Nearby future plans for GW2?

Nearby future plans for GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Idanaeris.5723


Hello there dear fellow GW2 players & staff!

As with any game, I keep hearing (or well, mostly reading, to be more literal) both good and bad things about GW2, but neither of them seem satisfying or reliable as they rely mostly on speculation…

As a former player of nearly 8 months, with some good money invested into the game and at present a returning user with several new IRL friends on board I’m interested to know a more formal answer concerning the game that I love – how is it faring lately? What is its estimated overall player base?

Does the company plan to continue to invest in it and make it work for several more years to come or will all this effort and money have to be in vain aside from the experience the game has provided in the upcoming year? I haven’t personally played GW1 but I know many people who still “mourn” over it. Was the transition to GW2 unannounced and sudden?

Sometimes it would be a good idea to get some feedback on how well the game is faring, because in the eventuality that it is going down, I’m sure there are players out there who love it enough to not let that happen.

I also asked these questions in hopes to eliminate speculative and inaccurate content that have reached my ears.

I wish all of you a wonderful day!

- Spectral

Nearby future plans for GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Danikat.8537


What is its estimated overall player base?

Anet don’t say how many people are playing and announcements from anyone else would be a wild guess.

But for what it’s worth I can tell you I see a lot of people online, especially on popular maps like Frostgorge Sound and Dry Top.

Does the company plan to continue to invest in it and make it work for several more years to come or will all this effort and money have to be in vain aside from the experience the game has provided in the upcoming year?

Well they’ve just started Season 2 of the Living Story and are organising a PvP tournament so they’re hardly likely to suddenly abandon the game now. Besides which Anet don’t do anything except GW1 and GW2 so if they did they’d have to basically shut the company down.

I haven’t personally played GW1 but I know many people who still “mourn” over it. Was the transition to GW2 unannounced and sudden?

Hardly. GW2 was announced in 2007, shortly before Eye of the North was released. It came out in 2012, 5 years later.

In between they released EOTN which was focused on tying the two games together, both through the Hall of Monuments which allows GW1 players to earn rewards for GW2 and through the story which introduced the norn and asura (and gave hints about the sylvari) and focused around defeating the first dragon champion – the Great Destroyer.

After that they started Guild Wars: Beyond which focused on tying up various loose ends and changes to Tyria that would gradually lead to the world as seen in GW2, like Keiran Thackery marrying Gwen and hints about the founding of Ebonhawke, Queen Salma unifying Kryta and founding the Seraph and Cantha driving out the Tengu and slowly isolating themselves from the rest of the world.

If any GW1 players were caught by surprise when GW2 came out they really hadn’t been paying attention.

Sometimes it would be a good idea to get some feedback on how well the game is faring, because in the eventuality that it is going down, I’m sure there are players out there who love it enough to not let that happen.

I’m not sure why you’re even asking this. Firstly because there has been no suggestion that the game would be shut down any time in the foreseeable future and secondly because if it was there is nothing we could do about it.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

Nearby future plans for GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Guild Wars 2 made enough money according to financial reports, to place it in the area of the fifth highest MMO earner when compared to subscription or optional subscription MMOs.

I wouldn’t close down a game that profitable.

Nearby future plans for GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Feirlista Xv.1425

Feirlista Xv.1425

Why would a game that is in just about every top list on the internet be about ready to die I will admit I don’t play as much as I use to but it’s still the only game I play and will be for a long time. Plus I have read rumors of a expansion next year from some fairly reliable sources so this game it still going strong.

Opinions are like ______ everyone has one I could
put the correct term in but not everyone has kittens