First of all, before you read any further, know that this is not a complaint post one way or another, mostly pure observation and curiosity. This post is also not a suggestion on my part, so this thread does not belong in suggestions. This is purely about what your opinions are on the process of how Anet releases new armor and weapon skins to the game. Now then…
I’ve been noticing that with addition of the gauntlets of flame and frost and backpieces secrets of southsun, there hasn’t been too much introduced in terms of new armor sets. I’ve been curious, but do you all think that Anet is planning on releasing new armor skins from these living story events, or do you believe that they will most likely come at a later point? Would you prefer the living story portions of the game to have armor sets you can earn during the limited time they are released?
Additionally, I’ve been finding that in terms of weapons and such, especially for the living stories, there has been an incredible amount of use of chests and RNG from the gem store. There have been some weapon skins available for work and effort for in game content that have been released with special content, such as Super Adventure Box, Halloween, and Christmas. It seems, though, that the vast majority of new weapon skins now come from chest which require keys purchased from the gem store and random chance. Do you all think that this is the proper way Anet should be working on new weapon skins?
To tie together the questions above for armor and weapons together, and also to add more to the discussion, would you prefer more armor/weapon skins to be added that could be earned in game through achievements/gold? Would you prefer more be added to be able to be bought directly from the gem store (Ex: Rox’s bow, Brahm’s Mace, etc)? Or do you think that the method of using chests and random chance to acquire armor/weapons is the best method?