New Wardrobe was not what I expected
The wardrobe is optional, you are only paying gold/money if you decide to change the skin on an item.
You’d rather have another bag slot instead of the ability to use a skin an infinite amount of times?
The wardrobe is optional, you are only paying gold/money if you decide to change the skin on an item.
Your reply misses de point. We’re not having an expansion to store ‘real’ pieces of armor – like the concept of ‘wardrobe’ would suggest. Its a place to collect only skins and make it easier for people to transmute stuff. And that’s disappointing considering what I had imagined for something like this.
(edited by agrante.2810)
You’d rather have another bag slot instead of the ability to use a skin an infinite amount of times?
No. I’m not against these changes in any way. I probably wouldn’t have thought of this system for a widespread use of skins, but I was expecting something else. I was expecting a wardrobe that would make people buy, craft and try many armorsets with different stats without thinking ‘hold on, where am I going to put them afterwards?’
And buying extra banks tabs and character bag slots for this purpose is something I believe not many people are willing to spend money on.
If you want a game that builds convenience into the game then you’ll want a sub game. Wildstar for instance.
In a game that generates money through a cash shop they intentionally build in lots and lots of inconvenience in order to push people to spend money so they can fund the game. It is the trade off for not having a monthly fee.
If you want a game that builds convenience into the game then you’ll want a sub game. Wildstar for instance.
In a game that generates money through a cash shop they intentionally build in lots and lots of inconvenience in order to push people to spend money so they can fund the game. It is the trade off for not having a monthly fee.
Pretty much this.
Although Guild Wars 2 was worth the initial purchase. I do not see any future with investing further into it due to intentional inconvenience after intentional inconvenience that the cash shop poses.
Even if I was to spend money on the cash shop. I would still be getting as much value out of the game as if I would not. Because the inconvenience that interferes with the game play will always be there.
It’s why now the other up-coming NCsoft published game has my money.
The only part that will have me spending more money is for collecting some of the gem store skins I have put off buying thus far. I might still put them off.
If we continue to get transmute charges through regular gameplay then I have no problem with giving me a pve version of the locker I have in spvp minus the actual armor in a slot and freedom of switching on a whim without cost.
However, if we do not continue to receive these “charges” through regular gameplay eg: dailies/map completion, then I will call foul and pull out another nail to hammer in the coffin I’ve been building for my playing time here.
Speaking of spvp…..I know somewhere sometime back I heard something about wearing pve armor in spvp and vice versa. If this is true, do we get to continue to swap around looks for free. Just a little confused about how that is going to play out. Maybe it will still be split, I dunno….hopefully.
Just spend a bit of gold on some bags.
I’m a little confused by this wardrobe, to be honest. Does the transmutation charge apply every single time you withdraw a skin? Or do you only need to apply it once per item (for each character) and can then withdraw that item as often as you please? I can live with the latter, but the former… would make me seriously consider quitting. I’ve been looking forward to a wardrobe for too long for it to be this restrictive.
For example. I’ve got the full Profane armor set on my Ele. I want to switch her look up now and again, so I plan to put together a mix of Sylvari T2/T3 Cultural and the TA set – Can I then switch between Profane and my mix-n-match set freely as long as I have transmuted them at least once?
- some people will complain no matter what goodness gives them !
- a,net could give them 100g for dungeon completion and some would still complain jeesh !
- haters gonna hate and complainers gonna complain !
- some people will complain no matter what goodness gives them !
- a,net could give them 100g for dungeon completion and some would still complain jeesh !
- haters gonna hate and complainers gonna complain !
100 gold is meaningless if the economy is out of whack.
It’s going to make them a ton of money off tranny charges but it’s still far more convenient and better in all ways than current system. You don’t need to spam skin changes if you don’t want to, but there’re people out there who will and more people who don’t use the system much or at all can get into it easier.
This is not a Q/A post.
As soon as I saw the headline today, I thought ‘wow, we’re going to have a dedicated place to store extra pieces of armor, instead of having to carry them in inventory or having them take space in bank! Now I can think about building multiple (more than 2) armor sets for ALL my characters
And then I realised it’s just for skins and it’s designed to make it easy for people to spend more money in transmutations…
There are good things it these changes though. But I can’t help but feel that, in a game that is supposed to be fun, relaxing and enjoyable, people are constantly feeling the pressure to buy all those things and the need to grind/spend real money to have them. Maybe eventually the pleasure becomes spoiled by stress and dissatisfaction and people will start to wander off to other games…
I’m really not sure if we’re playing the same game here. There’s really no need for a place to store extra sets. If you want 2+ sets on your characters you pay in the inconvenience of having to keep them in your bags. Really it’s as simple as getting bigger bags which doesn’t take a whole lot of grinding. Also have you never heard of a wardrobe feature in a game before? Skins is pretty much how they work.
The end game since the beginning has been said to be, at least partially, cosmetic. Baring a few specific stat combinations, grinding dungeon tokens is almost solely for having the cosmetic skin.
You can get transmute stones or crystals through exploring or converting gold to gems without even spending real money. There’s not really pressure to get any of it. Pressure would suggest that to be good at the game you need those items while they are purely cosmetic.
I’m an rper, I’m purely about cosmetic and I can’t say I’ve ever felt pressured to get anything from the BLTP. Do keep in mind that Anet has to continue to make money though. You can’t exactly blame them for putting something cosmetic up for purchase so that they can continue to make the game for us.
The ‘pressure’ agrante refers to is simply desire. Something that he/she as a player wants to do because it would improve the in-game experience. GW2 places a lot of restrictions on things like this that players value in order to make money. It makes perfect sense – but we, the players, generally dislike it.
- some people will complain no matter what goodness gives them !
- a,net could give them 100g for dungeon completion and some would still complain jeesh !
- haters gonna hate and complainers gonna complain !
100 gold is meaningless if the economy is out of whack.
and the gold is NOT the point, the point is people like these will NEEEVERRR be happy they will always find something to complain about, even if you take them to heaven they’d complain that it is to peaceful there
It’s little different than grinding for any other cosmetic item in the game. I could grind the gold to convert to gems for a piece of armor or a packet of transmute crystals in the time that it would take me to pug Arah enough to get a full set of Arah armor. You pay for convenience but there’s nothing stopping you earning the gold for the items as well. Having a goal isn’t terrible.
The wardrobe is optional, you are only paying gold/money if you decide to change the skin on an item.
Your reply misses de point. We’re not having an expansion to store ‘real’ pieces of armor – like the concept of ‘wardrobe’ would suggest. Its a place to collect only skins and make it easier for people to transmute stuff. And that’s disappointing considering what I had imagined for something like this.
Buy more Bank Space, so simple, if you just need space to store all of your different Armor Sets, thats the exact reason, why ANet has made the Wardrobe System just more comfortable around Accoutnbound Skins (what will free up bank space for alot of items, that currently are only a 1 time use and block off only our bank space currently, because people don#t want to regret it having used these one time events for something wrong and havign no chance then anymore to reuse the skin)
With buying just more Bank Space, you will get more than plenty enough of space to store all kinds of Armor Sets for yoru characters, as you can buy up to 11 times 30 spaces more for your bank. thats 330 Bank Spaces you can use additionall to those spacrees, that you have from begin on, plus also the option to increase the maximum storage space of every of your single characters up to 7 times and if you give all of your characters for all bag slots a 20 space bag, thats also an awesome amount of of space you can use for equipment up to the point, that you really even don#t need to store any armor sets at all in the bank…
So I absolutely don#t see, where your personal problem is.
anet offers everything, what you want/need.
But that its an optional thing and not for free, I guess, thats the only real problem that you have here.
You expected the Wardrobe System to be some kind of free massive game improvement, that you don’t need to use somethign also like Transmutation Charges and due to this i guess, its natural that people are disappointed, when they enter the table already from begin on with false expectations, or simply said, just expect too much.
Yeah, you’re missing the point here. Yes, this update will add a lot of neat options for customization. However, based on the preview it fails as a true wardrobe.
The way wardrobe systems typically work is that they allow players to hot-swap their characters’ looks with ease (usually a single click). For example, in League of Legends each Champion skin you unlock has its own page, before the battle you just click and choose the one you want. In other MMOs (e.g Lord of the Rings Online and Rift), the wardrobe is really just a series of tabs or pages that store armor combinations. You can then click and choose the one you want, instantly changing that character’s look.
Using the bank was always inconvenient because you have to (a) Get to a banker and (b) Manually change each item individually. Bags are bit easier, but you still have to go through point (b). This relative inconvenience causes most players to just choose a look and stick with it.
I have absolutely no problem with ‘paying’ to unlock wardrobe tabs. Even at a few hundred gems per tab/per character. I believe most players feel the same way. But if this is not an option at all, then a lot of us will be missing out on the kind of freedom we were hoping for.
But that its an optional thing and not for free, I guess, thats the only real problem that you have here.
You expected the Wardrobe System to be some kind of free massive game improvement, that you don’t need to use somethign also like Transmutation Charges and due to this i guess, its natural that people are disappointed, when they enter the table already from begin on with false expectations, or simply said, just expect too much.
Egh, you blind fanbois make me cringe.
I’ve spent hundreds upon hundreds of € on Guild Wars 2, I have all bank tabs unlocked, 12 characters slots (all with all bag slots unlocked), bought pretty much every armor skin on the gem store, unlimited gathering tools, etc…
I work, I’m relatively well paid, and I don’t mind putting my money on a hobby I enjoy at all.
Have I earned the right to voice my dissatisfaction with a feature Anet is implementing yet for you? Do I need to spend more perhaps?
“hurr guild wars 2 isn’t free durr!”
No kitten… in fact, if you want a hassle free experience with the same sort of freedoms you see in other subscription based MMO’s it’s in fact ALOT MORE expensive than a subscription based MMO.
Tell you what, I’ll GLADLY pay 15€ which is 20 dollars a month for a wardrobe where I can store armors that I have crafted or gathered, or for a wardrobe that I can store skins and freely apply them whenever I want with unlimited uses, forever. And to have the other “gemstore” game limitations lifted.
Using the bank was always inconvenient because you have to (a) Get to a banker and (b) Manually change each item individually. Bags are bit easier, but you still have to go through point (b). This relative inconvenience causes most players to just choose a look and stick with it.
Why are you talking about the bank ? You’ll just have to push H to access the wardrobe.
That was in response to the post before mine. Scroll back up, it’ll make sense.
- some people will complain no matter what goodness gives them !
- a,net could give them 100g for dungeon completion and some would still complain jeesh !
- haters gonna hate and complainers gonna complain !
100 gold is meaningless if the economy is out of whack.
You missed the point completely. What Latinkuro means is that no matter what Anet does, there will always be people who want more, and there will always people who complain about something.
If Anet were to give everyone 5 free character slots tomorrow, there will still be people who’ll find a way to complain about it. Because people love to complain. Coming to these forums has made that very, very clear to me.
A lot of people seem to think that GW2 has been created to fill their every need. That the game should be modeled completely and only after their wishes. And that’s not how it works. And that’s why people complain about every.little.thing they can find.
I mean, I’ve already seen several topics about people complaining that the next patch will not include certain things (like dueling for instance). So instead of being happy about the new things they will get, they choose to focus on what they won’t get, which just makes them come across like spoiled children to me.
Note: The above statement does not necessarily apply to this topic’s OP, it’s more a general thing around these forums.
But that its an optional thing and not for free, I guess, thats the only real problem that you have here.
You expected the Wardrobe System to be some kind of free massive game improvement, that you don’t need to use somethign also like Transmutation Charges and due to this i guess, its natural that people are disappointed, when they enter the table already from begin on with false expectations, or simply said, just expect too much.
Egh, you blind fanbois make me cringe.
In which kind of a dream world do you live? Seriously…
This isn’t here wishthinking.
ANet needs to make money, thats the exact reason, why they dind’t completely remove the Transmutation System, because with a Wardrobe System that you expected, there wouldn’t be any sense anymore for the existance of the Transmutation System at all.
Thats why ANet completely changed the Transmutation System from the item related system into the Charge Function and linked it together with the Wardrobe System ,so that the Transmutation System keeps its reason for existance, so that Anet can keep on making money with it.
The sense behind the Wardrobe System was it from begin on only, to make GW2 more convenient. Thats exactly what Anet successfuly does with it. The game will become more convenient, but with the hook, that they still want you to use the Transmutation System for that convenience, so that anet can make also some profit from it
And I forbid me here the childish insulting term of “fanboy”. I’ve complained also already about enough things Anet did, or will do in the near future. I don’t take everything they do with just a Yes and Amen, like a silly Fanboy would do, whose fanboism would totally numb their ability to think over things first before saying Yes to everything…
What is really your problem here… Anet improves the game massively and that for FREE.
You and your problem with the changes sound here, like a person, who simply can’t get the mouth full enough. I hate people, who get a finger offered and bite directly after the whole hand >.>
Get back down to earth with your issues please. This is really laughable.
Just wait first, until the patch is there first and you could experience it, how it really plays out, when the features are there.
When you play this game so extreme excessively, that you needed to buy all of the Inventory and Bank Space Limit Breakers and all of that what Anet offers so far is still not enough for you, then it is not my, anyone else’ or Anet’s problem. Its just yours.
Who of us can know, what Anet will do next with the upcoming changes?
In fact – nobody. Anet speaks self in the blogpost, that they want to further improve the new Systems in the future and that the made changes now enable them to do that also, what it seems that the old systems weren’t able to be improved/upgraded in any kind of way without that system redesign first I guess.
However, the Transmutation Charge System is superior to a monthly fee, as it allows you to buy always more charges, when you just need more, not being charged automatically monthly, regardless if you actively play the game still, or not.
The variation of stats wasn’t really a problem for me. I never needed mroe than 3 stats sets: a celestial set for general purpose, a zerker set for dungeons and a soldier set for WvW. So that’s not the problem for me.
The skins was my problem: if I wanted to try a new skin I had to either overwrite the current look(not an option if the skin is no longer available becasue I dont want to destroy it) or craft a new weapon/armor with the same stats therefore wasting inventory space. Wardrobe will solve this problem for me.
I’m a little confused by this wardrobe, to be honest. Does the transmutation charge apply every single time you withdraw a skin? Or do you only need to apply it once per item (for each character) and can then withdraw that item as often as you please? I can live with the latter, but the former… would make me seriously consider quitting. I’ve been looking forward to a wardrobe for too long for it to be this restrictive.
For example. I’ve got the full Profane armor set on my Ele. I want to switch her look up now and again, so I plan to put together a mix of Sylvari T2/T3 Cultural and the TA set – Can I then switch between Profane and my mix-n-match set freely as long as I have transmuted them at least once?
The charge applies every time you withdraw a skin to use on a piece of gear.
If you want to keep a different set of gear with different skins on, then you can do so in your inventory, but if you want to keep the same gear and switch skins you need to pay a transmutation charge each time you switch.
And then I realised it’s just for skins and it’s designed to make it easy for people to spend more money in transmutations…
It does so much more than that. It addresses:
- Dual-wielding legendaries
- Dual-wielding expensive exotics
- Transmuting cultural armor
- Collecting skins
- Skins that you can only get one of, such as a lot of the Living Story stuff
There are good things it these changes though. But I can’t help but feel that, in a game that is supposed to be fun, relaxing and enjoyable, people are constantly feeling the pressure to buy all those things and the need to grind/spend real money to have them. Maybe eventually the pleasure becomes spoiled by stress and dissatisfaction and people will start to wander off to other games…
I have never felt any kind of pressure to buy anything from the Gem Store.
lol I love how Anet adds a feature that makes things more convenient, and people still complain because it isn’t convenient enough. In no way have they made anything less convenient. If you honestly believe that, please explain how this wardrobe would be less convenient than the system we currently have.
And Azure lol @ you at your response to the getting 100g for dungeon completions, you completely proved that guy’s point. You really would complain about anything, even free money. It’s a shame people have this kind of mentality.
I wish people could look at it as an actual QoL improvement instead of complaining that it isn’t what they wanted/thought it was going to be. It’s still an improvement.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
- some people will complain no matter what goodness gives them !
- a,net could give them 100g for dungeon completion and some would still complain jeesh !
- haters gonna hate and complainers gonna complain !
100 gold is meaningless if the economy is out of whack.
and the gold is NOT the point, the point is people like these will NEEEVERRR be happy they will always find something to complain about, even if you take them to heaven they’d complain that it is to peaceful there
I don’t think you fully grasp the point of the problem people have with the Wardrobe system. In fact, the vast majority of people in favor for it don’t seem to grasp what people, myself included, are upset about.
No one is complaining about the actual QoL aspect of the Wardrobe. Having all your skins stored in a single place for easy access is a great feature, and one I think everyone can agree on more games need to have.
What the majority of people are complaining about is the fact that all those awesome skins you’re unlocking are being locked behind a paywall, and not just a easy to bypass paywall either.
Assuming, and again this is all assumption since Anet has yet to even mention how Transmutation Charges will be acquired, that Transmutation Charges will only be acquirable through the Gemstore and possibly as a rare reward from Dailies (we still don’t know if Map Completion will still award Charges), it means that you’ll end up paying more for a skin you want to use than you would otherwise.
People on this forum are literally praising Anet for locking a system behind the Gem Store because..Honestly I have no idea. If any other game did this on the market, people would come down on it with a hammer and declare the company greedy, yet Anet is getting a free pass, and that bothers me.
There was zero reason for Anet to put the skin system behind a paygate like this. There is almost zero character progression in GW2 once you’ve hit the level cap outside of collecting dyes and armor to transmute.
The latter has always been locked behind the pay wall of gems, but now Dyes seem to be going in the same direction. Remind me again how this is okay? I’ve never agreed to Anet’s idea of locking Transmutation at 80 through Crystals that can only be acquired rarely through dailies or the gem store, and now they’re taking that and pushing it through all levels of the game.
Yet nearly every other free to play MMO on the market seems perfectly fine with allowing players to transmute/transmog their armor for just a middling amount of in-game currency, because their developers realize that doing something like that is fun, even for those who aren’t interested in end-game progression.
Anet’s already charging around ten dollars for skins in game, now they’re also going to be charging you for the use of them, as well as the ability to dye them.
This is what people are upset about, and the lack of clarification on Anet’s part in regards to how Transmutation Charges are going to be acquired is not helping matters either.
Anet’s already charging around ten dollars for skins in game, now they’re also going to be charging you for the use of them, as well as the ability to dye them.
You are NOT being charged any more to transmute skins than you already are. It is the same exact system, but they are calling them charges instead of crystals/stones.
Skins you buy from gem store, will still be the items you 2click to apply to a garment, once you do that (for free the first time) you can access those skins on any alt you have, but will have to use a xmute charge (stone/crystal) in the exact same way you normally would have, except now you don’t have to buy the gem store set all over again for another $10…it’s a complete improvement.
And about your second point: that’s the most blatantly incorrect statement I’ve heard thus far. There are no charges to dye your armor.
You clearly aren’t understanding what’s going on, and your explanation as to why people are upset clearly shows that they don’t understand what is going on either.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
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