New Class & Specs Expac? Only new Specs?

New Class & Specs Expac? Only new Specs?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MuscleBobBuffPants.1406


Someone asked this question in map chat, and I wonder how everyone else feels about it. Do you think each new expansion will always come with a new class and new elite specs? Or do you think it will just be new elite specs? I figured the revenant was the new class in the last expansion, a heavy one, so maybe if there is a new class it will either be light or medium? Interested to hear what yall think!

New Class & Specs Expac? Only new Specs?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DeanBB.4268


I assume we are finished with new classes and will only see new elites.

New Class & Specs Expac? Only new Specs?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

I don’t believe there will be a new Profession with the next expansion. In fact, I would be surprised if there are any new Professions for some time to come.

There will be, however, new Elite Specializations. In the upcoming expansion, and future expansions, I’d guess.

New Class & Specs Expac? Only new Specs?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Narrrz.7532


/Still holding out hope for a new race


New Class & Specs Expac? Only new Specs?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zealex.9410


Pls no more classes for the love of god Im ok with a new race or only elite specs Much Much better alernative

New Class & Specs Expac? Only new Specs?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Narrrz.7532


Realistically, i think race is probably less likely than a new profession. They’d have to create (at least) a new city, starting zone(s), the first couple of story chapters…

I’d love it if i were wrong, but they haven’t made it easy on themselves to implement new stuff.

New Class & Specs Expac? Only new Specs?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: OriOri.8724


I would be upset if they introduced a new class and then left 1 armor weight with 4 classes and 2 armor weights with 3 classes. Its quite balanced right now with 3 classes in each armor weight, so if any new classes are introduced (not that I hope they are, that’s a lot of work. You’d have to create a core design for the class that is unique from all 9 other classes, then build its 5 traitlines, then also build 2 elite spec lines for it, making both of them unique as well) I’d rather see 3 at once.

New Class & Specs Expac? Only new Specs?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Snow.2048


Realistically, i think race is probably less likely than a new profession. They’d have to create (at least) a new city, starting zone(s), the first couple of story chapters…

I’d love it if i were wrong, but they haven’t made it easy on themselves to implement new stuff.

I see this argument all the time, and I just can’take let it stand.
First of all, they don’t have to create any of these things, it would be nice if they did. Imagine for example, the dominion of the winds gets attacked and opens its gates as a new raid/dungeon/meta event map. Completing it unlocks the race for the acount and they start in a refugee camp in lions arch. No story, no city, no starter zone. I don’t think this will happen, but stating it absolutely won’t ìs a bit silly.

Another example, again the teng. They get a new city (dominion). The dominion is already connected to a starter area, so why does everyone mention it. The levels don’t match but it could be as simple as making the city open world like several other cities but for level 1-5. 1 map, not the multiple everyone mentions

That said, I’must pretty sure they said they wouldn’the do it because it was too much work for too little gain in their opinion, but I don’the have quotes. Also I am completely neutral to a new race, I just find the arguments against a bit strange sometimes when their are already better explanations (eg too much work, don’t want) out there

New Class & Specs Expac? Only new Specs?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Amaimon.7823


We got the Revenant to balance out the weight classes, and now we just get elite specs.
And I love this method, because in other games like, say, WoW, whenever a new class is introduced, you make a new character, relevel, regear, re-evolve it.
But now, we get 9 new classes as they overlap with out existing characters. And better yet, it means it’s not an entirely seperate class, but an upgrade on my existing one. Meaning I can mix and match the skills and traits I like.

The ONE thing I truly dislike is the weapon restriction. I agree the skills, traits, and specific class mechanism (like triple dodges) should be fixed to the trait line, but I love the greatsword on the necromancer, and the torch on the warrior, so I’d have if I have to choose between the Greatsword and the Torch on the Sandshroud and Reaper