(edited by abasedfear.6051)
New NPCs Using Existing PC Names
I don’t think they would do anything, if you had it first you get to keep it. My name in GW1, which I’ve had since launch of GW1, was turned into a title and I still retain it to this day.
Now, a title isn’t the same as an NPC name, but I’m sure what you are getting at is “will they take mine away because they want to use it and don’t want anyone else to have it?” which I think my situation is within that realm of concern.
It has happened several times already (on purpose). We do have NPCs named after players – and the players in question were not asked to change those names.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
Why is it an issue?
NPCs names have no relevance in the way the game is played.
You cant send mail to an NPC.
Why is it an issue?
Perhaps the OP is familiar with games where players are not allowed to use names given to NPC’s? I have a vague recollection of encountering something like that in a different game.