Never Play on Patch Day
It’s just normal in mmos, the systems are just too complex to fully test before going live. If you like the genre, better get used to it.
It’s just normal in mmos, the systems are just too complex to fully test before going live. If you like the genre, better get used to it.
I am quite familiar with the genre as I have been playing MMO’s since the days of public dialports and BBS’s. Not all games suffer from the patch day blues as some do more testing before releasing the patch to live.
It’s just normal in mmos, the systems are just too complex to fully test before going live. If you like the genre, better get used to it.
I am quite familiar with the genre as I have been playing MMO’s since the days of public dialports and BBS’s. Not all games suffer from the patch day blues as some do more testing before releasing the patch to live.
. . . seriously?
Every game I’ve spent time in? Patch day is FUBAR’d for getting anything done. Special mention goes to Kunark, where all the boats broke.
Patch day fubar I can dig. The next two or three days post patch downloading fixes should not be.
Patch day fubar I can dig. The next two or three days post patch downloading fixes should not be.
. . . yeah, that happened too. All this tells me is your history must have been in different MMOs than me.
Again a shout out, this time to UO, which also had rather serious bugs going on for ages. Including an exploitable one which would crash servers on demand.