New Content, Missing Content, And Bug Fixes

New Content, Missing Content, And Bug Fixes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hsinimod.5784


What is the status with the missing content? Such as the cities’ mini-games. We only have Keg Brawl. I just assumed it wouldn’t take 3 months to release.

And the Home Instance. It is missing a lot of the features that were hyped about by ArenaNet in interviews. I’m unclear if the Home is still being added to, in order to reflect our Personal Stories from lvl 1-80, or what we have is it. I saw they “want to do more”, but assume that is in regards to future content, and not to make the lvl 1-80 experience reflect in our Home.

Is there any interviews or news or posts that address this? And I mean with some specifics, and not the vague broad comments that don’t really narrow down anything.

I’m also worried about the amount of bugs that exist while new bugged content is introduced on top of it. If there has ever been mention toward that, quality control, or test servers.

Playing Devil’s Advocate since 1990.

New Content, Missing Content, And Bug Fixes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Volomon.9147


They just keep putting out “we want” statements instead of “we are doing” statements. I have a feeling they either don’t have the people for the job or they have their priority backwards I to would like to see them finish the game rather than add stuff to it.

New Content, Missing Content, And Bug Fixes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Miss Sugarific.8471

Miss Sugarific.8471

I am puzzled about the home instance too. I remember checking my home instance a few time in divinity’s reach to see how it would reflect my personal story line, but nothing.
I at least expected a huge celebration after I defeated Zhaitan… But I guess no one was in the mood for celebration yet xD