Necessary changes to ensuring GW2 lives on in my view

Necessary changes to ensuring GW2 lives on in my view

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rambodacious.7495


- Precursor drops should be increased, but the amount of grind involved to acquire a legendary should remain the same. This actually plays out in Anets favor. If someone has “insert precursor here” in their hot little hands, they’ll be far more interested in turning it into that uber-cool “insert legendary here.” This means player longevity for GW2.

- Legendaries should not be sellable on the TP, but should be account bound rather than soulbound. No reason to force someone who has done all of that work to acquire a greatsword on their warrior to then have to do it again for a mesmer they enjoy playing. This encourages alts and therefore longevity to your game. With legendaries remaining difficult to obtain, they will keep their rare/unique feel.

- Add more game types to sPvP and tPvP rather than only cap-and-hold. Suggestions would be:

  1. Capture the flag
  2. Push the cart (via TF2). An object is moved from a beginning to an end. One team moves it, the other tries to prevent that movement. The object can only be moved when players of the moving team are near/touching it. If no one touches the object for a specified amount of time, it slowly slides backwards toward the beginning. This game type would have a time limit. When time is out, if the offensive team did not meet the objective, the defensive team wins.
  3. Destroy enemy “thing” (building/npc). This should be a mini dota/league of legends with PvE mobs aiding the team in waves etc. Similar to the Baelfire map without the cap points and a more epic keep with defenses would be good. More than one path to the opposing side etc.
  4. One object that can be picked up and disables a players’ weapon abilities is the main source of points as long as a team has a player holding it. Player kills also provide points, but to a lesser extent. The object allows movement, albeit slightly slower than normal to allow for kiting, but not endless kiting. Various terrain etc to allow for strategies and the like. The map would be smaller than others to prevent a boring experience of chasing a fast player endlessly.

- Implement guild wars into Guild Wars 2. Playing a game called Guild Wars with no guild wars taking place is misleading.

- Guilds should once again have their own Guild Halls like they did in GW1 with the ability to set up trainers/banks/merchants/practice dummies/PvP gear merchants and sigils for money/karma/influence/glory. Also, there should be a way to set up matches within the guild hall between players anywhere from 1v1 to 10v10.

- Guild halls should only be purchased with *bold*ALL*bold* of the following, meaning all 4 currencies are used simultaneously: gold, influence, glory and karma. This will encourage guilds to provide support for players who enjoy various aspects of your game in order to acquire a coveted guild hall. That may in turn encourage people who may not have otherwise be interested in trying a given activity to get involved because of player interaction and communication. In order to have glory and karma used to purchase a guild hall simply have an npc designated to accept karma/glory for an item that can then be mailed to the GL or is added to a guild fund of some kind similar to the way purchasing influence works now.

- Guild v Guild should provide titles, have tiers, national tournaments, etc.

- Continued on next post!

- Muke Muscleshell
- Potluck Massacre [PLUM]
- Sanctum of Rall

Necessary changes to ensuring GW2 lives on in my view

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rambodacious.7495


- WvW should matter. Not provide small bonuses until reset. For 4 months, servers play a round-robin. Each server plays every other server in their 3 server cluster at least once. Point totals between these are added up cumulatively. At the end of the 4 month period the top server is granted 3% permanent bonuses to all the current possible bonuses WvW provides. Second gets 2% and third gets 1%. Realistically speaking, no server will end up winning every time because of population shifts. Specifically, good players quitting the game etc. Also, remember, this reward happens 3 times a year and there are around 20 servers currently.

- WvW should balance populations rather than simply capping a BL at 500 (or whatever the magic number is). If a server has 22 people playing on their home BL then no more than 42 of either of the other 2 servers should be allowed into the BL. This allows for a server to completely cap an enemy’s BL if no one is defending as 20 people can make quick work of an undefended BL, but provides a fighting chance to low population servers. As it is now, WvW loses out on many players who would care enough to play, but feel like their efforts are entirely wasted. In short, with the above system, Oceanic players still get to play, but no longer are the American players’ efforts completely removed either. This is the best compromise available and is a win for everyone. Furthermore, the Eternal BL would work as it does now, which would again, allow for Oceanic players to play as they wish, EB BL can still be zerged and provides the most points, but this would limit the point discrepancies many servers see on a daily basis.

- If the above tournament for WvW and population balances are implemented then a paid server xfer for gems can finally be implemented. I think the current reason people xfer servers is not only to play with their friends or to move to a powerful WvW server, but also to find an active WvW server. Some servers are simply lacking the player desire and I think the above would go a long way to increasing player interest in WvW.

- SPvP and TPvP rewards should simply be purchasable with Glory Points instead of the obtuse crafting system currently in place. The salvaging gear from chests system is not fun and is confusing. Players don’t know what they’re going to get or even how to get some gear they want. Imagine if this system were implemented in the PvE side of things. People would leave your game in droves. Yes, currently people can go online and look up SPvP recipes, but even then, many recipes aren’t available. A system of “work for your rewards” is better on all counts.

- Speed up how long it takes to rise in rank in SPvP! It’s ridiculously slow even with constant Glory Boosters. It shouldn’t take 6 months or more of several hours a day to reach the cap. Leveling should be a similar pace to PvE. Players should see advancement in any gameplay aspect at a respectable pace. You know this Anet.

- Armor and Weapon skins should never not be implemented with a patch. This game is based on horizontal progression. The game thrives on playing “dress-up.” There should be a team specifically designated to creating this content and patching it into the game constantly.

- Remove Magic Find from Gear. Loot drop-rate adjustments should be made.

- Using a waypoint anywhere in LA should be completely free from anywhere in the world. Why? Because people simply hop through the mists or WvW to avoid the WP cost. Save us the loading time. You still have your money sinks from all other WP’s in game.

- Combating population declines will be a problem moving into the future. A recruit-a-friend system should be implemented (in addition to free weekend trial events). If a player purchases the game and provides information during registration that a friend encouraged him to purchase the game, that friend should be given gems or some other reward. Some other similar system is fine, but there should be systems in place to promote player recruitment for your game.

- Muke Muscleshell
- Sanctum of Rall
- Potluck Massacre [PLUM]

- Muke Muscleshell
- Potluck Massacre [PLUM]
- Sanctum of Rall

Necessary changes to ensuring GW2 lives on in my view

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vlawde.1895


Guesting. ’nuff said

Necessary changes to ensuring GW2 lives on in my view

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bruno Sardine.2907

Bruno Sardine.2907

Not sure I agree with increased precursor drop rates…. rather, make them account bound and make a mystic forge recipe that guarantees it’s creation. This change really doesn’t alter the fact that everything else will be low RNG and high cost (it may even jack up the cost since demand for everything else will increase).

Necessary changes to ensuring GW2 lives on in my view

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Heinel.6548


All legendaries do have a specific recipe that guarantees their creation, but yes, like both you and I have said, they aren’t account bound.

I’m pretty sure he means a recipe that guarantees a precursor, not the actual legendary.

“… but I hate the idea ‘It may not make sense at first’.
I want it to make sense right away, then another sense later. Murkiness =/= quality "
- CCP Abraxis

Necessary changes to ensuring GW2 lives on in my view

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rambodacious.7495


Ah okay, ya. So, that would be a way for Anet to control the market conditions of precursors more directly. I like it. Though, it wouldn’t change much if the materials needed to craft them add up to hundreds of gold.

The idea I was getting at is to allow relatively easy access to precursors, but have legendaries remain difficult in an attempt to encourage more people to venture out on the trek. Any way they want to accomplish that goal works for me.

- Muke Muscleshell
- Potluck Massacre [PLUM]
- Sanctum of Rall

Necessary changes to ensuring GW2 lives on in my view

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tiger.7506



- Armor and Weapon skins should never not be implemented with a patch. This game is based on horizontal progression. The game thrives on playing “dress-up.” There should be a team specifically designated to creating this content and patching it into the game constantly.


I disagree!
The game needs a small vertical progression!

Necessary changes to ensuring GW2 lives on in my view

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: forrae.6708


a deathmatch game type would be fun too

WvW would be awesome if there were more maps than just thw same 3 bordelands. have some variety in them. also make it so there are 6 servers and have the option to form alliances etc. make it feel like a real full scale war or something.

thugged out since cubscouts

Necessary changes to ensuring GW2 lives on in my view

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tiger.7506


Guild x Guild would be nice!

Necessary changes to ensuring GW2 lives on in my view

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dante.1508


Open world needs way more content, the loot drops need to be relaxed, and the world needs to be expanded, drops that fall in dungeon should fall in open world as well…

Necessary changes to ensuring GW2 lives on in my view

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LightningLockey.5938


Account bound legendary would make them more valuable and ensure that only players that have them have actually worked them instead of paid with real-world money.

Necessary changes to ensuring GW2 lives on in my view

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gombie.3860


WvW just needs a ton of improvements,

Towers held by guilds should have their guild tag displayed on map on that tower, give IP on every cycle and improved IP if the tower/keep is upgraded more.

Guilds should be able to claim more towers at the cost of recurring IP/gold or something else.

WvW needs some variations of armors and cool skins.

WvW tab could include a “leaderboard” of guilds and a contribution score A guild contribution to points from active activities (kills, captures, defends).

Basically there needs to be some Rivalry and Pride injected into this game to make it more competitive and giving you an incentive to want to contribute which isnt just getting virtual currency.