New downloads everyday, getting annoying
I feel you bro, but there’s nothing we can do, we are just unfortunate to have bad internet. I’d rather it this way, tan download a 200mb once a week, I can only not play for so long.
Ok. So be mad at the week long items/events that stay bugged broken vs having them broken for a day or two.
I’m fully against patches being delayed just because some people don’t want them as often. And it’s not really viable to have clients of different versions connecting either (if it was delaying your own updates instead of everyone’s).
in the list of developers I have the least faith & trust in.
Congratulations ArenaNet!
Having the patches small and frequent is one of the things i love about guild wars. I hate other games where you have to wait a month or more for anything to get fixed.
Better this way. It’s a matter of time before you come across a bug you hate even more than waiting for the patch. When they patch every day, it proves they are constantly fixing, and that’s a + in my book.