New BL Chest loot tables worth it?
Some find it better (I got great stuff from 5 keys); some find it worse (unhappy with getting a ToT bag instead of a Booster).
You might consider waiting until the seasonal item changes, if you aren’t in the mood for a ToT bag.
Good luck.
Based on the notes there should be 4 drops. 1 seasonal, 1 guaranteed uncommon or higher, 1 convenience item, 1 progression item. However, it seems to be bugged at 3 items.
Based on the notes there should be 4 drops. 1 seasonal, 1 guaranteed uncommon or higher, 1 convenience item, 1 progression item. However, it seems to be bugged at 3 items.
You have misread.
Every chest contains a guaranteed seasonal item that will change regularly.
Every chest contains a convenience item.
Every chest contains an item that will progress your account in some way.
There is now a consistent chance at a fourth drop that is uncommon or rare.
3 slots (Bag, convenience, progression) always, and maybe a fourth slot that drops an uncommon or rare item. If you get the uncommon+ drop, the fourth slot appears. I have seen this.
To answer the op: This system feels worse than the previous one. It may be better… I haven’t done maths. But it feels worse, and so I lost interest in finding out if it was better.
No, there are only 3 slots, with a ‘consistent chance’ at a 4th slot.
1 slot – Seasonal item
1 slot – Convenience item
1 slot – Account progression item
Chance at 4th slot – with Uncommon or Rare item
The Random Guaranteed Wardrobe Unlock is found in the Account Progression loot table (slot 3 listed above).
I’ve saved keys for awhile, so I have a few laying around. I have to admit that the new loot tables through preview make it enticing. So, now I know the possibility of something dropping, but how does that compare with the reality of something dropping? In general, are people finding the drop rates to be good, or worse than before?
Quite a few threads on the front page of general discussion about drop rates in the chests. Prob worth perusing those for the answer.
No, there are only 3 slots, with a ‘consistent chance’ at a 4th slot.
1 slot – Seasonal item
1 slot – Convenience item
1 slot – Account progression item
Chance at 4th slot – with Uncommon or Rare itemThe Random Guaranteed Wardrobe Unlock is found in the Account Progression loot table (slot 3 listed above).
1st slot: ToT bag.
2nd slot: Waypoint to Friend
3rd slot: Black Lion Ticket Scrap.
I don’t see a random guaranteed wardrobe unlock in that list.
No, there are only 3 slots, with a ‘consistent chance’ at a 4th slot.
1 slot – Seasonal item
1 slot – Convenience item
1 slot – Account progression item
Chance at 4th slot – with Uncommon or Rare itemThe Random Guaranteed Wardrobe Unlock is found in the Account Progression loot table (slot 3 listed above).
1st slot: ToT bag.
2nd slot: Waypoint to Friend
3rd slot: Black Lion Ticket Scrap.I don’t see a random guaranteed wardrobe unlock in that list.
I think what IC meant was, it’s random that you’ll get it. But if you do get it it’s guaranteed to unlock a skin you don’t already have.
From the patch notes
A random wardrobe unlock item has been added to the chest. This will unlock a weapon, armor piece, backpack, outfit, dye, glider, miniature, or finisher at random, guaranteed to be something you do not yet have. This does not include rewards exotic or better but does include all Black Lion – style items prior to September.
ANet may give it to you.
To those who have gotten the Random Guaranteed Wardrobe Unlock, is it an item you have to consume before it unlocks something to your account, or does it automatically unlock a random skin the moment you open the chest?
If it’s the former, it would probably be wise to stock up on those items until you are able to manually unlock as many common or easily-unlockable skins as possible so you can shorten the list of possible unlocks.
The unlock will unlock just about anything you don’t have in your wardrobe, including minis, dyes, mail carriers and finishers. Exceptions being recent BL Weapon, exotic, ascended or legendary skins.
This unlock is a common that can appear in the 3rd slot and is one of six items that can appear there, (BL Mini claim ticket, Tome of Knowledge, Unidentified Dye, Toy Mini Egg, Guarantee Wardrobe Unlock, Black Lion Scrap).
You can see what it could drop for you if you preview the black lion chest and then preview the Unlock found in the 2nd row of common drops.
RIP City of Heroes
(edited by Behellagh.1468)
No, it is still not worth it. To be honest it’s probably less worth it now as some people (though few and far between) did value the boosters.
I want to pitch in and leave my feedback here.
That I first read about these changes, and did in-fact recieve a “Trick-or-Treat Bag” as my of my items from the free chest today, actively discouraged me from purchasing keys with my gems.
Although I did buy gems today, and will likely to continue to do so for some time, it will likely not be for the purpose of Keys any more.
Including an item that is so arbitrarily easily acquired, to the point that you can actually easily farm 250 of them in the span of 40 minutes with little effort and not even much reward is quite an astonishingly bad idea in my view.
The way it used to work the ToT bag was a guaranteed seasonal bonus in the 4th slot during Halloween. The present setup will deter people from buying keys. A skin unlock but not exotic? No thanks.
As it is I have lots of boosters I never use and will never use. My crafting is already all lvl 500 so what is the point of the crafting boosters I have?
I have a full stack of tomes in reserve, so no need for XP boosting.
No changes that will continue to support Anet’s goal for these chests/keys will be a significant improvement for players IMO. The goal is for people to keep spending money long after they would have stopped if they had just purchased the item outright. Additionally this system gets people who could not afford the item if it were sold directly for a larger sum to spend at least a little bit trying for it.
So this system gets people with more disposable income to spend more than they otherwise would for something that they could afford if it were sold directly and it gets those who couldnt afford the item if it were sold directly to spend money anyway.
Ultimately, replacing something worth 0 to me with something that I can sell for a few silver is an improvement…but not enough of one to convince me to buy keys.
Well I think the changes are to make them more rewarding for players who already or use to buy chests and were growing tired by the 99% similar drops. Now you can get a chance of one skin from two currently unavailable BL weapon sets.
While the 4th slot in the chest will look like a “win” the common Guaranteed Wardrobe Unlock could be a new common favorite drop. Downside of that item is if you don’t have all the “easy” and “cheap” wardrobe items, you could get what would be a couple silver unlock Vs a 10s or 100s of gold skin unlock.
In the end I think this BL Chest change is more geared to the occasional player with cash than the daily player.
RIP City of Heroes
I suppose it depends on what you want and how willing you are to risk spending money and ending up with nothing you can use.
For me it’s not worth it. I won’t ever spend real money in a game unless I know exactly what I’m getting in return (for what it’s worth I also don’t gamble in real life) so I’ll never buy Black Lion Keys.
But I’m not keen on the new Wardrobe Unlock because I always thought one of the good things about Black Lion Chests was that if you got a “good” drop you didn’t want you could sell it and use the money to buy something you did want. And on the other side if you wanted a specific item and didn’t want to gamble or had tried that and had horrible luck you could buy it from another player instead. Under this system we don’t have that option any more, you’re stuck with whatever you get whether you want it or not.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
I opened 26 chests on 2 accounts (2 × 26 = 52) and the results were not so bad, for me.
Overall, got 10 of the wardrobe unlocks, 4 mini eggs, 6 weapons/skins, a ghost glider skin, 23 scrapes, 3 tickets.
I sold the ToT bags, so made money there.
I did get 7 revive orbs, which I am happy about.
From the wardrobe unlocks, I got several dyes, but also weapon skins that I have never heard of or seen.(sorry cant remember, but the short bow was red)
Did I do well? I think so.
But then again, I don’t mind gambling with the keys and chests.
I have heard of others that have not been as lucky, so I do understand the frustration.
I am just happy that the boosters have been removed.