Never mind new content...mend the content we are meant to have.

Never mind new content...mend the content we are meant to have.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pricer.5091


Broken DE’s everywhere. I don’t need new content…I just want to (for example) spend some karma I spent ages getting at the Arah karma vendor. Can I? No. Why? Cos its permanently broken.

Secondly, if you think people are still playing this game as much as a month ago….try getting a group together to do Lyssa or Dwayna that consists of more than 3 people.

Screw new content…fix the content there is first…

Never mind new content...mend the content we are meant to have.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bonzoso.7014


It has to be a balance of both. Without adding new content, they risk losing a large portion of the existing players who feel that they have nothing left to do since reaching the level cap, and it’s much harder to recapture the interest of a lost player now than it was 5+ years ago.

Never mind new content...mend the content we are meant to have.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Safer Saviour.9685

Safer Saviour.9685

People on my server rush to every temple event. Dwayna and Lyssa are under player control just as much as Grenth and Melandru.

But Balthazar is an issue. As are the smaller quests that stick themselves waiting for an NPC that never comes. These need to be fixed, though I’m sure Arenanet is well aware of that.

Never mind new content...mend the content we are meant to have.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Calae.1738


I don’t understand why developers spend 5 years making these large beautiful worlds to explore when people go through them in less than a month. On top of all this; no one wants or needs to go back to them. Ever.

It appears to be a waste of manpower and resources for a game of this genre.

Never mind new content...mend the content we are meant to have.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: helladoom.4317


On top of all this; no one wants or needs to go back to them. Ever.

That’s not true, in part because under-level zones give more or less on-level xp and have a chance of dropping on-level loot.

Never mind new content...mend the content we are meant to have.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Groonz.7825


That’s not true, in part because under-level zones give more or less on-level xp and have a chance of dropping on-level loot.

Yea but that’s a smaller % chance, like a made up percentage of like 10% of your drops in a lower level will be your level. It done like this so people can’t simply farm up easy mobs at the same time.

Even with that reasoning, there isn’t much of a reason to go back to other completed areas unless you haven’t 100% the area or want to farm specific drops. Then again you could simply play at your leveled area and get the drops from there, sell them and use the money to buy those crafting items you needed. Very rare someone will go back to an area they have finished.

Never mind new content...mend the content we are meant to have.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: roqoco.4053


I don’t understand why developers spend 5 years making these large beautiful worlds to explore when people go through them in less than a month. On top of all this; no one wants or needs to go back to them. Ever.

It appears to be a waste of manpower and resources for a game of this genre.

Yes – that’s what I think too. All the players zerg grinding events in Cursed Shore have probably seen only a fraction of the content. That seems like an incredible waste of the resources needed to create all the content – particularly since dynamic events must require a lot more work than old style static quests. And it’s no fun to go back when you are level 80, since the rewards are no longer relevant and the earlier gameplay is no longer challenging.

I wonder if the design originally started out with way less than 80 levels? – That’s the only explanation that seems to make sense of this and for why the reward systems are so weirdly imbalanced. Also, adding levelling at a late stage to a flat design is exactly what happened with Warhammer Online and caused the early content to empty as the levelling wave passed…

Never mind new content...mend the content we are meant to have.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CC Ivonne.6782

CC Ivonne.6782

Community Coordinator

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