Fredy Brimstone lvl 80 Mighty Warrior
Oupí lvl 80 Immortal Guardian
New Megaserver make all location like a Shanghai. I dont like many people on one place and this game upldate make many people everywhere.
The best would be to limit the number of players in one location on 50 or cancel this Megaserver project
no, megaserver da best, need megaserver for every zone!
Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t the Megaserver tech currently only activated for Heart of the Mists?
Patch notes seems to suggest as such, with them planning on rolling it out to lower areas once they’ve collected enough data.
Well I mean, it’s an MMO.
Personally, I like it. I’m also continually impressed by whoever is marketing these things to us, because they’ve turned server merges (typically a sign of a game in decline) into a new features that outside of threads like this generally seems to be well received.
Aye, Evilek, there’s no point to go out into the open world right now. You’ll be one of the hundred trying to kill a trash mob before the others do. This game has not been balanced for these player loads. It’s ruined.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t the Megaserver tech currently only activated for Heart of the Mists?
Patch notes seems to suggest as such, with them planning on rolling it out to lower areas once they’ve collected enough data.
It’s in at least some of the cities, and probably sprinkled here and there in the leveling zones too. Field of Ruin is one.
It’s active in very many zones, including even Malchor’s Leap and Straits of Desolation. Most of the world is unplayable due to these changes.
I love it. Many events are being done and there are people to play with. THe game is much more playable.
Well I mean, it’s an MMO.
Personally, I like it. I’m also continually impressed by whoever is marketing these things to us, because they’ve turned server merges (typically a sign of a game in decline) into a new features that outside of threads like this generally seems to be well received.
Well recieved by whom exactly? Everywhere the megaserver creates gigantic amounts of problems for players. I can’t even do my guild bounty thanks ot the fact all my guildies arrive in whole different map shards, we loose 5 mins just taxiing them for one bounty.
There’s so many ppl at world bosses and temples that you can barely tag anything and the bosses become trivial to the insane damage output of around 200 ppl. On the other hand teq and wurm will be nigh impossible to organize and run. events scale up into oblivion making it impossible to do see grenth and lyssa. Let alone the lagfest those areas become.
How about the language problems, or the fact that even when partied up the chance of you and your party members reach the same instance is 50/50.
Hunting for traits is now an exercise in fustration since landing on a map shard that is actually doing the event you need is nothing but rng that is if the temple meta triggers at all thanks to the defense events being done.
Etc, etc seriously those ppl just don’t know how shafted they are yet, give them one week for them to start experiencing the problems and they’ll change their tune. Hell look at what i have to deal with at fire ele.
(edited by AlexEBT.7240)
jelmew, what is the joy of killing the Fire Elemental in 40 seconds every time?
I love it. Many events are being done and there are people to play with. THe game is much more playable.
You play same game ? Meet everywhere I go tons of people is more playable ?
I guess your previous experiences depend on your previous server. If you were from Desolation you’re probably not noticing the upsides.
If you’re from Underworld of Vabbi however you may well enjoy the new player activity.
While in general I’m supportive of the idea it does need a little fine-tuning. Languages especially need to be unified. There’s no reason to bunch French, English, German and Spanish players together when those servers should have sufficiently large communities in themselves.
I’m also not sure if I really appreciate every event being turned into a massive zerg-fest but I imagine that will calm down over time.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t the Megaserver tech currently only activated for Heart of the Mists?
Patch notes seems to suggest as such, with them planning on rolling it out to lower areas once they’ve collected enough data.
You are wrong, the decided to jump straight into the deep end and started to drown, most zones are now mega servers, any zone that has a world event will auto convert to mega server for said event, so if there is 1 you need get to that map early or face the overflow until its completed, there are several topics on this already on the forums, you gotta know how Anet do things by now, they say 1 thing and then do what they want.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t the Megaserver tech currently only activated for Heart of the Mists?
Patch notes seems to suggest as such, with them planning on rolling it out to lower areas once they’ve collected enough data.
These maps have been added.
The Grove
Heart of the Mist
Black Citadel
Timberline Falls
Southsun Cove
Rata Sum
Straits of Devastation
Fields of Ruin
Brisban Wildlands
Iron Marches
Blazeridge Steppes
Dredgehaunt Cliffs
Lion’s Arch
Lornar’s Pass
Kessex Hills
Diessa Plateau
Metrica Province
(edited by BuD.7851)
Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t the Megaserver tech currently only activated for Heart of the Mists?
Patch notes seems to suggest as such, with them planning on rolling it out to lower areas once they’ve collected enough data.
You are wrong, the decided to jump straight into the deep end and started to drown, most zones are now mega servers, any zone that has a world event will auto convert to mega server for said event, so if there is 1 you need get to that map early or face the overflow until its completed, there are several topics on this already on the forums, you gotta know how Anet do things by now, they say 1 thing and then do what they want.
And the players don’t even read or see things yet they complain without understanding the real issue. Anet announcned the areas included in the Megaserver, if you can’t read, I doubt it is their problem.
I think it’s too early to say one way or another.
Right now the patch has been live for what, less than a week? People are coming in droves to check out the changes. Once the initial bedlam dies down, you can make a more informed opinion of how things are going to be.
As for major events being zerg fests, that will always happen.
As for taking an extra few minutes to taxi everyone, come on… of all the things to complain about in this game, an extra 5 or 6 minutes of prep time isn’t one of them.
So, for now, at least until I have had more experience with it, I am not saying whether the megaserver is good or bad.
Megaservers are already active in 18 zones, including every city except DR.
Omg, Anet, please stop it.
You have to limit the number of players for each zone.
Only Tequatl and Wurm need 150 ppl. The rest of the zones are fine with ~70
Please, remove Megablobver system, it’s making my computer die all the time I’m trying to go most of the maps! Playing isn’t funny anymore ;__;
// Also map chat is turning into one big cultural mess… Danish, German, French, everyone blabbering their own language!
Please, remove Megablobver system, it’s making my computer die all the time I’m trying to go most of the maps! Playing isn’t funny anymore ;__;
// Also map chat is turning into one big cultural mess… Danish, German, French, everyone blabbering their own language!
They may tweak it but revoming the megaserver is soemthing beyond imagination by this point.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t the Megaserver tech currently only activated for Heart of the Mists?
Patch notes seems to suggest as such, with them planning on rolling it out to lower areas once they’ve collected enough data.
You are wrong, the decided to jump straight into the deep end and started to drown, most zones are now mega servers, any zone that has a world event will auto convert to mega server for said event, so if there is 1 you need get to that map early or face the overflow until its completed, there are several topics on this already on the forums, you gotta know how Anet do things by now, they say 1 thing and then do what they want.
And the players don’t even read or see things yet they complain without understanding the real issue. Anet announcned the areas included in the Megaserver, if you can’t read, I doubt it is their problem.
Oh I cant read huh, FUNNY I don’t see Mount Maelstrom on that list, yet its on the mega server rotation, dun dun dun, so it is their problem when its not working, megaserver on paper probably looks great, but when you throw every server in NA or EU into 1 map and the event is BUGGED and NO ONE can get the reward they cant even guest to a working server, so yes its 100% their problem.
And as per that list a few posts up, your friends cannot join you until they reload the map, so basically they are destroying the parties/communities for something they didn’t need to do, its all good we get it, those who love anet and this broken update will stay, everyone else is getting the finger and basically told to find a new game, we get it we really do.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t the Megaserver tech currently only activated for Heart of the Mists?
Patch notes seems to suggest as such, with them planning on rolling it out to lower areas once they’ve collected enough data.
You are wrong, the decided to jump straight into the deep end and started to drown, most zones are now mega servers, any zone that has a world event will auto convert to mega server for said event, so if there is 1 you need get to that map early or face the overflow until its completed, there are several topics on this already on the forums, you gotta know how Anet do things by now, they say 1 thing and then do what they want.
And the players don’t even read or see things yet they complain without understanding the real issue. Anet announcned the areas included in the Megaserver, if you can’t read, I doubt it is their problem.
Oh I cant read huh, FUNNY I don’t see Mount Maelstrom on that list, yet its on the mega server rotation, dun dun dun, so it is their problem when its not working, megaserver on paper probably looks great, but when you throw every server in NA or EU into 1 map and the event is BUGGED and NO ONE can get the reward they cant even guest to a working server, so yes its 100% their problem.
and you suggest to remove it…because a new feature isn’t working well in an MMO?
Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t the Megaserver tech currently only activated for Heart of the Mists?
Patch notes seems to suggest as such, with them planning on rolling it out to lower areas once they’ve collected enough data.
You are wrong, the decided to jump straight into the deep end and started to drown, most zones are now mega servers, any zone that has a world event will auto convert to mega server for said event, so if there is 1 you need get to that map early or face the overflow until its completed, there are several topics on this already on the forums, you gotta know how Anet do things by now, they say 1 thing and then do what they want.
And the players don’t even read or see things yet they complain without understanding the real issue. Anet announcned the areas included in the Megaserver, if you can’t read, I doubt it is their problem.
Oh I cant read huh, FUNNY I don’t see Mount Maelstrom on that list, yet its on the mega server rotation, dun dun dun, so it is their problem when its not working, megaserver on paper probably looks great, but when you throw every server in NA or EU into 1 map and the event is BUGGED and NO ONE can get the reward they cant even guest to a working server, so yes its 100% their problem.
and you suggest to remove it…because a new feature isn’t working well in an MMO?
Where did I suggest remove it, they should have made sure that these events worked before hand, some of them are known to glitch out and have been reported 100’s of times, but they still do not work, so now everyone is being forced into a MAP they didn’t ask for, for an event that is bugged and can no longer get a reward, where as before they could guest to a server where the event may have worked… just highlights what people have been stating for 18 months, and that nothing is tested, there more interested in the gem store than fixing game breaking bugs,
Its ok I get it your a fanboi and we will not agree.
New Megaserver make all location like a Shanghai. I dont like many people on one place and this game upldate make many people everywhere.
The best would be to limit the number of players in one location on 50 or cancel this Megaserver project
Evilek is just a farming maniac Now with megaserver, he has to share his favourite places with other farmers lol
New Megaserver make all location like a Shanghai. I dont like many people on one place and this game upldate make many people everywhere.
The best would be to limit the number of players in one location on 50 or cancel this Megaserver project
Evilek is just a farming maniac
Now with megaserver, he has to share his favourite places with other farmers lol
That’s a lie
Main problem is fight vs world boss, It is boring/lags one minute fight with 200 people
(edited by Evilek.5690)
New Megaserver make all location like a Shanghai. I dont like many people on one place and this game upldate make many people everywhere.
The best would be to limit the number of players in one location on 50 or cancel this Megaserver project
here’s a list of places its on
• The Grove
• Heart of the Mist
• Black Citadel
• Timberline Falls
• Southsun Cove
• Rata Sum
• Straits of Devastation
• Fields of Ruin
• Brisban Wildlands
• Hoelbrak
• Iron Marches
• Blazeridge Steppes
• Dredgehaunt Cliffs
(also in mount malestrom, caledeon, Orr maps, and a few others I cant recall right now.)
just noticed someone else posted a list. (the ones in bullet points are what anet posted on facebook. )
The megaserver might be my favorite change from the patch. Sure there are some bugs to work out, but its way too early to jump to conclusions since I’m guessing there was a spike in the population after the patch to begin with.
I was leveling a new character in Lornar’s Pass, and I was shocked to see five or six other people in the hour I was there. The other six times I’ve done that area to completion I would be lucky to see one. It makes the game more vibrant and interesting, and quite honestly less lonely and barren. It feels less like a singleplayer game.
The problem is that people are so used to hanging around the same zones like Queensdale and doing the same chain of events (fire ele, maw, jormag, or shatterer) in part because that’s where the people are. 90% of the world was a barren wasteland where you could forget doing events, especially the region’s meta events that didn’t end in a chest of some kind. There are still a handful of meta events in certain regions I’ve never done just because I couldn’t do them on my own. This is where the megaservers are fantastic.
Sure in some areas it means there is an overload of people doing the same thing, but that’s to be expected. Don’t throw out the baby with the bathwater. Some events are going to have to be adjusted, some of the settings of the megaserver are going to have to be changed with perhaps lower limits set to spread the population in certain areas. That’s fine, but don’t throw out one of the better quality of life changes just because you weren’t able to tag Maw this last time.
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