New language chat option

New language chat option

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: niteskate.3641



> “Added a chat option – enabled by default – that shows only the messages coming from players sharing your client’s text language.”

I disabled this option and encountered German language in map chat of Straits of Devastation trying to coordinate something. Since I came from Underworld (English server) I think they were not aware they could not be read by the majority of other players because their chat messages are disabled by default. So they may have wondered why nobody listed to them

So I suggest to implement a little language detection feature in the game client which warns people if they use a language which is foreign to the language of the megaserver map they are currently in, e.g. warn if German language is detected on a megaserver map which is filled with players from English worlds.

This language detection could be implemented fairly easy by counting the characters the player used. Here are the special characters used in the different languages:

German: ä ö ü Ä Ö Ü ß

French: é à è ù â ê î ô û ë ï ü ÿ ç

Spanish: á é í ó ú ü ñ ¿ ¡

Chinese: check for the Simplified Chinese Unicode points, see

Note that ü and Ü appear in all three European languages. Also é and É appear in French and Spanish. But otherwise these 3 languages use different special characters and can therefore be distinguished by their presence.

Now you can (for each sentence the user types) count how many German, French, Spanish and Chinese characters are used and if more than, say 30% Chinese characters are used, decide it’s Chinese; if more than, say 3, German characters are used decide it’s German, if more than 3 French characters are used, decide it’s French and the same for Spanish. The exact character counts should be found quickly by extracting some chat from German, French and Spanish servers.

Then if the detected language doesn’t match the mega server map language, warn the player that many people may not understand their message.

You could then change the new chat option to “show only the messages coming from players sharing your mega server map language”.

I’m not comfortable with blocking messages from unknown players who have some client language settings and also they may not know their messages are not read by many players. So I think the above could be a better solution.


P.S. Megaservers rock! Really enjoyed playing on the megaserver maps

New language chat option

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AysonCurrax.3254


there are no megaserver filled primarily by english speaking players. all of us are thrown in the same pot. your language detection idea would hardly work at all either because there are plenty of words in german that dont have the letters you suggested in them.
we wouldnt even need the filter that doesnt even work properly if they had just seperated megaservers by language as they initially claimed they would, because the currently solution solves nothing.

New language chat option

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: niteskate.3641



as I understand it, the megaserver system used the language of your home world. So if you are on a, say French home world, like Jade Sea, you will get sorted with other players who are on other French worlds.

See the megaserver blog:

>> This new system takes your party, guild, language, home world, and other factors into account to match you to a version of the map you’re entering.

At least this is the way I understand it


New language chat option

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AysonCurrax.3254



as I understand it, the megaserver system used the language of your home world. So if you are on a, say French home world, like Jade Sea, you will get sorted with other players who are on other French worlds.

See the megaserver blog:

>> This new system takes your party, guild, language, home world, and other factors into account to match you to a version of the map you’re entering.

At least this is the way I understand it


yeah, that is the way it SHOULD be. sadly, it isnt that way as of now, and instead you get thrown on a map with people from all servers, which is why we have that sort-of fix of a chat filter right now because it led to people of different languages cursing at each other in their native language, lots of name calling, you know it. So since that happened, its highly unlikely the filtering works as they said it should as of now.

And the filter doesnt solve the issue either because it filters by client language. I however use the english client, but play on a german server, so i cannot communicate with people in my native language because it gets filtered out since the option is turned on by default, hence everyone using the german client cant see what i say, though i can see what they say because i disabled the option.

New language chat option

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: niteskate.3641



OK, i see…

As it should be:
1. People from NA servers could be sorted together.
2. All people from EU English speaking servers could be sorted together (14 worlds)
3. All German speaking servers should be sorted together (7 worlds)
4. All French servers… (5 worlds)
5. Unfortunately only 1 Spanish world.

This would mean at least the people in the Spanish world should get the option of being sorted together with the EU English words. And maybe, while already on it, offer this option to the Germans and French too. Then, when these players are really joined with an English map, they should get a warning and my above language filter idea be applied.


New language chat option

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thareen.5471


That proposed language filter option would not work. For example an player from an english speaking country that is able to speak german answers to a german player. By default his keyboard has the EN setting which does not know any umlaute (i have no idea if that word even has an english translation) and i bet no one will change the language option in windows because of one single line (i won´t). So instead of writing a word with an ü he would use ue which is still acceptable in german (may be inconvinient but it is still widely accepted).

Another thing: The system as it is now… well i have my client in english but play on an german server. Someone on the map i was asked something in german and since i knew the answer i wrote him. Problem is, he had the chatoption still on default and since he came from another german server and uses the german UI he could not read my answer, instead everyone with the english client had my answer which was oc in german visible. Guess what happened… bingo. Flame in mapchat and another person reported for profanity.

When i help to organise an event on an german server (not megaserver implemented map yet) almost all of the players won´t see what i write in mapchat because of my english client. So i have to switch my client language after every sentence?
What would happen if i would help out on an french server (happened before), would i have to change my client to french so players can read what i write? I call buttkitten on that new solution. Just give us channels named in that language. Filter does not and will never work in this game.
GG Anet.

If Anet does not ban players that get reported for the use of profanity, than it´s not viable anyway. But if they do, we could just wait a few weeks and the problem will sort it self out, because all the immature players that feel the need to insult other players will be gone by then. Acutally i like that idea
This way i could just spend my time provoking other players with sentences written in german on an english UI and have a bit fun with the report function.

(edited by Thareen.5471)

New language chat option

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AysonCurrax.3254


here is hoping this will get adressed tomorrow, or as soon as possible, atleast. they should atleast make the filter so you are NOT unable to communicate with half the people which actually breaks Edge of the Mists too because you might not see the commanders orders :/