New Patch/ Languages/ Megaserver

New Patch/ Languages/ Megaserver

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Helyany.1937


Dear A-Net I really appreciate it that you are trying to fix the problem with the Megaservers in Europe. But!! This is certainly NOT the right way to fix it.
Maybe you are working on something better right now (I sure hope so) if not I will try telling you why you should work on a better solution.

A lot of german Players like to play with English settings (I myself like the English original voices a lot better ). Now I and everyone else who likes that more can’t read other Germans (from other servers) if they don’t want to read all the other language’s too.
Not so great.
How are we supposed to play on one Server? Work together? Now not only the language makes it hard to communicate to each other…. No! now we can’t even read each other anymore.
What is that good for?

How are we supposed to manage the big events like tequatl?
How can we as players have fun if more than half of the people around you ignore you because they have different settings?
We want to play together, talk to each other it’s a MMORPG for crying out loud…
Please A-Net fix this! Make it 3 “smaller Megaservers” One for all the German servers, one for the French and last but not least one International Megaserver.

The People on National servers choose them for a reason that should be very obvious. So please fix this soon

New Patch/ Languages/ Megaserver

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Skythe.2915



With languages in mind, this was a terrible idea.

How to kill freedom of choice and RPG immersion?
I got it – let’s introduce Megaservers!

New Patch/ Languages/ Megaserver

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yargesh.4965


took a lot of hunting to necro this up I bet.

New Patch/ Languages/ Megaserver

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ettanin.8271


Easier solution: Let us tick on/off each language individually.

New Patch/ Languages/ Megaserver

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Meister Kitsune.6759

Meister Kitsune.6759

Agreed. I get so frustrated when I see 90% of the map chat is in a language I don’t understand.