New Blog Post Up for 2nd Half! Discussion

New Blog Post Up for 2nd Half! Discussion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chicho Gosho.6507

Chicho Gosho.6507

Who would play this game if you can get everything on 8 toons in 10 months playing for 2 hours a day? Lol

New Blog Post Up for 2nd Half! Discussion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NerdyMike.2695


I know, it sounds stupid, but I just don’t know my old goal of having all classes all level 80 in ALL the top gear with all having map completion etc. is even a worth-while goal without driving me insane.

Like I said I love what they are adding, but then I cringe at the thought of “oh kitten, just so much to do its starting to become overwhelming”.

New Blog Post Up for 2nd Half! Discussion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


I’m less certain about account bound crafting materials but I’m willing to hold judgment until we see how they are implemented.

They’ve already been implemented … see charged quartz crystals. Account bound and time gated. Both things mentioned in the blog post about the new crafting materials.

The time gating is okay. The need to go and charge them every day is a chore.

New Blog Post Up for 2nd Half! Discussion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DOW Mageski.2097

DOW Mageski.2097

So your problem is the game is giving you too much to do? Horrors. lol

Gear grinding has never made a game last longer, in the long term. You get the people who like that to come back, and leave for the next MMO to grind more.
Leave gear treadmills out of this MMO Anet, please stop.
I doubt anything can be done to stop the ascended gear level being added now, though I am completely against it, but please do not add another beyond that. There is already talk of legendary trinkets.
Please stop the gear treadmill.

#OccupySAB2014 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Forgotten Vanguard [TFV], a 18+ great guild. On the Gandara server.

New Blog Post Up for 2nd Half! Discussion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chicho Gosho.6507

Chicho Gosho.6507

And legendary items are on the same tier as ascended items stat-wise. The only difference is the skin.

New Blog Post Up for 2nd Half! Discussion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azjenco.9425


Gear grinding has never made a game last longer, in the long term. You get the people who like that to come back, and leave for the next MMO to grind more.
Leave gear treadmills out of this MMO Anet, please stop.
I doubt anything can be done to stop the ascended gear level being added now, though I am completely against it, but please do not add another beyond that. There is already talk of legendary trinkets.
Please stop the gear treadmill.

Ascended gear has been here for around 8 months now, so it hasn’t been much of a treadmill and wont be as long as they stick with ascended, while expanding upon it. I’m all for giving ascended gear interesting slots and different was of obtaining them, down the line that is, which allows for interesting, in depth ways to customize them.

That said, I didn’t really get the feeling of grinding from the blog post. Instead it had more of a ‘more ways to use the items you have’ and ‘numerous ways to obtain the upcoming materials’ vibe from the post. Basically, no matter how you play the game, you will be getting items to help reach your quota.

(edited by Azjenco.9425)

New Blog Post Up for 2nd Half! Discussion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


And legendary items are on the same tier as ascended items stat-wise. The only difference is the skin.

and now the ability to have any stat. So it’s effectively a pile of weapons in one. Fairly reasonable for the cost …

New Blog Post Up for 2nd Half! Discussion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jski.6180


So your problem is the game is giving you too much to do? Horrors. lol

Gear grinding has never made a game last longer, in the long term. You get the people who like that to come back, and leave for the next MMO to grind more.
Leave gear treadmills out of this MMO Anet, please stop.
I doubt anything can be done to stop the ascended gear level being added now, though I am completely against it, but please do not add another beyond that. There is already talk of legendary trinkets.
Please stop the gear treadmill.

Your simply grasping at any thing i think that would give you a reason to complain about this game at this point. There is nothing treadmill about this WoW IS treadmill RIFT IS treadmill NW IS treadmill this game only allows you to get a bit stronger if your willing to put in the time. The main thing that keeps it from being a treadmill is you DO NOT NEED to have this gear. Its your own mind that doing this to you and i for one am just simply tired of hearing it.

Its a fools argument that you make and its pointless to ever post in responds to what you say.

And you know the best thing about all of this the stander ppl who post the all in negative post (you are known for this now) are getting back lash from making these post because they are out of the populist view now.

Main : Jski Imaginary ELE (Necromancer)
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA

(edited by Jski.6180)

New Blog Post Up for 2nd Half! Discussion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: citypigeon.6358


For the most part these sounds like nice adjustments.

What I’m most bummed about is that there will be no guild halls in all of 2013 =(

IGN: zestalyn

New Blog Post Up for 2nd Half! Discussion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: blakkrskyrr.7413


I’d link the page, but then a mod will just move this topic to the Links-ville subforum and there would then be no discussion about it on the forums. has a new article on GW2 about an interview with Colin Johanson about the plan for 2013. Head on over there and read it. I will paste most of the http but you’ll have to piece it together so it doesn’t come up as a links-ville topic Share your enthusiasm, concerns, hopes, and so forth!

New Blog Post Up for 2nd Half! Discussion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arkham Creed.7358

Arkham Creed.7358

I’m looking at the time-sink. Even now, I have the following scenarios:

1) Run WvW with my guild

- OR -

2) Run Fractals to earn Relics for Ascended Trinkets

- OR -

3) Try and finish up the current Living Story / Major Event at the time

- OR -

4) Work on trying to get a Legendary

Etc. etc. etc.

Each one requires time and energy to put in to to get done. Now you add on having to farm / purchase lower tier mats to make your Ascended Gear; you have to do certain achievements to unlock these new traits and skills (per character). To be frank – I really don’t have much gaming time. Maybe 3 hours on average per day. Maybe I’m just a slow gamer, but… that’s not a whole lot of time to accomplish ALL of this for 8 different characters.

Then don’t. Problem solved.

Not to be snide, but the point of having a lot of different things for players to do isn’t for them to grind out all of them, but for everyone to have something they want to do. So, what do you want to do? Just do that and forget the rest.