New Krait Damoss "Explode" very overpowered
Okay with the rework, but they really have been overbuffed in the last update. They should tune their damage down definitely.
This hurts Engineer by limiting options. Turrets have one shot and are insta-destroyed even by low level Krait. Supply drop the same.
Mhh, I was wondering already what they have done with the krait at the base near the Tequatl battle area. I useally get slaughtered and see many dead people at WP
Smough The Cruel [WvW] – Warrior
It seems like they’re testing mob stats against level 80 characters or something, regardless of the zone’s actual level. It happened with AC (introductory dungeon my kitten ) and it happened again with these krait explosions.
Would not surprise me, as the rest of the combat mechanics are built around SPVP where everyone is lvl80 in exotics (or even a bit above, if my math is accurate).
Could be that ANet have a bit too much faith in their downscaling system.
I would really like it if ANet devs would explain the thought process behind these changes. There were meetings about the changes and what they do, right? What are the reasons that lead the developers to thinking that two shooting characters is “more entertaining”?
A champion krait looking at my elementalist downs her.
I too find the change more frustrating than ‘entertaining’ or ‘interesting’. Challenge is an interesting concept in games. One distinction I’ve learned to make is true challenge and artificial challenge. Of course, I’m using ‘true’ here in terms of what represents challenge to me. I find in good challenging games like, say, Dark Souls, the challenge is seldom questioned. Why? Because, if you do a postmortem of the fight, you can usually understand where you went wrong and what you need to do to avoid a similar outcome in the future. I find GW2 provides more of the artificial variety than any true challenge. That is, one minute you are alive fighting and one second later you are dead and you don’t have the slightest clue as to why. You look at the combat log and see that some mob hit you with two quick shots that took half your health each, but there was no real reaction called for in the combat itself. You know, you see the attack coming and you evade? This happens often enough that it characterizes GW2 combat. It’s not satisfying. At least not in the sense that Dark Souls is satisfying.
So, this is another take on the frustration and challenge. I’m ok with challenge. I don’t think the MMO is about crushing challenge in open world PvE though, or in entry level dungeons for that matter. I think the current frustration with the 2/26 changes is more about developer inexperience than anything to do with the player base, one way or the other.
There are a lot of enemies capable of oneshotting you in Dark Souls. Something as mundane as opening a treasure chest can leave the unsuspecting player mimic fodder. Fortunately these things are usually hinted at by the game which is why it feels fair.
What Guild Wars 2 needs above all else is clarity. During a fight it’s very difficult to tell what is going on and sometimes you just can’t see when an enemy is about to pull his oneshot move even if you’re focused on that enemy which leads to frustration. I like the challenge, I don’t like being rendered blind to it the moment an elementalist decides to rain fire.
There is a DE in metrica that the Hylek is protecting their eggs from kraits. Used to be they can last a bit but after the change they and their eggs just get destroyed after the first wave.
The Sparkfly Fen is perhaps the event I frequently enjoy the most these days! :-D
It’s a challenge and that’s a good thing! Perhaps it’s the satisfaction I get out of seeing a bunch of unfortunates lying around on the floor dead, which certainly makes me chuckle to myself, or perhaps because it’s one of the few events where I have to actually watch my health and make a quick reaction/adjustment.
It’s more fun than killing Tequatl, which is simply a case of standing by and auto-attacking… but if that’s your play style, well lucky you there is an event just around the corner to enjoy!
Really though, if you are taking as the OP says 2670 damage per second, why are you standing there per second? You could, you know… MOVE.
Just as a quick aside, but these exploding kraits don’t even make sense in terms of enemy background.
I’ve seen Risen Kraits summon these exploding buggers in there alive versions (they were normal krait Damoss’ I believe). It’s a minor thing the devs should consider (since they seem to put flavor and “entertainment” hand in hand at times) changing if they plan to rework the crazy burst of these explosions.
(edited by Yunigen.2897)
Though the dmg is ridiculous indeed, you can always range them… every class has a ranged weapon for a reason
I dont know, it was sort of amusing seeing 2 Champions and 10+ Veterans wreck complete havoc by the lab for the first time.
Before it was like “Oh is that 5 regular mob coming to att – wait they’re dead”
Krait’s poison field on the aquatic fractal hit me for around 5k per tick.. lots of fun!
1 step towards making under-water combat more entertaining would be to highlight whoever you’re targeting.. idk about other players but 80% of the time, I don’t even know who I’m suppose to be aiming at! i just go 123 and zzZ
Yea, the new krait hit incredibly hard. Luckily, the champs tend to show up at the end, so you can try to kite them around until the timer runs out. Not that that always works well, either. I took many a dirt nap, too.
I have actually never been killed at the WP spot. I wonder if you guys are being trolled, by some kitten pulling the krait to that spot on purpose…