Never Doing Dungeons: WvW Still Viable?
Answer is yes. There is no real need to get the dungeon armor. Skill is far more important in this game than gear. If you suck not even the best gear in the game can keep you alive. If you are good you can trash people left and right.
With the new laurels, it is possible to get ascended stuff (a little bit better than the end-game exotic gears) without ever stepping to dungeons or fractals. Also, you can get exotic gears via crafting, purchase using gold from TP, purchase using karma at Temple (after it is cleared), and rare drops from mobs.
You can still purchase exotic armor (which is what you get from dungeons) with gold.
YOu can get ascended gear for lauerls (dailies and monthlies and achievements)
When this game was released I got the money for 80 exotics playing WvW.
It just took a bit longer, was fun though.
If you don’t care about what your gear looks like, you can get your stuff from the trading post no problem regardless.
Absolutely. Yes. Eventually, nearly every stat combination on exotic armor and weapons and jewelry is available through some means other than through dungeon tokens.
you can buy exotic gear with badges of honor? (never checked to see if the skins were rare or exotic).
That being said, you are removing a large portion of awesome gameplay and a great way to make money/get gear by not doing dungeons. It’s not required to do dungeons, but I highly recommend it
Spirit of Faith [HOPE] – RIP
Well, truth is, I’m NOT very skilled. That’s the main reason I plan to avoid dungeons. I was hoping to have some fun just playing around in PvE and WvW!
Yes it is entirely possible.
If you’ve never tried out dungeons before though you should or you’re missing out on quite abit, perhaps ask friends or guildies who are helpful to bring you along, just tell them you’re new to the experience and to guide you.
It’s all about the learning curve really, once you know what to do they go like clockwork.
I have found that Dungeons are extremely difficult and unpleasent for new or ‘causal’ players. I grinded out a few runs of AC on my Guardian to get the Ghastly Sword/Shield, and honestly.. I couldn’t wait till it was over, I hated every second of it. If you have a group of friends that are experienced and can guide you through as suggested above, then it will probably be pretty cool, but for an inexperienced player grouping with the general public, Dungeons are just awful IMO.
I believe that it’s only going to get worse now with the changes they have made to dungeons. Preventing people from using waypoints during fights now makes it so people don’t want inexperienced players, they only want ‘pro’ players in Dungeons. Sadly, ANet is working to push more inexperienced or causal players out of Dungeons completely, and they are succeeding. The good news is that Dungeons aren’t a necessity, the awards are all exotic and those can be had through crafting and the Trade Post. Some of the Dungeon skins are really cool, I would love to get the Citadel of Flame armor, but with as much trouble as I had in AC, I probably have no business going anywhere near COF.
If you’re lucky enough to know people that can help you, then by all means take the opportunity. Eventually, Dungeons are going to be strictly for the ‘elite’ only.
Are there a good number of players who don’t do dungeons?
Are there a good number of players who don’t do dungeons?
I don’t. At least not until they change. But yea running Orr now has more return than before. Seems like population has picked up quite a bit since the revamp.
It isn’t noticeable right now. The differences between exotic and ascended aren’t that big. The big difference will be if/when they add ascended armor and weapons. Even then there are still exotic set stats that aren’t available with ascended gear (Toughness/Power/Precision and Healing/Power/Toughness) so exotics still have their place (IMO)
Are there a good number of players who don’t do dungeons?
Over 1000 hours played here and I can count how many dungeons I’ve done on two hands. I crafted or bought my own gear for most of my characters, bought temple gear for others with Karma earned in WvW. Currently you can play this game without ever setting foot inside instanced PvE (Fractals or Dungeons).
I don’t do dungeons either, and yeah, it’s possible to get exotic gear without stepping foot in a dungeon.
My main way of making money is pent/shelt, dragons, and occasionally selling crafting materials I don’t need. Since I don’t have a black lion salvage kit, I usually just sell my rares on the TP, sometimes I’ll salvage with a master’s kit if I’m feeling lucky.
for about 20-30g, you can buy a full set of exotic armor, prices have gone up though due to ectos going up in price by around 8-10s in the last week, along with some other crafting materials.
If you happened to level your armor or jewel crafting up to 400, it may be cheaper to craft your own stuff, which is what I did.
Not sure about WvW since I have yet to participate in it, but that’s how I got my stuff in PvE.