Nearly no Orr drops w/o a party

Nearly no Orr drops w/o a party

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Broken Angel.4956

Broken Angel.4956

Anyone know if this is intended?
In 2nd plinx event, tagging all slimes gets me 1 drop w/o a party, and about 5-6 drops with a party

(edited by Broken Angel.4956)

Nearly no Orr drops w/o a party

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ostracize.8316


There are 25 other people around, some of whom are saying “LFM”.

Just join a party.

Nearly no Orr drops w/o a party

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HawkMeister.4758


I´d like to know how many tries it took you to come to this assertion
(please say more than 3).

Polish > hype

Nearly no Orr drops w/o a party

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Broken Angel.4956

Broken Angel.4956

About 10 (days).
And guess what, I TRY joining a party.
Sometimes there are none, and no LFM or LFG
This is also true for the 2 tunnel events where you defend the camps. Waaay more drops with a party.

Nearly no Orr drops w/o a party

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HawkMeister.4758


I was being a bit snarky, but 10 is still much too small a sample size.
Better try another 15.

Sneaky ninja edit! lol
10 days seems a bit more solid. Interesting.

Polish > hype

Nearly no Orr drops w/o a party

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Broken Angel.4956

Broken Angel.4956

I assume its because a certain damage needs to be dealt to the mob to get loot.
You have to tag, and your party can help with the damage quota. Because w/o a party, i still get a tonn of xp popups (so i tagged the mob) but only 1 in 10 mobs drops items.

Nearly no Orr drops w/o a party

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Animus.6073


I could be wrong but I believe it has to do with the “tagging” mechanic in GW2. If it functions the way I believe it does, you will notice that when not in a group, some of the mobs you thought you tagged didn’t grant experience on death either, because you didn’t do enough damage before the enemy was killed. I believe that in a group, some of the damage that your group members contribute to a kill goes to your tally as well, thus successfully granting you the “tag”.

In this instance you should receive experience for the killed mob as well as the same chance to loot it as if you were not in a party and killed something that you “tagged”. Hope that wasn’t too confusing, and again, not completely sure that this is how it works.

Nearly no Orr drops w/o a party

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mulch.2586


If it were true, I think it’s consistent and very fine.

By yourself, you get 2 inf for each event. Pair with a guildmate and together you get 20 inf.

There’s soooo very little party content in GW2 (none outside dungeons and tournaments). It’d be good to have some incentive.

Nearly no Orr drops w/o a party

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kindeller.3072


Its simple maths unfortunately and is in place to discourage this sort of continual event farming. For the same reason that killing an untouched mob will reward you 3x the XP than normal. The contrary applies with mobs that have been tagged by a lot of people, the % required gets skewed because you can only deal so much of hits health before someone else kills it. By partying up the damage dealt is accumulated between the party and therefore guarantee’s the more likely chance of a drop and successful tag.

The solution to this problem is to find another farming spot, and I can tell you there are plenty of locations in the 70+ region that would still provide a few copper difference between the event chains but due to lower level would be relatively simple to solo larger events/mobs. In fact in one of my recent posts I mentioned a level 55-65 area (Sparkfly Fen) that provided me with a decent return competing a few events in an hour period.

Not to mention I despise Orr with a passion… everyone knows the mobs there are a pain in the backside.

Nearly no Orr drops w/o a party

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tulinor.6745


Yes you need a party especially if there are a lot of people on the event. I hardly ever was in a party and I would just mainly get skulls. When I started joining up and tagging the same mobs as the people in my party the drop rate and quality really improved.

All things considered, I like the option. If there was no party option then you would not do enough damage to get full credit for the kill and thus limit yourself while farming because of the competition for the kills.

Perfect? No. Workable? Yes.

Nearly no Orr drops w/o a party

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dirtyklingon.2918


since ive’ headed back to orr with my 2nd 80 since retiring my old 80 a bout a month ago after weeks of farming orr…

i mostly just get porous bones now even if i am soloing/duoing events.

forget plinx zergs, they did something to drop rates since i was here last and it’s obnoxiously obvious.

who doesn’t love wow clones?

Nearly no Orr drops w/o a party

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Keiran.1896


I’ve been farming there a long time and this is true.

Players of a team seems to share their damages on mobs ; so being five helps tagging more mobs and, obviously, there’s more loot.

On a pack of ten mobs, common example in Orr events, alone you’ll get 1 blue or green but with a team you’ll get like 3 blue, 1 green, 1 dye, etc… and after a few packs, with 1s per blue and 2s per green, that’s a lot of money. 10 gold & 50k karma a day, if you farm Plinx all day with a team. Probably more with boosters.

Nearly no Orr drops w/o a party

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dirtyklingon.2918


but yeah the grouped up = better/mor edrops thing has been known since headstart. i thought it was due to competition in zerged events.

but it’s evident to me that even when soloing events and doing 100% of the dmg to mobs aside from npc guards, if you are ungrouped you can just expect little mroe than porous bones.

who doesn’t love wow clones?

Nearly no Orr drops w/o a party

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dirtyklingon.2918


dps also affects getting drops at all. if you don’t do enough dps on mobs you tag, you won’t get even sparkly corpses.

in my case, i do vast majority of the damage, even soloing most mobs in the events i’m doing, first combat of the session/day at all, and getting just mostly porous bones.

i think now i get better profits power levelign guildies’ alts in lower level zones simply because i get stuff other than just grey trash.

who doesn’t love wow clones?

Nearly no Orr drops w/o a party

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Veldan.4637


I always hated this system. Today I did 2,5 hours of shelter/penitent farm. Not because I like it, I rly hate it. I do it because if you want to farm money in this game, you have to do some group-based zerg farm. It’s so far more effective that you’re really slowing yourself down if you choose to go solo farming in some nice spot far away from the zergs.

Imo the current mechanics therefore suck, and I honestly wish they’d make drop rates unaffected by group status.

Nearly no Orr drops w/o a party

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zavien.5197


I mostly just putz around in Cursed shore when I’m there. Do a bit of gathering, a few events, but mostly killing whatever mob is in my path. After an hour (and a few stops at merchants) I have a gold or two more than I had before.

Am I missing something, or are people trying to farm up enough gold to buy precursors on the AH? Shouldn’t you be doing whats fun for you rather than whats optimal?

Nearly no Orr drops w/o a party

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Animus.6073


I always hated this system. Today I did 2,5 hours of shelter/penitent farm. Not because I like it, I rly hate it. I do it because if you want to farm money in this game, you have to do some group-based zerg farm. It’s so far more effective that you’re really slowing yourself down if you choose to go solo farming in some nice spot far away from the zergs.

Imo the current mechanics therefore suck, and I honestly wish they’d make drop rates unaffected by group status.

Drop rates are not affected by group status as far as I know. The reason it seems that way is because you kill many more mobs while in a group than not in one. The issue I believe the OP is experiencing is simply the “tagging” mechanic which, I agree, needs some tweaking to account for more support oriented players, as well as professions that don’t do massive AoE damage.

Nearly no Orr drops w/o a party

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: penatbater.4710


somehow, the amount of damage you need to effectively “tag” a mob decreases when you’re in a party with someone who also hits the same mob. so while before you had to, say, throw your grenade 2x to effectively tag them, with a party also hitting the mob, you only have to throw it once, hence more tagging, more exp, more loot chances.

Don’t disturb me, I have a cat in me at the moment.

Nearly no Orr drops w/o a party

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Broken Angel.4956

Broken Angel.4956

Yeh, I think when you are in a party, as long as all of you hit the mob with something you are almost guaranteed a tag.

Nearly no Orr drops w/o a party

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: karma.8763


Because in a party, there damage acts as your damage, think like this, in orr? you need to do 2k damage to an enemy to qualify for a loot drop solo……with a full party? you only need to do maybe 500 damage.