New here! Please read!
Jade Quarry! Best for PvP. Amazing for PvE too. The most populated PvE only server is probaly Tarnished Coast.
Hello, Kichie, welcome to Guild Wars 2 and to Tryia 250 years after our first look.
In my observant and truthful opinion, i believe Tarnished Coast is, by far, the most vibrant and welcoming of communities that this game has to offer. The difference between this server and others is like night and day. We are dripping with players and you will most likely never be alone in a zone like in some servers such as Fort Aspenwood and Sea Of Sorrows.
Tarnished Coast will give you the best experience Guild Wars 2 has to offer.
If you would like to join a guild on Tarnished Coast, please check out my guild, The Ardent Aegis [aA]. The link is provided in my signature. We do a lot of PvX, guild training missions, dungeons, etc. We love to help new players. Keep in mind, you may belong to multiple guilds in this game and we encourage social networking. No restrictions or harsh rules here at [aA]. For further information please pm me (Gulvan Mathis) or my general (Ostgut Tontrager). Enjoy, see you in-game.
Just curious what the best realm with the most population on for pvp / pve is?
I’m still installing the game so I thought I’d best ask before I jump on!
Why does the best have to be the biggest?
If you’re at all interested in WvW, you might not find the queues in the upper tiers to your liking.
Awesome Lothefallaen! I’ll message you soon as I’m in game
Traditionally in MMOs, people want to play on crowded servers. It’s always the problem in every game. It’s why servers like Tarnished Coast keep getting more crowded. It’s also possibly why other servers get less crowded. Everyone wants to be where the action is.
In an open world game particularly like Guild Wars 2, with dynamic events that spawn at least partially based on population, well, I can see why someone would want to be on a busy server.
Of course, there are downsides too, including lag and WvW queues. Everyone has to make their own decisions on whether or not that’s worth it to them.
I cant see how GW2 can’t see that they need to be combining some of the servers. Sadly Stormbluff Isle has a very low population and it is becoming more difficult by the day to get things done.
I cant see how GW2 can’t see that they need to be combining some of the servers. Sadly Stormbluff Isle has a very low population and it is becoming more difficult by the day to get things done.
Why should anyone need to combine servers when everyone can guest for free to any server they want?
I cant see how GW2 can’t see that they need to be combining some of the servers. Sadly Stormbluff Isle has a very low population and it is becoming more difficult by the day to get things done.
Why should anyone need to combine servers when everyone can guest for free to any server they want?
Why should someone have to guest to get something done? It was unnecessary to up the limit on the popular servers, when other servers have not hit max pop, just creates more imbalance in WvW rankings and world pops, forcing more people to guest to get dungeon runs or to visit open temples.
(edited by killcannon.2576)