living story arcs. Why would they do that for the next living story if it’s the same as the last 2?
And while it is easy to ignore all other points (as both Anet and fans do like to overhype), this is a very strong point suggesting that what’s coming is something more solid than just a next living story arc.
Whether it will be a paid expansion or some other form of content, the trademark suggests something bigger.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
This post had me laughing from beginning to end
IDK if we are getting an expansion or some other form of large content but I do think something significant is on the way. Lol and all of you are just bad sports picking on a defenseless OP :P the forums are a dangerous place indeed lmao!
The forum lions spy another defenseless gazelle poster. Slinking forward, they move to cut off his escape.
We got an expansion this Tuesday it was just a smaller one with low down time in between others like it. If we get a big expansion there will simply be more down time before the next big expansion.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
why the hell people think there is 1 i wana know execly, they didnt say a thing we are just facing a dragon! a dragon is the main threat of tyria and this is why we play gw2 to kill them(or pvp) that logo was simply a logo of the last episode of the living story thats it, no expension
Because they’d register a trademark (And make a new logo) for the last episode of the living story.
Zarin Mistcloak(THF) Valkyrie Mistblade(WAR) Kossori Mistwalker(REV) Durendal Mistward(GRD)
I used to think (build op, pls nerf) like you, but then I took a nerf to the knee.
It’s not an episode. They wouldn’t trademark an episode and make a big announcement for it at PAX.
~Sincerely, Scissors
remember fallout 4?
that was “trademarked” as well, are you seeing any sign of that game?…….
remember fallout 4?
that was “trademarked” as well, are you seeing any sign of that game?…….
The fallout 4 trademark didn’t come with a trailer and announcement that there would be some big reveal at PAX.
Besides the Fallout 4 trademark was a hoax.
~Sincerely, Scissors
point of no return was the 8th episode and the last episdoe is 9th how i know, go to collection and on each luminanacens armor shows on which episode it gets unlocked, last armor piece on the 9th episode
I’m not seeing this in my collections achievement… it looks like they’re all already unlocked. Plus:
the “Point of No Return” release brings Season 2 of the Living World to a finale
Stormbluff Isle ( )
Also the NCSoft investor meeting notes said so.
I wrote a thread a few months back about why I thought there was no expansion, but at this point it is kinda silly to really think there’s no expansion.
We will dont get expansion, we will get campaign (wich is expansion).
Again, a facepalm incoming.
Expension? Is that a new continent for us to explore?
Pro Expansion!!! ;-)
I like the word. It should go in the dictionary for:
An MMORPG community term for a game that is about to get an ’expensive expansion extension ’.
Quidquid Latine Dictum Sit, Altum Videtur
No worries, we will know at PEX Seuth.
Was that a play on expensive?
No worries, we will know at PEX Seuth.
Beautiful!!!! LMAO!!!
Likly the OP was trilling anyway.