New dungeon rewards character based?

New dungeon rewards character based?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Unknown.3672


Does anyone know if the new daily reward gold is account based or if its character based each day?

(edited by Moderator)

New dungeon rewards character based?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kokiman.2364


How should WE know it?

GuildWars 2

Currently playing Heart of Thorns.

New dungeon rewards character based?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LanfearShadowflame.3189


Considering ‘account based’ is the trend, I am going to assume it is account based, and I am ok with that. IMHO I dont think you should be able to farm the guaranteed reward by just swapping characters. Sort of puts those that don’t have a bunch of characters at a disadvantage (and I do have several so, Im not just thinking of me here). Making it account based puts everyone on a level playing field for acquisition.

Don’t look at me like that. Whatever you’ve heard, it’s probably not true.

New dungeon rewards character based?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Unknown.3672


Considering ‘account based’ is the trend, I am going to assume it is account based, and I am ok with that. IMHO I dont think you should be able to farm the guaranteed reward by just swapping characters. Sort of puts those that don’t have a bunch of characters at a disadvantage (and I do have several so, Im not just thinking of me here). Making it account based puts everyone on a level playing field for acquisition.

Thanks for the response

New dungeon rewards character based?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vol.5241


Considering ‘account based’ is the trend, I am going to assume it is account based, and I am ok with that. IMHO I dont think you should be able to farm the guaranteed reward by just swapping characters. Sort of puts those that don’t have a bunch of characters at a disadvantage (and I do have several so, Im not just thinking of me here). Making it account based puts everyone on a level playing field for acquisition.

So what if it puts them at a ‘disadvantage’. Everyone has an equal opportunity to level alts. If you don’t want to level an alt, then you certainly don’t deserve the extra reward for the effort/gold that other people put in.

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Magic find works.

New dungeon rewards character based?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LanfearShadowflame.3189


Considering ‘account based’ is the trend, I am going to assume it is account based, and I am ok with that. IMHO I dont think you should be able to farm the guaranteed reward by just swapping characters. Sort of puts those that don’t have a bunch of characters at a disadvantage (and I do have several so, Im not just thinking of me here). Making it account based puts everyone on a level playing field for acquisition.

Thanks for the response

Keep in mind I used the word assume in there. I could totally be wrong, but I’m seriously leaning towards account based simply based on recent updates/changes/additions.

Don’t look at me like that. Whatever you’ve heard, it’s probably not true.

New dungeon rewards character based?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LanfearShadowflame.3189


Considering ‘account based’ is the trend, I am going to assume it is account based, and I am ok with that. IMHO I dont think you should be able to farm the guaranteed reward by just swapping characters. Sort of puts those that don’t have a bunch of characters at a disadvantage (and I do have several so, Im not just thinking of me here). Making it account based puts everyone on a level playing field for acquisition.

So what if it puts them at a ‘disadvantage’. Everyone has an equal opportunity to level alts. If you don’t want to level an alt, then you certainly don’t deserve the extra reward for the effort/gold that other people put in.

Its more than just leveling alts. Not everyone can afford to purchase a dozen character slots, which was more what I was going for.

Not only that, but being able to get the reward per character encourages this alt farming mentality, which I don’t think is what they want. Yes, they want to make the paths rewarding. They want more people to do more of them, rather than just farming 1 or 2 brainlessly. They don’t want you devoting all your time to doing them over and over again all day. They want you to switch it up and have spice in your life.

Yes, there are those that all they do is dungeons (and then whine about how boring they are). From the dungeon paths I’ve done (admittedly not many), they only take 15-30 minutes. This implies to me that they aren’t really designed to be the ‘staple’ of someone’s gaming diet.

Don’t look at me like that. Whatever you’ve heard, it’s probably not true.

New dungeon rewards character based?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Unknown.3672


I can see you point but its still kinda lame because now I think i will just play one of the top tier classes to get my daily dungeon paths and play alts a lot less.

(edited by Unknown.3672)

New dungeon rewards character based?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kimhyuna.1035


Considering ‘account based’ is the trend, I am going to assume it is account based, and I am ok with that. IMHO I dont think you should be able to farm the guaranteed reward by just swapping characters. Sort of puts those that don’t have a bunch of characters at a disadvantage (and I do have several so, Im not just thinking of me here). Making it account based puts everyone on a level playing field for acquisition.

What about people who have spent the time leveling a number of level 80s?


New dungeon rewards character based?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LanfearShadowflame.3189


What about it?

I’m still leveling alts up, account bound or not. Why? Because each class is a different experience. Each one plays differently and has a different personality. Just because I get the ‘daily reward’ with my ele doesn’t mean I can’t do it with my necro if I want do. I still get the chest at the end. I just don’t get the guaranteed money.

Are you really telling me that you only play your alts to farm? They mean nothing to you except as a source of income? If so, then just wow. I really don’t understand. My alts are there because I enjoy playing them. Personally, I felt GW1 where most everything was character bound was alt discouraging. GW2 removes the stress of ‘choosing’ a main to build. Here I can simply ‘play’ and enjoy it.

Don’t look at me like that. Whatever you’ve heard, it’s probably not true.

New dungeon rewards character based?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sarrs.4831


I am perfectly, 100% fine with the gold reward being account based. What I’m worried about is dungeon tokens. I have 6 characters who I run CoF on (occasionally) to get me them CoF badges for berserkers gear to gear up more alts to run more CoF.

So yeah. Will badges be moved to the new Champion Bags or will they remain on dungeon completion? I think it’d be neat if they went to the bags, so people have an incentive to do all the bosses even if they can skip some.

Nalhadia – Kaineng

New dungeon rewards character based?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LanfearShadowflame.3189


I dont think I understand what you mean by Champion Bags?

All of the dungeon tokens are being moved to the account based currency wallet, so any char can use any of the currency you build (on any of them).

Don’t look at me like that. Whatever you’ve heard, it’s probably not true.

New dungeon rewards character based?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TooBz.3065


Considering ‘account based’ is the trend, I am going to assume it is account based, and I am ok with that. IMHO I dont think you should be able to farm the guaranteed reward by just swapping characters. Sort of puts those that don’t have a bunch of characters at a disadvantage (and I do have several so, Im not just thinking of me here). Making it account based puts everyone on a level playing field for acquisition.

To me this raises an interesting point. Frequently, whenever people complain about things being soul bound / rediscovering waypoints / gearing up alts / etc. People say something to the effect of each character is unique and must be developed separately. However, if someone complains about rewards that are account bound people say, well it’s still your account. You shouldn’t get more rewards by just swapping toons.

Either viewpoint is fine, but honestly, can we stick to one. Either each toon is a totally separate and independent character, in which case daily rewards should be character bound or each toon is just an avatar that the player puts on in which case everything should be account bound.

This “kitten alts no matter what” approach that ANet and the community seems to adopt is really annoying.

Anything I post is just the opinion of a very vocal minority of 1.

(edited by TooBz.3065)

New dungeon rewards character based?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sarrs.4831


I dont think I understand what you mean by Champion Bags?

All of the dungeon tokens are being moved to the account based currency wallet, so any char can use any of the currency you build (on any of them).

Where you get the tokens, not where they’re stored.

At the moment, you get tokens in two ways; the already-existing bags of loot that’re on the bosses’ loot tables, which give you 3 each, and by finishing the run, that gives you 60 tokens.

So I’m wondering whether they’ll cut the loot bags that bosses currently drop (that give 3 tokens), add those champ bags, and then add all the tokens (so, like, 20 tokens or so per boss) to the champ bag. It’s not explicitly confirmed, but I imagine the Legendary enemies will also drop champ bags.

Nalhadia – Kaineng

(edited by Sarrs.4831)

New dungeon rewards character based?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kimhyuna.1035


What about it?

I’m still leveling alts up, account bound or not. Why? Because each class is a different experience. Each one plays differently and has a different personality. Just because I get the ‘daily reward’ with my ele doesn’t mean I can’t do it with my necro if I want do. I still get the chest at the end. I just don’t get the guaranteed money.

Are you really telling me that you only play your alts to farm? They mean nothing to you except as a source of income? If so, then just wow. I really don’t understand. My alts are there because I enjoy playing them. Personally, I felt GW1 where most everything was character bound was alt discouraging. GW2 removes the stress of ‘choosing’ a main to build. Here I can simply ‘play’ and enjoy it.

Yes, I do play my alts to farm. Am I an evil person because I think of virtual characters as a way to make more capital? I am sure there are many other people out there that do the same thing (heck most days we see people switching toons after the second run when tokens drop from 60 to 20). You might play and ‘ENJOY’ a character, and more power to you for doing so, but not everyone will conform to this idealology.


New dungeon rewards character based?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LanfearShadowflame.3189


I find I have a foot in both camps, and from other posts you’ve probably noted this.

Yes, I hold to each character is its own entity. So things like map exploration, quests, story missions, etc are a requirement of ‘growing’ that character. It is part of the leveling process.

On the other hand, each character is part of a single account, and some things do require account binding. Titles, for example. I feel this is much improved over having to gring the same title on ever char to have it on ever char in GW1. Can you imagine how unfun it would be to do some of the LS achieves on multiple characters?

In regards to the dungeons, I think a balance between alt friendly and account bound needs to be found. I don’t feel its right to punish someone that cant afford to have a dozen alts or doesn’t have the time in the evening to run that many, while the person that does and gets to play 8+ hours a day gets all the goodies. I was one of those people that got all the goodies in GW1 because I was on 10+ hours a day, and I had 44 characters maxed out with which to alt swap and farm events and such, and even then I really didn’t feel it was right, or fair. I justified it by telling myself ‘well, Im doing it for my guildies’ and I did share with my guildies, but I always had way more than I needed to simply share with them, and I profited off it. While there is nothing wrong with making a profit, being able to do it in obscene amounts (which was exactly what I did, and could happen here) is broken.

Don’t look at me like that. Whatever you’ve heard, it’s probably not true.

New dungeon rewards character based?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mad Rasputin.7809

Mad Rasputin.7809

If the rewards are going to be fairly nice, then I can understand the account bound part. Puts it inline with their philosphy dealing with world bosses also.

But it really sucks for ALTs because currently people can run a path for full rewards on any character they have once per day. Now it might be once per account?

New dungeon rewards character based?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LanfearShadowflame.3189


Where you get the tokens, not where they’re stored.

At the moment, you get tokens in two ways; the already-existing bags of loot that’re on the bosses’ loot tables, which give you 3 each, and by finishing the run, that gives you 60 tokens.

So I’m wondering whether they’ll cut the loot bags that bosses currently drop (that give 3 tokens), add those champ bags, and then add all the tokens (so, like, 20 tokens or so per boss) to the champ bag. It’s not explicitly confirmed, but I imagine the Legendary enemies will also drop champ bags.

Ah, I get it now. That’s a good question, since those bags give you karma and gold too. I don’t see why they would, but who knows.

Yes, I do play my alts to farm. Am I an evil person because I think of virtual characters as a way to make more capital? I am sure there are many other people out there that do the same thing (heck most days we see people switching toons after the second run when tokens drop from 60 to 20). You might play and ‘ENJOY’ a character, and more power to you for doing so, but not everyone will conform to this idealology.

Evil, no. Confusing, yeah. I don’t doubt you are one among many though, and that’s fine. My view is my own, and its fine that you don’t necessarily agree. We definitely play differently, and admittedly my play style has changed over the years. (Great, now I feel old)

I can understand the desire to want to have it character bound. That feeling that you need to be rewarded for spending the time building that character with something more than just the satisfaction of doing so. I do see your perspective, that’s fine. My concern is the potential exploitation of such a system, and we’ve already seen that they players will exploit it to the max that they can if they are allowed.

Edit: Perhaps, letting it be character bound, but limiting the number of characters? This way people with obscene numbers of alts (and I was one of them back in the day) don’t ‘get all the goodies’ as I put it previously. Say, limit it to 8 chars? Would be reasonable, no?

Don’t look at me like that. Whatever you’ve heard, it’s probably not true.

(edited by LanfearShadowflame.3189)

New dungeon rewards character based?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kimhyuna.1035


I can understand the desire to want to have it character bound. That feeling that you need to be rewarded for spending the time building that character with something more than just the satisfaction of doing so. I do see your perspective, that’s fine. My concern is the potential exploitation of such a system, and we’ve already seen that they players will exploit it to the max that they can if they are allowed.

I can definitely understand the exploitation side of things, but anet could implement a system of diminishing reward where the rewards would be less than that of the max. That way, they reward those who have dedicated time into leveling alts and different classes, but not so much as to make those who have a limited play time feel lesser.

As it stands, we dont know what route they will take I guess, but an account bound system simply caters to the casuals imo.


New dungeon rewards character based?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TooBz.3065


I find I have a foot in both camps, and from other posts you’ve probably noted this.

Yes, I hold to each character is its own entity. So things like map exploration, quests, story missions, etc are a requirement of ‘growing’ that character. It is part of the leveling process.

On the other hand, each character is part of a single account, and some things do require account binding. Titles, for example. I feel this is much improved over having to gring the same title on ever char to have it on ever char in GW1. Can you imagine how unfun it would be to do some of the LS achieves on multiple characters?

In regards to the dungeons, I think a balance between alt friendly and account bound needs to be found. I don’t feel its right to punish someone that cant afford to have a dozen alts or doesn’t have the time in the evening to run that many, while the person that does and gets to play 8+ hours a day gets all the goodies. I was one of those people that got all the goodies in GW1 because I was on 10+ hours a day, and I had 44 characters maxed out with which to alt swap and farm events and such, and even then I really didn’t feel it was right, or fair. I justified it by telling myself ‘well, Im doing it for my guildies’ and I did share with my guildies, but I always had way more than I needed to simply share with them, and I profited off it. While there is nothing wrong with making a profit, being able to do it in obscene amounts (which was exactly what I did, and could happen here) is broken.

I agree there needs to be a balance. But I don’t think the balance is as simple as rewards are account bound while work is character bound (which seems to be the way things are going.) (and yes, parts of this game are work, pure drudgery)

I understand the fear that people with one “main” would create dummy accounts to farm the reward, but that’s just limiting the enjoyment of people who play the game with alts because some other people abuse the system.

They could do a lot of things to alleviate this problem. Dyes could be account bound (people with one main don’t die their throwaway alts anyway.) Ascended gear could have been account bound (there would still be a convenience factor associated with multiple sets, but you wouldn’t have to be under-geared. Cultural armor could have been skins that you unlock instead of pieces you buy. Etc…

Instead, sometimes it feels like ANet is farming me.

Edit: Is it also not fair to punish someone who spent the time and effort leveling and gearing up a stable of characters. Also, character slots can be purchased with in game gold so there really isn’t an economic argument.

Edit2: People have gotten rich exploiting the TP, but ANet hasn’t done anything about it. There are no caps on trades per day, no cooldown period between buying and selling. Really nothing at all to cut into the profits of the people who are willing to put in the time and effort into the TP. Why treat dungeons differently?

Edit 3: (Sorry can’t stop) Also, if you play this game 10 hours per day over an extended period of time I would expect you to be obscenely wealthy. In fact, I’d see it as a problem if you weren’t.

Edit 4: Just so my position is clear. I actually want almost EVERYTHING to be account bound. In my view, I am one person playing one game. Whether or not I use 1 character slot out of the 5 I get for signing up or 25 that I purchase, I am still me. Still the same human. Every times an alt says “I’ve never been here before” I think “I have”

Anything I post is just the opinion of a very vocal minority of 1.

(edited by TooBz.3065)

New dungeon rewards character based?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LanfearShadowflame.3189


I can definitely understand the exploitation side of things, but anet could implement a system of diminishing reward where the rewards would be less than that of the max. That way, they reward those who have dedicated time into leveling alts and different classes, but not so much as to make those who have a limited play time feel lesser.

As it stands, we dont know what route they will take I guess, but an account bound system simply caters to the casuals imo.

They could, and I could easily see that. It already exists within the current dungeon system if I recall. (I dont ever do the same path more than once a day so I’ve not a clue)

I wouldnt necessarily say account binding ‘caters to the casuals.’ It certainly puts them on equal terms with players that are on more hours. However, there are other reasons for doing such things in a game. . Its never cut and dry when it comes to these types of decisions.

They may opt to do it so as not to flood the market with currency. Keep in mind that they are removing the other guaranteed coin rewards from bosses for this purpose.

I guess we’ll see how it actually goes in a week or so, unless a dev opts to pop in here and clarify for us.

Don’t look at me like that. Whatever you’ve heard, it’s probably not true.

New dungeon rewards character based?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Viking Jorun.5413

Viking Jorun.5413

The ‘guaranteed reward chest’ from world events is character bound, so I’m going to assume the dungeons will be the same way.

New dungeon rewards character based?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kimhyuna.1035


I don’t know, I have 1 level 80 and 1300h in the game, and I wouldn’t define myself as casual.

(This post was funded by the “farming does not equal hardcoreness” awareness foundation)

You can define yourself however you want to.


New dungeon rewards character based?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TooBz.3065


The ‘guaranteed reward chest’ from world events is character bound, so I’m going to assume the dungeons will be the same way.

I think they are account bound.

Anything I post is just the opinion of a very vocal minority of 1.

New dungeon rewards character based?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LanfearShadowflame.3189


I agree there needs to be a balance. But I don’t think the balance is as simple as rewards are account bound while work is character bound (which seems to be the way things are going.) (and yes, parts of this game are work, pure drudgery)

I understand the fear that people with one “main” would create dummy accounts to farm the reward, but that’s just limiting the enjoyment of people who play the game with alts because some other people abuse the system.

They could do a lot of things to alleviate this problem. Dyes could be account bound (people with one main don’t die their throwaway alts anyway.) Ascended gear could have been account bound (there would still be a convenience factor associated with multiple sets, but you wouldn’t have to be under-geared. Cultural armor could have been skins that you unlock instead of pieces you buy. Etc…

I actually won’t argue with most of that. I agree that dye should be account bound as they once said it would be.

Ascended armor I’m still meh on. We’ll see how that craziness works out.

As for Cultural, I like thakittens more than just a skin. I can buy myself a set of correct level armor if I can’t craft it. I miss the days where I can just walk up to a vendor and buy my darn armor. Would be nice if I had stat choice on it though.

Yes, there are many things they could do to fix a lot of the issues, and with some of the things they have been giving us, we may yet see some of it.

Instead, sometimes it feels like ANet is farming me.

Sometimes, yes.

Edit: Is it also not fair to punish someone who spent the time and effort leveling and gearing up a stable of characters. Also, character slots can be purchased with in game gold so there really isn’t an economic argument.

Edit2: People have gotten rich exploiting the TP, but ANet hasn’t done anything about it. There are no caps on trades per day, no cooldown period between buying and selling. Really nothing at all to cut into the profits of the people who are willing to put in the time and effort into the TP. Why treat dungeons differently?

Edit 3: (Sorry can’t stop) Also, if you play this game 10 hours per day over an extended period of time I would expect you to be obscenely wealthy. In fact, I’d see it as a problem if you weren’t.

Not finished, but have to pop into a meeting, I’ll be back

Don’t look at me like that. Whatever you’ve heard, it’s probably not true.

New dungeon rewards character based?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vatras.2806


I guess everyone already forgot about Colin’s blog, that was released 8 days ago…

To encourage players to participate in a wider array of dungeon content, we’ve designed the system so if you complete the same dungeon path twice in one day, you’ll receive the normal reward for completion, but won’t receive the bonus gold reward again during that day.

If you read it carefully it says you only get the reward once. The normal reward for completing the dungeons can be obtained at least twice.

New dungeon rewards character based?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TooBz.3065


Not finished, but have to pop into a meeting, I’ll be back

I look forward to it. My thoughts on this are evolving rapidly right now and it’s nice to have someone thoughtful to discuss it with (if I seem kitteny, I’m mostly frustrated with this aspect of the game.) I see that as the single thing that is most likely to make to me stop playing, so it’s important to me..

Good point on the cultural armor. My thinking was more about T3 which is ridiculously expensive. Once I buy it I feel like it should generally be unlocked.

My current thinking is that, as a starting position, everything should be per account. Nothing should be soulbound, dyes should be unlocked for the account, waypoints should be unlocked for the account, dungeon rewards should be earned per account, etc… This view is based on the idea that I am playing the game. My characters are not independent entities but extensions of myself as a gamer.

From that position, I can see backing off for some things. Maybe waypoints should be unlocked, but hearts should not. The personal story shouldn’t be completed. Alts should not be level 80.

I don’t know what to do about the 100% map completion gift. I kind of feel like once you’ve done map completion for the account, it should be done for the account meaning that you maybe shouldn’t get just two.

Anyway, it’s mostly irrelevant as this is not the game ANet created.

Note: i think there’s also merit to the other position. Everything is separate. having two toons is exactly the same as having two accounts. Of course, I can’t imagine that anyone would create alts under this system, but were getting there anyway.

Edit: Also, not all skins should be unlocked. But some should. I’m not sure how to balance this.

Anything I post is just the opinion of a very vocal minority of 1.

(edited by TooBz.3065)

New dungeon rewards character based?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mad Rasputin.7809

Mad Rasputin.7809

I guess everyone already forgot about Colin’s blog, that was released 8 days ago…

To encourage players to participate in a wider array of dungeon content, we’ve designed the system so if you complete the same dungeon path twice in one day, you’ll receive the normal reward for completion, but won’t receive the bonus gold reward again during that day.

If you read it carefully it says you only get the reward once. The normal reward for completing the dungeons can be obtained at least twice.

To be fair, you really don’t no if he is talking about running the same path on the same character or running the same path on ANY character.

New dungeon rewards character based?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: maddoctor.2738


Unless someone makes his alts to farm CoF P1 all day, making this new reward Account bound won’t hurt. There are many dungeons out there and you can do multiple paths on multiple characters.

New dungeon rewards character based?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tarnsman.8092


Every person I have ran dungeons with always run the path with the same character and just swap out characters at the end of the run to get the reward. This will stop that. Not an issue for me since I don’t do that but I can see where it will be an issue with some players.

New dungeon rewards character based?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TooBz.3065


Actually I have run COF p1 with multiple toons / day in order to gear up an alt. It was an easy way to get (at the time) 198 tokens / day. After all, if I was going to run it three times anyway, you may as well get the reward. But I never swapped out a toon at the end.

I quit doing it because it’s boring.

Anything I post is just the opinion of a very vocal minority of 1.

New dungeon rewards character based?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LanfearShadowflame.3189


Back… I think, from one meeting right into the next. Woo boy. Thank goodness for lunch time…


Edit: Is it also not fair to punish someone who spent the time and effort leveling and gearing up a stable of characters. Also, character slots can be purchased with in game gold so there really isn’t an economic argument.

On the same note, is not unjust to punish someone that doesn’t have the time to devote? The person could be a loyal player, on every night for the hour or so they can manage, and on for a few more hours on the weekend; however, they can’t possibly compete with someone that doesn’t have a job, or a family, for character building. A person that spends more time in game is going to have more gold, and still be able to buy more character slots, as such still giving them a greater advantage. And while there is nothing wrong with that per se, for exploit reasons we have to draw the line somewhere.

Edit2: People have gotten rich exploiting the TP, but ANet hasn’t done anything about it. There are no caps on trades per day, no cooldown period between buying and selling. Really nothing at all to cut into the profits of the people who are willing to put in the time and effort into the TP. Why treat dungeons differently?

Because its not the same thing? People get rich playing the stock market too, but not everyone is lucky enough to manage it, the same works for the TP. They are different animals, with a lot of risk/reward for the TP, just as with stocks, what sells amazing one day may be dirt cheap the next. The ebb and flow of supply and demand. Do I agree with some of the crazy TP prices, no, but the game and economy are still very young. In time things will settle down, and I’m not talking months. I’m talking years.

Edit 3: (Sorry can’t stop) Also, if you play this game 10 hours per day over an extended period of time I would expect you to be obscenely wealthy. In fact, I’d see it as a problem if you weren’t.

I would expect this too, actually. Time = money; however there is a balance to be had between how much you should get for the time you put in. Flooding the economy with gold, which is what being able to dungeon on every char would do, is not necessarily a good thing. It also widens the gap between the ‘haves’ and ‘have nots’ and we have already seen the venom between these groups. I don’t really see letting the ‘elite 3%’ of the game have all the gold, while the other 97% struggle and get left behind. (Random %s here, don’t have the actual numbers). This is similar to real life, the rich get richer and the poor stand still. No matter what they do, they never seem to get ahead…and personally, I really don’t think that’s right. Sure, I’m not big on hand outs…but I am all good with evening the odds.

I guess everyone already forgot about Colin’s blog, that was released 8 days ago…

To encourage players to participate in a wider array of dungeon content, we’ve designed the system so if you complete the same dungeon path twice in one day, you’ll receive the normal reward for completion, but won’t receive the bonus gold reward again during that day.

If you read it carefully it says you only get the reward once. The normal reward for completing the dungeons can be obtained at least twice.

I didn’t remember all the fine details of the blog post. Thank you for pointing that out.

@Rasputin, based on the wording, I would think it would mean once period. Not once per character.

I look forward to it. My thoughts on this are evolving rapidly right now and it’s nice to have someone thoughtful to discuss it with (if I seem kitteny, I’m mostly frustrated with this aspect of the game.) I see that as the single thing that is most likely to make to me stop playing, so it’s important to me..

I always seem kitteny, but then again I’m not politically correct ever. Which is why I’m a developer and don’t work with people. Haha

Good point on the cultural armor. My thinking was more about T3 which is ridiculously expensive. Once I buy it I feel like it should generally be unlocked.

I can understand your view there, but I can also understand why its so expensive. Price is partly a deterrent, so not everyone will have it. It is also a money sink to help them remove gold from the game, keeping its value stable. I also look at this similarly to ‘elite’ armors in GW1, once you bought it, even if you had another of the same class, you’d still have to buy it again if you wanted them to have it. Just like you have to craft another armor set for another character here. By your thought line, should you only have to craft a single set and then have it for every char that wears that tier? Or should you have to craft each one their own set?

Don’t look at me like that. Whatever you’ve heard, it’s probably not true.

New dungeon rewards character based?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LanfearShadowflame.3189



My current thinking is that, as a starting position, everything should be per account. Nothing should be soulbound, dyes should be unlocked for the account, waypoints should be unlocked for the account, dungeon rewards should be earned per account, etc… This view is based on the idea that I am playing the game. My characters are not independent entities but extensions of myself as a gamer.

From that position, I can see backing off for some things. Maybe waypoints should be unlocked, but hearts should not. The personal story shouldn’t be completed. Alts should not be level 80.

Yes and no. I see your point, to you each character is a skin. To me, each is an individual, that needs to experience the world after its birth. Waypoints, to me, are like unlocking towns in GW1. Its part of the story, part of your journey. If they were simply available when you make a new character what is there to encourage you to do anything beyond just bouncing from spot to spot to do the story? By the same thought, if you have a ranger and you’ve captured all the pets on it, if you make another ranger (say of a different race) shouldn’t you therefore automatically have all the pets on that one as well? After all, its just a skin. Or should that character have to go out and earn those pets, as tedious as it may be, just like the first did, as that is part of its growth?

I don’t know what to do about the 100% map completion gift. I kind of feel like once you’ve done map completion for the account, it should be done for the account meaning that you maybe shouldn’t get just two.

It’s a big map, if you want to invest time exploring it thoroughly on multiple characters, yes this is something I feel should be rewarded. That is a lot of time per character to re-accomplish a goal. Days of play. You could argue this is the same thing as the dungeons, but I disagree based on the fact that the majority of dungeon paths take 30 min or less to complete. If map completion could be done that fast, a heck of a lot more people would do it, which would make the reward for it ‘over powered.’

Note: i think there’s also merit to the other position. Everything is separate. having two toons is exactly the same as having two accounts. Of course, I can’t imagine that anyone would create alts under this system, but were getting there anyway.

I’m happy having alts under this system. I feel less pressured to have to do everything on all of them in order to ‘keep up.’

Edit: Also, not all skins should be unlocked. But some should. I’m not sure how to balance this.

I think I can agree with this. Having to work to unlock some skins, similarly to having to find those out of the way outposts in GW1 for the elite armors. Kind of along your thought lines?

Don’t look at me like that. Whatever you’ve heard, it’s probably not true.

(edited by LanfearShadowflame.3189)

New dungeon rewards character based?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TooBz.3065


I don’t think we can reconcile these two views. I understand your character as an individual and you understand my character as a skin viewpoint. But I think that they are mutually exclusive. We can’t have it both ways.

Which, honestly, makes me a little sad, cause frankly I’m sick of grinding new stuff every time I want to try something a little different. Oh well

Anything I post is just the opinion of a very vocal minority of 1.

New dungeon rewards character based?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LanfearShadowflame.3189


I don’t think we can reconcile these two views. I understand your character as an individual and you understand my character as a skin viewpoint. But I think that they are mutually exclusive. We can’t have it both ways.

Which, honestly, makes me a little sad, cause frankly I’m sick of grinding new stuff every time I want to try something a little different. Oh well

I can agree to disagree. We play differently is all.

Still, I can agree with the gripe about having to grind anytime I want something new. However; at the same time, I accept that as ‘part of the charm’ to having alts, or wanting multiple armor sets, etc.

I have to ask though, perhaps part of it might be who you play with?

Even, as alt-loving as I am, I don’t like having to unlock waypoints with each character. Yes, it slows me down. Going through the map over again gets tedious. However, I find that the tedium disappears when I’m truly having fun with the people around me. I completely forget that ‘x’ character already did it, and it would be easier to just go it on them. Grabbing and friend and leveling together, just chatting about nothing….everything just flies by.

When I’m alone, oh yeah, I’m right with you on ‘I already unlocked this, why cant I just have it’ but I know if I did, I really wouldn’t be happy.

So maybe, you just need some new company?

Don’t look at me like that. Whatever you’ve heard, it’s probably not true.