New Stat: Persistence
No one would still take necros because an engineer can do all that better and then some. Only reason you don’t see necros in pve is because they offer 0 group support compared to other classes and even most of their utility skills are very self centered.
Zerk necro has nowhere near lowest damage.
Zerk necro has nowhere near lowest damage.
Zerk necro has one of the highest damage pure, self damage in the game. That is to say damage they deal without using bundles or AI (sorry Mesmer).
However, necro in PvE is extremely selfish. They give nothing to the party and take everything. They take Might stacks, they take Fury (although not entirely necessary), they take Banners and EA/SiN/Spotter and Spirits, they take conjured weapons, they just take everything.
What do they give?
- DPS (Thieves can give as much DPS and provide nearly unlimited Stealth and Blasts).
- Vulnerability stacking (Engineers can give more Vulnerability along with Stealth, Blasts, Might, and more).
That’s pretty much where the list ends.
I am well aware of the Necros talking points, but I just wanted to point out the misinformation that OP uses to justify his case.
As always, we can close this topic with mentioning that Conditions are not a class balance issue, but a game design issue.
We don’t need a new stat, necro just need to be given a unique mechanic for conditions. for example give them far better access to torment, or a damage over time/condition unique only to necromancer
They don’t need more condition utility, they need team utility. Make Foot in the Grave give stability to your team, warhorn buffs to team, and reapers might (might on LB ) give might to team.
Bigger problem about PvE is the mob design.
99% of mobs are too simple, a “Universal mob Design”, they’re there just to die against the player, they’re “Trash mobs” with useless abilities and attacks every 3-5 seconds, the worst thing about them is their ridiculous low/0 resistance against Direct Dmg, which causes the 99% of mobs to melt in 1-3 seconds when against berserkers and other DPS builds in general.
Another bad thing about the mob designs is that it’s not only NoRank mobs are trash mobs, even Veterans and Elites are just trash, while Champions and above ranks are the 1% of mobs that last longer.
Because of the poor mob design, even the combat system that we have is heavily unused, there’s no need to dodge, as mobs can’t kill you anyway, if you can kill them in 1-3 seconds with Direct Dmg centered builds.
Every other build works for combat scenarios which last far longer, but since majority of mobs are designed to melt in 1-3 seconds against Direct dmg, any other build will never get results that can match DPS builds, for majority of PvE content.
However, this is limited to 1% of all mobs, very limited content…
Could say that ANet focused too much of the abilities on Champs and above, while smarter move would have been to spread Champion and above ranks abilities to Veterans and Elites, in toned-down form. NoRanks would be your Trash mobs.
But there have been no notes from ANet, about intentions of redesigning the old mobs to work better with every possible builds and professions.
I rarely do PvP or Hard PvE, unless it’s organized.