New Classes & New Weapons!?

New Classes & New Weapons!?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lightsbane.9012


i hate to say that you’re beating a dead horse but i’d realy like anet to realize what kind of potential that land spear could have.
i just don’t think we’ll ever get it.

As quick as the Valkyries ride,
As true as Odin’s spear flies,
There is nowhere to hide.

New Classes & New Weapons!?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Donari.5237


You’ll want to find the nice long thread suggesting both those things. I am a bit too sleepy to google search it up myself but it has some dev attention.

New Classes & New Weapons!?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Diovid.9506


Don’t expect new professions. With the Revenant we now have 3 professions per armor class. Furthermore, Anet has said that elite specs are their way of expanding character options.

New weapon types are a bit more likely. Though even they require a lot of work in terms of variety, animations, balance and so on. So… maybe?

New Classes & New Weapons!?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CaptainVanguard.4925


I have ideas for new classes, and revamps of gw1 classes that could work, but honestly I think the best answer is for a-net to focus purley on adding new sub-classes aka: specialisations and possibly new weapons to play with for current ones.

I do think they could make underwater weapons useable overland, and vice versa, by switching certain abilities, but thats about it.

That being said, never say never, in the distant future, anything could happen.

My concepts in a TL:DR notice would be:

Heavy Armor: Demonologist

This guy seems similar to the Revenant at a glance, but hes more of a Dark counterpart to the Guardian. The Demonologist uses variable Pacts with demons to buff himself and weaken his enemies, much like the guardians passive aura’s help allies, as Revenant Heralds auras.

Demonologist also has the ability to morph their limbs and bodyparts into variable monsterous weapons, like demonic sword arms, whips, etc infused with the dark powers of the mists and tormented by the cruelty of demonkind, they are able to unleash a terrible torrent of unsummountable hatred upon their foes.

(Great for edgelords and people after a “dark knight” kind of fantasy, something that heavy armor is half-lacking since revenant is more like an armored shaman, than a death knight).

Medium Armor: Arbiter

This guy attunes himself to the variable dragon kind themselves, sort of able to draw the corrupted magic and purify it like a walking dowsing rod, they focus on channeling powerful magic and using it to passivly increase their own powers, and their allies the longer they remain in certain types of “attunement”.

Attunement work like an F1-2-3 combo except they have to be maintained rather than switched to gain more effectiveness, the longer an Arbiter is attuned, the more power they gain in that particular attunement and eventually start giving to allies.

They’re sort of a hybrid between a buff bot, and a support, expelling powerful magic that requires alot of attunement using their skillpoints, while building attunement with weapon skills.

They’re basically a medium armor mage, fast, aggressive, powerful arcane users.

Light Armor: Vestal

Basically these guys are “what was left” of the Dervish having a love child with the other races of Tyria, the Dervishes went around teaching the spirituality of faith in ones self rather than the gods, manifesting into divine and powerful energy that can be used to expel harm upon foes.

These guys, are basically a Dervish and a Monk having a love child, with a kungkittenmaster. A LIght Armor melee/tank that focuses on an unusual dueling mechanic.

When using a single weapon, they gain twice that weapons common stats, and are able to use abilities 4 and 5 for a single weapon, when dual wielding, they loose the passive buff, and instead gain various additional skills, sort of like a thief but more one or two weapon focused.

This makes it a more versatile melee than most could be.

Anyway, I digress, those are my “ideas” but honestly, specializations seem more likely.

New Classes & New Weapons!?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ProtoGunner.4953


I can imagine they will introduce a great axe. It has been on the wish list of many players and it seems anet listens to this quite often (for example: a ranger with staff (= druid) was an idea mentioned in the forums).

‘would have/would’ve been’ —> correct
‘would of been’ —> wrong

New Classes & New Weapons!?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Henry.5713


It is all about new weapon types to me. Wish we would see one or two new weapon type options per base class.
This game has a big western fantasy and real medieval influence to it. Weapons like greataxes, spears, crossbows, halberds, flails, throwing spears, slings, pikes, glaives, bucklers, etc. could easily work.
We are already so liberal on which type of weapons any of casters or medium armor classes can use. Not like any of these couldn’t be used outside of heavy armor classes. As long as it is not warrior with spellbooks or something like that.

New Classes & New Weapons!?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CaptainVanguard.4925


I take pride in my work bows Generally try to write concepts that actually would work in game and be interesting to play.

New Classes & New Weapons!?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alex Shatter.7956

Alex Shatter.7956

This game has too many professions already. New weapons / races sounds like kind of a gimmick

I would prefer if they cut down professions to only Warrior, Elementalist, Thief and Necromancer to improve balance and attention to detail, cut out all the silly gem skins, and then spend the remaining resources on content, festivals and WvW

(edited by Alex Shatter.7956)

New Classes & New Weapons!?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Personal opinion here:

New Class
I doubt we will be seeing new classes any time soon. With 9 classes and elite specialisations essentially mixing things up as much as they do I don’t think there is room for more. That being said, I do expect future elite specialisations to mix gameplay up for existing classes just like the ones introduced with HoT did.

New Weapons
Maybe, but very unlikely. Design wise it would make more sense to stick to existing weapons and keep shuffling them in the elite specialisation mechanic. Major reason I don’t believe this will happen is:

- balance issues. It’s already a headache to balance the existing 19 weapons against each other (16 if we omit uw weapons)
- the amount of skins that would have to be reworked even at minimum level would take a while. Might as well spend that time on developing new interesting skins for existing weapons
- not really needed. As is there is a healthy mix of 1hand, 2hand and offhand weapons in game some of which are already underused

New Race
This could happen. Would still take quite a bit of work if animations are to be as unique as char and asura. I’d guess arenanet would go with something similar to humanoid only because adaptation of existing armor design would otherwise take very long. Also a good way to introduce some new early game content if desired in form of new racial story missions.

The only reason any of these ideas might make it into the game is as a future expansion draw. Players have come to expect new classes, races, mechanics, etc. with expansions. Otherwise I just don’t think arenanet would bother with other stuff being more important.

New Classes & New Weapons!?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Theoretically it would be possible to reduce the amount of Main Classes and to rework the removed Main Classes into Elite Specializations, but this would have to mean that Elite Specializations then would need to become more than just only 1 Weapon and a Trait Line and Anet would need to speed up with addign significantly more Elite Specializations to compensate for Build Diversity.

I could see something like that to work very well

Soldier Classes

  • Warrior
  • Guardian

Revenant completely removed from the Game, aspects of its Game Design get merged into Warrior, Guardian and Thief

Adventurer Classes

  • Thief
  • Engineer

Ranger completely removed from the Game, aspects of its Gameplay get merged into Thief, Guardian and Engineer

Scholar Classes

  • Sorcerer
  • Summoner

Elementalist, Necromancer and Mesmer get kind of changed into a neutral froms, from which they become Elite Specializations instead.

Elite Specializations than as followed:

- Berserker = Torch
- Bellicist = Greataxe (Warmonger)
- Legionnaire = Tower Shield MH
- Knight = Lance/Spear
- Reaver = Staff (inherits parts of the removed Revenants kind of Dark Warrior Gameplay Style)

- Seeker (DH) = Longbow now more included/improved LB gameplay from Ranger
- Paladin = Tower Shield
- Inquisitor = Lance/Spear
- Cleric = Axe(s)
- Crusader = Warhorn

- Scrapper = Hammer
- Alchemist = Axe(s) inckludes now some of Ranger Axe Gameplay just redesigned
- Hunter = Crossbow
- Saboteur = Torch
- Technomancer = Staff (Combines Technology with Ley Line Energy Magic)

Thief (Offhand Sword becomes baselined into Thief)
- Scout = Longbow (many Ranger Elements flow into this E-Spec, alot of baseline stuff also into Shortbow and Sword as good as possible)
- Daredevil = Staff =Some Druid Elements merged into this to make Daredevil a bit more sustainble and to give the Daredevil a bit more tactical skill diversity through a second set of weapon skills with the celestial skill set redesigned to fit into the design of the daredevil better)
- Rogue = Whip (inherits also ranger pet gameplay as beast master)
- Infiltrator = Claws/Gloves
- Mercenary = Greatsword (inherits a bit of Ranger Greasword gameplay)

- Elementalist = Sword (Warhorn becomes baselined into Arcanist)
- Chronomancer = Shield
- Psionic = Halberd/Spear
- Druid = Claws/Gloves (more nature magic than before)
- Archer = Crossbow or Longbow

- Bard (new Form of Mesmer) = Warhorn = Illusions/Clones
- Necromancer = Greataxe (Greatsword becomes baselined into Summoner) = Undeads
- Spiritualist = Mace = Ghosts & Spirits of all sorts (Ranger gameplay inherited)
- Occultist = Torch (inherits some of mesmer Torch Gameplay in an much enhanced way = Demons/ Shapeshifting, some revenant gameplay inherited)
- Sage = Sword = Elementals, inherits all the Elementalist summon gameplay)

With that change, we would have then instead of 9 Main Professions only 6 , would be easily possible, the removed 2 main classes Ranger and Revenant could easily be integrated into the other classes Elite Specs, while the Scholar Main classes coudl get easiliy turned into Elite Specs completely while reducing certain aspects of them into some kind of more generic two Main Classes that are divided between the classical summoenr type and the classical mage type more.

I could completely see this working, but the huge effort of changing all of that would be way too late for this game now …
This could have worked, if Anet would have designed the game better from the start and would have designed the game from begin on around the concept of Elite Specializations (Sub Classes), like I have suggested that years ago, because then you have from begin on alot more freedom to design all the aspects of character progression with more details and more freely, when you start right from begin on with a more complex character development system, than to come up with that first later years after game release, where you can only very slowly increase the complexity of the character development to make it yourself not too complicated with class balancing, what we have right now

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

New Classes & New Weapons!?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ice.5162


My biggest wishes in this game are 2:

Tengu playable race

pleeeeease ; _ ;

New Classes & New Weapons!?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lightsbane.9012


It is all about new weapon types to me. Wish we would see one or two new weapon type options per base class.
This game has a big western fantasy and real medieval influence to it. Weapons like greataxes, spears, crossbows, halberds, flails, throwing spears, slings, pikes, glaives, bucklers, etc. could easily work.
We are already so liberal on which type of weapons any of casters or medium armor classes can use. Not like any of these couldn’t be used outside of heavy armor classes. As long as it is not warrior with spellbooks or something like that.

i think that’s what has to happen, base classes need new weapon types from existing weapons, and e-specs could have brand new weapons entirely.

As quick as the Valkyries ride,
As true as Odin’s spear flies,
There is nowhere to hide.

New Classes & New Weapons!?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PopeUrban.2578


I would be VERY surprised if the first new weapon types weren’t re-uses of existing underwater types. It’s simply way cheaper for anet to repurpose underwater weapons since they’d have to make way less skins for them.

If you add a new weapon type, say greataxes, you also need to ship more than 4 greataxe skins. If you just add land spears, you can get away with only adding 4 new spear skins.

On top of that, I wouldn’t expect to see such things until every class has some kind of spec options to wield every type of existing weapon, for the same reasons. Eventually there will be pistol guardians, greatsword thieves, Staff engineers, focus wielding warriors, etc.

It just makes more financial sense.

Guild Master – The Papacy [POPE] (Gate of Madness)/Road Scholar for the Durmand Priory
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest

New Classes & New Weapons!?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


stuff like pistol guardians, scepter thieves, or dagger warriors would be absolute utter nonsense!!!

Seriously, stay in the realm of what makes actually sense over making just for the sake of every class should be able to use every weapon some kind of absolute balancing BS that makes in no way any sense and would be also in no way realistic, just to please some weirdos who think that every class must be able to use every kind of weapon there is.

Every Class should have maximum only 5 Elite Specs, anything more than this and it becomes way too overcomplicated and overcomplex for the Devs to keep the game at all balanced, as you see how hard it is to keep the balance already just with only 1 single Elite Spec so far paired together with this game’s heaviliy unbalanced and for 4 years long completely ignored combat system to get updated and rebalanced regulary to stay in line with all the powercreep that Anet added over the years to the game, while ignoring all the rest that is part of this game’s combat system to keep the power creep under control!!

Things like

  • Finally rebalancing the Base Health System
  • Reworking the complete Condition System
  • Reworking/rebalancing according to the changes of the Condition System also the Boon System
  • Rebalancing and Reworking the CC System by integrating completely the Breakbar System into the Game
  • Reworking/Rebalancing the Attribute System and turning it into a Dual Effect System for more efficient effects and better synergies between all Attributes, where offensive and defensive Attributes are treated more equally instead of massively favouring offensive Attributs over defensive ones out of fear, it your create the old triangle again, but then add something like a Druid as Full Healer….counterproductive!!!

This game needs some more defensive attribute effects to take out of the offensive side a bit the wind off of its sails, because currently playing full offensively is way too good and the reason, why Berserker Gameplay is so strong in the Meta until now still, because you can play as defensively a much as you want, you will never be equal to an offensive build in this game as long Toughness/Vitality in this game are absolutely underwhelming.
You can have maximum defense and still can get killed in seconds by an offensive build, because the defensive mechanics in this game are way too weak and practically non existant since game release, which is the reason why people love to use these cheap invicibility skills that block everything for you without that you need to do anything/think, because thats the only defense mechanic, in this game, which works and is efficient sadly, unless you are some kind of dodge god with unendless dodges and have superior reflexes while playing to know when you have to dodge perfectly to never get hit"!!!

However, all these things are a different topic of class balancing.
An other way that could help with it, and thats what I described above is my brainstorming idea how it could be done by just reducing the total amount of Main Classes, what is kind of unusual for developers to reduce after game release their main classes instead of increasign them, but with the Elite Spec System it would be easily doable in theory and could even end up in making balancing alot easier in the end.

The Elite Spec System could make it possible to reduce the amount of Main Classes down to 6 and to concentrate the Build Diversity into the 5 Elite Specs that every Class should have then, ending up this way with a clear number of 30 different Class Builds, while with the coefficient of 9 Main Classes Anet could potentially end up quickly with alot more balancing work than this when they need to add per expansion everytime 9 new Class Builds instead of getting quickly to a fixated 30.
With a cooefiicient of 9 Main Classes it just takes only 2 Elite Specs to be at 27 different Class Builds including the Main Ones, add another and Anet would have already alot more Balancing Work to do, than with my concept

Out of development view (costs, time, manpower ect.) it would make much more sense to reduce the total amount of Main Classes and to rework skills, traits ect. into Elite Specializations, because some of the Main Classes like especially Ranger and the newest Revenant could get easily integrated into the rest of the other Classes as E-Specs.

This could solve also many other problems, like for example the eternal issue with the rangers pet System and people wishing to play basically a petless ranger.
Or people which say that revenant got way too much thief similar abilities, that the thief shoudl have received better.

I say a game developer with visions about the games future shouldn’t also be scared about making fundamental changes to the games basic systems, like classes, or attributes,boons, ect. if these changes would make clearly the game alot better, even if this means alot of work.

ANet has shown already several time,s that they aren’t scared about making fundamental change,s by reworking already multiple times the trait system.
its just a natural next step further to close not their eyes also in front of other fundamental gameplay systems that are part of the overall combat system to get this game finally into a much better balanced state from where on they woudl be alot easier able to keep the game balanced also in the future and thats alot easier when you have as early as possible a clear number of maximum class builds set up, instead of keeping on adding every like 2 years + for all classes constantly new elite specs which totallly shake up each time the whole game balance anew bringing anet each tiem again into the need to make adjustments to a ton of things like skills, traits and what not all, what would be an alot easier task to do, when the maximum amoutn of class builds is set up fro the game as early as possible and not slowly step by step like building up a house of cards that has each time the chance to break in when you add new cards on top of the staple.

thats why i say it would be in theory better for the game to reduce the number of main classes and limitate directly the amount of especs to maximum 5 per class and bring these 5 especs then out as quickly as possible to complete the systme, so that Anet can then focus their sight on balancing that complete package as quickly as possible, without that then gets anything added after that anymore.

So a clear no to all weapons for all classes, because something like that would definetly bring class balancing to get out of control.
Only weapons to Class Builds, that make clearly sense in regard of the style/design of a Class, it’s history and its role in combat.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

New Classes & New Weapons!?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hoaxintelligence.4628


what about new pvp maps first.
Compare the number of maps that PvE received in the last 4 years.
Then compare the number of maps that PvP received in the last 4 years.
This is why people left gw2, looking for a more competetive game.

Sît[MII]Ultimate Dominator
W v W-r o a m e r

New Classes & New Weapons!?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LoneWolf.3801


Demonologist also has the ability to morph their limbs and bodyparts into variable monsterous weapons, like demonic sword arms, whips, etc

I read that line and instantly thought:

I’d love a class like that if it’s anything like Alex Mercer.

New Classes & New Weapons!?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sartharina.3542


I have ideas for new classes, and revamps of gw1 classes that could work, but honestly I think the best answer is for a-net to focus purley on adding new sub-classes aka: specialisations and possibly new weapons to play with for current ones.

I do think they could make underwater weapons useable overland, and vice versa, by switching certain abilities, but thats about it.

That being said, never say never, in the distant future, anything could happen.

My concepts in a TL:DR notice would be:

Honestly, a lot of these feel like they could be Elite Specializations for existing classes.

Heavy Armor: Demonologist

This guy seems similar to the Revenant at a glance, but hes more of a Dark counterpart to the Guardian. The Demonologist uses variable Pacts with demons to buff himself and weaken his enemies, much like the guardians passive aura’s help allies, as Revenant Heralds auras.

Demonologist also has the ability to morph their limbs and bodyparts into variable monsterous weapons, like demonic sword arms, whips, etc infused with the dark powers of the mists and tormented by the cruelty of demonkind, they are able to unleash a terrible torrent of unsummountable hatred upon their foes.

(Great for edgelords and people after a “dark knight” kind of fantasy, something that heavy armor is half-lacking since revenant is more like an armored shaman, than a death knight).

It fits the same design space as Revenant. Give it a new Legendary Stance that gives Kits (Those mutations you’re talking about), and Focus as the new weapon, providing self-boons and offensive auras. It looks great opposite both Revenant Sword and Mace. Sure, there’s a bit of thematic overlap with revenant’s existing Demon stance… but it’s not like Rangers didn’t already have Nature Spirits, Necromancers had Soul Reaping, Warriors had Adrenaline and Strength and Berzerker’s Stance, and Thieves had Acrobatics.

Medium Armor: Arbiter

This guy attunes himself to the variable dragon kind themselves, sort of able to draw the corrupted magic and purify it like a walking dowsing rod, they focus on channeling powerful magic and using it to passivly increase their own powers, and their allies the longer they remain in certain types of “attunement”.

Attunement work like an F1-2-3 combo except they have to be maintained rather than switched to gain more effectiveness, the longer an Arbiter is attuned, the more power they gain in that particular attunement and eventually start giving to allies.

They’re sort of a hybrid between a buff bot, and a support, expelling powerful magic that requires alot of attunement using their skillpoints, while building attunement with weapon skills.

Make it light armor, and it’s an Elementalist Elite Specialization. Give it dragon-themed utility skills (And Attunement – Fire becomes Primordus, Water becomes Bubbles, Earth becomes… Kralk, maybe? Or is he Air? And another for the other), and either Sword or Mace weapon if you want it to be melee.

Light Armor: Vestal

Basically these guys are “what was left” of the Dervish having a love child with the other races of Tyria, the Dervishes went around teaching the spirituality of faith in ones self rather than the gods, manifesting into divine and powerful energy that can be used to expel harm upon foes.

These guys, are basically a Dervish and a Monk having a love child, with a kungkittenmaster. A LIght Armor melee/tank that focuses on an unusual dueling mechanic.

When using a single weapon, they gain twice that weapons common stats, and are able to use abilities 4 and 5 for a single weapon, when dual wielding, they loose the passive buff, and instead gain various additional skills, sort of like a thief but more one or two weapon focused.

This makes it a more versatile melee than most could be.

Make it Medium Armor. You know how people are always complaining that Thief needs better group support? That whole ‘single weapon duelist’ thing doesn’t really work in this game’s mechanics… but give thief Focus, and all this stuff in its utilities and elite mechanic, and you’ve got the core idea here. (And maybe the Legendary Focus might get some love for anyone wanting to be a bard)

New Classes & New Weapons!?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ophidia Moonstone.2587

Ophidia Moonstone.2587

I’d like to see an assassin or ninja type profession. They could have weapons that would make them silent, things like throwable stars and daggers, and nunchucks. I know that thieves are kinda like this, but I see this as being a light armor profession, no guns, or heavy combat sort of weapons like the thief has. Also a little less squishy than the thief, having more sustainable damage, one or two bursting mechanics.