This is about the dynamic level adjustment system with respect to leveling down higher level characters in lower level zones.
First and foremost, I have asked this question over the course of the past few years, and not gotten a clear answer. Including being told the first 80 levels is a tutorial which is a level of intelligence I would rather not respond to.
While it would be great if the game had a real tutorial system outside of main content, it doesn’t. That’s a whole different topic. You start the game off in your respective instance with basic information on how to move and play. As you progress through the game, you are given more information, which over the years, has been updated and improved.
The main content of the game, however, starts as soon as the game starts. The story begins as soon as you create your character. You set off to progress your character to 80 looking forward to the great adventure that lies ahead of you.
The thing that ruins the game is that the level down system just doesn’t work at all. It is supposed to make higher level characters effectively the same level as the zone they’re in, but it doesn’t. Higher level characters are still effectively higher level than the zone they’re in.
I have given feedback over the problems it causes only to get ignored and trolled. With no real answer to why this is. Or why everybody seems to be fine with it this way. Despite the fact I have come close to just leaving the game on multiple occasions out of frustration of not being able to enjoy the content because of it.
GW2 has alot of great content. The design really shines when I’m playing with a group of characters no more than one or two levels above or below me. The zones really balance out well. It is the most fun experience of the game to party or just play with other players of even level. But as soon as a higher level steps in, it becomes pointless.
Higher level player just does everything, and because they’re supposedly “effectively the same level” as the zone, the players who are actually of the level in the zone get rewarded for doing pretty much nothing. This is simply frustrating when players actually want to be playing and enjoying their missions, but a higher level just walks in and kills everything.
Most of the time is spent just playing the game solo, and avoiding higher level players. And not even trying to find even level players to group with. As it is near impossible effort to get a party going. Despite playing the game grouped with even-level players being extremely fun. If I want to play solo, I can play a good RPG. I play a good MMO so that I can play with others.
The level down system would be great if it actually worked. I would have the ability to party with other players regardless of how high their level. It wouldn’t be difficult to find. And would be able to play content together on an even level. Yet because it doesn’t work, it doesn’t happen. Therefore, what? Your choice is pretty much to play through the content solo in a MMO. Because partying with a higher level player is utterly pointless.
I would just like to know why in the years this game has been out, the vast majority of the population doesn’t seem to find this a major problem, and some don’t even consider it problem at all. And think this is fine. I don’t understand it. I never ever get intelligent answers. Just more trolling and pointless comments that have nothing to do with the point – enjoying the great content of a great mmorpg from start to max level and beyond. Meaning enjoying the content/story/exploration/adventure of leveling up through to 80, including playing with others on an even field without interference from higher players ruining the experience.
(Just to be clear about how well designed the game is when it comes to balance, when actually grouped with players of real even level in a zone of that level the design of the game truly shines in that all the missions are really well balanced and enjoyable. As soon as a higher level enters the picture, it severely screws it.)