New, expected nothing and got a surprise.

New, expected nothing and got a surprise.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sanso.8791


So yes hi!
I bought the game about a week ago because I noticed it was on sale and I was looking about for something a bit different but familiar enough that I would not be all at sea wondering what I was meant to do. I kind of installed the game with the premise that expectations ought to be low and it would probably turn out to be the same old fetch me carry me but with a different bag.

On my first foray into Divinity’s Reach my reaction was …. well it would be against the T&C to write what I said because heck does it look good. I mean REALLY good. I have a decent puter with a funky GPU but still, most parts of the game (that I have seen) look amazing and some areas simply take my breath away. For an mmo it is amazing. I have played a good few mmo’s (that I understand it is against forum policy to mention) including a rather recent and hyped paid alpha and I can honestly say that this game holds its own against any of them graphically. Subjective I know but it has my vote.

Of course there is still fetch me carry me but strangely I don’t notice it and I really don’t care on the odd occasion that I do. The fact that for the most part I can choose what to do to fill up the progress bar is simply brilliant and on top of that to have something else like an event trigger on the side and have that impact the progress of what I was doing in a positive way is excellent. Before I know it I have achieved whatever it was I was supposed to whilst interacting with the world in a natural way. It is so simple and yet so innovative. I am hooked.

Forgive my enthusiasm, I know you all probably felt this way when you were new but I am so jaded by the same old tired mechanics that I simply was not expecting it to be so different. Of course there will be things that bug me …. I am not green enough to expect otherwise. I might get to a point where those things bug me more that the wonder and excitement I feel as a noob but for now I am going to enjoy it. I could kick myself for not trying it sooner.

Anyway I am happy to meet you all and to be here. I am a bit of a loner in game and tend not to group, not at all because I am antisocial but rather that I am really a terrible gamer. I have MS and do sometimes find things difficult but honestly I was just as sucky before I got sick so I can’t use that as an excuse. However I play to have fun and in my own funky, frustratingly inept way probably have just as much fun as the most uber elite among you and that is what gaming should be about imho. Still, if this were high school I would be the kid whose only responsibility was putting the gym mats and basketballs away. (But I do like the fact that I can just wander into a big boss fight, try my best and then toddle off again. How cool is that! ) Do say hi though if you see me in world.

Also I just previewed this post and realised what a wall of text there was. Sorry about that but did I mention I was excited?

New, expected nothing and got a surprise.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

Welcome to Tyria! May your adventures be long and full of wonder and excitement. Once you are ready, I hope you find the Living Story fun and fulfilling, as well! =)

New, expected nothing and got a surprise.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Georgieee.4958


Well welcome to Tyria :P And without a doubt this MMO is prob one of the most gorgeous and artistic games around (considering it is an MMO). I liked how you pointed out that you can waddle into an epic world boss encounter and contribute…regardless if you consider yourself an elite gamer or a casual; there’s a bit of something for us all. Be sure to join a guild though! There are sooo many guilds with different focuses and interests; Without a doubt! You will find a casual and relaxed guild that share the same interests and play styles as yourself. Plus it truly makes the experience better. Have fun!

New, expected nothing and got a surprise.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jarrix.8234


Welcome! Glad you’re enjoying the game.

My #1 tip for new players:

Turn your chat off and don’t read these forums for at least 3 months. It’ll be the best decision you make.

Envy – Fort Aspenwood

New, expected nothing and got a surprise.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


After about 2,000 hours you’ll be desperate for something new and then you try another game and you’ll end up back In Guild Wars 2.

Turn back now if you want to save your life!

New, expected nothing and got a surprise.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sanso.8791


Thanks for the welcomes and yes, I say I never group and ordinarily I don’t but I have grouped more in the past week than I ever have in years of playing mmos. It’s just that here it does not feel so formal, totally natural that a big beastie appears on the landscape and anyone who may be in the area merge on it and send it back whence it came. Then they all disperse just as quickly. I think that alone is a reason to play, for me at least. No need for me to apologise in advance, no need to worry folks will blame me for a fail …… just join in, do what I can and then go back to doing my thing. So inclusive and fun. Love it.

New, expected nothing and got a surprise.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032


Hope you’re having fun thus far. I’ll offer you a few words of advice for you that I’m sure most people would have been glad to learn earlier on:

1) turn off “melee assist” and “autotargeting” in settings. TRUST ME.
2) turn on “aoe loot on interact” in settings.
3) change your keybinds to a more efficient combination than the default settings.
4) save your karma and never spend it on anything except for ‘obsidian shards.’ you will eventually learn what these are and why they are so important.
5) when you become a bit more advanced in the game, use this website for information about how you can learn to play better in PvE. It’s quite helpful
6) use foods/nourishment, but ignore ones having to do with ‘magic find.’ magic find is a trashy attribute and you will benefit more from foods that give you the ability to heal on critical hits, etc. they will make your combat experiences noticeably better! obtain them from the trading post.
7) join a guild— preferably a helpful one with people that are relatively new to the game so that you can interact with one another and learn the game’s mechanics better.
8) create your own guild and use it for the sole purpose of storing items. name it ‘personal vault’ or ‘space monkey pirate’ or whatever you want— it will prove to be very helpful if you find yourself running low on bank space.
9) have at least one of each weapon that your class can use on you in case you need it or want to try something else. unlock every weapon skill that you can for every class and try everything. you’ll begin to learn what’s best as you progress. also make sure to upgrade your armor/equipment as you level up!
10) toughness/vitality/healing power are very useful attributes in WvW/PvP but in PvE you’ll benefit much more so by going for more offensive builds. Since you noticed that so far it’s quite different, keep in mind there is no ‘holy trinity’ of tank/healer/DPS in GW2’s combat.

Hope it helps— some of the stuff on there I didn’t learn until way later on and I was thinking “man if only someone had told me…” ^^

New, expected nothing and got a surprise.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ashen.2907


Welcome aboard.

New, expected nothing and got a surprise.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


It’s not the nature of the quests that make this game for me. It’s the way that the mechanics are set up so that everything is meant to be cooperative.

No one can steal your node or you kill, for example. Everyone can rez each other (and is rewarded for doing so) without using a skill slot.

It’s not that the quests are kill and fetch (because there really only are in any game five types of quests), it’s all the little things that make this game great.

Those little things are easy to forget…until you try some other games.

Welcome to Tyria!

New, expected nothing and got a surprise.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Berelious.3290


Welcome to Tyria! Where men are men, Norn are Norn, and Quaggans are Quaggans… IT’S ALL ABOUT THE QUAGGANS!!

Corwin Grimjaw: Guardian (80)
Yak’s Bend Server
Crimethink [ct]

New, expected nothing and got a surprise.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Malkavian.4516


Welcome to Tyria, my friend. Enjoy your stay.


New, expected nothing and got a surprise.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beldin.5498


. It’s just that here it does not feel so formal, totally natural that a big beastie appears on the landscape and anyone who may be in the area merge on it and send it back whence it came. Then they all disperse just as quickly. I think that alone is a reason to play, for me at least. No need for me to apologise in advance, no need to worry folks will blame me for a fail …… just join in, do what I can and then go back to doing my thing. So inclusive and fun. Love it.

You will have maybe the same problems if you want to play dungeons with random people .. however the good thing here is .. you don’t need to play them, since you can get nearly everything here without ever running dungeons.

So .. welcome and have fun

EVERY MMO is awesome until it is released then its unfinished. A month after release it just sucks.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.

New, expected nothing and got a surprise.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Garambola.2461


It was very nice meeting you in game. We’re on the train now. Will play a bit every day, but back home Thu.

I hope you continue to have fun.

New, expected nothing and got a surprise.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: saalle.4623


Welcome ! Gw2 is great game and as casual player you will love it.Just ignore forums.

New, expected nothing and got a surprise.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sanso.8791


Wow thanks for all the welcome messages and the helpful advice. …. especially Purple Miku for taking the time to put that extensive list together.

I spent a brilliant night in world last night with Garambola who was so kind and tolerated my inability to stay focused and my excitement whenever I came across something or somewhere I had never seen before. Thanks for putting up with me it was a blast!…… also for explaining things as they came up like the fact that I don’t in fact have a ’ miniature demon’ but that I have a miniature hero called Rytlock. I won’t be making that faux pas again!

Thanks again everyone. It is really cool to feel so welcome.

New, expected nothing and got a surprise.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ITheNormalPerson.9275


graphics are probably one of the main reasons I tried this mmo compared to others. It’s honestly the best mmo graphically that i’ve seen (subjective I know)

as for being a loner, that’s another great thing about this game is that compared to other mmos it’s extremely loner friendly. I usually don’t make many friends (unlike you, it is sort of anti-social/social anxiety stuff) but aside from dungeons it doesn’t really matter.

here’s a list of stuff if you ever get bored

in particular, I suggest turning AoE loot on in the options, and also use windowed fullscreen to prevent lag if you’re constantly alt-tabbing like me (I like to wiki stuff and watch youtube videos while playing :P)

Druid main, 80 on all, Legendary ranked, Eternal and all that jazz (I go by Feyris in game)