New NPCs Using Existing PC Names

New NPCs Using Existing PC Names

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: abasedfear.6051


I have not yet had this happen – hopefully, I never will. While I certainly don’t mind the thoughts or imaginings of other players on this matter, I would like to get a CSR response or Gaile Gray’s thoughts to apply a little glue to this hypothetical, in the event that it ever becomes someone’s reality:

From time to time, ArenaNet releases new content for Guild Wars 2, so it is inevitable that new NPCs are introduced. If a player already has a character with a name that matches the name of one of these new NPCs, will the player be required to change their existing character’s name to yield to the new NPC? Also, do ArenaNet developers check their NPC names before introducing them to ensure this does not happen? Will CSRs check character creation dates in the event that it does?

I partly ask this because I do currently have two mononymous characters. One of them I don’t believe would be used, being of an asuran style and containing at least two syllables. The other is a sylvari with a not-uncommon celtic name that is an analogue to an English name. While none of the threads posted on this forum directly address this situation in particular, it has been brought up in passing at least once. Since this was not the issue in those threads, it was never addressed by a CSR.

I always attempt personal due-diligence whenever checking for existing NPC names – I like to know that my characters are unique. I would like to know if ArenaNet either does the same, or will do right by their players if an oversight is made.

(edited by abasedfear.6051)

New NPCs Using Existing PC Names

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Guardian Of Tyria.6397

Guardian Of Tyria.6397

I don’t think they would do anything, if you had it first you get to keep it. My name in GW1, which I’ve had since launch of GW1, was turned into a title and I still retain it to this day.

Now, a title isn’t the same as an NPC name, but I’m sure what you are getting at is “will they take mine away because they want to use it and don’t want anyone else to have it?” which I think my situation is within that realm of concern.

New NPCs Using Existing PC Names

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


It has happened several times already (on purpose). We do have NPCs named after players – and the players in question were not asked to change those names.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

New NPCs Using Existing PC Names

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mauried.5608


Why is it an issue?
NPCs names have no relevance in the way the game is played.
You cant send mail to an NPC.

New NPCs Using Existing PC Names

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


Why is it an issue?

Perhaps the OP is familiar with games where players are not allowed to use names given to NPC’s? I have a vague recollection of encountering something like that in a different game.