Need help picking a new class

Need help picking a new class

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Huxow.7259


My main is a warrior lvl 41 iv’e deleted countless upon that level becoming bored of them, warrior godlike in pve, in pvp its like playing a broken class

So far i tried ranger, being forced to use bow makes it a turnoff all other weapon set are just for show and pve,

Elementalist too hard to play like 90000 skills to remember.

Necromancer – just meh

Guardian – not even bothered probably a more kittenty war

Theif – dont understand a thing about iniative. but i like spikes…

Mesmer too girly

Engineer – heh..

im about to give up gw2 as lvl 40 gg, back to guild wars for me

Need help picking a new class

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ethics.4519


Well, it would be great if you said what you’re looking for or what your playstyle is. At least what you’re into, sPvP, wvw, dungeons, pve farming, etc.

Keep in mind a lot of classes don’t shine until level 40 or above, sometimes even 70+.

Plus a lot of what you say is just ridiculous “Theif – dont understand a thing about iniative.” What? Your skills have no cd, they cost iniative. It’s not that complicated. It’s made to burst and punishes you for sustained combat.

RIP in peace Robert

Need help picking a new class

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kiba.2768


depends on what you wanna do. i find guardian to be balanced in gameplay and much preferred by groups in pve groups(dungeons). in wvw they can disrupt zergs and in pvp defend a cap solo if you go bunker.

i have 2x 80 guardians and an 80 warrior.

Need help picking a new class

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Danno.5269


If you take the time to learn a class then you would probably enjoy any of the classes you have played. I play multiples (main ele) and enjoy them all.

It’s really a bit weird though being melee as a caster, but you get over it when you have tons more survival than the guardian who just went down next to you and you have to tank the boss/people in pvp. (only a lil off topic)

Either way. Just learn to play a singular class really well and go from there. I enjoy going to youtube to look at videos of pvp/pve of certain classes i am interested in to see if i would enjoy playing them while also learning some techniques while watching.

Good luck

Need help picking a new class

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


Guardian is a fantastic, versatile class. I’ve really enjoyed playing one. They’re a lot deeper than they look on the surface, and frankly they’re a little weird.

They’re part of the -lowest- health pool tier, yet they have probably the highest survivability in the game. They also hand out all kinds of goodies to their teammates.

I suggest you try one out.

Need help picking a new class

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LHound.8964


My main is a warrior lvl 41 iv’e deleted countless upon that level becoming bored of them, warrior godlike in pve, in pvp its like playing a broken class

So far i tried ranger, being forced to use bow makes it a turnoff all other weapon set are just for show and pve,

Elementalist too hard to play like 90000 skills to remember.

Necromancer – just meh

Guardian – not even bothered probably a more kittenty war

Theif – dont understand a thing about iniative. but i like spikes…

Mesmer too girly

Engineer – heh..

im about to give up gw2 as lvl 40 gg, back to guild wars for me

I lol’d.

Necromancer – Meh?
Mesmer – Too girly?

Have fun in GW

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Charr’s need more Love. All is Vain
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Need help picking a new class

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Huxow.7259


will do gw is faar superior game when it comes to PvP, gw2 is a step backwards imo. but the pve part is better

Need help picking a new class

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: critickitten.1498


I lol’d.

Necromancer – Meh?
Mesmer – Too girly?

Have fun in GW

Pretty much this.

Ordinarily I’d help, but some of your complaints are so petty that it’s hard to tell if you actually WANT to like this game or just want to complain about it.

Remember when our developers talked about “strengthening the core game”?
How’d that work out for us so far?
Now let’s try some ideas that will really work.

Need help picking a new class

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mirta.5029


My main is a warrior lvl 41 iv’e deleted countless upon that level becoming bored of them, warrior godlike in pve, in pvp its like playing a broken class

So far i tried ranger, being forced to use bow makes it a turnoff all other weapon set are just for show and pve,

Elementalist too hard to play like 90000 skills to remember.

Necromancer – just meh

Guardian – not even bothered probably a more kittenty war

Theif – dont understand a thing about iniative. but i like spikes…

Mesmer too girly

Engineer – heh..

im about to give up gw2 as lvl 40 gg, back to guild wars for me

learn how to play

Warriors are the most overpowered class. They have more builds than just power. The fact that you’re losing in pvp means that you’re really bad at it. Search for good builds online if you can’t create one (and obviously you can’t).
Guardians are the more tanky of the two. Harder to play, yet have better survivability if you do them right.
Elementalists are not that hard. They’re squishy, yes, but seriously? You couldn’t remember 20 skills when you chose a weapon set?

Really it just looks like the game is not for you.