Need help with class choosing

Need help with class choosing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Onizuka.6938


Hey guys, I need a small help from much more experienced players than me. I bought the game when it went on sale, so my experience with it is almost nonexistent.

I want to play a class that deals high DPS in dungeons and is also pretty good for solo play in the world. Im deciding in between elementalist, thief and warrior.

I ve read a lot about it and showed that elementalist is probably the highest DPS there is, but warrior and thief are not far behind.

So my criteria are PvE dps and if they are fun to play.


Need help with class choosing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Goose.8195


Guardian is my #1 favorite class. I have over half my hours on guardian. I do fracs, dungeons, pvp, and I like to equip the ol’ loot stick and take him to EotM for some easy karma/loot for hours at a time.

Warrior is probably the easiest of the 3 that you listed to just go out and play. They have great damage and survivability.

I’ve been playing my ele a lot more lately too and they are just plain fun. I like to switch it up between staff and scepter/focus depending on my mood that day. D/D ele is also pretty awesome to play in pvp once you get the skills and rotations down.

[BBN] Big and Beautiful Norns
You dont have to be one to love one.

Need help with class choosing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Onizuka.6938


Unfortunately i don’t think that guardian can contest with thief or ele when it comes to dps.

Need help with class choosing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


Elementalist and Thief are the highest dps, but Warrior isn’t close to them.

Elementalist are more about AoE/Burst. They also bring good party buff, but they are the hardest profession to play at its max.

Thief are all about single target dps. They also bring stealth for skipping. They are easier to play than Elementalist, a little bit less squishier than elementalist, but mostly because their dps rotation is easier so you can concentrate more on dodge, but its still harder to stay alive on a thief than on a Warrior or Guardian.

Warrior use to be near the top dps, but right now its 5th.

All profession do just great in open world solo so it shouldn’t help you make a decision.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

Need help with class choosing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Goose.8195


Unfortunately i don’t think that guardian can contest with thief or ele when it comes to dps.

Bear in mind, to get the DPS you are looking for with those classes you will have to have well-timed dodges, and know exactly when to hit certain skills. Max DPS on a softer class is difficult to achieve when first playing because you tend to be squishy, so if you do start one on of those classes don’t get frustrated if things aren’t going your way right away.

[BBN] Big and Beautiful Norns
You dont have to be one to love one.

Need help with class choosing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Onizuka.6938


Very well then, now i am deciding between thief and elementalist.

Need help with class choosing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: yanipheonu.5798


Honestly, I wouldn’t worry about “best DPS” in GW2 PVE. It’s not that kind of MMO. I’d worry about what suits your playstyle more. Do you prefer melee, ranged, AOE? How mobile do want to be? How many hits do you want to take, be more tanky or glassy?

Need help with class choosing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mtpelion.4562


For a first character, I usually recommend a Warrior since they are very tough to kill. Once you’ve played the game awhile and have gotten used to the active defense concept, you can branch out to the squishy classes like Thief and Elementalist.

Server: Devona’s Rest

Need help with class choosing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Leo G.4501

Leo G.4501

Honestly, I wouldn’t worry about “best DPS” in GW2 PVE. It’s not that kind of MMO. I’d worry about what suits your playstyle more. Do you prefer melee, ranged, AOE? How mobile do want to be? How many hits do you want to take, be more tanky or glassy?

I agree with this. You have practically the entire game to worry about “best DPS”, don’t soil your first impressions and expectations with that pursuit (believe me, in no time, you’ll be pondering rolling another character in a couple weeks after maxing out the 1st). Focus on learning to handle your characters and adapt to encounters before worrying about DPS. If you’re not used to GW2’s combat, you’ll have more issues “surviving” than you would “doing the best DPS”. Not that the game is hard, it’s just very different.

Need help with class choosing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Onizuka.6938


I have ranger 43 and im pondering rolling another character already. It is just the way I am.