New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: EverythingXen.1835


If ANet had created this thread let’s say…. 1 or 2 months ago and not 4 days before the patch, they could have figured out that 30k and 50k point barriers just to unlock it is a horribly stupid idea, especially for small to medium sized guilds. But hey, that would’ve been communication. Not their forte.

So, we should welcome our new era of “Zerg Wars – Bugs and Patches”

No, we should NOT DO THE CONTENT.

Ignore it. Because what happens when people spend all their time working on “content” that nobody touches? If ANet has any sense, they get canned, or at least shifted off of content development.

If you don’t like it, don’t do it. If enough of us don’t do it, it becomes a problem for ANet, not for us.

Content like this has been requested since launch. Ignore it all you want, but there will be more than enough people running this.

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: EverythingXen.1835


10 people is a very good size for a Tier 1 bounty mission.

<facepalm> so no thought about the small 2-5 man guild? It seems that the better game content is now exclusively for huge Zerg Guilds. My guild currently has 3 active members and we will not have a chance to play this premium part of the game until after the servers are turned off. And no, we are not buying gems to pay for influence to get the good stuff. <facepalm, laugh, shakes head>

That’s not a guild. That’s a party. You’ve got plenty of content designed for you.

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


Im going to play devils advocate here for a min.

Let’s say Arena Net removes the Art of War prereq and the first guild mission is open to all.
A small guild with less then 10 people probably could not finish it. There would then be backlash.

Lets say this sub 10 player guild did beat the first tier? Then they try to go for the next tier and they could not beat it because they do not have enough players. They would need 15 to beat it. Back lash again because they would be stuck at tier one until they recruited more and they would say its unfair. Nothing wrong with that complaint btw.

What I am getting at here is Arena Net is kitten if they do and kitten if they don’t.
Guild missions are for 10-25 players. The Art of War prereq is steep for most small/medium guilds but I also feel that this would motivate recruiting and keep the guilds active. The rewards are worth it. If you are in a 5 man guild or less this would leave you out for now. It sucks but it is what it is. There still is a lot of content to play, plus you can participate in guild missions. You will not the guild perks but at least you get descent personal rewards for it.

From what I have read you do not need to be in a 500 man mega guild, all you need is about 10-30 players and you can do most of this stuff. You cant unlock all tiers but at least you get the opportunity at the rewards once a week. Sure, the art of war is the big issue right now but you shouldn’t let that stop you from working together to get it done.

Maybe Anet will change the prereq, if so will that make this issue better for most?

Very valid points.

It’s just that it’s put behind a PVP tree. That’s probably what everyone is so mad about. Small active member guilds would have no problem working towards their goals and through the tiers, even if they had to recruit a few more because they wouldn’t have to change their playstyle.

Because it’s PVE.

Why the kitten is it behind a PvP tree? I just don’t get that decision. It pretty much screws everyone up.

It’s almost as if they’re freely acknowledging the idea that their PvP is lackluster atm and are trying to force everyone into it or something.

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheFool.4589


Im going to play devils advocate here for a min.

Let’s say Arena Net removes the Art of War prereq and the first guild mission is open to all.
A small guild with less then 10 people probably could not finish it. There would then be backlash.

Lets say this sub 10 player guild did beat the first tier? Then they try to go for the next tier and they could not beat it because they do not have enough players. They would need 15 to beat it. Back lash again because they would be stuck at tier one until they recruited more and they would say its unfair. Nothing wrong with that complaint btw.

What I am getting at here is Arena Net is kitten if they do and kitten if they don’t.
Guild missions are for 10-25 players. The Art of War prereq is steep for most small/medium guilds but I also feel that this would motivate recruiting and keep the guilds active. The rewards are worth it. If you are in a 5 man guild or less this would leave you out for now. It sucks but it is what it is. There still is a lot of content to play, plus you can participate in guild missions. You will not the guild perks but at least you get descent personal rewards for it.

From what I have read you do not need to be in a 500 man mega guild, all you need is about 10-30 players and you can do most of this stuff. You cant unlock all tiers but at least you get the opportunity at the rewards once a week. Sure, the art of war is the big issue right now but you shouldn’t let that stop you from working together to get it done.

Maybe Anet will change the prereq, if so will that make this issue better for most?

The problem is that with the small guilds is that not everyone can be on at the same time to do it. There’s always a small window. That’s the point. Small guilds who do play with friends need everyone on at the same time pretty much every day just for a chance to gain influence to unlock the missions. It’s just not possible! I dont wanna join a zerg guild. Its not the same as my little guild im in now. We wanna just be able to play together when we ARE all on at the same time…

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Demiere.3219


This has honestly been the biggest disappointment to my guild and I since the beginning. Until today I’ve had very few complaints but this just ripped all the enthusiasm right out of me in regards to the game. I just hope next month has something better in store.

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BadShrooms.3094


Its kind of like WoW 20man raids, guess what you need 20 people.

This is content made to give PvE large group content, sorry you cant do LARGE GROUP COMBAT with 5 people

and jesus christ quit whining about influence just FARM and BUY

Go to ORR and FARM 5g is so easy to get its ridiculous i cant believe people are crying they made content for big groups or saying they only farm 1g a day?!?!?! go to ORR loot, salavage, profit

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Izuna.5307


10 people is a very good size for a Tier 1 bounty mission.

SMH. Totally missed the point do you know how long and how hard it would take a small man guild of ten to get 100k influence hmmm prob a month and a half

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Helenorz.2547


Im going to play devils advocate here for a min.

Let’s say Arena Net removes the Art of War prereq and the first guild mission is open to all.
A small guild with less then 10 people probably could not finish it. There would then be backlash.

Lets say this sub 10 player guild did beat the first tier? Then they try to go for the next tier and they could not beat it because they do not have enough players. They would need 15 to beat it. Back lash again because they would be stuck at tier one until they recruited more and they would say its unfair. Nothing wrong with that complaint btw.

What I am getting at here is Arena Net is kitten if they do and kitten if they don’t.
Guild missions are for 10-25 players. The Art of War prereq is steep for most small/medium guilds but I also feel that this would motivate recruiting and keep the guilds active. The rewards are worth it. If you are in a 5 man guild or less this would leave you out for now. It sucks but it is what it is. There still is a lot of content to play, plus you can participate in guild missions. You will not the guild perks but at least you get descent personal rewards for it.

From what I have read you do not need to be in a 500 man mega guild, all you need is about 10-30 players and you can do most of this stuff. You cant unlock all tiers but at least you get the opportunity at the rewards once a week. Sure, the art of war is the big issue right now but you shouldn’t let that stop you from working together to get it done.

Maybe Anet will change the prereq, if so will that make this issue better for most?

I don’t think they need to take out the pre-req at all, I simply think it’s way too steep. The range is for 10-25 players, so ideally 10 players can do it; not super easily but they can—-what I’m saying is…that is far more attractive and seemingly more attainable than 30-50k minimum to get the guild missions unlocked. 30k just to unlock it, not to count getting to art of war level 5, that’s really really steep.

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lukian Darkblade.8012

Lukian Darkblade.8012

Yeah, just wanted to thank ArenaNet for killing all the small new guilds. My guild recently all switched to Borlis Pass because how great World vs World was in Ferguson’s Crossing. We thought switching would be fine and we could still play all these guild activities, but no, we have to wait a few months for our little guild to gain enough influence OR we leave our guild to die and join a bigger guild. I mean, if we could, we would buy all the influence but giving the fact we all chipped in our last bit of gold to get our few guild members here, we’re all broke. Great job ArenaNet. This has really made me rage at this game.

Commander Lukian Darkblade | Fort Aspenwood
Leader of [TTA]The Tenacious Affliction

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rootnode.9546


Its kind of like WoW 20man raids, guess what you need 20 people.

This is content made to give PvE large group content, sorry you cant do LARGE GROUP COMBAT with 5 people

and jesus christ quit whining about influence just FARM and BUY

Go to ORR and FARM 5g is so easy to get its ridiculous i cant believe people are crying they made content for big groups or saying they only farm 1g a day?!?!?! go to ORR loot, salavage, profit

Not everyone plays a class that can spam AoE attacks to tag every single mob in events. Makes farming for kittens. And didn’t they say it’s not about grind in the game? And now I have to grind to experience content?

Foran Lonewind – Mesmer
Gwens Avengers

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Riduy.1682


My guild and I play everyday, and run several dungeons. Why are we being punished, here? Burying this behind 50,000 Influence points is just a hassle, and accomplishes nothing useful.

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BadShrooms.3094


1 piece of content isnt going to be handed on a gold plate, and no one is being forced to leave small guilds having the ability to be apart of several.

It is so freaking easy to get gold in this game how is get a hassle to get people to donate gold for content they want to experience. As soon as i hit 80 i went to ORR and everyday I had enough gold to buy 1-3 exotics. Now I will just donate it so I can play Large Grouped Combat Content

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gunsei.4870


I’m in the small (and vastly inactive) guild situation. For us, the new guild missions would have been a way to motivate those that moved on to other games into comming back to GW2 and give us a hand for the new content.

The problem now is that getting that content unlocked will take us a while. I guess I can plan on starting to try and bring the guild back in the game in a few months rather then right now.

On the other hand, I can hope that any balancing/bug fixing for said content will be mostly done with once we get to actually have access to it. So… thanks in advance to all the big guilds that will allow me to see part of the content from an outsider perspective for a while and whose hard work will make it so that said content is polished and bug free when my guild gets to initiate it.

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sostronk.8167


Anet should be promoting establishment of small guilds. One thing I have noticed with these large 500 man guilds is half their players are inactive. Why? Probably alot of reasons, but in such a large group im sure alot of people feel detached from the guild in a way that smaller personal guilds would.

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: obastable.5231


They deliberately designed the game to scale to peoples group size and level because they advertised the game as giving everyone equal access to content regardless of their play style. The only limit was to be dungeons set at 5 people (at level – very doable by less above level & well geared).

Pray tell me why the same people shouldn’t be legit kitten that they are now being told they do not, in fact, have equal access to content? Why should we farm our kitten off to gain the same access as someone who does kitten all & reaps the benefits of their 400 person guild?

Why does my guild of 5 have to work 100 times harder than someone elses guild of 500 just to GAIN ACCESS to the same content? I’m not even talking about being able to complete it … just about being able to even kittening access it.

What kitten was Anet smoking when they thought this was a logical game design???

Hello Kitty Krewe
“Sentio aliquos togatos contra me conspirare!”

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Runiir.6425


I’ve seen this everywhere. The devs royally, and totally, screwed themselves.
Ascended items need to be available in a timely manner (less than a week for any single peice of gear) to SOLO players.
Guild advancements? They need to be available for the small guilds with only 2-3 people (honestly guilds should be penalized for zerging things, not rewarded, after all the game is supposed to be about skill right? These guild missions should be locked to 2 people max limits not 10+, give the skilled people the goods, not the mindless zerg).
“Available” does not mean …oh they can get it in a few months… it should be obtainable, without farming, under a month.

This game is turning into your typical asian grinder here rather quickly. Skill is being absolutely ignored. Releasign a guild update that requires small guilds to buy influence? Bad bad bad idea. You’ve just created so much hate for your studio witht his move.

Incredibly large tip Anet…cater to the 5-10 people guilds…the zerg guilds leave game fast, they are NOT loyal to a company in any way-shape-or form. They chew through content and don’t return. Make everything for the small guild. These people hang around, and anythign they can do the zergs can do.

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BadShrooms.3094


Most of the content isnt for 5man groups!!!!

Get this through your heads

Its the ONLY content for MULTIPLE GROUPS

Small guilds have access to ALL dungeons and LOTS of content while FINALLY we have content requiring LOTS OF PLAYERS

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lightsbane.9012


Last time I checked this was an mmo right?

Since when are MMOs all about huge zerg guilds?

someone hasn’t been to wvw in a while.

As quick as the Valkyries ride,
As true as Odin’s spear flies,
There is nowhere to hide.

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FilthyRat.4652


I think for the most part people are sick of all the grind-fests they put in the game. Which they said…well 1:27 into video you can see what they say for yourselves

Barodd-80 W/Kremklin-80 Me/Dokast-80 Nec
Nine Divines (ND)
Sorrow’s Furnace

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


10 people is a very good size for a Tier 1 bounty mission.

What about higher tier bounties? What then?

Assuming _all_type T1 missions are doable by lev 10 guild, higher tiers are not a problem. they allow bigger guilds to engage in bigger events, and allow them to acquire merits/rewards faster. That is fair.
Or would be if all other mission types followed similar progress from T1 upwards, and if the T1 missions weren’t so horribly gated.
I won’t even go into the mess that ascended items are and how they make the bad situation even worse.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kromsin.6359


Being in a small family guild. Cant stand the change. We realize getting things would take longer being in a small guild. But this is really too much. Oh well.

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kimyrielle.3826


while FINALLY we have content requiring LOTS OF PLAYERS

You had stuff for large guilds before too, it’s called “WvW”.

Tarnished Coast

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ishiga.6053


Most of the content isnt for 5man groups!!!!

Get this through your heads

Its the ONLY content for MULTIPLE GROUPS

Small guilds have access to ALL dungeons and LOTS of content while FINALLY we have content requiring LOTS OF PLAYERS

It’s not about completing the content, kitten, it’s about getting to it. Let the people stubborn enough to do 10-man content with 5 men actually run into the brick wall themselves. Don’t put a bed of glass between them and the wall.

Get that through YOUR head.

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rebel.5827


Seems to me, after reading many of these posts, that ANet is supporting the X-treme gamers only. (possibly because they are the only ones who put real money into the game after initial game purchase).

Well, ANet, I’m not X-treme and my length of play time is almost to the point of adding some real coin for updates.

However, with the current content updates, it is just more proof that the game is not developing for us, who wish to play strictly for fun.

My guild is mostly just me…. guild content out.
I don’t do pvp, wvw, or dungeons (computer won’t handle it)… so all high end content is out.
The changes to the Daily’s even remove them from my play style now.

So go ahead and continue building the game for X-treme players. I’ll save my real life coin so when a better game comes along… i’ll have the coin to buy it.

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Riku Shinobu.4518

Riku Shinobu.4518

I posted this in the official thread, but I figured since this was where a lot of the conversation is I should post it here as well.

“This math isn’t complete yet.

From a rough estimate, it takes 106 days of build time AND merit farming time to unlock all 5 guild missions. Throw in the amount of time it will take smaller guilds to earn their influence and that is a long wait time for them.

My guild has 139 members, and we average about 20-30 online every night, and it’s gonna take us a while to earn the influence to purchase the upgrades. I basically told my members to get all their alts through personal story for the influence consumables you get there.

Dynamic guild influence earning would be amazing to see."

Leader of Echo|GWO Staff Writer
Homeworld: Fort Aspenwood
IGN: Riku Shinobu

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Healix.5819


10 people is a very good size for a Tier 1 bounty mission.

Why did you develop a content scaling system again…?

To reward zerging.

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BadShrooms.3094


My large guild is Very friend and family oriented.

Website, vent, self-hosted events with prizes like weekly trivia nights.

Its not as bad as people think they are

And what am I trying to get through my head? Influence / Gold is not hard to come by

oh noes I have to farm some gold now

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: EverythingXen.1835


They deliberately designed the game to scale to peoples group size and level because they advertised the game as giving everyone equal access to content regardless of their play style. The only limit was to be dungeons set at 5 people (at level – very doable by less above level & well geared).

Pray tell me why the same people shouldn’t be legit kitten that they are now being told they do not, in fact, have equal access to content? Why should we farm our kitten off to gain the same access as someone who does kitten all & reaps the benefits of their 400 person guild?

Why does my guild of 5 have to work 100 times harder than someone elses guild of 500 just to GAIN ACCESS to the same content? I’m not even talking about being able to complete it … just about being able to even kittening access it.

What kitten was Anet smoking when they thought this was a logical game design???

Get real. You have access to the content. All these guild missions are open world. You can do the content whenever any guild, of any size, triggers them.

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: goldenwing.8473


That is one helluva quotable dev response.

Or one helluva lack of perspective.

Yes. That’s memorable. Probably not in the way the dev intended.

BG: 52 alts, 29 lvl 80’s. They all look good, so I am done with the game: Oct 2014

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: EverythingXen.1835


Most of the content isnt for 5man groups!!!!

Get this through your heads

Its the ONLY content for MULTIPLE GROUPS

Small guilds have access to ALL dungeons and LOTS of content while FINALLY we have content requiring LOTS OF PLAYERS

It’s not about completing the content, kitten, it’s about getting to it. Let the people stubborn enough to do 10-man content with 5 men actually run into the brick wall themselves. Don’t put a bed of glass between them and the wall.

Get that through YOUR head.

Then they’re stubborn enough to grind out the supposed insurmountable amount of influence to start it themselves.

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arsenic Touch.7960

Arsenic Touch.7960

10 people is a very good size for a Tier 1 bounty mission.

Didn’t really think that one through eh? how are 10 people supposed to gain the influence needed for this? hm?

Is it better to out-monster the monster or to be quietly devoured?

Dragonbrand – Level 80 – Human Ranger

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mnwolfboy.9348


the problem is earning the merits for your own guild. You can’t earn them doing another guilds missions. On the bright side you can at least earn commendations for personal rewards doing any of the missions from any guild. So there is that.

(edited by mnwolfboy.9348)

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: EverythingXen.1835


the problem is earning the merits for your own guild. you can earn them doing another guilds missions. On the bright side you can at least earn commendations for personal rewards doing any of the missions from any guild. So there is that.

I’ll believe that when it’s confirmed in game or by a developer… it’s only been implied so far by devs on the forums.

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mnwolfboy.9348


the problem is earning the merits for your own guild. you can earn them doing another guilds missions. On the bright side you can at least earn commendations for personal rewards doing any of the missions from any guild. So there is that.

I’ll believe that when it’s confirmed in game or by a developer… it’s only been implied so far by devs on the forums.

I typoed there, I meant to say You CAN’T earn merits doing other guild missions you only get personal commendations. Sorry for the confusion.

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raine.1394


10 people is a very good size for a Tier 1 bounty mission.

In a 10 person guild it is highly unlikely that you will even have 10 people online, let alone have everyone wanting to do the same activity. I think the issue still stands. Guild missions exclude small guilds. This is one of the changes that will make mega-guilds more attractive and make it harder for smaller, more personal guilds to survive.

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Melchior.2135


10 people is a very good size for a Tier 1 bounty mission.

10 people is twice as many people as the largest total of concurrent logins my guild has ever experienced. And that’s counting me being on both my main and alt accounts at the same time.

Former Guild Wars 2 fan. RIP, ArenaNet’s integrity.

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ishiga.6053


Most of the content isnt for 5man groups!!!!

Get this through your heads

Its the ONLY content for MULTIPLE GROUPS

Small guilds have access to ALL dungeons and LOTS of content while FINALLY we have content requiring LOTS OF PLAYERS

It’s not about completing the content, kitten, it’s about getting to it. Let the people stubborn enough to do 10-man content with 5 men actually run into the brick wall themselves. Don’t put a bed of glass between them and the wall.

Get that through YOUR head.

Then they’re stubborn enough to grind out the supposed insurmountable amount of influence to start it themselves.

This would have been true were these missions not just implemented a matter of hours ago. The might even already be doing them.

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CassieGold.7460


My large guild is Very friend and family oriented.

Website, vent, self-hosted events with prizes like weekly trivia nights.

Its not as bad as people think they are

And what am I trying to get through my head? Influence / Gold is not hard to come by

oh noes I have to farm some gold now

I want to respond to this for a moment. In GW1, I ran an alliance of 10 guilds, my own guild occupied 4 slots in the alliance because we needed to form secondary guilds to handle our membership.

My usual day as a guild lead involved logging on, dealing with guild / alliance issues for 20-30 minutes, organizing a guild event, and spending 20-30 minutes recruiting for my guild (usually while doing my trading.)

The amount of administrative time it took to keep a guild of that size running was staggering, and is precicely the reason why (at my wife’s request) when we moved to GW2, I handed off the guild lead title to the next founding member in line, and we all decided (as officers) that we didn’t want to keep / manage that size of guild again.

It was a decision to let the core who played together the most stay together, and let the people who had the most tenuious associations drift away as they wished.

The large guild does offer a lot, and can be a great community, but it doesn’t happen without work.

I won’t say that all mega guilds are faceless zergs, far from it, I loved my alliance and the people I played with. On the flip side, my guild now struggles in a ‘middle ground’ … there are too many of us active and online at any given time to fit in a single dungeon party, but too few of us to get influence and access to the new guild content quickly.

We had thought this would be something we had been lacking…. something we could do in groups of 8-10, but… the barrier feels high.

I know people are saying ‘buy influence’ … but that feels like asking people to put their personal goals on hold(like t3 armor… only one person in my guild so far has a set, and only 2 of us can currently afford a set) to advance the guild….. and that’s something I have a hard time asking my guild mates to do.

LVL 80’s: Thief / Warrior / Guardian / Mesmer

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kane Fire Blade.7482

Kane Fire Blade.7482

Well am disgusted by this content! with the high costs to get to it! Shameful i have now lost members already to larger guilds! there still there but not reping cause they want to do the new content witch my guild of 100+ wont have for some time!
This was a poor idea to make content for large guilds and crushing small guilds cause who wants to be in a small guild that don’t have the guild missions!

Me and my guild have been waiting for this content since we banned together and yet now we are forced to work harder to get this content and also have to convince are members to keep reping us. So yes are members are loyal but they want the new content that are guild wont be able to give for ages!

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Skugga.5298


I’m a guild leader of a small guild at first I was excited when I read about the guild missions but the 30 to 50k influence brought me back to earth. Time after time big guilds win in an mmorpg, it gets harder to recruit every day because people get attracted to those big guilds since they have it all !

Why is the influence not focused on the percentage of members in a guild ?

How can you compare a guild with 500 members and 10 members ? (and expect to give the same content ?)

We try to do what we can, but how are we now even able to add magic find banners, etc.. we don’t have anything to spare.

You scale events based on players in the area but you don’t scale influence and missions for guild sizes. I find this very odd.

I do hope for a change and a hotfix for this asap would make a world of diffirence for all of us small guilds.

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gunsei.4870


Most of the content isnt for 5man groups!!!!

Get this through your heads

Its the ONLY content for MULTIPLE GROUPS

Small guilds have access to ALL dungeons and LOTS of content while FINALLY we have content requiring LOTS OF PLAYERS

The problem isn’t that some of the new guild content will be hard to access for small guilds.

The problem is that all of the new guild content will hard to access for small guilds.

Having the level 1 missions being availlable at the lvl 1 or 2 upgrade part of the war tree would have been fine with me… the problem is that all of the new content is blocked behind a large investment of influence that many small guilds won’t be able to pay for, at least for a while.

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kenshinakh.3672


I’m actually pretty happy with the Guild Missions…

My guild of less than 7 online have no issues with it. We know it’ll take a while longer to get… but what’s the rush. I’m still going to do the content, and no one in my guild complained about it. (We’re at AOW4 atm despite restarting recently due to server switch).

What’s the problem? If it was too easy to get, then what’s the fun of getting it? You could even get that much influence with a 5 man guild… it’s not like you’re prevented from obtaining it.

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BadShrooms.3094


My large guild is Very friend and family oriented.

Website, vent, self-hosted events with prizes like weekly trivia nights.

Its not as bad as people think they are

And what am I trying to get through my head? Influence / Gold is not hard to come by

oh noes I have to farm some gold now

I want to respond to this for a moment. In GW1, I ran an alliance of 10 guilds, my own guild occupied 4 slots in the alliance because we needed to form secondary guilds to handle our membership.

My usual day as a guild lead involved logging on, dealing with guild / alliance issues for 20-30 minutes, organizing a guild event, and spending 20-30 minutes recruiting for my guild (usually while doing my trading.)

The amount of administrative time it took to keep a guild of that size running was staggering, and is precicely the reason why (at my wife’s request) when we moved to GW2, I handed off the guild lead title to the next founding member in line, and we all decided (as officers) that we didn’t want to keep / manage that size of guild again.

It was a decision to let the core who played together the most stay together, and let the people who had the most tenuious associations drift away as they wished.

The large guild does offer a lot, and can be a great community, but it doesn’t happen without work.

I won’t say that all mega guilds are faceless zergs, far from it, I loved my alliance and the people I played with. On the flip side, my guild now struggles in a ‘middle ground’ … there are too many of us active and online at any given time to fit in a single dungeon party, but too few of us to get influence and access to the new guild content quickly.

We had thought this would be something we had been lacking…. something we could do in groups of 8-10, but… the barrier feels high.

I know people are saying ‘buy influence’ … but that feels like asking people to put their personal goals on hold(like t3 armor… only one person in my guild so far has a set, and only 2 of us can currently afford a set) to advance the guild….. and that’s something I have a hard time asking my guild mates to do.

I know people hate farming, I understand this. I also understand its alot of influence. It is also just a goal your guild must work together to achieve. You dont have to purchase 50k influence everytime you want to do 1-mission. Its a hurdle you get over then enjoy the rewards.

If every one donated 1-5 gold over 1-2 weeks guess what, you probably will get enough to gain access to the content. Its not instant sorry to all who want it this way.

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ophidic.1279


When I was in my own guild with 5 other people, we got maybe like 30 influence from normal activity in a day, and I certainly don’t have 60 gold to be spending on influence.

It’s not my problem now, but it would be if I didn’t change to a larger guild. It is kind of a lot of influence.

Elyl Jrend

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Skugga.5298


When I was in my own guild with 5 other people, we got maybe like 30 influence from normal activity in a day, and I certainly don’t have 60 gold to be spending on influence.

It’s not my problem now, but it would be if I didn’t change to a larger guild. It is kind of a lot of influence.

Thank you for speaking out !
I hope everyone tries to keep this post on top !
This needs an immediate change, by far not the best implement I have seen so far.

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Neural.1824


I’ve seen this everywhere. The devs royally, and totally, screwed themselves.
Ascended items need to be available in a timely manner (less than a week for any single peice of gear) to SOLO players.
Guild advancements? They need to be available for the small guilds with only 2-3 people (honestly guilds should be penalized for zerging things, not rewarded, after all the game is supposed to be about skill right? These guild missions should be locked to 2 people max limits not 10+, give the skilled people the goods, not the mindless zerg).
“Available” does not mean …oh they can get it in a few months… it should be obtainable, without farming, under a month.

This game is turning into your typical asian grinder here rather quickly. Skill is being absolutely ignored. Releasign a guild update that requires small guilds to buy influence? Bad bad bad idea. You’ve just created so much hate for your studio witht his move.

Incredibly large tip Anet…cater to the 5-10 people guilds…the zerg guilds leave game fast, they are NOT loyal to a company in any way-shape-or form. They chew through content and don’t return. Make everything for the small guild. These people hang around, and anythign they can do the zergs can do.

I’m part of a small guild and pretty much stick to PvE with a little WvW, but I have to disagree with you on the issue of Ascended items. A shorter time period may be in order, but not less than a week. Currently some ascended items (if I understand how it works correctly) are available to the solo casual PvE player in around 30 days if you do your daily quests. Then you have the ability to buy an item or two with Laurels. Other rewards should be achievable in that time frame so it isn’t just a grind though. I personally don’t mind a bit of a challenge to get something like that, unfortunately that still gets back to grinding.
I do agree very much that GW2 seems to be quickly turning into a f2p grinder.
Generally when I look at something Anet is doing that people don’t like, I first ask the question “Can this change be marketed to investors as a way to increase gem store purchases?” From there the pieces fall into place rather quick.

Just like guild missions. Someone at Anet probably has the idea in their head that if they make AoW V required to do guild missions, that small guilds won’t quit, they’ll just fork over real cash for influence.

Where are my gem sales? I want gem sales! Nerf EVERYTHING!

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Skugga.5298


I’ve seen this everywhere. The devs royally, and totally, screwed themselves.
Ascended items need to be available in a timely manner (less than a week for any single peice of gear) to SOLO players.
Guild advancements? They need to be available for the small guilds with only 2-3 people (honestly guilds should be penalized for zerging things, not rewarded, after all the game is supposed to be about skill right? These guild missions should be locked to 2 people max limits not 10+, give the skilled people the goods, not the mindless zerg).
“Available” does not mean …oh they can get it in a few months… it should be obtainable, without farming, under a month.

This game is turning into your typical asian grinder here rather quickly. Skill is being absolutely ignored. Releasign a guild update that requires small guilds to buy influence? Bad bad bad idea. You’ve just created so much hate for your studio witht his move.

Incredibly large tip Anet…cater to the 5-10 people guilds…the zerg guilds leave game fast, they are NOT loyal to a company in any way-shape-or form. They chew through content and don’t return. Make everything for the small guild. These people hang around, and anythign they can do the zergs can do.

I’m part of a small guild and pretty much stick to PvE with a little WvW, but I have to disagree with you on the issue of Ascended items. A shorter time period may be in order, but not less than a week. Currently some ascended items (if I understand how it works correctly) are available to the solo casual PvE player in around 30 days if you do your daily quests. Then you have the ability to buy an item or two with Laurels. Other rewards should be achievable in that time frame so it isn’t just a grind though. I personally don’t mind a bit of a challenge to get something like that, unfortunately that still gets back to grinding.
I do agree very much that GW2 seems to be quickly turning into a f2p grinder.
Generally when I look at something Anet is doing that people don’t like, I first ask the question “Can this change be marketed to investors as a way to increase gem store purchases?” From there the pieces fall into place rather quick.

Just like guild missions. Someone at Anet probably has the idea in their head that if they make AoW V required to do guild missions, that small guilds won’t quit, they’ll just fork over real cash for influence.

I’ve been loyal to A-net, but if this is the case and no changes are incoming for this matter than I’ll make up my mind rather quick.

I get they need money from the store, sure they can add whatever they want but as promised from the start they said it was cosmetic items only. Now if they plan on designing everything around grind to get gold from the store then I’m out anyway. Because in this case World of Warcraft or any other MMO that asks a specific monthly fee is by far cheaper than GW2.

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gunsei.4870


Just like guild missions. Someone at Anet probably has the idea in their head that if they make AoW V required to do guild missions, that small guilds won’t quit, they’ll just fork over real cash for influence.

Let’s not put on the conspiracy theory hat and start deducing intent when there’s no way of having any proof of said intent being there in the first place. That’s not constructive criticism.

Suggesting that some access to missions should be put in lower tiers of the Art of War tree, now that would be constructive criticism.

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: raptor.1064


10 people is a very good size for a Tier 1 bounty mission.

we only have 6 people so kitten YOU

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lisanna.9048


Im going to play devils advocate here for a min.

Let’s say Arena Net removes the Art of War prereq and the first guild mission is open to all.
A small guild with less then 10 people probably could not finish it. There would then be backlash.

Lets say this sub 10 player guild did beat the first tier? Then they try to go for the next tier and they could not beat it because they do not have enough players. They would need 15 to beat it. Back lash again because they would be stuck at tier one until they recruited more and they would say its unfair. Nothing wrong with that complaint btw.

What I am getting at here is Arena Net is kitten if they do and kitten if they don’t.
Guild missions are for 10-25 players. The Art of War prereq is steep for most small/medium guilds but I also feel that this would motivate recruiting and keep the guilds active. The rewards are worth it. If you are in a 5 man guild or less this would leave you out for now. It sucks but it is what it is. There still is a lot of content to play, plus you can participate in guild missions. You will not the guild perks but at least you get descent personal rewards for it.

From what I have read you do not need to be in a 500 man mega guild, all you need is about 10-30 players and you can do most of this stuff. You cant unlock all tiers but at least you get the opportunity at the rewards once a week. Sure, the art of war is the big issue right now but you shouldn’t let that stop you from working together to get it done.

Maybe Anet will change the prereq, if so will that make this issue better for most?

here’s my question to you AND Arenanet…. They advertised this game as being different from what you’re used to in other mmo’s right?
They said they’ll make the game fun for even casual players so you would be free to “play how you want” right?
They are making this new content unattainable for small guilds unless they cave and disband in favour of larger guilds that have obviously been playing WvWvW so they would have not only art of war but all other guild upgrades maxed out.
If they can scale dynamic events based on how many are participating, why not the guild missions?
Mind you, I’m not saying make the difficulty uniform through all levels but at least play smart and make the goals attainable by small guilds also. Do they think a majority of their servers are made up of 500 man guilds?? The minorities will inevitably become larger than the perceived majority, only large guilds will be able to play the content so only they will remain, and when they have completed all, they will stop playing until the next expansion.
My point is, they need to fix this colossal mistake before it spirals out of control