New armor tournament only
I seem to recall them saying it will be possible to obtain them in the future (probably through some sort of reward-track or something I would think).
And to be fair, what else could they have given them? If there had been no rewards people would have complained just as much.
No matter what they do people will complain.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
Hopefully. It is bad enough if it takes playing PvP to get it, but if it takes winning tournaments then it really only for a small percentage of players.
I have thought it pretty ever since they announced the prices for Tournament of Legends and saw the picture of the light armor. Friday they showed the rest in the ‘Ready Up’ show. The chat was unappreciative of the designs, to put it nicely. I thought what a waste it would be to only give this only to a few people who may even not like it and leave those who want it, but aren’t tournament winners without a way to get it.
I seem to recall them saying it will be possible to obtain them in the future (probably through some sort of reward-track or something I would think).
If that were true, then it’d be acceptable to me. I wouldn’t mind if it took say, 1 or 2 years so PvPers can make the most of the bragging rights first.
Another option could have been to make the gemstore buyable and give them to the winners for free.
And to be fair, what else could they have given them? If there had been no rewards people would have complained just as much.
No matter what they do people will complain.
Emotes, finishers, a headpiece, or a costume, title and/or a new star next to their name.
The thing is, the masses only get costumes (which are impossible to dye, look the same on all and cost gems to boot) while a select few get armors (which vary per weight class, are mouch more customizable and look better than the costumes do anyway).
I’m sick of being forced to overpay for unusable outfits and I don’t see why Anet would design actual armors for just a select few.
The can feel the entitlement in this thread.
Everyone has the opportunity to get the new armor. Want it? Win the tournament.
Think of the armor like gold trim capes in gw1.
I agree with Mada. It’s for winners/participants in tournaments. You want a prize? Win one yourself.
So much delicious kitten in here. Tasty!
Now, it’s up to you. Want the exclusive armor for your Warrior/Guard/Ele?
Get good. No shortcuts and dulfy’s guides this time.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.
So finally some good looking new armor is released, and it is tournament only?
I guess the 99% other players aren’t worth Anet’s time…
Doesn’t it strike you as common sense for the tournament armour to be better looking than regular armour?
The armour looks so bad, I thought no one would want it. But the Guild Wars 2 community never ceases to surprise.
Anyone care to link the armour? – GW2 – A world of wonder
The medium male isn’t a trenchcoat. That alone makes it god tier 10/10 AOTY all years.
Anyone care to link the armour?
You can see it in the last ready up episode:-
I think its pretty good looking myself!
For the foreseeable future, I think the only way to get it, is by winning a Anet sanctioned tPvP tournament.
This is just me saying. But is it really such a horribly wrong thing for people to feel entitled to more variety in accessible armor/weapon releases after receiving minimal amounts of these after the game has been out for two years? Because… Two years. It’s not like it was yesterday.
I think this is two different discussions:
1) A disucssion about lack of new armor designs in general.
2) PvP exclusive tournament rewards
I think most people are okay with tournament winners getting their own unique skins, but they just feel that there could have been made more armors overall.
I believe the discussions would fall under the same filing; Before they start to make tournament exclusive skins, they should probably make more widely accessible things.
There is even several set of PvP skins (Like the tribal set) that remain unreleased to the public despite the data was there. Why not release them as compensation for giving out armor skins that will essentially be not accessible to anyone except the handful that bothers with tournaments?
I personally think that having these armour sets be tournament exclusive is a bad idea. It should be a reward for general PvP, perhaps reaching a certain rank, or unlocking via achievements.
That way it would even out the armour set distribution between PvE and PvP, meaning that since launch 3 sets have been added to PvE(Ascended) and then these 3 for PvP.
I think they should have made tournament exclusive weapons instead, just like they did with WvW recently. The Hero Forged weapons were incredible.
But either way, I applaud ArenaNet for releasing free armour sets again.
And the medium armour is one of my favourite medium armours in the game. – GW2 – A world of wonder
The game needs pvp/wvw/pve exclusive rewards. It’s a good thing. I do however fear they’ll put this behind ‘real’ tournaments only which would be very limiting.
Bring back: ‘Gamer’ title + MAT’s!
Throw out: Hotjoin!
I think this is great. People who sign up and play in these tournament should get some special swag.
I seem to recall them saying it will be possible to obtain them in the future (probably through some sort of reward-track or something I would think).
And to be fair, what else could they have given them? If there had been no rewards people would have complained just as much.
No matter what they do people will complain.
Anet, kitten ed if they do, kitten ed if they don’t.
Quite nice looking armour sets, though I’m secretly glad that they’re not the best ones ever. I’m fairly decent at PvP, though I stand zero chance of winning one of those, haha.
PvP exclusive sets are nice for sure, though I think it would be cooler if it could be obtained by achieving a certain (high) rank.
In any case I have no problems with it being exclusive to tournaments either, I probably wouldn’t be able to get it anyways.
Good on you anet. For once you’re doing something right. Do not ever release these on the gem store. If people want it bad enough they will get good at the game and actually earn it by entering tournaments.
For me, it’s not about the skins, but the time and resources spent on a tournament where only a very tiny percentage of the population will get them. SPvP is a failure, in terms of popularity, and Anet keeps trying to push e-sports on it’s playerbase, even though the playerbase has rejected it. They could’ve at least given one other set for regular SPvP players, in a reward track.
I think those armor skins look like absolute garbage. That said, I’m glad the tournament winners will get something exclusive. I don’t really care for spvp (at least this iteration of it), but if players are able to compete at the highest of levels and come out on top they should be rewarded properly.
I actually agree that making some skins exclusive to certain aspects of the game makes them more unique, and at least show you accomplished something, even if you aren’t good at it.
I’m waiting for the tribal set to be reinstated before going back to spvp, since it was the sole reason I was trying in the first place.
The twitch link is helpful, but about how far in to the 30 minute episode is the armor preview?
edit: Found it around 11 minutes. Snipped shots from the video on my screen of Light, Medium, Heavy (all on males) and Heavy dyed all Abyss to show the undyable green sections (female).
(edited by Donari.5237)
I would never play in tourney’s but it’s nice to see an armour set that rewards players for their skill, and not their wallets.
Is this about whether or not there should be armour exclusive to tourny wins? Because I 100% agree there should be exclusive armour. Not every set should be acquirable by doing any part of the game. Some sets should be there to show you do X part of the game.
If this is about the variety of armour, well, idk.
EDIT: If those are the armours above, LOL they’re not THAT nice…