New Non-Ascended/Gem Store Armor?
Most problems would be solved if they removed armour restrictions.
Light armour = hoods, masks, dresses and jackets.
Medium armour = hats, bandit cloth masks, trench coats and pants.
Heavy armour = helms, breastplates, skirts and a few pants.
If everyone could wear everything then there wouldn’t be such a big need for new armour, cus there would be a ton of costumization available.
And even just allowing us to hide our chest armour and boots would give us much more costumization. – GW2 – A world of wonder
Most problems would be solved if they removed armour restrictions.
Light armour = hoods, masks, dresses and jackets.
Medium armour = hats, bandit cloth masks, trench coats and pants.
Heavy armour = helms, breastplates, skirts and a few pants.If everyone could wear everything then there wouldn’t be such a big need for new armour, cus there would be a ton of costumization available.
And even just allowing us to hide our chest armour and boots would give us much more costumization.
Before anyone goes ahead and says they wouldn’t be able to differentiate classes from each other if this happened, each character has a class icon and every class spell has a distinct colour.
Yeah. I want to buy a new armor set but I can’t find one I like.
I’d love to get Aetherblade Pants (Heavy) but I don’t want to waste 800 Gems for a single piece.
Yeah. I want to buy a new armor set but I can’t find one I like.
I’d love to get Aetherblade Pants (Heavy) but I don’t want to waste 800 Gems for a single piece.
I wouldn’t mind spending 800 gems for just one piece, if it was something I could reuse / unlocked for the account. I’d love the krytan top for my thief. Still waiting on the skin locker though..
I also wouldn’t mind seeing the styles À la carte. 200 gems per piece.
Let us buy single armor piece and add skin duplication tools in gem store…
Yeah. I want to buy a new armor set but I can’t find one I like.
I’d love to get Aetherblade Pants (Heavy) but I don’t want to waste 800 Gems for a single piece.
Same here, I don’t like spending full price for a single piece. I bought the primeval armor, for example, but ended up using 4 of the pieces between two characters (guardian got the chest, which is what I got it for in the first place, and warrior got pants, shoulders and gloves).
Maybe an alternative could be made for those of us that like to mix and match armor pieces. For example, each of the gem store sets have been released in groups (primeval/profane/krytan – aetherblade light/medium/heavy – phoenix/magitech/braham), maybe add an option where you still pay the full price (500 gems for the first group, 800 for the other ones) but can choose 1 piece of each kind of armo for the whole group.
For example, I wouldn’t pay 800 gems for phoenix, magitech or braham’s armor… but I’d certainly pay 800 gems to get the magitech coat and shoes for my engineer, phoenix shoulder and gloves for my mesmer, and braham’s helmet for my asura warrior (I love those huge horns on asura)
wrapped up in some crazy ritualist hoo-ha from Cantha.
A real grab bag of ‘you can’t hurt me. They’re called Guardians.
I would pay well over 2000 gems for old GW1 skins brought back ( like Primeval was) – especially Elite Templar and Elite Platemail.
Why hasn’t it happened yet?
I’d love to be able to buy a single piece of gem-store armor and/or have it unlocked not just one-time use. The medium Krytan chest armor is great and I’d buy a couple but I’m def not gonna buy the whole 800gem set for it.
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)