Necro/Revenant - which is more versatile?

Necro/Revenant - which is more versatile?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nyel.1843


The title says it all. Which class is more versatile?

I really love to “heal” or support and Revenant with Ventari seems to be really great for that but I love the Condi playstyle of the Necro as well and being some kind of Chillomancer is amazing to me (at least in theory). With Revenant I get bored pretty quickly when it comes to different DPS builds but support/heal seems to be superior.

So, can somebody explain to me which class is more versatile and offers more (effective) builds and diversity?

Necro/Revenant - which is more versatile?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nyel.1843


Mhm nobody experienced with both?

Necro/Revenant - which is more versatile?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khailyn.6248


Necromancer really isnt that versatile, that isnt to say they arent good. I love my necro, but its main thing are conditions, control and boon corruption. Revenant you’re looking at healing with ventari, group boon application with glint, power damage with shiro or condition damage with mallyx (in certain game modes). I like both professions, but revenant can fill more gaps while necro is a bit more specialized.

‘Death smiles at us all. All a man can do is smile back.’

Necro/Revenant - which is more versatile?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CaelestiaEmpyrea.2617


Necro is a primarily offensive class with little to offer in terms of support or party healing. It does have a variety of viable builds incorporating either power or condition damage.

Revenant has a far fewer builds, due to the way it’s Legendary Stances determine all utility skills. Also, the Rev is almost always going to be a power build, condi is just not as strong. However, the Rev can fill a wider variety or rolls in a party. DPS? Boons? Healing? Yes, yes, and yes.

So. tl;dr: Necromancer has more build diversity, Revenant has more roll diversity.

Necro/Revenant - which is more versatile?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nyel.1843


Ah, I understand. Thank you!

Necro/Revenant - which is more versatile?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Carighan.6758


In a certain way, Revenant is very versatile. It’s equally undertuned at everything, so no part of the class is missing out!

The strength of heart to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.

Necro/Revenant - which is more versatile?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Its Nerfing Time.1495

Its Nerfing Time.1495

Necro is a primarily offensive class with little to offer in terms of support or party healing. It does have a variety of viable builds incorporating either power or condition damage.

Revenant has a far fewer builds, due to the way it’s Legendary Stances determine all utility skills. Also, the Rev is almost always going to be a power build, condi is just not as strong. However, the Rev can fill a wider variety or rolls in a party. DPS? Boons? Healing? Yes, yes, and yes.

So. tl;dr: Necromancer has more build diversity, Revenant has more roll diversity.

Not true at all, with Burning and Torment the Condi Rev is a pretty good DPS – too many people write it off too soon unfortunately.

@OP Definitely Rev for role diversity as others have said, you can go full Support, Condi, Power, you can combine some of the builds to make a tankier 100% boon uptime build (I have one that gives me 100% Crit, boon uptime, moderate tankiness)

Necro/Revenant - which is more versatile?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CrustyBot.3564


The title says it all. Which class is more versatile?

I really love to “heal” or support and Revenant with Ventari seems to be really great for that but I love the Condi playstyle of the Necro as well and being some kind of Chillomancer is amazing to me (at least in theory). With Revenant I get bored pretty quickly when it comes to different DPS builds but support/heal seems to be superior.

So, can somebody explain to me which class is more versatile and offers more (effective) builds and diversity?

Revenant is a more versatile class, though fairly weak at most things. It can be a support boon expert, pumping out easy 20+ stacks of might with strength Runes and sigils. It can be a condi DPS applying Torment and burns with its mace, you have the typical power DPS build, you’ve got your Ventari build (I’m having a lot of fun messing around with a Zealot/Berserker Ventari build in fractals) then you could have a tanky build that would probably work in raids if you had a willing group.

The real problem is that although it can cover most of the roles in the game, there’s another class that’s significantly better than it at each specific role. Keep in mind my focus is on high tier fractals and raids. And look, that’s not to say you can’t play certain Rev builds and find success, like I said, I’m currently spending lots of time on a Ventari Rev. But it’s objectively less effective than competing classes.

However Rev is pretty kitten versatile, so I’d definitely go with that if versatility your primary requirement.

Necro/Revenant - which is more versatile?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nyel.1843


Yeah as I said, I began playing Revenant two weeks ago. My issue with Rev is that it all just feels pretty… boring? I don’t know, I haven’t played the sup/heal role yet but the builds for DPS seem pretty limited and rather flat when compared to Necromancer.

Necro/Revenant - which is more versatile?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Redfeather.6401


You can heal with necro, but you’re really going to have to work for it. And unlike revenant you can’t just swap legends to change roles. I think it was Brazil or maybe Wooden Potatoes that showcased it. It was hilarious.

I got off track. Rev is more versatile.