I make PvP & WvW videos
New Hair
I make PvP & WvW videos
Charr hairstyles are terrible, enough with the 80’s look, I want something similar to what they gave female charr.
I’m keeping the mohawk for now.
Looks like they’ve kept to the tradition of only metrosexual/Pantene proV approved hair styles.. & I guess they’re just trolling the charr players. Pfretty funny troll though!
Wonder if this game that centers around medievalish style combat will ever have hair that looks like it’s been in medievalish style combat.
I liked at least 1 of each race’s new hairstyles. I like the ponytail for the human, long, long braid for the norn, braids for the charr, and barrettes for the asura.
I kind of like the male sylvari one that has cattails pulled back to make a pony tail, and several of the Asuran ones are very nice.
ANet may give it to you.
When are they adding new faces? specifically this one
just.. sploosh
Anyone know if the human female pony tail is animated this time?
Anyone know if the human female pony tail is animated this time?
It wiggles a bit, but not by much.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]
Really lame. Thanks for the information.
I like some of the new hair options – particularly the male human one with the hair going down the middle, and the Jora hair for female norn. I’ve never liked hair on asurans, just looks weird in my opinion, but to each their own. Was a bit disappointed that one of the ‘new’ hairstyles for female human was just a copy-paste of one of the male hairstyles. That isn’t technically ‘new’, but at least females have it as an option now, and more options are always welcome.
Well I was getting tired of the mohawk hairstyle while the rest of the hairstyles were bad
the new one looks really nice, not by much though but its not that terrible:)
well, its about time they added more, but really? three for each race?